12 research outputs found

    Optimizing the Temporal and Spatial Resolutions and Light Throughput of Fresnel Incoherent Correlation Holography in the Framework of Coded Aperture Imaging

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    Fresnel incoherent correlation holography (FINCH) is a well-established digital holography technique for 3D imaging of objects illuminated by spatially incoherent light. FINCH has a higher lateral resolution of 1.5 times that of direct imaging systems with the same numerical aperture. However, the other imaging characteristics of FINCH such as axial resolution, temporal resolution, light throughput and signal to noise ratio (SNR) are lower than those of direct imaging system. Different techniques were developed by researchers around the world to improve the imaging characteristics of FINCH while retaining the inherent higher lateral resolution of FINCH. However, most of the solutions developed to improve FINCH presented additional challenges. In this study, we optimized FINCH in the framework of coded aperture imaging. Two recently developed computational methods such as transport of amplitude into phase based on Gerchberg Saxton algorithm (TAP-GSA) and Lucy-Richardson-Rosen algorithm were applied to improve light throughput and image reconstruction respectively. The above implementation improved the axial resolution, time resolution and SNR of FINCH close to those of direct imaging while retaining the high lateral resolution. A point spread function (PSF) engineering technique has been implemented to prevent the low lateral resolution problem associated with the PSF recorded using pinholes with a large diameter. We believe that the above developments are beyond the state-of-the-art of existing FINCH-scopes.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Enhanced design of multiplexed coded masks for Fresnel incoherent correlation holography

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    Original Dataset of figures of the published article Enhanced design of multiplexed coded masks for Fresnel incoherent correlation holography in Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 7390 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-34492-

    Post-Ensemble Generation with Airy Beams for Spatial and Spectral Switching in Incoherent Imaging

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    Spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions and field-of-view are important characteristics of any imaging system. In most, if not all, it is impossible to change the above characteristics after recording a digital picture, video, or hologram. In recent years, there have been investigations on the possibilities to change the above characteristics post-recording. In this letter, for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we report novel recording and reconstruction methods built upon the principles of coded aperture imaging that allow changing the axial and spectral resolutions post-recording. We name this method - Post-Ensemble Generation with Airy beams for Spatial And Spectral Switching (PEGASASS). In PEGASASS, light from an object point is converted into Airy beams and recorded such that every recording has a unique Airy pattern. An ensemble of Airy patterns is constructed post-recording and the axial and spectral resolutions are tuned by controlling the chaos in the ensemble. The above tunability is achieved without adversely affecting the lateral resolution. Proof-of-concept experimental results of PEGASASS in 3D in both (x,y,z) and (x,y,λ) and 4D in (x,y,z,λ) are presented. We believe that PEGASASS has the potential to revolutionize the field of imaging and holography

    Self-wavefront interference using transverse splitting holography

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    Manufacturing diffractive lenses with a high Numerical Aperture (NA) is a challenging task due to limitations in lithography methods and the inverse relation between the width and the radius of the zones. With low-resolution lithography techniques such as photolithography, the zone width reaches the lithography limit within a short radius, resulting in low-NA diffractive lenses. With high-resolution electron beam lithography, it is possible to manufacture high-NA diffractive lenses by prolonged writing. However, in this case, the width of the outermost zones becomes subwavelength, inducing undesirable polarization effects. In this proof-of-concept study, a holography solution has been demonstrated to enhance the imaging resolution of low-NA diffractive lenses. The light from an object is partly modulated by the low-NA diffractive lens and interfered with the remaining unmodulated light outside the area of the diffractive lens. This self-interference hologram of the object is processed in the computer with the point spread hologram to reconstruct the object with a resolution corresponding to the NA of the image sensor. This new imaging technique is called Self-Wavefront Interference using Transverse Splitting Holography (SWITSH). A resolution enhancement of ∼10 times has been demonstrated using a low-NA diffractive lens and SWITSH compared to direct imaging with the same low-NA diffractive lens

    Enhanced design of multiplexed coded masks for Fresnel incoherent correlation holography

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    Abstract Fresnel incoherent correlation holography (FINCH) is a well-established incoherent digital holography technique. In FINCH, light from an object point splits into two, differently modulated using two diffractive lenses with different focal distances and interfered to form a self-interference hologram. The hologram numerically back propagates to reconstruct the image of the object at different depths. FINCH, in the inline configuration, requires at least three camera shots with different phase shifts between the two interfering beams followed by superposition to obtain a complex hologram that can be used to reconstruct an object’s image without the twin image and bias terms. In general, FINCH is implemented using an active device, such as a spatial light modulator, to display the diffractive lenses. The first version of FINCH used a phase mask generated by random multiplexing of two diffractive lenses, which resulted in high reconstruction noise. Therefore, a polarization multiplexing method was later developed to suppress the reconstruction noise at the expense of some power loss. In this study, a novel computational algorithm based on the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm (GSA) called transport of amplitude into phase (TAP-GSA) was developed for FINCH to design multiplexed phase masks with high light throughput and low reconstruction noise. The simulation and optical experiments demonstrate a power efficiency improvement of ~ 150 and ~ 200% in the new method in comparison to random multiplexing and polarization multiplexing, respectively. The SNR of the proposed method is better than that of random multiplexing in all tested cases but lower than that of the polarization multiplexing method

    Implementation of a Large-Area Diffractive Lens Using Multiple Sub-Aperture Diffractive Lenses and Computational Reconstruction

