128 research outputs found

    Development of a high-resolution two-dimensional detector-based dose verification system for tumor-tracking irradiation in the CyberKnife system

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    We aim to evaluate the basic characteristics of SRS MapCHECK (SRSMC) for CyberKnife (CK) and establish a dose verification system using SRSMC for the tumor-tracking irradiation for CK. The field size and angular dependence of SRSMC were evaluated for basic characterization. The output factors (OPFs) and absolute doses measured by SRSMC were compared with those measured using microDiamond and microchamber detectors and those calculated by the treatment planning system (TPS). The angular dependence was evaluated by comparing the SRSMC with a microchamber. The tumor-tracking dose verification system consists of SRSMC and a moving platform. The doses measured using SRSMC were compared with the doses measured using a microchamber and radiochromic film. The OPFs and absolute doses of SRSMC were within ±3.0% error for almost all field sizes, and the angular dependence was within ±2.0% for all incidence angles. The absolute dose errors between SRSMC and TPS tended to increase when the field size was smaller than 10 mm. The absolute doses of the tumor-tracking irradiation measured using SRSMC and those measured using a microchamber agreed within 1.0%, and the gamma pass rates of SRSMC in comparison with those of the radiochromic film were greater than 95%. The basic characteristics of SRSMC for CK presented acceptable results for clinical use. The results of the tumor-tracking dose verification system realized using SRSMC were equivalent to those of conventional methods, and this system is expected to contribute toward improving the efficiency of quality control in many facilities

    Nicaraven induces programmed cell death by distinct mechanisms according to the expression levels of Bcl-2 and poly (ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase in cancer cells

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    The PARP-1 expression level and poly (ADP-ribosyl)ation activity in cancer markedly affect the therapeutic outcome. Nicaraven, a free radical scavenger has been found to inhibit PARP, but the effect on cancer cells is still unclear. In this study, we investigated the potential role and molecular mechanism of nicaraven on cancer cells. Using U937 lymphoma cells and HCT-8 colorectal cancer cells, we found that nicaraven moderately reduced the cell viability of both cells in a dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, nicaraven significantly induced apoptosis of U937 cells that are dominantly expressing Bcl-2 but induced PAR-dependent cell death (parthanatos) of HCT-8 cells that are highly expressing poly (ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG). Based on our data, nicaraven seems to induce programmed cell death through distinct mechanisms, according to the expression levels of Bcl-2 and PARG in cancer cells

    Dipyridamole induces the phosphorylation of CREB to promote cancer cell proliferation

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    Dipyridamole, a traditional anti-platelet drug, has been reported to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. The present study aimed to investigate the possibility of dipyridamole as an adjuvant of chemotherapy by enhancing the cytotoxicity of an anti-cancer drug. The cytotoxicity of colorectal cancer cells (HCT-8), CD133+/CD44+ stem-like subpopulation of HCT-8 cells and lymphoma cells (U937) to dipyridamole and/or doxorubicin was evaluated using MTT proliferation and colony forming assays. The expression levels of phosphorylated cAMP-regulatory element-binding protein (pCREB) and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) in cells were analyzed via western blotting and immunofluores- cence. The present study reported controversial data regarding the anti-cancer effect of dipyridamole. Dipyridamole increased, rather than inhibited, the proliferation of HCT-8 and U937 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, it was found that dipyridamole significantly increased the expression levels of pCREB and PARP-1. However, the combined usage of dipyridamole significantly enhanced the cytotoxicity of doxorubicin to HCT-8 cells at particular doses. Based on the current findings, dipyridamole likely induces the phosphoryla- tion of CREB to promote the proliferation of cancer cells, but may enhance the cytotoxicity of anti-cancer drugs at particular doses

    Clinical clerkship students’ preferences and satisfaction regarding online lectures during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented disruption in medical education. Students and lecturers had to adapt to online education. The current study aimed to investigate the level of satisfaction and future preference for online lectures among clinical clerkship students and elucidated the factors that affect these outcomes. Methods: We selected a sample of 114 medical students undergoing clinical clerkship during the COVID-19 pandemic. We conducted onsite lectures before the pandemic and online lectures after the outbreak. A survey was conducted, and the sample included students and 17 lecturers. The average scores of total satisfaction and future preference related to online lectures were computed. Results: Students’ scores on total satisfaction with online lectures and their future preference were higher than those for onsite lectures. Scores on the ease of debating dimension were low and those on accessibility of lectures in online lectures were higher than those in onsite lectures. There was no difference between the two groups in the scores on the comprehensibility and ease of asking questions dimensions. Results of the multiple regression analysis revealed that accessibility determined total satisfaction, and future preference was determined by comprehensibility as well as accessibility. Contrary to students’ future preferences, lecturers favored onsite lectures to online ones. Conclusion: Online lectures are an acceptable mode of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic for students undergoing clinical clerkship. Online lectures are expected to become more pervasive to avoid the spread of COVID-19

