17 research outputs found

    Perceiving Quality of Life in Modern Urban Space: Regional Aspect

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    The article discusses the problem of modern urban space planning, taking an individual Russian region (Nizhny Novgorod) as an example. The authors argue that neither the policy nor the mentality of government authorities and professionals in the field of architecture can ignore the habits, needs, expectations and views of city residents regarding the best comfortable urban space layout. A sociological survey conducted in Nizhny Novgorod has shown that a modern city dweller’s priorities include quality education, access to culture, visual uniqueness of the city and aesthetisation of its space (referring not only to the historic center but also to the residential district areas) that should define modern urban planning strategies. Various forms of social alienation caused by improper structuring of urban space are considered a problem for a modern Russian region: leisure isolationism, discomfort from perceiving residential district areas as periferic with simultaneously preferring virtual space to the physical urban one. In conclusion, recommendations for setting up urban environment layout are offered to urban planners


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    Цель. Статья посвящена вопросам интернационализации образовательного процесса в Федеральном государственном бюджетном образовательном учреждении высшего образования «Красноярский государственный аграрный университет». Авторы ставят своей целью проанализировать и описать методику проведения данной работы в Красноярском государственном аграрном университете. Актуальность работы обоснована тем, что в течение последних лет мониторинг эффективности деятельности вузов, в качестве основного показателя эффективности, учитывает международную деятельность; а именно, число зарубежных студентов в приведенном контингенте (1%). Мониторинг аграрных вузов (вузов, подчиненных Министерству сельского хозяйства РФ), в свою очередь, предусматривает более высокий показатель – 2% зарубежных студентов в приведенном контингенте, а также показатель поступления денежных средств за обучение зарубежных студентов в размере 0,5 млн. рублей.Методы. Основу исследования образуют общетеоретические и эмпирические методы исследования, такие как анализ и синтез информации, имеющейся в психологической и педагогической литературе, а также моделирование, наблюдение и эксперимент.Результаты. В ходе исследования авторы анализируют и обосновывают целесообразность применения практических форм интернационализации образования в Красноярском ГАУ, как основ выполнения показателей эффективности мониторинга вузов, включая интернационализацию учебных планов и образовательных программ, мобильность студентов и преподавателей, а также экспорт образовательных услуг, как отдельную составляющую интернационализации. Отдельно, в качестве основы интернационализации, рассматривается языковая и социально-психологическая адаптация зарубежных студентов в Красноярском ГАУ.Работа по интернационализации образования в Красноярском ГАУ позволила выполнить показатель мониторинга. Если в 2014 году в вуз имел только 0,41% зарубежных студентов в приведенном контингенте, то, начиная с 2015 года, показатель выполняется. В 2017 году он составил 4,8%. Показатель поступления денежных средств от зарубежных студентов также вырос с 1,8 млн. рублей в 2016 году, до 2,2 млн. рублей в 2017 году.Область применения и результаты. Результаты исследования могут представлять интерес для руководства высших учебных заведений, реализующих положения Болонской декларации, сотрудников международных и учебных отделов вузов и могут применяться как рекомендации по повышению эффективности высших учебных заведений для получения государственной аккредитации.Purpose. The article is devoted to issues of internationalization of educational process in Federal state budget educational institution of higher education “Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University”. The authors’ aim is to analyze and describe the methodology for this work at Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University.Methods. Theoretical and empirical methods of research, such as analysis and synthesis of the information available in psychological and pedagogical literature, as well as modelling, observation and experiment constitute the basis of the research.Results. In the study, the authors analyze and substantiate the reasonability of the implementation of practical forms of education internationalization at Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, as the basis for fulfillment of the efficiency indicators in the higher education institutions monitoring, including internationalization of curricula and educational programs, mobility of students and teachers, as well as the export of educational services as a separate component of the internationalization. Separately, the linguistic and socio-psychological adaptation of foreign students in Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University as the basis of internationalization is examined.The work on the internationalization of education in the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University allowed fulfilling the indicator of monitoring. If in 2014 the university had only 0,41% of foreign students in the given contingent, then starting with 2015, the indicator is met. In 2017, it was 4,8%. The indicator of the receipt of funds from foreign students training also increased from 1,8 million rubles in 2016, up to 2,2 million rubles in 2017.Practical implication and results. The results of the study may be of interest for the management of higher educational institutions implementing the provisions of the Bologna Declaration, the staff of the international and educational departments of universities and can be used as guidelines for improving the effectiveness of higher education institutions to receive state accreditation

