45 research outputs found

    Oxidation of P700 Ensures Robust Photosynthesis

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    In the light, photosynthetic cells can potentially suffer from oxidative damage derived from reactive oxygen species. Nevertheless, a variety of oxygenic photoautotrophs, including cyanobacteria, algae, and plants, manage their photosynthetic systems successfully. In the present article, we review previous research on how these photoautotrophs safely utilize light energy for photosynthesis without photo-oxidative damage to photosystem I (PSI). The reaction center chlorophyll of PSI, P700, is kept in an oxidized state in response to excess light, under high light and low CO2 conditions, to tune the light utilization and dissipate the excess photo-excitation energy in PSI. Oxidation of P700 is co-operatively regulated by a number of molecular mechanisms on both the electron donor and acceptor sides of PSI. The strategies to keep P700 oxidized are diverse among a variety of photoautotrophs, which are evolutionarily optimized for their ecological niche

    Oxidation of P700 in Photosystem I Is Essential for the Growth of Cyanobacteria

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    The Liverwort, Marchantia

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    Overexpression of flv3 improves photosynthesis in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 by enhancement of alternative electron flow

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    markdownabstract__Abstract__ _Book summary_: Experts are increasingly relied on in decision-making processes at international and European levels. Their involvement in those processes, however, is contested. This timely book on the role of 'experts' provides a broad-gauged analysis of the issues raised by their involvement in decision-making processes. The chapters explore three main recurring themes: the rationales for involving experts and ensuing legitimacy problems; the individual and collective dimensions of expert involvement in decision making; and experts and politics and the politics of expertise. With contributions from leading scholars and practitioners, they theorize the experts' involvement in general and address their role in the policy areas of environment, trade, human rights, migration, financial regulation, and agencification in the European Union

    Photosynthetic Linear Electron Flow Drives CO2 Assimilation in Maize Leaves

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    Photosynthetic organisms commonly develop the strategy to keep the reaction center chlorophyll of photosystem I, P700, oxidized for preventing the generation of reactive oxygen species in excess light conditions. In photosynthesis of C4 plants, CO2 concentration is kept at higher levels around ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) by the cooperation of the mesophyll and bundle sheath cells, which enables them to assimilate CO2 at higher rates to survive under drought stress. However, the regulatory mechanism of photosynthetic electron transport for P700 oxidation is still poorly understood in C4 plants. Here, we assessed gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, electrochromic shift, and near infrared absorbance in intact leaves of maize (a NADP-malic enzyme C4 subtype species) in comparison with mustard, a C3 plant. Instead of the alternative electron sink due to photorespiration in the C3 plant, photosynthetic linear electron flow was strongly suppressed between photosystems I and II, dependent on the difference of proton concentration across the thylakoid membrane (ΔpH) in response to the suppression of CO2 assimilation in maize. Linear relationships among CO2 assimilation rate, linear electron flow, P700 oxidation, ΔpH, and the oxidation rate of ferredoxin suggested that the increase of ΔpH for P700 oxidation was caused by the regulation of proton conductance of chloroplast ATP synthase but not by promoting cyclic electron flow. At the scale of intact leaves, the ratio of PSI to PSII was estimated almost 1:1 in both C3 and C4 plants. Overall, the photosynthetic electron transport was regulated for P700 oxidation in maize through the same strategies as in C3 plants only except for the capacity of photorespiration despite the structural and metabolic differences in photosynthesis between C3 and C4 plants

    Regulation of the generation of reactive oxygen species during photosynthetic electron transport

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    International audienceLight capture by chlorophylls and photosynthetic electron transport bury the risk of the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) including singlet oxygen, superoxide anion radicals and hydrogen peroxide. Rapid changes in light intensity, electron fluxes and accumulation of strong oxidants and reductants increase ROS production. Superoxide is mainly generated at the level of photosystem I while photosystem II is the main source of singlet oxygen. ROS can induce oxidative damage of the photosynthetic apparatus, however, ROS are also important to tune processes inside the chloroplast and participate in retrograde signalling regulating the expression of genes involved in acclimation responses. Under most physiological conditions light harvesting and photosynthetic electron transport are regulated to keep the level of ROS at a non-destructive level. Photosystem II is most prone to photoinhibition but can be quickly repaired while photosystem I is protected in most cases. The size of the transmembrane proton gradient is central for the onset of mechanisms that protect against photoinhibition. The proton gradient allows dissipation of excess energy as heat in the antenna systems and it regulates electron transport. pH-dependent slowing down of electron donation to photosystem I protects it against ROS generation and damage. Cyclic electron transfer and photoreduction of oxygen contribute to the size of the proton gradient. The yield of singlet oxygen production in photosystem II is regulated by changes in the midpoint potential of its primary quinone acceptor. In addition, numerous antioxidants inside the photosystems, the antenna and the thylakoid membrane quench or scavenge ROS

    Characterization of Light-Enhanced Respiration in Cyanobacteria

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    In eukaryotic algae, respiratory O2 uptake is enhanced after illumination, which is called light-enhanced respiration (LER). It is likely stimulated by an increase in respiratory substrates produced during photosynthetic CO2 assimilation and function in keeping the metabolic and redox homeostasis in the light in eukaryotic cells, based on the interactions among the cytosol, chloroplasts, and mitochondria. Here, we first characterize LER in photosynthetic prokaryote cyanobacteria, in which respiration and photosynthesis share their metabolisms and electron transport chains in one cell. From the physiological analysis, the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 performs LER, similar to eukaryotic algae, which shows a capacity comparable to the net photosynthetic O2 evolution rate. Although the respiratory and photosynthetic electron transports share the interchain, LER was uncoupled from photosynthetic electron transport. Mutant analyses demonstrated that LER is motivated by the substrates directly provided by photosynthetic CO2 assimilation, but not by glycogen. Further, the light-dependent activation of LER was observed even with exogenously added glucose, implying a regulatory mechanism for LER in addition to the substrate amounts. Finally, we discuss the physiological significance of the large capacity of LER in cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae compared to those in plants that normally show less LER