4 research outputs found

    The Methods for Analyzing the Liquidity and Solvency of Enterprise

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    Stable and efficient functioning of the enterprise and its development in the current transformational economic conditions is provided by liquidity and solvency, which require constant analyzing in the indicated economic conditions. The article analyzes the definitions of scholars regarding the essence of the concepts of «liquidity» and «solvency» of enterprise. It is determined that in the scientific literature there are no uniform universal definitions of these categories. It is also noted that these concepts are different in meaning, but interrelated. The following types of solvency are considered: current (short-term), which characterizes the current state of settlements at the enterprise on the basis of financial flows and provides coverage of current liabilities of the enterprise; prospective solvency, which analyzes the ability of the enterprise in the medium and long term to pay its obligations on time. It is specified that the essence of liquidity is disclosed in accordance with its functions, among which are the following: mobility, stability, attractiveness, control, and regulatory. It is also noted that in the scientific literature there is no general methodology for assessing liquidity and solvency. The article allocates the most popular methodical approaches to evaluating and studying these concepts in order to highlight problems and advantages in practical application. Taking into account the theoretical aspects of the assessment process, the following elements are allocated: object, subject, purpose of assessment, evaluation criteria, information base, methods, and assessment result. Among the methods for assessing the liquidity and solvency of an enterprise, the most commonly used are: coefficient method, which is based on the calculation of relative liquidity indicators; method with the inclusion in the analysis process, along with relative indicators, of the absolute indicator of current assets or an indicator of the amount of capital of the enterprise; solvency assessment method in accordance with the compiled payment calendar, which shows cash inflows in accordance with the sources of their formation, as well as reflects term liabilities for a certain time; method of analyzing balance liquidity, which consists in comparing assets that are grouped by degree of their liquidity and placed in descending order of liquidity, with liabilities on the credit side, which are grouped by maturity and placed in ascending order of these terms; method of analyzing the solvency and liquidity of the enterprise, including together external and internal analysis

    Analyzing the Scientific Approaches to Defining the Essence of the Concepts of Crisis and Anti-crisis Management of Enterprise

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    The article carries out a comparative analysis of the definitions by scholars on understanding the essence of the concepts of both the crisis and the anti-crisis management of enterprise. As a result of the analysis, it is defined that in the scientific literature there is no single understanding of the essence of these concepts. The publication specifies the features of defining these concepts. The essence of crisis is defined as follows: a turning point in the development of changes; moment of sharp aggravation and impossibility of independent overcoming contradictions; stage of the enterprise’s development cycle; result of damage to internal mechanisms for maintaining adaptability, flexibility and sustainability; moment of resolving the contradictions requiring quick decision-making in terms of scarcity of resources; phase of imbalance of the enterprise’s activities and limited opportunities for the influence on the part of its management; situation in which the economic entity is not able to carry out financial provision of its own economic activity; threats of insolvency and bankruptcy of the enterprise. The essence of anti-crisis management is understood as: system of enterprise management; special, constantly organized management; aggregate of methods, techniques, forms of management; instrument for sustainable operation of the enterprise; management in order to predict a crisis; aggregate of the managerial anti-crisis measures. On basis of the analyzed features of defining, the authors’ own definition of crisis and anti-crisis management is proposed. Also, the article determines the task of anti-crisis management of enterprise at the present stage of economic development, taking into account changes in the external environment

    The Current State of Development of International Money Transfers in Ukraine

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    The development of international bank transfers and mobile applications in Ukraine is considered. The essence of bank transfer, types and participants of the transfer process are defined. The tendency of development of money transfers in Ukraine, where international transfer systems are used both within the country and for receiving funds from abroad, is analyzed. The largest amounts of funds received in the country through international systems from foreign countries are identified. According to the research results, the most popular transfer systems most often used in Ukraine have been allocated as follows: SWIFT, IntelExpress, Western Union, MoneyGram, RIA MoneyTransfer. Among the cross-border transfers received in Ukraine we distinguish the following: remuneration of workers, which includes incomes of migrant workers working abroad for up to one year; «private transfers», which include transactions between resident and non-resident households. Recently, according to the results of statistical reporting on the analysis of private remittances, an increase in their volumes has been noted. The dynamics of volumes of private remittances in Ukraine by major countries is provided, which indicates an increase in their number over the past few years. The support of consumers of banking services in the direction of international bank transfers in wartime conditions in Ukraine is examined. Among them: support for international systems by canceling or reducing transfer fees; the emergence of new services. It is noted that the banking services market is sensitive to innovation processes, especially those related to the introduction of information technologies. Among such technologies, mobile applications for transferring money, which are extremely popular today, are allocated and studied. Based on the main criteria of Monito company, a digital startup whose mission is to help by saving on fees and exchange rates when making money transfers, the best mobile money transfer apps are considered. The rating of the best modern mobile applications for transferring funds is provided

    Formation of the Marketing Management System of the Enterprise

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    The purpose of the article is to study the essence of the marketing management of the enterprise and the formation of its management system in order to ensure the sustainable functioning of the enterprise in the market. It is noted that the successful functioning of the enterprise in the modern market in the conditions of growing competition, the development of technologies depends on the use of marketing tools in activities that will contribute to the development and adaptation of the enterprise to volatile market conditions. Marketing management is considered as an innovative approach to enterprise management, allowing to achieve optimal economic performance and positive social effect at the same time, coordinating the different interests of owners, managers, employees, partners, consumers, and society. The application of an integrated approach to marketing management is substantiated, namely: the need to form a marketing management system in an enterprise with a significant number of interrelated structural components that differ in their goals, act autonomously, while integrating management functions and aiming at achieving a single goal – ensuring the stability of all areas of the enterprise in modern market conditions and transforming consumer needs into enterprise revenues. It is proposed, taking into account the provisions of the general theory of systems and management theory, to consider the marketing management system as a cybernetic system capable of transforming information. It is further noted that the marketing management system of an enterprise is an open system that is subject to the influence of the marketing environment, where the components are macro- and microenvironment. It is proved that the factors of the external (macro-) environment form the impact on marketing programs and on the marketing activities of enterprise, and the factors of the internal (micro) environment determine the marketing activity of the enterprise. Objective tendencies in the development of the marketing environment are defined. The model of the marketing management system as a logical-structural scheme is proposed, on the basis of which the algorithm for optimization and management of marketing activities is provided, where the interrelations and relationships of elements (in accordance with the functions of marketing management) are presented