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    Direct imaging systems that create an image of an object directly on the sensor in a single step are prone to many constraints, as a perfect image is required to be recorded within this step. In designing high resolution direct imaging systems with a diffractive lens, the outermost zone width either reaches the lithography limit or the diffraction limit itself, imposing challenges in fabrication. However, if the imaging mode is switched to an indirect one consisting of multiple steps to complete imaging, then different possibilities open. One such method is the widely used indirect imaging method with Golay configuration telescopes. In this study, a Golay-like configuration has been adapted to realize a large-area diffractive lens with three sub-aperture diffractive lenses. The sub-aperture diffractive lenses are not required to collect light and focus them to a single point as in a direct imaging system, but to focus independently on different points within the sensor area. This approach of a Large-Area Diffractive lens with Integrated Sub-Apertures (LADISA) relaxes the fabrication constraints and allows the sub-aperture diffractive elements to have a larger outermost zone width and a smaller area. The diffractive sub-apertures were manufactured using photolithography. The fabricated diffractive element was implemented in indirect imaging mode using non-linear reconstruction and the Lucy–Richardson–Rosen algorithm with synthesized point spread functions. The computational optical experiments revealed improved optical and computational imaging resolutions compared to previous studies

    Single-Shot 3D Incoherent Imaging Using Deterministic and Random Optical Fields with Lucy–Richardson–Rosen Algorithm

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    Coded aperture 3D imaging techniques have been rapidly evolving in recent years. The two main directions of evolution are in aperture engineering to generate the optimal optical field and in the development of a computational reconstruction method to reconstruct the object’s image from the intensity distribution with minimal noise. The goal is to find the ideal aperture–reconstruction method pair, and if not that, to optimize one to match the other for designing an imaging system with the required 3D imaging characteristics. The Lucy–Richardson–Rosen algorithm (LR2A), a recently developed computational reconstruction method, was found to perform better than its predecessors, such as matched filter, inverse filter, phase-only filter, Lucy–Richardson algorithm, and non-linear reconstruction (NLR), for certain apertures when the point spread function (PSF) is a real and symmetric function. For other cases of PSF, NLR performed better than the rest of the methods. In this tutorial, LR2A has been presented as a generalized approach for any optical field when the PSF is known along with MATLAB codes for reconstruction. The common problems and pitfalls in using LR2A have been discussed. Simulation and experimental studies for common optical fields such as spherical, Bessel, vortex beams, and exotic optical fields such as Airy, scattered, and self-rotating beams have been presented. From this study, it can be seen that it is possible to transfer the 3D imaging characteristics from non-imaging-type exotic fields to indirect imaging systems faithfully using LR2A. The application of LR2A to medical images such as colonoscopy images and cone beam computed tomography images with synthetic PSF has been demonstrated. We believe that the tutorial will provide a deeper understanding of computational reconstruction using LR2A

    Extending the Depth of Focus of an Infrared Microscope Using a Binary Axicon Fabricated on Barium Fluoride

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    Axial resolution is one of the most important characteristics of a microscope. In all microscopes, a high axial resolution is desired in order to discriminate information efficiently along the longitudinal direction. However, when studying thick samples that do not contain laterally overlapping information, a low axial resolution is desirable, as information from multiple planes can be recorded simultaneously from a single camera shot instead of plane-by-plane mechanical refocusing. In this study, we increased the focal depth of an infrared microscope non-invasively by introducing a binary axicon fabricated on a barium fluoride substrate close to the sample. Preliminary results of imaging the thick and sparse silk fibers showed an improved focal depth with a slight decrease in lateral resolution and an increase in background noise

    3D Incoherent Imaging Using an Ensemble of Sparse Self-Rotating Beams

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    Interferenceless coded aperture correlation holography (I-COACH) is one of the simplest incoherent holography techniques. In I-COACH, the light from an object is modulated by a coded mask, and the resulting intensity distribution is recorded. The 3D image of the object is reconstructed by processing the object intensity distribution with the pre-recorded 3D point spread intensity distributions. The first version of I-COACH was implemented using a scattering phase mask, which makes its implementation challenging in light-sensitive experiments. The I-COACH technique gradually evolved with the advancement in the engineering of coded phase masks that retain randomness but improve the concentration of light in smaller areas in the image sensor. In this direction, I-COACH was demonstrated using weakly scattered intensity patterns, dot patterns and recently using accelerating Airy patterns, and the case with accelerating Airy patterns exhibited the highest SNR. In this study, we propose and demonstrate I-COACH with an ensemble of self-rotating beams. Unlike accelerating Airy beams, self-rotating beams exhibit a better energy concentration. In the case of self-rotating beams, the uniqueness of the intensity distributions with depth is attributed to the rotation of the intensity pattern as opposed to the shifts of the Airy patterns, making the intensity distribution stable along depths. A significant improvement in SNR was observed in optical experiments

    Deep Deconvolution of Object Information Modulated by a Refractive Lens Using Lucy-Richardson-Rosen Algorithm

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    A refractive lens is one of the simplest, most cost-effective and easily available imaging elements. Given a spatially incoherent illumination, a refractive lens can faithfully map every object point to an image point in the sensor plane, when the object and image distances satisfy the imaging conditions. However, static imaging is limited to the depth of focus, beyond which the point-to-point mapping can only be obtained by changing either the location of the lens, object or the imaging sensor. In this study, the depth of focus of a refractive lens in static mode has been expanded using a recently developed computational reconstruction method, Lucy-Richardson-Rosen algorithm (LRRA). The imaging process consists of three steps. In the first step, point spread functions (PSFs) were recorded along different depths and stored in the computer as PSF library. In the next step, the object intensity distribution was recorded. The LRRA was then applied to deconvolve the object information from the recorded intensity distributions during the final step. The results of LRRA were compared with two well-known reconstruction methods, namely the Lucy-Richardson algorithm and non-linear reconstruction