8,039 research outputs found

    Charge ordering and interlayer phase coherence in quantum Hall superlattices

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    The possibility of the existence of states with a spontaneous interlayer phase coherence in multilayer electron systems in a high perpendicular to the layers magnetic field is investigated. It is shown that phase coherence can be established in such systems only within individual pairs of adjacent layers, while such coherence does not exist between layers of different pairs. The conditions for stability of the state with interlayer phase coherence against transition to a charge-ordered state are determined. It is shown that in the system with the number of layers N\leq 10 these conditions are satisfied at any value of the interlayer distance d. For N>10 there are two intervals of stability: at sufficiently large and at sufficiently small d. For N\to \infty the stability interval in the region of small d vanishesComment: 10 page

    Phase transformation B1 to B2 in TiC, TiN, ZrC and ZrN under pressure

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    Phase stability of various phases of MX (M = Ti, Zr; X = C, N) at equilibrium and under pressure is examined based on first-principles calculations of the electronic and phonon structures. The results reveal that all B1 (NaCl-type) MX structures undergo a phase transition to the B2-structures under high pressure in agreement with the previous total-energy calculations. The B1-MX structures are dynamically stable under very high pressure (210-570 GPa). The pressure-induced B2 (CsCl-type) MC phases are dynamically unstable even at high pressures, and TiN and ZrN are found to crystallize with the B2-structure only at pressures above 55 GPa. The first-order B1-to-B2 phase transition in these nitrides is not related to the softening of phonon modes, and the dynamical instability of B2-MX is associated with a high density of states at the Fermi level.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Quantitative assessment of reentrainment in the electrocyclone

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    The paper was devoted to the investigation of the reentrainment which was a parasitic effect incipient at the gas-cleaning systems – cyclones. It was demonstrated that the reentrainment arises at the speed of the aerosol from 14 to 27 m/sec. The quantitative characteristics of the reentrainment were determined.The research project has been supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 14–08–00046а)

    Stability of Sarma phases in density imbalanced electron-hole bilayer systems

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    We study excitonic condensation in an electron-hole bilayer system with unequal layer densities at zero temperature. Using mean-field theory we solve the BCS gap equations numerically and investigate the effects of intra-layer interactions. We analyze the stability of the Sarma phase with \bk,-\bk pairing by calculating the superfluid mass density and also by checking the compressibility matrix. We find that with bare Coulomb interactions the superfluid density is always positive in the Sarma phase, due to a peculiar momentum structure of the gap function originating from the singular behavior of the Coulomb potential at zero momentum and the presence of a sharp Fermi surface. Introducing a simple model for screening, we find that the superfluid density becomes negative in some regions of the phase diagram, corresponding to an instability towards a Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) type superfluid phase. Thus, intra-layer interaction and screening together can lead to a rich phase diagram in the BCS-BEC crossover regime in electron-hole bilayer systems

    Superfluidity of electron-hole pairs in randomly inhomogeneous bilayer systems

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    In bilayer systems electron-hole (e-h) pairs with spatially separated components (i.e., with electrons in one layer and holes in the other) can be condensed to a superfluid state when the temperature is lowered. This article deals with the influence of randomly distributed inhomogeneities on the superfluid properties of such bilayer systems in a strong perpendicular magnetic field. Ionized impurities and roughenings of the conducting layers are shown to decrease the superfluid current density of the e-h pairs. When the interlayer distance is smaller than or close to the magnetic length, the fluctuations of the interlayer distance considerably reduce the superfluid transition temperature.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Kinetic simulations of X-B and O-X-B mode conversion

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    We have performed fully-kinetic simulations of X-B and O-X-B mode conversion in one and two dimensional setups using the PIC code EPOCH. We have recovered the linear dispersion relation for electron Bernstein waves by employing relatively low amplitude incoming waves. The setups presented here can be used to study non-linear regimes of X-B and O-X-B mode conversion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Drag of superfluid current in bilayer Bose systems

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    An effect of nondissipative drag of a superfluid flow in a system of two Bose gases confined in two parallel quasi two-dimensional traps is studied. Using an approach based on introduction of density and phase operators we compute the drag current at zero and finite temperatures for arbitrary ratio of densities of the particles in the adjacent layers. We demonstrate that in a system of two ring-shape traps the "drag force" influences on the drag trap in the same way as an external magnetic flux influences on a superconducting ring. It allows to use the drag effect to control persistent current states in superfluids and opens a possibility for implementing a Bose analog of the superconducting Josephson flux qubit.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, new section is added, refs are adde

    Stationary waves in a superfluid exciton gas in quantum Hall bilayers

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    Stationary waves in a superfluid magnetoexciton gas in nu = 1 quantum Hall bilayers are considered. The waves are induced by counter-propagating electrical currents that flow in a system with a point obstacle. It is shown that stationary waves can emerge only in imbalanced bilayers in a certain diapason of currents. It is found that the stationary wave pattern is modified qualitatively under a variation of the ratio of the interlayer distance to the magnetic length d/l. The advantages of use graphene-dielectric-graphene sandwiches for the observation of stationary waves are discussed. We determine the range of parameters (the dielectric constant of the layer that separates two graphene layers and the ratio d/l) for which the state with superfluid magnetoexcitons can be realized in such sandwiches. Typical stationary wave patterns are presented as density plotsComment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Phases of the excitonic condensate in two-layer graphene

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    Two graphene monolayers that are oppositely charged and placed close to each other are considered. Taking into account valley and spin degeneracy of electrons we analyze the symmetry of the excitonic insulator states in such a system and build a phase diagram that takes into account the effect of the symmetry breaking due to the external in-plane magnetic field and the carrier density imbalance between the layers.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl