27 research outputs found

    A Phylogenomic Assessment of Processes Underpinning Convergent Evolution in Open-Habitat Chats.

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    Insights into the processes underpinning convergent evolution advance our understanding of the contributions of ancestral, introgressed, and novel genetic variation to phenotypic evolution. Phylogenomic analyses characterizing genome-wide gene tree heterogeneity can provide first clues about the extent of ILS and of introgression and thereby into the potential of these processes or (in their absence) the need to invoke novel mutations to underpin convergent evolution. Here, we were interested in understanding the processes involved in convergent evolution in open-habitat chats (wheatears of the genus Oenanthe and their relatives). To this end, based on whole-genome resequencing data from 50 taxa of 44 species, we established the species tree, characterized gene tree heterogeneity, and investigated the footprints of ILS and introgression within the latter. The species tree corroborates the pattern of abundant convergent evolution, especially in wheatears. The high levels of gene tree heterogeneity in wheatears are explained by ILS alone only for 30% of internal branches. For multiple branches with high gene tree heterogeneity, D-statistics and phylogenetic networks identified footprints of introgression. Finally, long branches without extensive ILS between clades sporting similar phenotypes provide suggestive evidence for a role of novel mutations in the evolution of these phenotypes. Together, our results suggest that convergent evolution in open-habitat chats involved diverse processes and highlight that phenotypic diversification is often complex and best depicted as a network of interacting lineages

    A phylogenomic assessment of processes underpinning convergent evolution in open-habitat chats

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    Insights into the processes underpinning convergent evolution advance our understanding of the contributions of ancestral, introgressed, and novel genetic variation to phenotypic evolution. Phylogenomic analyses characterizing genome-wide gene tree heterogeneity can provide first clues about the extent of ILS and of introgression and thereby into the potential of these processes or (in their absence) the need to invoke novel mutations to underpin convergent evolution. Here, we were interested in understanding the processes involved in convergent evolution in open-habitat chats (wheatears of the genus Oenanthe and their relatives). To this end, based on whole-genome resequencing data from 50 taxa of 44 species, we established the species tree, characterized gene tree heterogeneity, and investigated the footprints of ILS and introgression within the latter. The species tree corroborates the pattern of abundant convergent evolution, especially in wheatears. The high levels of gene tree heterogeneity in wheatears are explained by ILS alone only for 30% of internal branches. For multiple branches with high gene tree heterogeneity, D-statistics and phylogenetic networks identified footprints of introgression. Finally, long branches without extensive ILS between clades sporting similar phenotypes provide suggestive evidence for the role of novel mutations in the evolution of these phenotypes. Together, our results suggest that convergent evolution in open-habitat chats involved diverse processes and highlight that phenotypic diversification is often complex and best depicted as a network of interacting lineages

    Sea surface temperature, rather than land mass or geographic distance, may drive genetic differentiation in a species complex of highly dispersive seabirds

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    Seabirds, particularly Procellariiformes, are highly mobile organisms with a great capacity for long dispersal, though simultaneously showing high philopatry, two conflicting life-history traits that may lead to contrasted patterns of genetic population structure. Landmasses were suggested to explain differentiation patterns observed in seabirds, but philopatry, isolation by distance, segregation between breeding and nonbreeding zones, and oceanographic conditions (sea surface temperatures) may also contribute to differentiation patterns. To our knowledge, no study has simultaneously contrasted the multiple factors contributing to the diversification of seabird species, especially in the gray zone of speciation. We conducted a multilocus phylogeographic study on a widespread seabird species complex, the little shearwater complex, showing highly homogeneous morphology, which led to considerable taxonomic debate. We sequenced three mitochondrial and six nuclear markers on all extant populations from the Atlantic (lherminieri) and Indian Oceans (bailloni), that is, five nominal lineages from 13 populations, along with one population from the eastern Pacific Ocean (representing the dichrous lineage). We found sharp differentiation among populations separated by the African continent with both mitochondrial and nuclear markers, while only mitochondrial markers allowed characterizing the five nominal lineages. No differentiation could be detected within these five lineages, questioning the strong level of philopatry showed by these shearwaters. Finally, we propose that Atlantic populations likely originated from the Indian Ocean. Within the Atlantic, a stepping-stone process accounts for the current distribution. Based on our divergence time estimates, we suggest that the observed pattern of differentiation mostly resulted from historical and current variation in sea surface temperatures

    Linked-read sequencing enables haplotype-resolved resequencing at population scale

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    The feasibility to sequence entire genomes of virtually any organism provides unprecedented insights into the evolutionary history of populations and species. Nevertheless, many population genomic inferences - including the quantification and dating of admixture, introgression and demographic events, and inference of selective sweeps - are still limited by the lack of high-quality haplotype information. The newest generation of sequencing technology now promises significant progress. To establish the feasibility of haplotype-resolved genome resequencing at population scale, we investigated properties of linked-read sequencing data of songbirds of the genus Oenanthe across a range of sequencing depths. Our results based on the comparison of downsampled (25x, 20x, 15x, 10x, 7x, and 5x) with high-coverage data (46-68x) of seven bird genomes mapped to a reference suggest that phasing contiguities and accuracies adequate for most population genomic analyses can be reached already with moderate sequencing effort. At 15x coverage, phased haplotypes span about 90% of the genome assembly, with 50 and 90 percent of phased sequences located in phase blocks longer than 1.25-4.6 Mb (N50) and 0.27-0.72 Mb (N90). Phasing accuracy reaches beyond 99% starting from 15x coverage. Higher coverages yielded higher contiguities (up to about 7 Mb/1Mb (N50/N90) at 25x coverage), but only marginally improved phasing accuracy. Phase block contiguity improved with input DNA molecule length; thus, higher-quality DNA may help keeping sequencing costs at bay. In conclusion, even for organisms with gigabase-sized genomes like birds, linked-read sequencing at moderate depth opens an affordable avenue towards haplotype-resolved genome resequencing at population scale

    Correcting the identification of two rare wheatear records in Israel

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    Volume: 132Start Page: 226End Page: 23

    A new taxon of small shearwater from the Indian Ocean

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    Volume: 116Start Page: 180End Page: 18

    The poorly known Moheli Shearwater Puffinus (persicus) temptator at the Comoro Islands, western Indian Ocean

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    Volume: 135Start Page: 216End Page: 22

    A new taxon of Collared Petrel Pterodroma brevipes from the Banks Islands, Vanuatu

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    Volume: 130Start Page: 286End Page: 30

    First Observations At Sea of Vanuatu Petrel Pterodroma (Cervicalis) Occulta

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    Volume: 130Start Page: 132End Page: 14

    Bulweria petrels off the Comoros, south-west Indian Ocean

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    Volume: 135Start Page: 348End Page: 35