18 research outputs found

    Dynamic Changes in Protein Functional Linkage Networks Revealed by Integration with Gene Expression Data

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    Response of cells to changing environmental conditions is governed by the dynamics of intricate biomolecular interactions. It may be reasonable to assume, proteins being the dominant macromolecules that carry out routine cellular functions, that understanding the dynamics of protein∶protein interactions might yield useful insights into the cellular responses. The large-scale protein interaction data sets are, however, unable to capture the changes in the profile of protein∶protein interactions. In order to understand how these interactions change dynamically, we have constructed conditional protein linkages for Escherichia coli by integrating functional linkages and gene expression information. As a case study, we have chosen to analyze UV exposure in wild-type and SOS deficient E. coli at 20 minutes post irradiation. The conditional networks exhibit similar topological properties. Although the global topological properties of the networks are similar, many subtle local changes are observed, which are suggestive of the cellular response to the perturbations. Some such changes correspond to differences in the path lengths among the nodes of carbohydrate metabolism correlating with its loss in efficiency in the UV treated cells. Similarly, expression of hubs under unique conditions reflects the importance of these genes. Various centrality measures applied to the networks indicate increased importance for replication, repair, and other stress proteins for the cells under UV treatment, as anticipated. We thus propose a novel approach for studying an organism at the systems level by integrating genome-wide functional linkages and the gene expression data

    Understanding Communication Signals during Mycobacterial Latency through Predicted Genome-Wide Protein Interactions and Boolean Modeling

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    About 90% of the people infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis carry latent bacteria that are believed to get activated upon immune suppression. One of the fundamental challenges in the control of tuberculosis is therefore to understand molecular mechanisms involved in the onset of latency and/or reactivation. We have attempted to address this problem at the systems level by a combination of predicted functional protein∶protein interactions, integration of functional interactions with large scale gene expression studies, predicted transcription regulatory network and finally simulations with a Boolean model of the network. Initially a prediction for genome-wide protein functional linkages was obtained based on genome-context methods using a Support Vector Machine. This set of protein functional linkages along with gene expression data of the available models of latency was employed to identify proteins involved in mediating switch signals during dormancy. We show that genes that are up and down regulated during dormancy are not only coordinately regulated under dormancy-like conditions but also under a variety of other experimental conditions. Their synchronized regulation indicates that they form a tightly regulated gene cluster and might form a latency-regulon. Conservation of these genes across bacterial species suggests a unique evolutionary history that might be associated with M. tuberculosis dormancy. Finally, simulations with a Boolean model based on the regulatory network with logical relationships derived from gene expression data reveals a bistable switch suggesting alternating latent and actively growing states. Our analysis based on the interaction network therefore reveals a potential model of M. tuberculosis latency

    Delineation of key regulatory elements identifies points of vulnerability in the mitogen-activated signaling network

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    Drug development efforts against cancer are often hampered by the complex properties of signaling networks. Here we combined the results of an RNAi screen targeting the cellular signaling machinery, with graph theoretical analysis to extract the core modules that process both mitogenic and oncogenic signals to drive cell cycle progression. These modules encapsulated mechanisms for coordinating seamless transition of cells through the individual cell cycle stages and, importantly, were functionally conserved across different cancer cell types. Further analysis also enabled extraction of the core signaling axes that progressively guide commitment of cells to the division cycle. Importantly, pharmacological targeting of the least redundant nodes in these axes yielded a synergistic disruption of the cell cycle in a tissue-type-independent manner. Thus, the core elements that regulate temporally distinct stages of the cell cycle provide attractive targets for the development of multi-module-based chemotherapeutic strategies

    Schematic representation of the up and down-regulated modules.

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    <p>Node color represents the class as follows: Green – Upregulated proteins; Red – Downregulated proteins; Purple – First neighbors of the upregulated proteins; Yellow – First neighbors of the downregulated proteins; Blue – Proteins interacting with both upregulated and downregulated proteins.</p

    Proportion of Essential Genes in the bins of decreasing centrality values.

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    <p>For all the three centrality values calculated, namely degree, closeness and betweenness, it is clearly seen that there exists a good correlation between centrality and lethality.</p

    Pearson correlation coefficient between expression values of pairs of genes.

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    <p>A) The genome-wide gene expression correlations of all the gene pairs and B) expression correlation between operonic gene pairs and randomly paired non-operonic gene pairs. As anticipated, it is evident that the genes on operons exhibit higher correlation in their expression compared to the non-operonic gene pairs.</p

    Plots indicating the distinctive behavior of the positive and negative protein interaction pairs with respect to genome context methods and gene expression correlations.

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    <p>All the four features show statistically significant and distinct distribution for the positive and negative pairs. A) Phylogenetic Profile, B) Gene Distance, C) Operonic Method and D) Expression Correlation.</p

    Identification of self-consistent modulons from bacterial microarray expression data with the help of structured regulon gene sets

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    Identification of bacterial modulons from series of gene expression measurements on microarrays is a principal problem, especially relevant for inadequately studied but practically important species. Usage of a priori information on regulatory interactions helps to evaluate parameters for regulatory subnetwork inference. We suggest a procedure for modulon construction where a seed regulon is iteratively updated with genes having expression patterns similar to those for regulon member genes. A set of genes essential for a regulon is used to control modulon updating. Essential genes for a regulon were selected as a subset of regulon genes highly related by different measures to each other. Using Escherichia coli as a model, we studied how modulon identification depends on the data, including the microarray experiments set, the adopted relevance measure and the regulon itself. We have found that results of modulon identification are highly dependent on all parameters studied and thus the resulting modulon varies substantially depending on the identification procedure. Yet, modulons that were identified correctly displayed higher stability during iterations, which allows developing a procedure for reliable modulon identification in the case of less studied species where the known regulatory interactions are sparse

    A sub-network depicting the connectivity mediated by proteins Rv2621c and SseC2.

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    <p>Both these proteins occur most frequently in the paths between up and downregulated genes. The upregulated proteins associating with Rv2621c are colored in green and the downregulated proteins associating with SseC2 are colored in red.</p