34 research outputs found

    Factors related to self-educability in Female Adolescents : From the viewpoint of the psychological function of “Ibasho”

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    This study was made in order to clarify the relationship between self-educability and the psychological function of “Ibasho”. Participants (99 college students who specialized preschool education) completed a questionnaire. Results indicated that self-affirmative feeling had an influence on 4 dimensions of self-educability, interest in learning subjects, self-directed thinking, skillfulness of learning method, and independence. On the other hand, we comfirmed the negative effects of mental stability on self-directed thinking, independence, and influence of freedom from others on self-actualization. The result was discussed from the viewpoint of self-esteem, social support, cognition of rival, and close friendship

    Effect of repeated presentation to the ignored stimulus on inhibition

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    The aim of this study is to determine whether a set to a distracter enhances an inhibitation effect. This study confirmed this hypothesis by examination of inhibition effect under three condition: (1) the repeated ignored condition, where the ignored picture was in the same category as the next target and remained the same throughout the task, (2) ignored condition, where the ignored picture was in the same category as the next target, but the ignored picture varied in each trial, and (3) the comparative condition, where the ignored picture was not in the same category as the next target and varied in each trial. In Experiment 1, inhibition effect in repeated ignored condition was greater than ignored condition. In Experiment 2, interference in repeated ignored condition was lesser than ignored condition. These data suggests that a set to a distracter enhances the inhibitation effect and reduces the interference from the distracter

    Possible interpretations of the joint observations of UHECR arrival directions using data recorded at the Telescope Array and the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The correlation between perceived-aged person and self-evaluation

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    マズロー(1987)は,自己を尊重している人間の知覚は歪曲されることは比較的少ないが,そうでない人間の知覚は願望や希望により歪曲されると考えている.本研究の目的は,自己評価が知覚に及ぼす影響について検討することであった.専門学校生(N=73)に自己評価尺度(溝上1999)および高齢者像の評定を求めた.自己評価の高低によって被験者をグループ化し,群間に高齢者像にちがいがみられるか検討した.結果,自己基準による自己評価と高齢者像との間には関連がみられなかった.しかしながら,社会基準による自己評価と高齢者像との間には関連がみられ 自己の長所を高く評価し短所を低く評価する被験者は,長所・短所ともに低く評価する被験者よりも高齢者を「小さい」ものとしてとらえることがわかった.また,自己の長所を高く評価し短所を低く評価する被験者は,長所を低く評価し短所を高く評価する被験者に比べて,高齢者を「やさしい」ものとしてとらえることがわかった.これらの結果は,自己評価がものの知覚に影響を及ばすことを示唆する結果である

    Effects of Figural Alignment on the Discrimination of Oblique Figures by Young Children

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    On validity of concepts on inhibitation theory

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    The aim of this paper was to examine appropriateness of the means and procedures on negative priming task and concepts on inhibition theory (Tipper & Cranston, 1985). In negative priming tasks, when subjects response a stimulus, which was ingnored in the previous trial, the RTs were significantly delayed. This is familiar enough phenomenon, which was known and described as "negative priming effect". One of interpretations of this phenomenon is inhibition theory. According to this theory, when subjects ignore distactors in N-1 trial, inhibition mechanism keeps the representations of the distractors suppression. Thus, in N trial when subjects response the stumulus which was a distractor in N-1 trial, activation of the representation require time. In this paper, I demonstrated that this theory is circular reasoning

    Sex-roles cognition and belief in pre-service early childhood teacher training courses

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    本研究は保育士養成課程に在籍する学生(N=71)の性役割認知と保育観との関連について検討した.第1の目的は性別により性役割認知にちがいが見られるか否かを検討することであった.MFH-SCale(伊藤1983)を性役割認知の測定に用いた結果,Masculinity,Femininty, Humanityのいずれの性役割認知の得点についても性別のちがいによる差はみられなかった.また,第2の目的は性役割認知のちがいにより保育観にちがいが見られるか否かを検討することであった.各性役割認知得点に関して各算術平均値を基準に各調査対象者を上位群と下位群とに分類した後,Child Centered orientation Belief Scale と Basic Skills orientation Belier Scale得点に関して,性別および性役割認知得点の上位・下位をブロック因子として2要因分散分析を行った.結果,Child Centered orientation Belief Scaleの得点に関してのみ性別の要因と上位群・下位群の要因の交互作用効果が唯一有意水準に達した.LSD検定を用いて下位検定を行ったところ,Femininityの低い女性(M=2.51)はFemininityの低い男性(M=2.31)に比べてChild Centered orientation Belief Scaleの得点が高いことが分かった(p<.05)

    The effect of inhibition on interference

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether the greater inhibition reduces the interference of the ignored stimulus (inhibition-build-up hypotheses ; Tipper & Cranston, 1985). Tipper & Cranston (1985) has proposed that when same stimulus is repeatedly ignored (repeated ignored condition), inhibition builds up and reduces the interference of the ignored stimulus. Adults were administered tasks of visual selective attention. They were requested to categorize target pictures, and not to response the ignored pictures. Relative to comparative condition (where an non-semantic picture as the ignored stimulus is presented throughout task), RTs in ignored condition (where the ignored stimulus varies in each trials and is never the same as the subsequent ignored stimulus) were slower for responses to a target. But. RTs in repeated ignored condition (where the ignored stimulus is the same throughout task) and RTs in comparative condition showed no significant difference. Also, relative to ignored condition, interference effect is smaller. This result is suggested that the greater inhibition reduces the interference. Interpretation of this result and further study are briefly discussed