82 research outputs found

    Computer Simulations of Nanorods Interaction With Lipid Membrane

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    Analyzing the interaction between the lipid membranes and nanoparticles helps to determine beneficial and harmful effects of nanoparticles on cells. Since the point of entry of cells is their plasma membrane, interactions between nanorods and lipid membranes were studied using molecular dynamics simulations. The effect of nanorods on membrane morphology was investigated systematically as a function of nanorods interaction with the lipid membrane, their surface coverage and number surface density. Our results indicate that when adsorbed on the membrane, the nanorods may cluster into chains and may lead to strong membrane deformations due to curvature driven interaction between nanorods. At particular nanorod-lipid interaction, single nanorod internalizes into the membrane via endocytosis. This happens to minimize the energy cost due to high bending of the membrane. At high nanorods\u27 density and large nanorods\u27 size it was found that the nanorods lead to membrane lysis which can be attributed to high surface coverage of nanorods


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    Objective: To assess the internet use in health care individuals and its impact on depression, self-esteem and social attachment on cognitive function of health care individuals.Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey which included one hundred and ten healthcare individuals (Physician, Pharmacist, Psychologist, Social worker and Nurses) in this study conducted in Radianz healthcare and research private limited. Young's internet addiction test and depression score, self-esteem (Rosenberg's) score and MoCA were used to measure internet addiction and psychological variables. EPI 2012 was used for statistical analysis.Results: Out of 110 individuals, the majority of individuals, depressed individual were more addicted to the internet and found to be significant by using depression score. Relationship between baseline values and follow up values in internet addiction was significant (P=0.07636). After follow up the internet addiction found to be reduced as it was greatly affected in initial survey.Conclusion: This study concluded that there is relationship between the internet addiction and depression, cognitive function and self-steam. The depressed individuals were more addicted to the internet followed by abnormal cognitive function and low self-esteem individuals. Internet addiction may be a relevant clinical construct and early diagnostic tools that needs extensive research even in developing nations to explore the relationship. Depression is greatly associated with the internet addiction so if can we reduce the depression then can be reduced internet addiction

    Actividades deportivas en el medio natural: su representaciĂłn en libros de texto de EducaciĂłn FĂ­sica en Primaria

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the sport activities carried out in the natural environment represented in the textbooks of Physical Education (PE) in Primary Education (EP), published according to Organic Law of Education 2/2006, of May 3rd, (LOE). 4339 images have been analyzed, from 44 different textbooks, belonging to eight Spanish publishers. The SAIMEF (Physical Analysis Images Analysis System) tool, elaborated ad hoc, was used to analyze the content of the images. The pilot test, panel of experts and triangulation with several observers were some of the scientific criteria that endorsed this tool. The results show that the presence of images related to sport activities in the natural environment continues to be very scarce in PE textbooks. The editorial Teide represents in greater proportion this type of activities compared to the rest of publishers. In the third cycle appears a greater number of images, predominating drawings over pictures. The most represented sport activity is the orientation, with a 25.6%, included within the multidisciplinary sports, prevailing the terrestrial environment. The representation of sports in the natural environment varies according to the analyzed publishers. Thus, in Anaya and Bruño predominates the orientation, in Edelvives, Paidotribo and Serbal predominates the ski, and in the publishers Santillana and Teide prevails the escalation. It is necessary to reflect on the low representation of these activities in EF textbooks

    Adolescents with disabilities and caregivers experience of COVID-19 in rural Nepal

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    Introduction: Intersecting vulnerabilities of disability, low socio-economic status, marginalization, and age indicate that adolescents with disabilities in low-and middle-income countries were uniquely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, there has been limited research about their experience. We conducted participatory research with adolescents with disabilities in rural, hilly Nepal to explore their experience of the pandemic and inform understanding about how they can be supported in future pandemics and humanitarian emergencies. Methods: We used qualitative methods, purposively sampling adolescents with different severe impairments from two rural, hilly areas of Nepal. We collected data through semi-structured interviews with five girls and seven boys between the age of 11 and 17 years old. Interviews used inclusive, participatory, and arts-based methods to engage adolescents, support discussions and enable them to choose what they would like to discuss. We also conducted semi-structured interviews with 11 caregivers. Results: We found that adolescents with disabilities and their families experienced social exclusion and social isolation because of COVID-19 mitigation measures, and some experienced social stigma due to misconceptions about transmission of COVID-19 and perceived increased vulnerability of adolescents with disabilities to COVID-19. Adolescents who remained connected with their peers throughout lockdown had a more positive experience of the pandemic than those who were isolated from friends. They became disconnected because they moved away from those they could communicate with, or they had moved to live with relatives who lived in a remote, rural area. We found that caregivers were particularly fearful and anxious about accessing health care if the adolescent they cared for became ill. Caregivers also worried about protecting adolescents from COVID-19 if they themselves got ill, and about the likelihood that the adolescent would be neglected if the caregiver died. Conclusion: Contextually specific research with adolescents with disabilities to explore their experience of the pandemic is necessary to capture how intersecting vulnerabilities can adversely affect particular groups, such as those with disabilities. The participation of adolescents with disabilities and their caregivers in the development of stigma mitigation initiatives and strategies to meet their needs in future emergencies is necessary to enable an informed and inclusive response

    Cost of Diabetes Mellitus Care among Patients attending selected Outpatient Clinics

