59 research outputs found

    Impacts of climate variability on growth and variability of agricultural productivity: a review

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    In this paper a comprehensive review of different research papers, reports and articles associated with the impacts of the variability of climatic parameters mainly temperature and rainfall on agricultural productivity and its variability. In the high altitude and hilly regions due increase of temperature from low temperature, it makes those regions more favorable to more crop yield. Whereas in the planer region due to the increase of temperature the crop yields are getting affected to a greater extent. The rainfall is also having a great impact on the crop yield. However, due to irregular seasonal patterns, an increase in the number of dry days and extremely high rainy days are affecting the yield of almost every crop. Apart from temperature and rainfall, the crop yields are also affected by greenhouse gases, for example, carbon dioxide, carbon mono-oxide, methane, etc. In opposite to that, the high volume of agricultural practices can decrease the level of greenhouse gases and climate change

    Mapping of Salt Affected and Waterlogged Areas using Geospatial Technique

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    Integration of remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) technique for the delineation of salt affected and waterlogged areas has become an innovation in the field of ground water research. The main objective of the present investigation is to identify and map the surface extent of salt affected and waterlogged areas during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon season using multi-temporal satellite images and its relationship with soil, rainfall, seasonal groundwater fluctuation and canal command areas. For this purpose, Satellite images from IRS P6, LlSS-III sensor, on a scale of 1:50,000 have been used for delineation of thematic layers such as salt affected and waterlogged areas. The area covered under post monsoon waterlogging (seasonal) comprised of as 114.79 sq km area which is 3.60% of the study area whereas post monsoon waterlogging (permanent) comprised of 89.37 sq km area, which is 2.80% of the study area. The map depicting salt affected soils in the area indicates calcareous fine loamy, coarse-loamy, fine loamy and very fine soil comprising 2799.43 sq km, 9.26 sq km 363.73 sq km and 2.80 sq km area respectively. The monthly TRMM 3B43 rainfall data for the period of 1998-2009 covering the month of June to September shows rainfall varies from less than 965 mm to 1165 mm in the entire state. Depth to groundwater level recorded at select locations by Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), Government of India, for the period 2004-2005 during pre and post monsoon period indicated that a large portion of the area is under groundwater induced waterlogging conditions where groundwater occurs at a depth of 0-3 m below ground surface. The soil and rainfall map clearly specifies that salinity are pre dominant in areas with shallow groundwater levels and high rainfall. Canal command areas comprised the highest waterlogging and salt affected areas in their vicinity as a result of seepage and over irrigation

    GIS And Management Planning for Sustainable Ecotourism Development: A Case Study of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

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    Background: Ecotourism is a very fast-growing sector worldwide, connecting rural and urban people to more sustainable and alternative means of livelihood. When it comes to India, Rajasthan is well known for its tourist places worldwide because of its forts, palaces, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, etc. Many tourist places in Rajasthan display the diversity of the entire country. Among them, Jodhpur is the most favored tourist destination. Due to cultural variability and traditional values, Jodhpur has been taken as a study area. Purpose: This study aims to understand the geospatial technology and management planning for sustainable ecotourism development in Jodhpur district, Rajasthan, India. Objective: (a) Identify the role of GIS and management in ecotourism's growth and planning. (b) Identifying and mapping some of the significant ecotourism hotspots using Arc GIS software and plotting the current flow of tourism in the study area. Methodology: The methodology section has consists of three crucial parts in which; the first section deals with GIS planning tells us how the location-based information helps in the proper collection of GIS based data and channelization of work. The second section shows the management planning which shows how the proper management activity may lead us to an effective and efficient flow of visitors has been maintained and, lastly, sustainability details about how the GIS planning and management planning may lead us to a sustainable future of tourism called ecotourism. Result: The use of GIS and management planning in tourism-related activities can significantly contribute to employment generation, revenue generation, enhancement of local market and people may understand the local tradition and culture. Effective and efficient use of all resources may lead us towards sustainable future. Conclusion: GIS and management planning can do much better than we think. With the utilization of geospatial technology, the visitors flow can be managed in eco-fragile areas in more effective manner. Tourists mostly recorded in unique places, which is commendable work for the tourism sector's growth. However, the central and state governments' combined efforts have provided a massive boost to the tourism sector by allocating proper fund. To maximize revenue generation, the Ministry of Tourism is now emphasizing GIS and Management-based plan, which helps to attain sustainable growth