    Videogames and problems of media translation in the context of comparison of narratology and ludology

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    The article studies the possibility of translating a video game into other types of media, as well as the possibility of a reverse process. Research results received within the framework of the narratological theory of video games and the ludological theory of video games are used as methodological ground. The authors rely on the concept of translation presented in the works of B. Latour. The main provisions and conclusions are formulated by comparing ludological and narratological approaches to the problem of transferring a video game to other media types (cinema), as well as the reverse process. Basic concepts are identified, key points of methodological interest are set out. The article provides illustrative examples of video game translation into cinema, as well as examples of reverse translation, that are commented and explained in the context of the given methodologies. The conclusion is made about the prospects for investigating the issue in the context of media research and media practice

    Social work in the digital age

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    The article is devoted to the problem of changing the content and formats of social work in the digital age. The authors analyze the topic in the context of changing content of the concept of “social well-being”. In modern times, this concept has subjective and objective aspects, so the quality of life is assessed not only by economic quantitative indicators, but also by the degree of satisfaction with life, which includes emotional fulfillment, the level of happiness, inclusion in network streams. The problems of providing social services to the population today are determined by digital technical parameters, as well as the level of competence of social workers in the transition to a digital format of work. However, the state of modern society is characterized by a digital divide, in which older people are not always able to use all the opportunities that digitalization provides. And this, in turn, leads to an intergenerational (functional and ideological) gap not only in the situation of using digital services, but also in the formation of common ideas about the life of different generations


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    Конечной целью образовательного процесса любого вуза является эффективное и успешное трудоустройство выпускников. Неслучайно, именно показатель трудоустройства выпускников учреждений высшего образования является одним из ключевых критериев при мониторинге эффективности вузов. В связи с этим актуальность приобретает практико-ориентированный подход к обучению. Задача авторов статьи заключается в том, чтобы рассказать об опыте внедрения практико-ориентированного подхода в образовательную деятельность института Международного менеджмента и образования Красноярского государственного аграрного университета и представить конкретные результаты начального этапа внедрения данного подхода.The ultimate goal of the educational process of any University is the effective and successful employment of its graduates. It is not surprising that the employment rate of graduates of higher education institutions is one of the key criteria in monitoring the effectiveness of universities. In this regard the practice-oriented approach to teaching becomes relevant. The task of the authors of the article is to tell about the experience of implementing practice-oriented approach in the educational activities of the Institute of International management and education of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university and to present specific results of the initial phase of the implementation of this approach

    Perceiving Quality of Life in Modern Urban Space: Regional Aspect

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    The article discusses the problem of modern urban space planning, taking an individual Russian region (Nizhny Novgorod) as an example. The authors argue that neither the policy nor the mentality of government authorities and professionals in the field of architecture can ignore the habits, needs, expectations and views of city residents regarding the best comfortable urban space layout. A sociological survey conducted in Nizhny Novgorod has shown that a modern city dweller’s priorities include quality education, access to culture, visual uniqueness of the city and aesthetisation of its space (referring not only to the historic center but also to the residential district areas) that should define modern urban planning strategies. Various forms of social alienation caused by improper structuring of urban space are considered a problem for a modern Russian region: leisure isolationism, discomfort from perceiving residential district areas as periferic with simultaneously preferring virtual space to the physical urban one. In conclusion, recommendations for setting up urban environment layout are offered to urban planners

