6 research outputs found


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    Author Institution: Chemical Kinetics Division, Center for Chemical Technology National Institute of Standards and Technology; Chemical Kinetics Division, Center for Chemical Technology; Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota at Duluth; Department of Environmental Chemistry and Biology, Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public HealthThe electronic spectrum of C35Cl3C^{35}Cl_{3} radicals was observed between 336-440 ni using mass resolved resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy. This spectrum arose from two-photon resonances with planar Rydberg states. A third laser photon ionized the radicals. One Rydberg series of quantum defect δ=0.545\delta= 0.545 is comprised of the Eˉ2E′\bar{E} 2_{E^{\prime}} (3p) state (ν0−0=47170,w1(a1′(\nu_{0-0}=47170, w_{1}(a^{\prime}_{1} sym scr) = 544(6), ω2′(a2′′\omega^{\prime}_{2}(a_{2}^{\prime\prime} OPLA) = 509(21), spin-orbit splitting = 33(5)cm−133(5) cm^{-1}) and the K~E′2(4p)\tilde{K} ^{2}_{E^{\prime}} (4p) state (ν0−0=56236,ω2′=526(16)cm1)(\nu_{0-0}= 56236, \omega_{2}^{\prime}= 526(16) cm^{1}). A second Rydberg series of δ=0,50\delta =0,50 is comprised of the Fˉ(3d)(ν0−0)=51218cm−1,ω2′=520(17)cm−1\bar{F} (3d) (\nu_{0-0})=51218 cm^{-1}, \omega_{2}^{\prime}=520(17) cm^{-1} and Mˉ(4d)(ν0−0=57733cm−1,ω2′=542(16)cm1)\bar{M} (4d) (\nu_{0-0}= 57733 cm^{-1}, \omega_{2}^{\prime}= 542(16) cm^{1}) states. A fit of the Rydberg formuls to these series found the adiabatic ionization potential of the CCl3CCl_{3} radical to be 1Pn=B.109(5)eV1P_{n}=B.109(5) eV. The Jˉ2A2′(4s)\bar{J} ^{2}A_{2}^{\prime}(4s) Rydberg state (ν0−0=53471,ω2′=530(20)cm1)(\nu_{0-0}= 53471, \omega_{2}^{\prime}= 530(20) cm^{1}) was also observed. The REMPI spectrum exhibited the v2′′=1−4v_{2}^{\prime\prime}=1-4 vibrational hot bands of the X~2A1(C3v)\tilde{X} ^{2}A_{1} (C_{3v}) radical. Modeling of these hot bands derived the inversion barrier, $B_{i n v} = 460 \pm 40 cm^{-1}


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    Author Institution: Chemical Kinetics and Thermodynamics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Department of Environmental Chemistry and Biology, Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public HealthThe structures and optical spectroscopy of the CHF2CHF_{2} radical and cation were studied by initio molecular orbital calculations and by experiment. Ab initio calculations at the MP2/6-31G∗∗^{**} theory level found that the optimum structure of the Xˉ\bar{X} 1A1CHF2+^{1}A_{1} CHF^{+}_{2} cation belongs to the C2νC_{2\nu}, point group with r(C−F)=1.2424r(C-F) = 1.2424 {\AA},r(C−H)=1.0883r(C-H) = 1.0883 {\AA} and ∠F−C−F=119.19∘\angle{F-C-F} = 119.19^{\circ}.The optimized structure of the ground state CHF2(Xˉ2A′CHF_{2}(\bar{X}^{2}A^{\prime} radical belongs to the C point group with r(C−F)=1.3360r(C-F) = 1.3360 {\AA}, r(C−H)=1.0883r(C-H) = 1.0883 {\AA} ∠F−C−F=111.51∘\angle{F-C-F} = 111.51^{\circ} and ∠H−C−F=113.65∘\angle {H-C-F}=113.65^{\circ} The ab initio angle between the F-C-F plane and the C-H bond is Φπ=44.53∘\Phi_{\pi} = 44.53^{\circ}. Vibrational frequencies for each CHF2CHF_{2} species were computed. The electronic spectra of CHF2CHF_{2} and CDF2CDF_{2} radicals were observed between 330-430 nm using mass resolved resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy. These spectra arose from two-photon resonances with planar Rydberg states. A third laser photon ionized the radicals. Spectroscopic constants were found for the Fˉ(3p)\bar{F} (3p) Rydberg state of the CHF1CHF_{1} radical (ν∞=49312(10)cm−1\nu_{\infty} = 49312(10) cm^{-1}, ν2′(C−FStr)=1358(15)cm−1\nu_{2}^{\prime} (C-F Str) = 1358(15) cm^{-1}, ν31(CF2scissors)=680(20)cm−1\nu^{1}_{3} (CF_{2} scissors) = 680(20) cm^{-1}, ν41(OPLA)=1022(8)cm−1)\nu_{4}^{1} (OPLA) = 1022(8) cm^{-1}) and of the CDF2CDF_{2} radical (ν∞=49323(10)cm−1(\nu_{\infty} = 49323(10) cm^{-1}, ν21(C−FStr)=1300(15)cm−1\nu_{2}^{1} (C-F Str) = 1300(15) cm^{-1}, ν31(CF1scissors)=650(15)\nu^{1}_{3} (CF_{1} scissors) = 650(15) cm−1cm^{-1}, ν41(OPLA)=864(13)\nu_{4}^{1} (OPLA) = 864(13) cm−1)cm^{-1}). The REMPI spectra exhibited ν4−=1−5\nu^{-}_{4} = 1-5 hot bands of the Xˉ2A′\bar{X} ^{2}{A^{\prime}} radical. Modeling of these hot bands with a quartic double-well potential gives the inversion barrier, BIN=2800(500)cm−1B_{IN} = 2800(500) cm^{-1}, and Φm=49(6)∘\Phi_{m} = 49(6)^{\circ}