36 research outputs found

    Entangled femtosecond free induction signals in a cadmium sulfide crystal at room temperature

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    Entangled free induction decay (EFID) femtosecond signals are experimentally observed for the first time at a wavelength of 790 nm in a cadmium sulfide (CdS) crystal in the two-photon absorption (TPA) regime upon excitation by two crossed (angle, 60°) laser beams. The sample emitted two EFID signals simul- taneously in opposite directions. The signals were diffracted by nonequilibrium electric polarization gratings induced by two laser beams in accordance with the laws of energy and momentum conservation. The possi- bility of exciting EFID signals in the three-photon absorption regime is discussed. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2012

    "Entangled" free-induction decay in CdS crystal under two-photon excitation by two crossed laser beams

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    A new method of two-photon excitation of femtosecond signals of "entangled" free induction decay (EFID) by two crossed 790-nm laser beams in a CdS crystal at room temperature has been realized for the first time. This "entangled" (through the wave vectors) coherent response appears only in the case when the photons involved to the process of twophoton excitation of the sample belong to the different laser beams. This technique allows one to separate the EFID signal from the exciting femtosecond pulses and to vary the response wavelength by varying the angle between their wave vectors. The most optimal case occurs when the angle between the wave vectors of exciting pulses as well as the angle between each of these wave vectors and that of the response is equal to 60°. © 2012 by Astro, Ltd

    Сравнительная оценка методов анестезии, используемых при реконструктивных операциях на сонных артериях

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    The objective: to assess the impact of total intravenous and combined anesthesia (consisting of regional block and inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane) on higher mental functions, frequency and nature of postoperative complications in carotid endarterectomy.Subjects and methods. A total of 190 patients with ipsilateral carotid stenosis exceeding 70%, or with the unstable atheromatous plaque were examined. CE was performed in 140 (73.6%) patients, while 50 (26.4%) patients underwent plasty with the autovenous patch. 60 patients had total intravenous anesthesia. The other 60 patients had combination anesthesia (cervical plexus block as per A. Yu. Paschuk + non-inhalation anesthesia with thiopental sodium). In 70 patients, low-flow inhalation anesthesia with sevoran and potentiation of the analgesic effect by bolus administration of fentanyl was performed. The parameters of central hemodynamics, cerebral blood flow, markers of cerebral damage, and state of higher mental functions were assessed.Results. Inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane was characterized by decrease of total peripheral resistance index by 20% (p = 0.002) and SBP by 13% (p = 0.004) compared to baseline values. Moderate reduction of afterload was accompanied by normalization of cardiac and stroke indices. Optimization of the central hemodynamic parameters led to high levels of the linear velocity of cerebral blood flow and cerebral perfusion pressure which at the main stages of the operation did not differ from the control values. At the end of the operation, a statistically significant insignificant increase in intracranial pressure was noted (on average, by 4 mm Hg exceeded values at the previous stages, p = 0.014) and levels of markers of ischemic neuronal damage: the levels of antibodies to protein S-100 increased by 14% (p = 0.043), and NSE – by 2.8 μg/L. During inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane, the lowest number of postoperative neurological and cardiac complications was recorded; they developed only in 6 (8.6%) patients and distributed equally. However, more pronounced postoperative cognitive dysfunction was noted when this method of anesthesia was used.Conclusion. Each method of anesthesia provided an unequal level of cerebral protection from ischemic damage which was manifested by a difference in the severity of disorders of higher mental functions, the number and nature of postoperative neurological complications.Цель: оценить влияние тотальной внутривенной и комбинированной (на основе регионарной блокады и ингаляционной анестезии севофлураном) анестезии на состояние высших психических функций, число и характер послеоперационных осложнений при каротидной эндартерэктомии.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 190 пациентов с ипсилатеральным стенозом сонной артерии, большим чем 70%, либо с нестабильной атероматозной бляшкой. КЭ выполнили 140 (73,6%) больным, 50 (26,4%) – пластику сонной артерии с наложением заплаты аутовеной. Провели тотальную внутривенную анестезию 60 пациентам. Еще в 60 случаях операцию выполнили с использованием «комбинированной» анестезии (блокада шейного сплетения по А. Ю. Пащуку + неигаляционная анестезия тиопенталом натрия). У 70 больных проводили низкопоточную ингаляционную анестезию севораном с потенцированием анальгетического эффекта болюсным введением фентанила. Исследовали параметры центральной гемодинамики, мозгового кровотока, маркеры мозгового повреждения, состояние высших психических функций.Результаты. Ингаляционная анестезия севофлураном характеризовалась снижением индекса общего периферического сопротивления на 20% (p = 0,002) и САД на 13% (p = 0,004) по сравнению с исходными значениями. Умеренное снижение постнагрузки сопровождалось нормализацией сердечного и ударного индексов. Оптимизация параметров центральной гемодинамики обусловила высокие уровни линейной скорости мозгового кровотока и церебрального перфузионного давления, которые на основных этапах операции не отличались от контрольных значений. В конце операции отмечали статистически значимое незначительное увеличение внутричерепного давления (в среднем на 4 мм рт. ст. превышало данные предыдущих этапов, p = 0,014) и содержания маркеров ишемического нейронального повреждения: уровни антител к протеину S-100 увеличивались на 14% (p = 0,043), а НСЕ ‒ на 2,8 мкг/л. При ингаляционной анестезии севофлураном регистрировали наименьшее число послеоперационных неврологических и кардиальных осложнений, они развились лишь у 6 (8,6%) больных, распределившись поровну. Однако при этом методе анестезии отмечена более выраженная послеоперационная когнитивная дисфункция.Заключение. Каждый метод анестезии обеспечивал неодинаковый уровень защиты головного мозга от ишемического повреждения, что проявлялось различием в степени выраженности нарушений высших психических функций, числе и характере послеоперационных неврологических осложнений