    Perceiving Quality of Life in Modern Urban Space: Regional Aspect

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    The article discusses the problem of modern urban space planning, taking an individual Russian region (Nizhny Novgorod) as an example. The authors argue that neither the policy nor the mentality of government authorities and professionals in the field of architecture can ignore the habits, needs, expectations and views of city residents regarding the best comfortable urban space layout. A sociological survey conducted in Nizhny Novgorod has shown that a modern city dweller’s priorities include quality education, access to culture, visual uniqueness of the city and aesthetisation of its space (referring not only to the historic center but also to the residential district areas) that should define modern urban planning strategies. Various forms of social alienation caused by improper structuring of urban space are considered a problem for a modern Russian region: leisure isolationism, discomfort from perceiving residential district areas as periferic with simultaneously preferring virtual space to the physical urban one. In conclusion, recommendations for setting up urban environment layout are offered to urban planners

    Indices of socio-emotional wellbeing of youth: evaluation and directions of improvement

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    Research objective: The aim of this work is to evaluate the socio-emotional wellbeing of youth and to specify their directions of improvement. Research methods: Theoretical analysis of works on educational psychology and social psychology devoted to the issues of the socio-emotional wellbeing and psychological safety of students; conducting testing of students. Research results: Basing on the analysis of the theoretic and methodological material we defined and described personal qualities of students, which determine socio-emotional (psychosocial) well-being and which are indices of social-psychological safety of education environment. These indices are as follows: communication skills, social tolerance, creativity. The conducted investigation allowed us to reveal positive correlation connections between the level of subjective well-being and formedness of personal qualities, which define the socio-emotional wellbeing of students. The authors have concluded that it is necessary to improve the organization of the educational process in order to ensure the socio-emotional wellbeing of students and social safety of society as a whole To prevent the threats, the necessity of creation of a safe educational environment is grounded which should comprise a tolerant environment, and psychologically comfortable environment excluding any violence and requiring the relevant professional training of teachers and education personnel

    Information Technology and Digital Sufficiency for Building the Sustainable Circular Economy

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    Information technologies possess the significant potential to improve the efficiency of resources and optimize energy usage, as well as make a significant contribution to the sustainable circular economy (CE). The concept of digital sufficiency provides a framework for understanding how information technology can be part of significant achievements in the circular economy, especially when embraced by business companies. Moreover, the possibility of the implementation of closed-loop resources has become possible with the development of digital manufacturing technologies. However, the research of establishing the CE in SMEs, especially in fossil-energy-abundant countries, such as the Russian Federation, is quite limited. Our paper fills in this gap by studying the adoption of CE practices as well as the investments for promoting CE in Russian SMEs through such factors as the existence of R&D, bank loans, and access to grants at the national and international level. It achieves this based on the data sample of 314 managers of Russian SMEs. Our results demonstrate that the investment or existence of R&D in SMEs and knowledge of CE as well the governmental funding and access to wider markets all together tend to have a significant and positive effect on implementing and investing into CE in SMEs, while the administrative barriers yield a small but negative effect. These results might be helpful for the relevant stakeholders in order to identify factors catalyzing attention from both the SMEs engaged in CE transitions, as well as help the decision makers wishing to foster the transformation of the SMEs to a circular economy. We can conclude that supporting SMEs (both financially and via increasing their public awareness) to make their own transitions towards CE has a societal effect that can speed up a greener transition and significantly contribute to increasing energy efficiency

    Social work in the digital age

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    The article is devoted to the problem of changing the content and formats of social work in the digital age. The authors analyze the topic in the context of changing content of the concept of “social well-being”. In modern times, this concept has subjective and objective aspects, so the quality of life is assessed not only by economic quantitative indicators, but also by the degree of satisfaction with life, which includes emotional fulfillment, the level of happiness, inclusion in network streams. The problems of providing social services to the population today are determined by digital technical parameters, as well as the level of competence of social workers in the transition to a digital format of work. However, the state of modern society is characterized by a digital divide, in which older people are not always able to use all the opportunities that digitalization provides. And this, in turn, leads to an intergenerational (functional and ideological) gap not only in the situation of using digital services, but also in the formation of common ideas about the life of different generations