929 research outputs found

    The job description survey for analyzing experiences, knowledge and skills of institutional researcher in the U.S. higher education institutions

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    我が国において近年進む大学改革の中で,大学職員の高度専門職化は一つの重要課題となっている。特に,18歳人口減少社会を迎え,厳しい大学運営を迫られる現状においては,経営資源の有効化や,的確な大学経営判断が欠かせなくなっている。そのような中,データ分析や経営判断のための情報を集めるInstitutional Research(IR)は,様々な職種の中でも大きな注目を集めている。すでに,日本の一部大学にも広がっているが,必ずしもその形は一様でなく,全体的な定着に至るにはまだ課題もある。本論では,IRを早くから導入し,高度専門職化を進めてきたアメリカの事例から,大規模な大学の教職員の公募サイトであるHigherEdJobsを利用し,客観的な情報からIRを適切に運用するために求められる経験や能力を考察する。Professional development for the college and university’s staff is to be one of the vital issues in the recent university reform movement in Japan. Japanese higher education institutions face unfavorable financial conditions due to the decreasing 18 years old population. That make colleges and universities having management perspective for utilizing managerial resources and appropriate descion making in their management. Institutional Research (IR) is seen important work in the university administration and penetrate to Japanese higher education gradually. This study aim to point out the experiences, knowledge and skills of Institutional researcher through analyzing job description on recruiting website in U.S. as an advance case of IR

    Transabdominal Preperitoneal Repair for Obturator Hernia

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    信州大学博士(医学)・学位論文・平成23年3月31日授与(甲第889号)・横山隆秀Background A laparoscopic surgical approach for obturator hernia (OH) repair is uncommon. The aim of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair for OH. Methods From 2001 to May 2010, 659 patients with inguinal hernia underwent TAPP repair at in our institutes. Among these, the eight patients with OH were the subjects of this study. Results Three of the eight patients were diagnosed as having occult OH, and the other five were diagnosed preoperatively, by ultrasonography and/or computed tomography, as having strangulated OH. Bilateral OH was found in five patients (63%), and combined groin hernias, either unilaterally or bilaterally, were observed in seven patients (88%), all of whom had femoral hernia. Of the five patients with bowel obstruction at presentation, four were determined not to require resection after assessment of the intestinal viability by laparoscopy. There was one case of conversion to a two-stage hernia repair performed to avoid mesh contamination: addition of mini-laparotomy, followed by extraction of the gangrenous intestine for resection and anastomosis with simple peritoneal closure of the hernia defect in the first stage, and a Kugel hernia repair in the second stage. There was no incidence of postoperative morbidity, mortality, or recurrence. Conclusions Because TAPP allows assessment of not only the entire groin area bilaterally but also simultaneous assessment of the viability of the incarcerated intestine with a minimum abdominal wall defect, we believe that it is an adequate approach to the treatment of both occult and acutely incarcerated OH. Two-stage hernia repair is technically feasible in patients requiring resection of the incarcerated intestine.ArticleWORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY. 35(10):2323-2327 (2011)journal articl

    Gata6 Promotes GLI3 Repressor Activities in the Limb

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    Gli3 is a major regulator of Hedgehog signaling during limb development. In the anterior mesenchyme, GLI3 is proteolytically processed into GLI3R, a truncated repressor form that inhibits Hedgehog signaling. Although numerous studies have identified mechanisms that regulate Gli3 function in vitro, it is not completely understood how Gli3 function is regulated in vivo. In this study, we show a novel mechanism of regulation of GLI3R activities in limb buds by Gata6, a member of the GATA transcription factor family. We show that conditional inactivation of Gata6 prior to limb outgrowth by the Tcre deleter causes preaxial polydactyly, the formation of an anterior extra digit, in hindlimbs. A recent study suggested that Gata6 represses Shh transcription in hindlimb buds. However, we found that ectopic Hedgehog signaling precedes ectopic Shh expression. In conjunction, we observed Gata6 and Gli3 genetically interact, and compound heterozygous mutants develop preaxial polydactyly without ectopic Shh expression, indicating an additional prior mechanism to prevent polydactyly. These results support the idea that Gata6 possesses dual roles during limb development: enhancement of Gli3 repressor function to repress Hedgehog signaling in the anterior limb bud, and negative regulation of Shh expression. Our in vitro and in vivo studies identified that GATA6 physically interacts with GLI3R to facilitate nuclear localization of GLI3R and repressor activities of GLI3R. Both the genetic and biochemical data elucidates a novel mechanism by Gata6 to regulate GLI3R activities in the anterior limb progenitor cells to prevent polydactyly and attain proper development of the mammalian autopod

    Status of Acute Stroke Practice in Patients with a Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device

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    Although diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for acute stroke patients in Japan depend largely on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) must still rely on com-puted tomography (CT). We retrospectively analyzed clinical and neuroimaging data of ischemic stroke patients with CIED treated at our hospital. Forty-five patients were enrolled in the study. Patients were divided into two groups according to whether corresponding lesions were detected (group A, n = 21) or not detected (group B, n = 24) by the first brain CT. We also evaluated in detail the clinical courses of patients who arrived at hospital within therapeutic time windows for recanalization therapy. Negative fresh infarct in the first CT was associated, though not significantly, with early onset-to-arrival time and subcortical white matter infarction. Five patients did not undergo recanalization therapy because their families did not agree to the procedure. The reasons for their lack of consent included inadequate information about the safety and efficacy of recanalization therapy because MRI could not be performed. Our study confirmed delayed detection of the corresponding lesion and undertreatment for acute stroke in patients with CIED

    Rice yield and soil carbon dynamics over three years of applying rice husk charcoal to an Andosol paddy field

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    Rice husk charcoal (RC) produced from the pyrolysis of rice husk (RH) can be one of the cost-effective biochars for use in rice-based farming systems. This study investigated changes in rice yield and soil carbon sequestration over three years of RC application to an Andosol paddy field. The treatments were RC application at 0.02, 0.2, and 2 kg m−2 (RC0.02, RC0.2, and RC2, respectively), RH application at 0.2 kg m−2 (RH0.2), and a control with no RC or RH application (CONT). The results showed that RC2 increased culm length by 4% and straw weight by 14% on average over the three years. These increases in plant growth coincided with a higher level of silicon uptake by the rice plants, although they did not significantly affect grain yield. The soil carbon content was progressively increased by RC2 over the three years, whereas it was not significantly affected by RC0.02 or RC0.2. A considerable amount (>72%) of the applied carbon with RC2 remained in the soil by taking account of its downward movement below the 10 cm layer of the paddy field after three consecutive years of RC application. We conclude that rice husk charcoal application to Andosol paddy fields is an effective option for increasing carbon sequestration. Furthermore, the increase in silicon uptake by rice plants suggests that rice husk charcoal can also be functioning as a silicon fertilizer