97 research outputs found

    p38 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Regulates Oscillation of Chick Pineal Circadian Clock

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    Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and p38 are members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family, and in some cases these kinases serve for closely related cellular functions within a cell. In a wide range of animal clock structures, ERK plays an important role in the circadian time-keeping mechanism. Here we found that immunoreactivity to p38 protein was uniformly distributed among cells in the chick pineal gland. On the other hand, a constant level of activated p38 was detected over the day, predominantly in the follicular and parafollicular pinealocytes that are potential circadian clock-containing cells. Chronic application of SB203580, a selective and reversible inhibitor of p38, to the cultured chick pineal cells markedly lengthened the period of the circadian rhythm of the melatonin release (up to 28.7 h). Noticeably, despite no significant temporal change of activated p38 level, a 4-h pulse treatment with SB203580 delayed the phase of the rhythm only when delivered during the subjective day. These results indicate a time-of-day-specific role of continuously activated p38 in the period length regulation of the chick pineal clock and suggest temporally separated regulation of the clock by two MAPKs, nighttime-activated ERK and daytime-working p38

    Roles of Trans and ω Fatty Acids in Health; Special References to Their Differences between Japanese and American Old Men

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    Omega and trans-fatty acids play important roles in atherogenesis of vascular system. In this review, we discuss such roles in health; there are much differences in coronary heart disease (CHD) rates between the US and Japan. Fatty acids profiles in the plasma are related to risks of CHD. There have been few studies that compared plasma levels of fatty acids, including trans-fatty acids, in people in Japan and the US. Plasma levels of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (docosahexaenoic acid [DHA] and eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA]) were higher in Japanese men, and omega-6 fatty acids (e.g., arachidonic acid [AA]) were lower compared with American men. American people had higher plasma levels of the major industrially produced trans-fatty acids (IP-TFAs; elaidic and inoelaidic acids), and levels of the potentially cardioprotective, primarily ruminant-derived trans-fatty acid, palmitoelaidic acid (POA) were higher in Japanese men. Plasma levels of saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids were also higher in American men. Only intakes of preference drinks have significant correlation with plasma levels of palmitoelaidic acid and linoelaidic acid. The higher levels of DHA and EPA, along with the lower levels of the IP-TFAs, are consistent with the markedly lower risk for coronary heart disease in Japan vs. the US

    Measurement of Plasma Tryptophan Metabolites: Clinical and Experimental Application for Depression and Stress States Assessment

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    There are three pathways in tryptophan (TRP) metabolism. Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) pathway is important in mood, anxiety, memory, and cognition and is impaired in depression. Kynurenine (KYN) pathways are involved in immunity, inflammation, muscles movement, and mental health. We investigated changes in TRP metabolites in plasmas of stressed rats and in depressive patients. TRP metabolite levels in 5-HT and KYN pathways in various brain areas and plasma were increased soon after electric foot shock given to rats but returned to normal 24 h later. Plasma levels of 5-HT were very low or undetectable in patients of monopolar depression. 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA)/TRP ratios or KYN/TRP ratios were not different between healthy controls and depressive patients, indicating 5-HT quickly being degraded into 5-HIAA in patients of depression but KYN levels were not changed in depression. These results indicate that TRP metabolism changes upon stress application and in patients of depression

    Glucose or Sucrose Intakes and Plasma Levels of Essential and Nonessential Amino Acids

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    It is not known whether the administration of glucose or sucrose influences plasma levels of amino acids. We want to know whether plasma levels of amino acids and if the administration of glucose or sucrose are different in young and old men and are influenced by the administration of glucose or sucrose. We found that the levels of most amino acids in plasma are lower in old men than young men. When sucrose was administered to old men, levels of total amino acids decreased significantly in old men. In both old and young men plasma levels of total nonessential amino acids significantly decreased at 120 min. after the administration of glucose but not sucrose. On the other hand, total essential and branched amino acids levels decreased significantly after the administration of both glucose and sucrose in young and old men. From these results, responses to the administration of glucose were different from the response to sucrose between young and old men. Also glucose was more effective in decreasing plasma levels of various amino acids. These results seem to suggest that glucose was more effective in stimulating insulin release and young men were more responsive to sugar than old men in stimulating insulin release

    Congenital Multiple Ocular Motor Nerve Palsy Complicated by Splitting of the Lateral Rectus Muscle

