272 research outputs found

    Agriculture, nutrition and gender in India

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    The South Asian region has one of the highest rates of child and maternal undernutrition in the world. Undernutrition is widespread and persistent even in India despite its relatively strong economic performance and is particularly high in rural areas and among those in agriculture based livelihoods. Though agriculture has the enormous potential to contribute to improvements in undernutrition, the evidence so far in the Indian context demonstrates weak linkages between agriculture and nutrition . This research brief summarises the key findings from the different studies focusing on women’s agency and nutrition undertaken by LANSA in India.Department for International Development (DFID)UKAI

    Agriculture-nutrition linkages and child undernutrition in India

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    The South Asian region and in particular India, has one of the highest rates of child undernutrition in the world, and is home to around 40 per cent of the global total of children who are stunted. Child stunting has been shown to have severe lifelong economic, health, and cognitive disadvantages and costs. Despite improvements in some states in recent years, the levels continue to be high. Understanding the reasons for the high prevalence of child undernutrition in India in the face of the relatively strong economic performance has emerged as an important research topic and is an area of focus of LANSA’s research in the region. Under the research theme, ‘How enabling is the wider context in linking agriculture and food systems to other determinants of nutritional status?’, LANSA research in India focuses on understanding the barriers and facilitators to nutrition-sensitive agricultural development in the country. The analyses and empirical work on the available large secondary datasets from India are expected to elaborate on the pathways that connect agriculture and nutrition and the type and degree of interaction with other non-food drivers. This research brief summarises the key findings from some of the studies undertaken by LANSA partners, on agriculture-nutrition linkages and child undernutrition in India.Department for International Development (DFID)UKAI

    Prosthesis for a Case of Subtotal Orbital Exenteration

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    Aims and objectives: To rehabilitate a patient with subtotal orbital exenteration defect. Case description: A 32 year old male with history of carcinoma of ethmoid, treated surgically with subtotal orbital exenteration presented with a defect communicating with the pharynx. He was rehabilitated with a prosthetic eye. Conclusion: A two piece cast with a removable part containing the defect made it very easy to fabricate the prosthesis. Patient was happy with the appearance and expressed satisfaction.&nbsp

    Importance of WASH and Healthcare for enabling Agriculture-Nutrition linkages in India

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    State and district level studies linking child undernutrition to agricultural prosperity and provisioning of public services highlight the importance of public health provisioning such as sanitation, vaccination and healthcare facilities in rural areas, public provisioning for maternal health and women’s education as well as social provisioning of food. This policy brief discusses the following focus polices and programmes: National Health Mission; Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 2014; Draft National Policy for Women 2016; Draft National Plan of Action for Children 2016; National Food Security Act 2013; National Policy for Empowerment of Women 2001.Department for International Development (DFID)UKAI

    Women in Agriculture and Nutrition in India

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    Policy debates around agriculture and nutrition and the crucial role of women needs to be informed by evidence that research programmes like LANSA generate. The available evidence recommends the recognition of women’s roles in agriculture and nutrition. This Policy Brief looks at the following focus polices and programmes: Draft National Policy for Women 2016; National Policy for Empowerment of Women 2001; Supplementary Nutrition Programme under ICDS; National Nutrition Policy 1993; National Food Security Act 2013; National Policy for Farmers 2007.Department for International Development (DFID)UKAI

    Multi-color imaging in a unilateral central retinal artery occlusion following dengue fever: A case report and literature review

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    Background: Dengue fever is associated with various sight-threatening ocular manifestations, some of which can occur several months after fever. These include subconjunctival hemorrhage, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal hemorrhage, cotton wool spots, central and branch retinal artery occlusion, central scotoma, papilledema, optic neuropathy, retinal vasculitis, retinitis, retinal pigment epithelium mottling, foveolitis, choroidal effusion, exudative retinal detachment, anterior uveitis, endogenous endophthalmitis, and panophthalmitis. Herein, we report a patient with unilateral central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) and raised dengue immunoglobulin G (IgG) titers who underwent serial multimodal imaging with fundus photography, spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), and multi-color imaging (MCI). Furthermore, we reviewed recent publications highlighting different eye diseases and the role of MCI in their diagnosis and serial monitoring. Case presentation: A 53-year-old Asian Indian woman complained of blurring of vision in the right eye (OD) two months after a bout of fever. Her best-corrected distance visual acuity was finger counting close to the face in the OD and 20/40 in the left eye. CRAO of the OD was diagnosed. Systemic investigations were normal except for elevated dengue IgG levels. Optical coherence tomography and fluorescein angiography confirmed this diagnosis. MCI and SD-OCT using Spectralis™ performed before and after treatment with oral steroids demonstrated improvement. MCI served as a noninvasive ancillary tool for monitoring the CRAO. In addition to the case report, we summarize articles pertaining to MCI published during the years 2018–2022. The list is not exhaustive but highlights salient features of different retinal and choroidal disorders evaluated using MCI. Our summary highlights the role of MCI in the diagnosis and serial monitoring of eye diseases. Conclusions: A diagnosis of post-dengue fever retinal artery occlusion should be made after ruling out other causes of retinal artery vascular occlusion. We demonstrated retinal changes using serial imaging. MCI can be a useful tool, along with SD-OCT, to monitor clinical improvement. Optometrists can follow up patients with retinal vascular occlusions using noninvasive methods