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    Introduction: In developing countries diabetes mellitus affects economically productive age group; more often affecting the productive member of the family. The objective of the study was to estimate the direct and indirect cost of illness of patients with DM attending the selected outpatient clinics in Kathmandu Valley. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in four outpatient clinics in Kathmandu Valley among 227 diabetic patients selected purposively. It was conducted from July to September, 2010. An adapted and pretested semi structured questionnaire was administered to diabetic patients aged 20 to 60 years with a minimum of a year of illness. Results: The mean total cost per visit by a diabetic patient to an outpatient clinic wasUS13.3(9513.3 (95% CI: 11.70-14.92). Likewise the total cost incurred in the treatment and care of DM per month was US 40.41 (95% CI: 36.38-44.45) and per annum was US$ 445 (95% CI: 396.11-495.61). In addition, the study results also showed that with increase in total direct cost per annum the duration of illness also increases. Conclusions: There is a high cost burden on the patient with DM visiting the selected private sector outpatient clinics. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Keywords: cost burden; diabetes mellitus; direct cost; indirect cost; treatment cost

    Outcome of gastrointestinal surgery during COVID-19 lockdown in a tertiary care hospital, Nepal

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    Introduction: Perioperative strategies have been changing due to the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent the risk of postoperative complications and transmission of infection. This study was aimed to assess the outcome of gastrointestinal surgery and the risk of transmission by implementing COVID-19 testing criteria and surgical strategy. Method: This was a retrospective descriptive study conducted at the department of surgery at Patan Hospital, Nepal, during COVID-19 lock-down from 24 march to 15 June 2020. All patients who underwent gastrointestinal (GI) surgery were included. High-risk patients (as defined by the Hospital Incident Command System, HICS) were tested for COVID-19 preoperatively. Surgery was performed in COVID operating room with full protective gear. Low-risk patients were not tested for COVID-19 preoperatively and performed surgery in non-COVID OR. Data from patient’s case-sheets were analyzed descriptively for age, gender, comorbidities, hospital stay, RT-PCR results, surgeries, and postoperative complications. Result: There were total 44 GI surgeries performed; 31(70.5%) were emergency, 5(11.3%) semi-emergency and 8(18.2%) oncology. There were 11(25%) patients tested for COVID-19 preoperatively and were negative. Nine HCWs tested for COVID-19 randomly were negative. Severe postoperative complications developed in 3 patients, with one mortality. Conclusion: Among GI surgeries, there was no increase in postoperative complications and transmission of COVID-19 to the patients or HCWs following the implementation of standard testing criteria and surgical strategy

    Immunotherapeutic approach to reduce senescent cells and alleviate senescence-associated secretory phenotype in mice

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    Accumulation of senescent cells (SNCs) with a senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) has been implicated as a major source of chronic sterile inflammation leading to many age-related pathologies. Herein, we provide evidence that a bifunctional immunotherapeutic, HCW9218, with capabilities of neutralizing TGF-β and stimulating immune cells, can be safely administered systemically to reduce SNCs and alleviate SASP in mice. In the diabetic db/db mouse model, subcutaneous administration of HCW9218 reduced senescent islet β cells and SASP resulting in improved glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and aging index. In naturally aged mice, subcutaneous administration of HCW9218 durably reduced the level of SNCs and SASP, leading to lower expression of pro-inflammatory genes in peripheral organs. HCW9218 treatment also reverted the pattern of key regulatory circadian gene expression in aged mice to levels observed in young mice and impacted genes associated with metabolism and fibrosis in the liver. Single-nucleus RNA Sequencing analysis further revealed that HCW9218 treatment differentially changed the transcriptomic landscape of hepatocyte subtypes involving metabolic, signaling, cell-cycle, and senescence-associated pathways in naturally aged mice. Long-term survival studies also showed that HCW9218 treatment improved physical performance without compromising the health span of naturally aged mice. Thus, HCW9218 represents a novel immunotherapeutic approach and a clinically promising new class of senotherapeutic agents targeting cellular senescence-associated diseases

    Describing Adolescents with Disabilities’ Experiences of COVID-19 and Other Humanitarian Emergencies in Low- and middle-income Countries: a Scoping Review

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic and other humanitarian emergencies exacerbate pre-existing inequalities faced by people with disabilities. They experience worse access to health, education, and social services, and increased violence in comparison with people without disabilities. Adolescents with disabilities are amongst those most severely affected in these situations. Using participatory research methods with adoles-cents can be more effective than other methods but may be challenging in such emergency contexts. Objectives: We conducted a scoping review to: 1) describe the literature and methods used in peer-reviewed and grey literature on adolescents (aged ten to nineteen) with disabilities’ experience of COVID-19 and other humanitarian emergencies in low- and middle-income countries, and 2) identify research gaps and make recommendations for future research. Methods: The review followed a protocol developed using PRISMA guidelines and the Arksey and O’Malley framework. We searched grey and peer-reviewed literature between 2011 and 2021. Results: Thirty studies were included. Twelve were peer-reviewed, and of those seven used participatory methods. Humanitarian emergencies had adverse effects on adolescents with disabilities across health, education, livelihoods, social protection, and community participa-tion domains. Surprisingly few studies collected data directly with adolescents with disabil-ities. Twenty-three studies combined data from non-disabled children, caregivers, and disabled adults which made it challenging to understand adolescents with disabilities’ unique experience. Conclusions: Our review highlights both the scarcity of literature and the importance of conducting research with adolescents with disabilities in humanitarian contexts. Despite challenges, our review shows that it has been possible to conduct research with adolescents with disabilities to explore their experiences of humanitarian emergencies, and that these experiences were different from those of non-disabled adolescents. There is a need to disaggregate findings and support the implementation and reporting of rigorous research methods. Capacity development through partnerships between non-governmental organisa-tions and researchers may improve reporting of methods
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