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    We report a case of congenital multiple ocular motor nerve palsy combined with splitting of the lateral rectus muscle (LR). A 59-year-old Japanese female was investigated for worsening esotropia after corrective surgery. She presented with left hypertropia (35Δ) and esotropia (45-50Δ). Orbital magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed reduced belly sizes in the superior rectus, inferior rectus, and superior oblique muscles and splitting of the LR, extending from the origin to the belly, in the left eye. Splitting of the LR belly was detected on MRI in a case of congenital multiple ocular motor nerve palsy

    Roles of Glucose and Sucrose Intakes on the Brain Functions Measured by the Working Ability and Morris Maze

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    Sugars such as glucose or sucrose are considered hazardous foods because their intakes lead to obesity, further causing diabetes mellitus (DM), or cardiovascular diseases. However, glucose is needed for many brain functions such as memory and emotion among others. Glucose induces the secretion of insulin, which is needed for transportation of tryptophan from the blood to the brain. Serotonin, which is converted from tryptophan, is important for mood stability, control of emotion, and feeding is inhibited by serotonin in the hypothalamus. We discuss transportation of glucose from the blood to the glia cells. After glycolysis of glucose in the glia lactic acid is transported to cells such as glutaminergic neurons. After the release from neurons glutamic acid is taken up into glia cells and further to neurons again. Sucrose is degraded into glucose and fructose in the intestine thus intake of sucrose increases plasma levels of glucose. We show that intake of sucrose enhanced memory measured by Morris maze in rats and improved the working ability in humans. Roles of glucose and sucrose intakes are discussed together with the function of serotonin in feeding

    Food Intakes and Correlations between Food Intakes and Body Mass Index (BMI) in Japanese Old Men, Women, and Male Medical Doctors

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    Objective; Obesity is an important health problem, leading to many metabolic diseases such as type2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, cancer. The are many diet proposals to combat obesity. Since obesity is relatively rare in Japan, we wante to know what kind of foods influence body mass index (BMI) in old Japanese people. METHODS; Healthy participants, old men and women and male medical doctors (MD) were given self-administered diet history questionnaires and described answers on each item by recollection of diets they took (7 days dietary recall). We used a brief-type self-administered diet history questionnaire (BDHQ) by using which the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare reports national Nutrition Surveys. From these questionnaires, we calculated the intakes of energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein or other foods. RESULTS; Me take more alcohol, salt fruit, beans than women. Intakes of major foods such as carbohydrate, lipid, and protein did not influence BMI in men and women. MD with higher BMI tend to take vegetables and fruits. MD may be more health concerned than lay people. CONCLUSION; within the range of foods intakes in Japan, no restriction of any food such as carbohydrate is not necessary for staying lean. Medical doctors seem to be very health concerned compared to lay people

    A CRAF/glutathione-S-transferase P1 complex sustains autocrine growth of cancers with KRAS and BRAF mutations

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    The Ras/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway is an essential signaling cascade for various refractory cancers, such as those with mutant KRAS (mKRAS) and BRAF (mBRAF). However, there are unsolved ambiguities underlying mechanisms for this growth signaling thereby creating therapeutic complications. This study shows that a vital component of the pathway CRAF is directly impacted by an end product of the cascade, glutathione transferases (GST) P1 (GSTP1), driving a previously unrecognized autocrine cycle that sustains proliferation of mKRAS and mBRAF cancer cells, independent of oncogenic stimuli. The CRAF interaction with GSTP1 occurs at its N-terminal regulatory domain, CR1 motif, resulting in its stabilization, enhanced dimerization, and augmented catalytic activity. Consistent with the autocrine cycle scheme, silencing GSTP1 brought about significant suppression of proliferation of mKRAS and mBRAF cells in vitro and suppressed tumorigenesis of the xenografted mKRAS tumor in vivo. GSTP1 knockout mice showed significantly impaired carcinogenesis of mKRAS colon cancer. Consequently, hindering the autocrine loop by targeting CRAF/GSTP1 interactions should provide innovative therapeutic modalities for these cancers

    米飯, 食パン, レトルト米飯のレジスタントスターチの定量

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    In order to examine and compare the content of resistant starch (RS) under different conditions, the amount of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in boiled rice (A. boiled, B. boiled and frozen and defrosted), purchased bread (A. just after purchase, B. frozen and defrosted), and retort rice (A. microwaved, B. microwaved and frozen and defrosted) were measured using the Englyst method. The results were as follows: There was no difference in the content of NSP in the boiled rice A and B. The amount of NSP content in the purchased bread A was lower than that in the purchased bread B. Therefore, we could not calculate the amount of RS. The NSP content of the retort rice B was higher than that of the retort rice A. The RS content of the retort rice was 1.0±0.8 (g/100 g). The NSP content of the purchased bread was significantly higher than that of the boiled rice and retort rice