26 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to contribute to the theory of exogenous economic shocks and their equivalents in an attempt to explain business cycle fluctuations, which still do not have a clear explanation. To this end the author has developed an econometric model based on a regression analysis. Another objective is to tackle the issue of hybrid threats, which have not yet been subjected to a cross-disciplinary research. These were reviewed in terms of their economic characteristics in order to complement research in the fields of defence and security

    Nozharov Sht.,”Efficiency of human resources management in the field of cultural heritage protection”, Conference Proceedings-XIII International Scientific conference “Management and Engineering ‘15”, TU-Sofia, Volume I, 2015, pp.404-413;

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    The publication analyzes the possibilities of building a model for effective public administration management in the field of cultural heritage protection using 7S - model of McKinsey. Bulgaria is a country with rich cultural-archaeological heritage since Roman and Byzantine times. Significant numbers of cultural monuments are located on the territory of the country and are declared as “world cultural heritage” by UNESCO. In this regard, the failures of Bulgarian cultural heritage protection will be a threat for the world cultural heritage protection. The main objective of the study is to propose measures for development of management and control effectiveness of cultural heritage protection, carried out by the public administration (the staff of Bulgarian Ministry of culture)

    Efficiency of Public Administration Management in Cultural Heritage Protection.

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    The publication analyzes the possibilities of building a model for effective public administration management in the field of cultural heritage protection using McKinsey 7S model. Bulgaria is a country with rich cultural and archaeological heritage since Roman and Byzantine times. Significant number of cultural monuments are located on the territory of the country and are officially recognized as “world cultural heritage” by UNESCO. In this regard, the failures of Bulgarian cultural heritage protection will be a threat to the world cultural heritage protection. The main objective of the study is to propose measures for the development of management and control effectiveness of cultural heritage protection carried out by the public administration (the staff of the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture)

    „Model of Effective Management of Bulgarian Public Administration Managing EU Funds“

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    The paper analyzes the possibilities of constructing a model for the effective management of the Bulgarian public administration responsible for managing the EU funds amid the global financial crisis by using McKinsey’s 7S model. The change of the management model of the public administration in charge of the absorption of EU funds in Bulgaria would increase the absorption rate of the funds while streamlining budgetary costs on the maintenance of the administration. The aim of the study is to identify the causes leading to the inadequate absorption of EU funds for Bulgaria and consider ways to address the problems. Such an analysis would be useful for countries applying for EU membership – Macedonia, Serbia, and Turkey to avoid repeating such mistakes. In addition, the analysis makes an attempt to identify some weaknesses of the structure in place in other EU member states such as Hungary and Sloveni

    Social Costs of the Inefficient Management of the EU Funds for Bulgaria

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    The study identifies and defines the social costs of the inefficient management of EU funds for Bulgaria. It is analyzed the last due programme period (2007-2015) and its prolongation. As methodology of the research the V4 BM model of Al-Debei and Avison (2010) which has not been used for analysis of EU funds management for cohesion policy in the public sector, is applied. In this way its potential for application in this field is tested. The concept of the study could be successfully used for analysis of the social costs of inefficient management of EU funds in other member-states

    Nozharov Sht.,”Efficiency of human resources management in the field of cultural heritage protection”, Conference Proceedings-XIII International Scientific conference “Management and Engineering ‘15”, TU-Sofia, Volume I, 2015, pp.404-413;

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    The publication analyzes the possibilities of building a model for effective public administration management in the field of cultural heritage protection using 7S - model of McKinsey. Bulgaria is a country with rich cultural-archaeological heritage since Roman and Byzantine times. Significant numbers of cultural monuments are located on the territory of the country and are declared as “world cultural heritage” by UNESCO. In this regard, the failures of Bulgarian cultural heritage protection will be a threat for the world cultural heritage protection. The main objective of the study is to propose measures for development of management and control effectiveness of cultural heritage protection, carried out by the public administration (the staff of Bulgarian Ministry of culture)