    Boron Compounds for Neutron Capture Therapy in the Treatment of Brain Tumors

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    Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT), which uses the capture reaction between neutrons and boron-10, an isotope of boron, is rapidly gaining interest. The reason for this is the successful development of a compact accelerator-type neutron generator that can be installed in a hospital and launched into the clinical setting. BNCT, which provides selective radiotherapeutic effects at the cellular level, is expected to be effective against invasive cancer. We have been investigating BNCT applications in various types of malignant brain tumors, especially malignant gliomas, as medical applications. Recently, we have conducted clinical trials using the developed accelerator neutron source. Research on pharmaceutical applications of compounds that transport boron to cancer cells is expected to be in even greater need. Currently, the only boron agent used in cancer therapy is BPA (Borofaran 10B), which takes advantage of the demand for essential amino acids, but the research and development of boron agents are an absolutely key technology to further improve the precision of this treatment modality. This chapter summarizes and discusses the results of BNCT in the treatment of brain tumors

    Osteolytic bone lymphoma

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    Primary non-Hodgkin bone lymphoma (PBL) can involve solitary or multiple destructive bone lesions such as those of the femur or pelvis humerus, and some cases have osteolytic lesions. PBL is a rare disease in adults. Thus, PBL is rarely considered a differential diagnosis of the osteolytic tumor. In addition, PBL can be underdiagnosed because patients do not experience symptoms or show objective abnormalities in the early stage. Here, we reported an elderly patient with PBL in multiple bones, including the cranial and femoral bones that were fractured due to falling


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    Many commercially important fishes associate with drifting seaweeds in their juvenile stage, however, the ecological significance of drifting seaweeds for juvenile fishes is still unclear. We postulated that the following two hypotheses may be applicable for juvenile fishes associate with drifting seaweeds, the “concentration of food supply” hypothesis: juvenile fishes are attracted by phytal animals on the drifting seaweeds and the “indicator-log” hypothesis: fish use accumulations of drifting seaweed as an indicator of productive areas (e.g. frontal areas) for food. We investigated the frontal areas, zooplankton abundance around the drifting seaweed, and the food availability of fish juveniles associated with drifting seaweed accumulations in the East China Sea in 2012 and 2013. A total of 14 drifting seaweed mass and 22 species (n = 408) of fish juveniles were collected. We found that 49.7 - 99.7 % of the individual fed on planktonic food and the feeding incidence on phytal animals was less than 50 %. Although drifting seaweeds were aggregated around the frontal areas of surface currents, the zooplankton abundance was not significantly different between these frontal areas and other areas. Our findings indicate that ecological significance of drifting seaweeds as feeding habit is relatively low for juvenile fishes associated with drifting seaweeds.流れ藻には多くの水産上重要種の稚魚が付随するが,流れ藻の稚魚にとっての生態学的意義は明らかにされていない。筆者らは次の2仮説のいずれかが流れ藻付随稚魚に当てはまると考え,“concentration of food supply hypothesis”(流れ藻葉上生物を摂餌するため)と“indicator log hypothesis”(流れ藻をフロント域のような餌豊度の高い海域の目印とするため)を検証するため,2012年と2013年に東シナ海の流れ藻周辺の海洋環境,フロント域,動物プランクトン豊度,流れ藻付随稚魚の摂餌個体率を調べた。流れ藻は表層流の収束帯に集積されていたが,収束帯のプランクトン豊度は高くなかった。合計14個の流れ藻を採集し,合計22種(408尾)の稚魚の胃内容物を調査した結果,稚魚の49.7 - 99.7 %の個体はプランクトンを選択的に摂餌していたが,葉上生物の摂餌個体率は高くなかった(50 %未満)。以上の結果から流れ藻の稚魚にとっての生態学的意義は摂餌場でないことが示唆された