5 research outputs found

    Explanation of the tunneling phenomena between the edges of two lateral quantum Hall systems

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    We identify the physics behind the results of recent measurements [W. Kang et al., Nature 403, 59 (2000)] of electron transfer between the edges of two two-dimensional electron systems (2DES). We find that a consistent explanation of all of the observed phenomena is possible if the barrier between the 2DES is surrounded by a strong potential well that supports quantum railroads of edge channels that, in the presence of disorder, exhibit directed localization.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Physica E (LT23 Proceedings

    Quantum railroads and directed localization at the juncture of quantum Hall systems

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    The integer quantum Hall effect (QHE) and one-dimensional Anderson localization (AL) are limiting special cases of a more general phenomenon, directed localization (DL), predicted to occur in disordered one-dimensional wave guides called "quantum railroads" (QRR). Here we explain the surprising results of recent measurements by Kang et al. [Nature 403, 59 (2000)] of electron transfer between edges of two-dimensional electron systems and identify experimental evidence of QRR's in the general, but until now entirely theoretical, DL regime that unifies the QHE and AL. We propose direct experimental tests of our theory.Comment: 11 pages revtex + 3 jpeg figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spin orientation and excitation of magnetic nanocluster on metal surface

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    The spin orientation and excitation of the ferromagnetic nanocluster on the magnetic metal surface are studied numerically. We show that localized magnetic excitation modes are generated by the spin fluctuation of the cluster, when the ferromagnetic interaction J′ between the cluster and the metal surface is small and the spins in the cluster are oriented in the opposite direction with those of the metal surface by the external field. This magnetic structure is similar to the domain wall (DW) structure of a ferromagnetic wire, both sides of which connect with metal surfaces. As the interaction J′ increases, the sign of the thermal average of the spins in the cluster changes, i.e., the spin-flip takes place. In this time, the magnetic fluctuation of the cluster becomes large and the magnetic excitation energies, except for that of one excitation mode, overlap with the excitation spectrum of the spin wave. We also show that, by the overlap, sharp peaks and dips occur in the excitation spectrum of the spin wave

    Ballistic transport in nanowires through non-magnetic or magnetic cavity

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    Ballistic transport phenomena through a region containing a cavity in a quasi-one-dimensional quantum nanowire are investigated. Conductance curves calculated as a function of a structural parameter show quantum interference effects on transport clearly. In a special geometry, very narrow periodic dips, which are attributable to the anti-resonance, appear on the conductance curve. The nature of the virtual bound state resulting in the anti-resonance is studied in detail. Electron conductions through a small dilute magnetic semiconductor are also investigated