    Features of physical mechanism of electric erosion in the conditions of size treatment of conjugating pair of workings details of dividing stamps a voltaic arc

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    Описано особливості фізичного механізму електричної ерозії, зокрема якісні характеристики джерел тепла на електродах, в умовах розмірної обробки електричною дугою спряжених пар робочих деталей розділових штампів. Показано, що за зазначених умов забезпечуються оптимальні характеристики поверхні робочих деталей розділових штампів, такі як шорсткість обробленої поверхні і зона термічного впливу та точність виготовлення спряжених деталей. Features of physical mechanism of electric erosion are, in particular high-quality descriptions of sources of heat on electrodes, in the conditions of size treatment of the attended pair of workings details of dividing stamps a voltaic arc. It is shown, that under the specified conditions optimum characteristics of a surface of working details of dividing stamps, such as a roughness of the processed surface and a zone of thermal influence, and also accuracy of anufacturing of interfaced details are provided

    Dimensional electric arc machining complex contour holes

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    Використання запропонованих технологічних схем отримання отворів складного контуру, за умов розмірної обробки електричною дугою, дозволяє отримувати отвори з необхідною якістю поверхні з високими показниками продуктивності обробки. Using the proposed technological schemes holes of the circuit, the conditions dimensional processing electric arc, allows holes with the required surface quality with high performance processing

    "Entangled" free-induction decay in CdS crystal under two-photon excitation by two crossed laser beams

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    A new method of two-photon excitation of femtosecond signals of "entangled" free induction decay (EFID) by two crossed 790-nm laser beams in a CdS crystal at room temperature has been realized for the first time. This "entangled" (through the wave vectors) coherent response appears only in the case when the photons involved to the process of twophoton excitation of the sample belong to the different laser beams. This technique allows one to separate the EFID signal from the exciting femtosecond pulses and to vary the response wavelength by varying the angle between their wave vectors. The most optimal case occurs when the angle between the wave vectors of exciting pulses as well as the angle between each of these wave vectors and that of the response is equal to 60°. © 2012 by Astro, Ltd

    Features of an electric arc in a cross flow of fluid

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    Описано електричну дугу в поперечному потоці рідини. Наведено повна система рівнянь, що описує модель електродугової плазми, яка рухається, з умови припущення рівності температур усіх її компонентів. Основною задачею дослідження стало вивчення і опис особливостей і характеру взаємодії дуги з поперечним потоком рідини. Наведено кадри швидкісної кінозйомки дуги, що горить в поперечному потоці рідини в умовах розмірної обробки електричною дугою, яка переміщується по поверхні електродів, причому переміщення дуги носить дискретний характер, тобто дуга після деякого вистоювання на місці переміщується на іншу, частіше ближню ділянку, або ж виникає в іншому місці поміж електродами. The paper purpose - Development of theoretical bases of an electric arc in a cross flow of fluid. Studying and the description of features and character of interaction of an arch with a cross flow of fluid. In a paper describes an arc in a cross flow of fluid. Shows the complete system of equations that describes the model of electric arc plasma, moving from the condition that of equality of the temperatures of all her components. Shows frames from high-speed filming burning arc in a cross flow of fluid in conditions of dimensional processing by an electric arc, which moves along the surface of the electrodes, moving in an arc is discrete, that is, the arc after some standing in place moves to another, usually the nearest land, or arises in a different place between the electrodes. Describes an electric arc in a cross flow of fluid as a source of magnetic energy. Described triangle interconversion energy magnetic, power, energy fields

    "Entangled" free-induction decay in CdS crystal under two-photon excitation by two crossed laser beams

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    A new method of two-photon excitation of femtosecond signals of "entangled" free induction decay (EFID) by two crossed 790-nm laser beams in a CdS crystal at room temperature has been realized for the first time. This "entangled" (through the wave vectors) coherent response appears only in the case when the photons involved to the process of twophoton excitation of the sample belong to the different laser beams. This technique allows one to separate the EFID signal from the exciting femtosecond pulses and to vary the response wavelength by varying the angle between their wave vectors. The most optimal case occurs when the angle between the wave vectors of exciting pulses as well as the angle between each of these wave vectors and that of the response is equal to 60°. © 2012 by Astro, Ltd

    Structural elements optimization and surface quality of conjugated pairs of puncturing dies working parts under conditions of dimensional machining with an electric arc

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    Описано особливості і можливості оптимізації конструктивних елементів та якості поверхні робочих деталей розділових штампів за умов їх виготовлення способом розмірної обробки електричною дугою в сукупності зі способом керованого зносу електрод-інструменту. Показано переваги виготовлення спряжених пар робочих деталей зазначеним способом, що дозволяє знизити собівартість виготовлення та підвищити стійкість розділових штампів. Features and possibilities of optimization of structural elements and quality of surface of workings details of dividing stamps are described on condition of their making of size treatment a voltaic arc a method in an aggregate with the method of the guided wear electrode of instrument. Advantages of making of the attended pair of workings details are rotined by the indicated method, that allows cutting prime cost making and promoting firmness of dividing stamps

    Entangled femtosecond free induction signals in a cadmium sulfide crystal at room temperature

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    Entangled free induction decay (EFID) femtosecond signals are experimentally observed for the first time at a wavelength of 790 nm in a cadmium sulfide (CdS) crystal in the two-photon absorption (TPA) regime upon excitation by two crossed (angle, 60°) laser beams. The sample emitted two EFID signals simul- taneously in opposite directions. The signals were diffracted by nonequilibrium electric polarization gratings induced by two laser beams in accordance with the laws of energy and momentum conservation. The possi- bility of exciting EFID signals in the three-photon absorption regime is discussed. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2012