532 research outputs found

    How does experience change firms' foreign investment decisions to non-market events?

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    We examine how experience with two types of non-market risks (e.g., natural disasters and armed conflicts) changes foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions. Extending research on organizational learning and FDI, we hypothesize that the greater the experience with recent, frequent and high-intensity risk, the more likely that experience can moderate the relationship between non-market risks and firm international expansion. Given a sample of 625 Fortune Global 500 firms and their investments in 117 countries between 1999 and 2008, we find that experience with recent, frequent, and high-intensity risk can change a firm?s FDI decision from risk avoidance to risk management

    Balancing home unit visibility and integration in host unit:understanding differences in repatriation adjustment processes

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the question of whether the repatriation adjustment process varies with different combinations of duration and purpose of international assignments.Design/methodology/approach: A multiple-case study within one company was conducted based on in-depth interview data.Findings: The authors find that learning-driven international assignments are more beneficial for career growth and receive better organizational support, as assignees are able to maintain regular communication (visibility) with the home unit. On the other hand, those on demand-driven, long-duration international assignments need to have a closer connection (integration) with employees in the host unit and find it challenging to maintain high visibility in the home unit simultaneously.Originality/value: The authors contribute to existing research by highlighting that demand-driven assignees on longer assignments face greater challenges upon returning home. In addition, expatriates on short-term assignments face drastically fewer challenges than expatriates on longer assignments

    Balancing home unit visibility and integration in host unit:understanding differences in repatriation adjustment processes

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the question of whether the repatriation adjustment process varies with different combinations of duration and purpose of international assignments.Design/methodology/approach: A multiple-case study within one company was conducted based on in-depth interview data.Findings: The authors find that learning-driven international assignments are more beneficial for career growth and receive better organizational support, as assignees are able to maintain regular communication (visibility) with the home unit. On the other hand, those on demand-driven, long-duration international assignments need to have a closer connection (integration) with employees in the host unit and find it challenging to maintain high visibility in the home unit simultaneously.Originality/value: The authors contribute to existing research by highlighting that demand-driven assignees on longer assignments face greater challenges upon returning home. In addition, expatriates on short-term assignments face drastically fewer challenges than expatriates on longer assignments


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    The purpose of this study was to compare how knee kinematics and kinetics are influenced during single-leg landing in shod condition compared to barefoot condition. We hypothesized that the anterior tibial translation (ATT) and utilized coefficient of friction (uCoF) are greater in shod landing. Ten male subjects performed single-leg landing from a 0.3-m-high platform using their self-selected dominant lower limb under shod and barefoot condition. A force plate and a motion capture system were used for measuring ground reaction force and capturing kinematics data, respectively. The shod condition showed a significant higher ATT (p = 0.011) and uCoF (p = 0.022) at 30° flexion than barefoot condition. These findings would be considered as one of evidence that high shoe-surface friction increase ACL injury risks due to high ATT at extended knee position

    Decursinol chloroacrylates useful as fungicides

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    Natural products decursin and decursinol angelate were recently reported as benign fungicides for controlling rice blast. Inspired by the structural similarity of the cumarin compounds and gained hint from the skeletal motifs, we designed and prepared synthetic compounds to increase the natural product efficacy and evaluated their antifungal activities against various plant disease pathogens in vitro. Synthetically prepared compound 4 and 5 indeed suppressed the mycelial growth of B. cinerea, F. oxysporum, P. italicum, and R. quercus-mongolicae. Additionally, compound 5 effectively prevents the growth of C. coccodes and C. parasitica. Furthermore, both 4 and 5 possess better inhibitory activities on spore germination of F. oxysporum and M. oryzae than the natural product decursin and commercial pesticide Iprodione. These results suggest that the effect of the lead compound for plant disease protection can be improved by tuning the structure of the original natural product and decursinol chloroacrylates 4 and 5 are candidates for the control of F. oxysporum and M. oryzae.This work was supported by Research Resettlement Fund for the new faculty of Seoul National University (to Y. Kwon). Also, Rural Development Administration Republic of Korea supported this research (Project No. PJ016243022021 to H. Son)