    Leveraging Agriculture for Child and Adolescent Nutrition in India

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    Ensuring access and safety of food to meet the nutritional requirements of proteins, calories and micronutrients in infancy and childhood from six months of age needs to be a priority in India. This Policy Brief looks at the following focus polices and programmes: Supplementary Nutrition Programme under ICDS; Mid-Day Meal Scheme; National Nutrition Policy 1993; Draft National Plan of Action for Children 2016; National Food Security Act 2013.Department for International Development (DFID)UKAI

    Tear biomarkers for keratoconus

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    Keratoconus is a progressive corneal thinning, ectatic condition, which affects vision. Recent advances in corneal topography measurements has helped advance proper diagnosis of this condition and increased research and clinical interests in the disease etiopathogenesis. Considerable progress has been achieved in understanding the progression of the disease and tear fluid has played a major role in the progress. This review discusses the importance of tear fluid as a source of biomarker for keratoconus and how advances in technology have helped map the complexity of tears and thereby molecular readouts of the disease. Expanding knowledge of the tear proteome, lipidome and metabolome opened up new avenues to study keratoconus and to identify probable prognostic or diagnostic biomarkers for the disease. A multidimensional approach of analyzing tear fluid of patients layering on proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics is necessary in effectively decoding keratoconus and thereby identifying targets for its treatment

    Original Research Article Effect of Radiotherapy on Flexural Strength of Luting Cementsan In Vitro Study

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    Aim - The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the flexural strength of luting cements due to radiotherapy. Methodology- Total of 90 rectangular specimens of 25×2×2 mm dimension were fabricated by utilizing the putty consistency polyvinyl siloxane rubber mould. They were grouped based on their type. Group A included 30 specimens made of zinc phosphate cement, Group B included 30 specimens fabricated using glass ionomer luting cement, and Group C consisted of 30 specimen’s fabricated using resin luting cement. Once the specimens were set, they were stored in distilled water between the experiments. After 24 hours, 15 from each group of the mentioned cements were subjected to irradiation fractionally upto 60 Gy by a Cobalt-60 external beam machine. Remaining specimens from each group were used as controls. After radiotherapy, the specimens were stored in distil water for 24 hours until performing the 3 point bend test. All the specimens were subjected to 3 point bend test on universal testing machine for checking flexural strength. Statistics- Kruskal Wallis Test followed by Mann Whitney test as post hoc analysis was used to compare the mean values of different parameters between three groups of Irradiated and controlled samples. The level of significance was set at P<0.05. Results- After exposure to fractional irradiation for 4 weeks, in the zinc phosphate luting cement (Group-A) and glass ionomer luting cement (Group-B), showed a slight decrease in flexural strength. The resin luting cement (Group-C) showed slight increase in flexural strength. Conclusion- Among all the groups, the resin luting cement showed a slight increase in flexural strength when compared to the other luting cement groups after fractional irradiatio


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    Septic arthritis is a condition initiated by pathogenic inoculation of joints either by direct or hematogenous route, necessitating immediate medical attention. Among aerobic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus spp. are commonly found in association with septic joints. Anaerobes are very rarely involved in the causation of septic arthritis with an estimated rate of <1%. We are presenting a case of septic arthritis of knee joint by Parvimonas micra and Fusobacterium nucleatum, both being constituents of microbial flora in the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. Gram stain and anaerobic culture incorporated along with the aerobic culture of synovial fluid have played an important role in the preliminary diagnosis of anaerobic septic arthritis in this case
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