7 research outputs found

    MOESM5 of Identification of drought stress related proteins from 1Sl(1B) chromosome substitution line of wheat variety Chinese Spring

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    Additional file 5: Table S2. Peptide sequences of mature seed proteins encoded by 1Sl genome of CS-1Sl(1B) identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Comparative transcriptome analysis of wheat embryo and endosperm responses to ABA and H2O2 stresses during seed germination

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    Complete list of normalized expression values obtained from three biological replicates based on independently treated plant materials. Each horizontal row represents an individual probe set; information of every probe set are represented in vertical columns, including the corresponding functional group of every probe set and their normalized expression values (ABA/H2O2 vs CK in different tissues). (xlsx 5.77 MB

    Additional file 2: Table S2. of Comparative transcriptome analysis of wheat embryo and endosperm responses to ABA and H2O2 stresses during seed germination

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    The list of significant differentially expressed genes under ABA and H2O2 treatment respectively in the different tissues (embryo and endosperm). ABA vs CK_embryo: ABA_embryo compared to CK_embryo; H2O2 vs CK_embryo: H2O2_embryo compared to CK_ embryo; ABA vs CK_endosperm: ABA_endosperm vs CK_endosperm; H2O2 vs CK_endosperm: H2O2 _endosperm compared to CK_endosperm. (xls 728 KB

    Integrated Proteome Analysis of the Wheat Embryo and Endosperm Reveals Central Metabolic Changes Involved in the Water Deficit Response during Grain Development

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    The embryo and endosperm of wheat have different physiological functions and large differences in protein level. In this study, we performed the first integrated proteome analysis of wheat embryo and endosperm in response to the water deficit during grain development. In total, 155 and 130 differentially expressed protein (DEP) spots in the embryo and endosperm, respectively, were identified by nonlinear two-dimensional electrophoresis and tandem mass spectrometry. These DEPs in the embryo were mainly involved in stress/defense responses such as heat shock-related proteins (HSP) and peroxidase, whereas those in endosperm were mainly related to starch and storage protein synthesis such as α-amylase inhibitor and the globulin-1 S allele. In particular, some storage proteins such as avenin-like proteins and high-molecular weight glutenin subunit Dy12 displayed higher expression levels in the mature endosperm under a water deficit, which might contribute to the improvement in the quality of breadmaking