874 research outputs found

    Association between Smoking and Dental Caries among People of Kolhapur District, Maharashtra, India

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    INTRODUCTION: Smoking as a public health problem, harms one’s general and oral well-being leading to increased morbidity and mortality.AIM: To find out the association between dental caries and smokers (current and past) with non-smokers among people of Kolhapur District, Maharashtra, India.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present cross-sectional study was conducted among 1366 (449 smokers, 440 past smokers and 447 non-smokers), and the patients were divided among three age groups (35-44, 45-60 and >60 years). Data was recorded using a pre-tested, pre-validated questionnaire recording the demographic details and modified DMFT index. The data was analyzed using t- test, calculation of Odd’s Ratio (OR) and logistic regression was applied to find out association, if any using a licensed SPSS version 22.0.RESULTS: It was revealed that the highest mean DMFT was seen among smokers (3.66±5.78) followed by past smokers(3.01±2.66) and non-smokers (3.01±2.66). Also, the maximum DMFT was seen among 35-44 years (3.82±2.4), which was found out to be significant as compared to past -smokers and non-smokers. Odd’s ratio analysis revealed that as compared to non-smokers, current smokers and past smokers were 1.6 and 1.1 respectively. The multiple regression analysis revealed that significant difference was seen between smoking(.01) and age (0.02) with respect to DMFT.CONCLUSION: Efforts are required by clinicians to educate people about the ill-effects of tobacco and provide tobacco cessation counselling to reduce the burden of morbidity and mortality caused by tobacco

    Performance of Guinea Grass Varieties in North Konkan Zone of Maharashtra

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    Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) is native to Africa but this grass was introduced to almost all tropical countries as a source of animal forage. It grows well on a wide variety of well drained soils of good fertility and it is suitable to stop soil erosion. It can survive quick moving fires which does not harm the underground roots and drought because of the deep, dense and fibrous root system. Guinea grass is a colonizer of disturbed sites, including roadsides, and particularly untended areas. This robust grass forms clumps and may foster soil erosion in invaded areas. Guinea grass is a perennial crop and may form quite large clumps. Commonly found at around 1.5 m tall, some individuals have recorded at 3 m tall. The leaf blades are long, narrow and finely tipped. They have a prominent mid-rib and are approximately 1 cm wide. Seed heads are large (up to 40 cm long) and are well-spread, with a large number of fine branches. Seeds are oblong in shape and are often purple in colour. Keeping the above context in view, the present investigation was carried out for studying the performance of Guinea grass varieties in north konkan zone of Maharashtra

    Performance of Bajra Napier Hybrid Varieties in North Konkan Zone of Maharashtra

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    Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) commonly referred to as elephant grass, is popular fodder crop for small scale dairy farmers in the high and medium potential dairy production areas of north konkan zone of Maharashtra under the cut & carry system of production. It is a fast growing, deeply rooted, perennial grass growing up to 4 m tall that can spread by underground stems to form thick ground cover. Napier is easy to establish and persistent, drought tolerant, suitable for cutting and very good for silage making. It is also used as a soil stabilizer in soil conservation methods and can be intercropped with various forage legumes. It is vulnerable to disease and pest attacks. It can be grown at an altitude of 2000 m above mean sea level. When grown at altitudes above 2000 m, growth and regeneration after cutting is slow and it may die due to frost. It does best in high rainfall areas, over 1500 mm per year. Napier grass can grow in almost any soils; but does best in deep, fertile, well drained soils. Keeping the above things in view, the present investigation was carried out to find out the suitable Bajra Napier Hybrid varieties for north konkan zone of Maharashtra

    The evaluation of toxic effect (LC 50) of endosulfan on female crab Brytelphusa guerini.

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    Man with extraordinary intellectual capability conquered the age; old traditional world by establishing modern technological world to cater the needs of all the human beings. As the most intelligent man acquired supremacy and mastery over each and every object on the earth and mode them to keep under his control. The paper deals with the organochlorine pesticide which is regularly used in agricultural purpose interact directly or indirectly with the biosphere spoils the biota flora and the fauna. The endosulfan toxicity calculated by LC 50 and effect of death rate found on the fresh water crab species Barytelphusa guerini. The paper details with mortality rate of experimental animals 50% at each 24 hours. It is calculated by statically and presented by graphically and tabulated by tables.&nbsp

    The lethal effect of dimethoate on heart beat rate of female crab Brytelphusa guerini.

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    The circulatory system is communicating organ system as it communicates with various systems of the body. It ensures proper distribution of the oxygen and nutrients apart from collection of metabolic waste and delivery to excretory organs like kidney. The circulatory body fluids transport various chemical substances necessary for metabolic continuity like hormones etc. The system of structures, consisting of the heart, blood vessels and blood is named as circulatory system. In these animals the system of cavities should be considered as a haemocoel and the blood which fulfils the characters of a circulatory fluid and those of inertial lymph should be caused haemolymph. The pigment haemocyanin is found in the blood of most crustaceans hence it has light blue color. The experimental animals collected from paddy field. The toxic effect of dimethoate resulted to disturb the regular working of heart. In this paper study about the heart rate of female crab. Barytelphusa guerini shows variations from 24 hr; 48 hr; 72 hr and 96 hours. The results are comparatively discussed with using graph and table

    The effect of endosulfan on behavioral activity on fresh water female crab Brytelphusa guerini.

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    Behavior includes all those process by which an animal senses the external world and internal state of its body, and responds to changes which it perceives. Many of such processes will take place inside the nervous system and may not be directly observed but reflected through the behavior of the animal. When a toxic compound is administered, some changes occur from the normal behavior, and they can be observed externally. These behavioral changes would be caused by the changes in the nervous system caused directly or through metabolic or physiological activities. The paper deals with toxic effect of endosulfan on fresh water female crab Barytelphusa guerini and its behavioral study. The experimental animal shows various activities which is recorded and discussed.  &nbsp

    Business Model for Developing the Courseware for e-Learning and Self Paced Learning of Programming Languages

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    Teaching and learning programming language is a challenging task at the undergraduate level. This paper focuses on the basic elements required in learning the programming languages at undergraduate level. In this paper authors share their experience of the development of course material using the multimedia tools. They found that it is difficult to maintain the system, as it requires constant development. They propose a component model in the continuing development of such multimedia courseware incorporating the industry with a business model to support this development

    Behavioral study of female crab Brytelphusa guerini under acute stress of dimethoate.

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    Behaviour includes all those process by which an animal senses the external world and internal state of its body, and responds to changes which it perceives. Many of such processes will take place inside the nervous system and may not be directly observed but reflected through the behaviour of the animal. When an organism is exposed to any toxic agent, some changes occur in the behaviour which can be observed externally. These behavioral changes may be co-related to they changes occurring in the nervous system, as different behavioural responses are sub-served wholly or partly be the different neural circuits which are distributed in the nervous system. Earlier reports revealed that there is a strong correlation between physiological activities, metabolic changes and behaviour of animals. The paper deals with toxic effect of dimethoate on fresh water female crab Barytelphusa guerini and its behavioural study. The experimental animal shows various activities which is recorded and discussed.  &nbsp
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