    Cadastral level Soil and Water conservation Priority Zonation using Geospatial technology

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    Water is the most precious commodity that human being wanted, nowadays water is depleting due to several human interventions. In Kerala state, even though high rainfall is received, still water scarcity is faced during summer and soil erosion is higher. This watershed area is prone to water scarcity during the summer season and stream network become dry during that period. This clearly indicates that human interventions and unscientific agricultural activities may be the result. In this, study GIS and RS technologies are used to find and map the Soil and water conservation priority zones, also several action Plans where proposed. SOI Topo sheet were used to digitize the contours and DEM was created using that with ArcGIS 10.2.2 software. LULC maps were digitized from satellite image and using other parameters and suitable weight values, the weighted overlay was done to find out the Priority Zones. Cadastral Plot boundaries were overlaid for plot-wise priority zones and several conservation methods like gully plugin, check dams, vegetation bund etc. were proposed


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    Urban Land use changes, measurements, and the analysis of rate trends of growth would help in resources management and planning, etc. In this study, we analyze the urban change dynamics using a support vector machine model. This method derives the urban and rural land-use change and various components, such as population growth, built-up areas, and other utilities. Urban growth increases rapidly due to exponential growth of population, industrial growth, etc. The population growth also affects the availability of various purposes in its spatial distribution. In this present study, we carried out using multi-temporal satellite remote sensing data Landsat MSS (Multispectral scanner), ETM+ (Enhanced thematic mapper), OLI (Operational land imager) for the analysis of urban change dynamics between years 1980-1990, 1990-2003, 2012-2020 in Kanpur Nagar city in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. In our study, we used SVM (Support Vector Machine) Model to analyze the urban change dynamics. A support vector machine classification technique was applied to generate the LULC maps using Landsat images of the years 1980, 1990, 2003, and 2020. Envi and ArcGIS software had used to identify the land cover changes and the applying urban simulation model (CA- Markov model) in Idrisi selva edition 17.0 software. The LULC maps of 2003 and 2020 were used to simulate the LULC projected map for 2050 using (Cellular automata) CA- Markov based simulation model


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    Poplave su prirodne katastrofe, koje mogu uniÅ”titi prirodne resurse, uzrokovati žrtve i naÅ”tetiti okoliÅ”u. Poznate su po svojim smrtonosnim i razornim utjecajima. Za predviđanje važnih informacija o poplavama, kao Å”to su opseg poplave i nadmorske visine vode na određenim lokacijama, potrebno je primijeniti hidrauličko modeliranje i mapiranje poplavnih područja (FIM). Sustav za modeliranje vodotoka (HEC-RAS) i tehnologije daljinskog istraživanja (RS), u kombinaciji s geografskim informacijskim sustavima (GIS), ključni su za praćenje poplava. Primarni naglasak u ovom radu je na definiranju poplavnih zona i izradi karata opasnosti od poplava za rizična područja. Ovaj model može dodijeliti prioritete razvoja prostora i pripremiti službe za buduću hitnu pomoć i intervencije na rizičnim mjestima.Flooding is a natural disaster that can ruin natural resources, cause casualties, and harm the environment. Floods are known for their deadly and destructive impacts. To predict important information about flooding, such as the extent of inundation and water surface elevations at specific locations, hydraulic modeling and Flood Inundation Mapping (FIM) must be used. A crucial tool for flood monitoring is the HEC-RAS software and remote sensing (RS) technology, in combination with geographic information systems (GIS). The primary emphasis in this discipline revolves around the definition of flood zones and the preparation of flood hazard maps for at-risk regions. This map could allocate land development priorities, and prepare services for future emergency aid and relief interventions in at-risk locations


