8 research outputs found

    Implementation of the 3D Cadastre in Israel

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    Cadastre can be referred to as a legal frame which connects three main components of any land administration system: people, land and law. A functional and reliable cadastral system is a vital factor in proper management of land, which in turn leads to sustainable development and a strong economy of a country. The need for a solid cadastral basis becomes more acute when land is a scarce commodity, much like in the case of Israel. Furthermore, over the past few decades due to urbanization, accelerated pace of living and rapidly emerging complex construction situations, among other factors, the necessity for utilizing the space above and below the surface and expanding the existing 2D cadastral system became more and more compelling. Consequently, this topic has been researched and investigated for quite some time. Several agencies joined forces in order to defined and implement 3D cadastre, while considering latest technological developments as well as international land administration standards such as LADM (Land Administration Domain Model). This paper offers a conceptual as well as a technological overview of a 3D registration process, following the proposed amendments to the existing Israeli Land Law suggested and developed by the Survey of Israel 3D cadastre project team

    Analysis of the Third FIG 3D Cadastres Questionnaire: Status in 2018 and Expectations for 2022

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    The 3rd FIG 3D-Cadastres Questionnaire was conducted and distributed by the end of 2018, with an extended deadline of 15th of January 2019. The questionnaire survey is a part of the FIG working group 3D-Cadastres activities for the period of 2018-2022. The purpose of this survey is to prepare a comprehensive inventory of the current (2018) state of 3D Cadastres worldwide, to explore the near future (2022) plans and expectations in the field and to evaluate the progress during the past four years. Sharing and dissemination of this information, enable to improve cooperation, to learn from each other and to support future developments as well as to encourage collaboration between various countries and jurisdictions. As can be determined from the title, this is the third time that the questionnaire on 3D-Cadastres is being carried out. The first version was administered in 2010 in order to document the status of 2010 3D Cadastres and of the then upcoming 2014 expectations. This was followed by a second questionnaire in 2014 (with status of 2014 and ambitions for 2018). The previous responses (van Oosterom et al., 2011; van Oosterom et al., 2014) were analyzed and reported at earlier FIG events (Working Weeks and workshops). The structure of the 3rd questionnaire has remained rather similar. All of the sections and the numbering of the questions were preserved to allow straightforward comparison with the earlier questionnaires and identification of potential trends. A few questions have been refined for clarification and several new questions have been added at the end of the sections. In this paper the main results of the analysis of the submitted 2018-2022 questionnaire are presented together with an analogy drawn between the past and present responses

    Joint ISO/TC211 and OGC Revision of the LADM: Valuation Information, Spatial Planning Information, SDG Land Indicators, Refined Survey Model, Links to BIM, Support of LA Processes, Technical Encodings, and Much More on Their Way!

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    ISO standards, which are actually being applied, are subject to periodic revision, typically in a 6 to 10-year cycle. A UN-GGIM Meeting of the Expert Group on Land Administration and Management was held on 14-15 March 2017, in Delft and the main conclusion was that the revision of LADM was indeed needed in order to provide better tools to improve tenure security and better land and property rights for all. It was also noted that land administration is a rather complex domain, and thus the revision will involve many stakeholders, namely: ISO, FIG, OGC, UN-Habitat, UN-GGIM, World bank, GLTN (Global Land Tool Network), IHO, RICS, etc.. Further goals of the revision include: providing reliable Land Administration Indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), developing standard(s) supporting a Fit-for-Purpose approach, paying attention to implementations and tools (not just conceptual model), and inclusion of valuation information (which might help to define/support the Fit-for-Purpose approach). In order to prepare the LADM revision, two workshops were organized: 16-17 March 2017 (Delft) and 11-13 April 2018 (Zagreb), with experts involved in the development of the initial version of LADM and representatives of all the mentioned stakeholders. For the purpose of the revision, it is important to analyze and compare currently operational and proposed country profiles and their implementations of the first version of LADM, ISO 19152:2012. This paper gives an overview of the status of developments and the related proposals

    3D Land Administration: Current Status (2022) and Expectation for the Near Future (2026) – Initial Analysis

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    This paper refers to the creation or update, organisation and initial analysis of the results from the 4th FIG 3D Land Administration Questionnaire, as an activity of the FIG Working Group 3D Land Administration 2022-2026.The questionnaire on 3D Land Administration is conducted as a successor of the previous questionnaire on 3D Cadastres, which has been conducted three times till today, by the Working Group in 2010, 2014 and 2018. The first, documented the status in 2010 and expectations back then for 2014. This was followed by the second questionnaire (status 2014 and expectations 2018) and the third one (status of 2018 and plans for 2022).All members/ countries the Working Group have been requested to provide information about the current the status of 3D Land Administration Systems/ Cadastres (at the end of 2022) and the expectations/plans for 2026. The purpose of the survey that is has been conducted and reported in this paper, is to make an inventory of the status of 3D Land Administration at the end of 2022 and the plans/ expectations for the near future (2026) from countries all over the world.The completed questionnaires, per country are fully available via the participants’ page of the 3D Land Administration Working Group website. The responses have been analysed and reported in various publications (van Oosterom et al. 2011, van Oosterom et al. 2014 and Shnaidman et al., 2019). In total, thirty-seven (37) countries have completed the questionnaire and have been received by time of conducting the initial analysis as described in this paper. Similar to the previous questionnaires, it is likely that there will be some completed questionnaires that will be sent by the countries later.Digital TechnologiesUrban Data Scienc