13 research outputs found

    Meaning analysis in conjuction : shikashi and daga

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    従来、文章論の研究において接続表現は、文と文、文と連文などをつなぐ働きをもち、文脈展開の流れをたどる上で重要な機能を担ったている言語形式の1つと位置付けられる。時枝誠記(1950)は「文章の構造的特質は・・・思考展開の表現にある」と見て、接続詞を ..

    The Macrostructure of Column : Lexical Recurrence

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    本稿では日本の新聞コラムを取り上げ、その文章構造について語句の反復表現を手がかりに考察することを目的とする。 コラムは、『広辞苑』(第5版)によると「①円柱 ②新聞・雑誌の囲み記事。短評欄」とあり、『大辞林』(第2版)には「①新聞や雑誌で、短い評論などを載せる欄。また、その記事。罫で囲まれることが多い。 ..

    A Study on the Selection of DMARDs for the Combination Therapy with Adalimumab

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    We evaluated whether or not the effect of adalimumab (ADA) in combination with the disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) other than methotrexate (MTX) is comparable to the ADA+MTX therapy for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A total of 216 patients with active RA at Kohnan Kakogawa Hospital and Kobe University Hospital were enrolled. Clinical and functional outcomes were compared among 4 groups, ADA alone (A group), ADA + MTX (B group), ADA + MTX + other DMARDs (C group), and ADA + other DMARDs (D group), and the retention rates of ADA were evaluated with or without MTX. CRP was significantly decreased from initial measurement at 1 month in all 4 groups, but the continuous efficacy with the statistical significance at all measurement points were observed only in combination with MTX (P42.9%) were higher than that of D group (29.4%) at 2 year. An index of patients’ basic activities of daily living, M-HAQ score of A, B and C groups was also better than that of D group. While, looking at the mean changes of M-HAQ from the baseline at 2 years, potential effect of other DMARDs on M-HAQ was also suggested. The results show that ADA + MTX therapy is significantly superior than ADA + other DMARDs in ameliorating RA

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of MMP-3 as a predictor for structural remission in RA patients treated with MTX monotherapy

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    Annual changes in disease activity score in 28 joints-erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28-ESR) and European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) response. Figure S2. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showing that serum matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) levels measured at the outset of methotrexate (MTX) monotherapy can predict radiographic evidence of non-progression in male (a) and female (b) patients, respectively. Table S1. Relationship between disease activity score (DAS) and van der Heijde modified total Sharp score year-progression (∆TSS). (DOCX 1416 kb