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    Land Surface Temperature refers back to the calculation of ground temperature that is made with extraordinary factors. Due to changes in the land surface temperature of the area, the climate and vegetation are also affected. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) serves as an indicator of vegetation abundance to estimate the land surface temperature (LST) vegetation relationship. Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 OLI TIRS images for four years (2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020) are used to study the LST changes in the research area (Jammu & Kashmir). Correlations between NDVI and LST are calculated. Through the study, it is clear that the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index plays a major role in the calculation of land surface temperature. In this study, the change in the higher temperature noted in the year 2005 was 200C, and in the year 2020, the highest temperature was 250C. If we talk about the lower temperature, the change is 10C. Both Jammu and Kashmir have semi-deciduous vegetation that includes subtropical pine forests

    Role of Natural Capital Economics for Sustainable Management of Earth Resources

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    Natural capital is the wealth of nations that determine their economic status. Worldwide, vulnerable people depend on natural capital for employment, salaries, wealth, and livelihoods and, in turn, this determines the developmental index of the nation to which they belong. In this short review, we have tried to sum up the ideas and discussions over natural capitalā€™s role in ascribing economic status to countries as well as the need for natural resource management and sustainability. This paper aimed to discuss how humanityā€™s prosperity is intertwined with the services that ecosystems provide, and how poor natural resource management (NRM) has adversely affected human well-being. Our preselected criteria for the review paper led us to evaluate 96 peer-reviewed publications from the SCOPUS database, which is likely the most comprehensive archive of peer-reviewed scientific literature as well as WoS, PUBMED, and Google Scholar databases. Our review revealed that the availability of ecological services is crucial for clean water and air, food and fodder, and agricultural development. We further discussed important concepts regarding sustainability, natural capital and economics, and determinants of human well-being vis-Ć -vis the intergenerational security of natural wealth. To ensure current and future human well-being, we conclude that an in-depth understanding of the services that ecosystems provide is necessary for the holistic management of the Earth system

    Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Kabul, Afghanistan Focusing on the Drivers Impacting Urban Dynamics during Five Decades 1973ā€“2020

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    This study delves into the patterns of urban expansion in Kabul, using Landsat and Sentinel satellite imagery as primary tools for analysis. We classified land use and land cover (LULC) into five distinct categories: water bodies, vegetation, barren land, barren rocky terrain, and buildings. The necessary data processing and analysis was conducted using ERDAS Imagine v.2015 and ArcGIS 10.8 software. Our main objective was to scrutinize changes in LULC across five discrete decades. Additionally, we traced the long-term evolution of built-up areas in Kabul from 1973 to 2020. The classified satellite images revealed significant changes across all categories. For instance, the area of built-up land reduced from 29.91% in 2013 to 23.84% in 2020, while barren land saw a decrease from 33.3% to 28.4% over the same period. Conversely, the proportion of barren rocky terrain exhibited an increase from 22.89% in 2013 to 29.97% in 2020. Minor yet notable shifts were observed in the categories of water bodies and vegetated land use. The percentage of water bodies shrank from 2.51% in 2003 to 1.30% in 2013, and the extent of vegetated land use showed a decline from 13.61% in 2003 to 12.6% in 2013. Our study unveiled evolving land use patterns over time, with specific periods recording an increase in barren land and a slight rise in vegetated areas. These findings underscored the dynamic transformation of Kabulā€™s urban landscape over the years, with significant implications for urban planning and sustainability

    Reporting the management of COVID-19 threat in India using remote sensing and GIS based approach

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    Worldwide COVID-19 is playing havoc, and in India, the situation is similarly bleak. Due to the higher population density and weak health sector, the Indian governmentā€™s approach to curb the spread of this deadly virus, has been the imposition of tougher lockdowns. Perhaps, isolating and quarantining the infected and asymptomatic people is the only strategy that seems to work right now. Local administrations in India have categorized areas in different risk zones to deal with this pandemic effectively. Here, we report a COVID -19 management strategy of Ramganj, Jaipur India, using an integrated satellite remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS), and local knowledge-based approach to effectively tackle the contagion of this disease. We spatially defined various risk zones and the activities that can be allowed in them, in consultation with the local authorities. The study shall serve as a replica study for managing COVID-19 in India or elsewhere
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