1,996 research outputs found

    The effective length of columns in multi-storey frames

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    Codes of practice rely on the effective length method to assess the stability of multi-storey frames. The effective length method involves isolating a critical column within a frame and evaluating the rotational and translational stiffness of its end restraints, so that the critical buckling load may be obtained.The non-contradictory complementary information (NCCI) document SN008a [1] to BS EN 1993-1 [2] provides erroneous results in certain situations because it omits the contribution made to the rotational stiffness of the end restraints by columns above and below, and to the translational stiffness of end restraints by other columns in the same storey.Two improvements to the method are proposed in this paper. First, the axial load in adjoining columns is incorporated into the calculation of the effective length. Second, a modification to the effective length ratio is proposed that allows the buckling load of adjacent columns to be considered. The improvements are shown to be effective and consistently provide results within 2% of that computed by structural analysis software, as opposed to the up to 80% discrepancies seen using the NCCI [1]

    Effect of acute physiological free fatty acid elevation in the context of hyperinsulinemia on fiber type-specific IMCL accumulation.

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    It is well described that increasing free fatty acids (FFAs) to high physiological levels reduces insulin sensitivity. In sedentary humans, intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) is inversely related to insulin sensitivity. Since muscle fiber composition affects muscle metabolism, whether FFAs induce IMCL accumulation in a fiber type-specific manner remains unknown. We hypothesized that in the setting of acute FFA elevation by lipid infusion within the context of a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp, IMCL will preferentially accumulate in type 1 fibers. Normal-weight participants (n = 57, mean ± SE: age 24 ± 0.6 yr, BMI 22.2 ± 0.3 kg/m(2)) who were either endurance trained or sedentary by self-report were recruited from the University of Minnesota (n = 31, n = 15 trained) and University of Pittsburgh (n = 26, n = 14 trained). All participants underwent a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp in the context of a 6-h infusion of either lipid or glycerol control. A vastus lateralis muscle biopsy was obtained at baseline and end-infusion (6 h). The muscle biopsies were processed and analyzed at the University of Pittsburgh for fiber type-specific IMCL accumulation by Oil-Red-O staining. Regardless of training status, acute elevation of FFAs to high physiological levels (~400-600 meq/l) increased IMCL preferentially in type 1 fibers (+35 ± 11% compared with baseline, +29 ± 11% compared with glycerol control: P < 0.05). The increase in IMCL correlated with a decline in insulin sensitivity as measured by the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp (r = -0.32, P < 0.01) independent of training status. Regardless of training status, increase of FFAs to a physiological range within the context of hyperinsulinemia shows preferential IMCL accumulation in type 1 fibers.NEW & NOTEWORTHY This novel human study examined the effects of FFA elevation in the setting of hyperinsulinemia on accumulation of fat in specific types of muscle fibers. Within the context of the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp, we found that an increase of FFAs to a physiological range sufficient to reduce insulin sensitivity is associated with preferential IMCL accumulation in type 1 fibers

    Selective activation of primary afferent fibers evaluated by sine-wave electrical stimulation

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    Transcutaneous sine-wave stimuli at frequencies of 2000, 250 and 5 Hz (Neurometer) are thought to selectively activate AÎČ, AÎŽ and C afferent fibers, respectively. However, there are few reports to test the selectivity of these stimuli at the cellular level. In the present study, we analyzed action potentials (APs) generated by sine-wave stimuli applied to the dorsal root in acutely isolated rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) preparations using intracellular recordings. We also measured excitatory synaptic responses evoked by transcutaneous stimuli in substantia gelatinosa (SG) neurons of the spinal dorsal horn, which receive inputs predominantly from C and AÎŽ fibers, using in vivo patch-clamp recordings. In behavioral studies, escape or vocalization behavior of rats was observed with both 250 and 5 Hz stimuli at intensity of ~0.8 mA (T5/ T250), whereas with 2000 Hz stimulation, much higher intensity (2.14 mA, T2000) was required. In DRG neurons, APs were generated at T5/T250 by 2000 Hz stimulation in AÎČ, by 250 Hz stimulation both in AÎČ and AÎŽ, and by 5 Hz stimulation in all three classes of DRG neurons. However, the AP frequencies elicited in AÎČ and AÎŽ by 5 Hz stimulation were much less than those reported previously in physiological condition. With in vivo experiments large amplitude of EPSCs in SG neurons were elicited by 250 and 5 Hz stimuli at T5/ T250. These results suggest that 2000 Hz stimulation excites selectively AÎČ fibers and 5 Hz stimulation activates noxious transmission mediated mainly through C fibers. Although 250 Hz stimulation activates both AÎŽ and AÎČ fibers, tactile sensation would not be perceived when painful sensation is produced at the same time. Therefore, 250 Hz was effective stimulus frequency for activation of AÎŽ fibers initiating noxious sensation. Thus, the transcutaneous sine-wave stimulation can be applied to evaluate functional changes of sensory transmission by comparing thresholds with the three stimulus frequencies

    HL‐TWiM Empirical Model of High‐Latitude Upper Thermospheric Winds

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    We present an empirical model of thermospheric winds (High‐latitude Thermospheric Wind Model [HL‐TWiM]) that specifies F region high‐latitude horizontal neutral winds as a function of day of year, latitude, longitude, local time, and geomagnetic activity. HL‐TWiM represents the large‐scale neutral wind circulation, in geomagnetic coordinates, for the given input conditions. The model synthesizes the most extensive collection to date of historical high‐latitude wind measurements; it is based on statistical analyses of several decades of F region thermospheric wind measurements from 21 ground‐based stations (Fabry‐Perot Interferometers and Scanning Doppler Imaging Fabry‐Perot Interferometers) located at various northern and southern high latitudes and two space‐based instruments (UARS WINDII and GOCE). The geomagnetic latitude and local time dependences in HL‐TWiM are represented using vector spherical harmonics, day of year and longitude variations are represented using simple harmonic functions, and the geomagnetic activity dependence is represented using quadratic B splines. In this paper, we describe the HL‐TWiM formulation and fitting procedures, and we verify the model against the neutral wind databases used in its formulation. HL‐TWiM provides a necessary benchmark for validating new wind observations and tuning our physical understanding of complex wind behaviors. Results show stronger Universal Time variation in winds at southern than northern high latitudes. Model‐data intra‐annual comparisons in this study show semiannual oscillation‐like behavior of GOCE winds, rarely observed before in wind data

    Flexible formwork technologies – a state of the art review

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    Concrete is our most widely used construction material. Worldwide consumption of cement, the strength-giving component of concrete, is estimated at 4.10 Gt per year, rising from 2.22 Gt just ten years ago [1]. This rate of consumption means that cement manufacture alone is estimated to account for 5.2 % of global carbon dioxide emissions [2].Concrete offers the opportunity to economically create structures of almost any geometry. Yet its unique fluidity is seldom capitalised upon, with concrete instead being cast into rigid, flat moulds to create unoptimised geometries that result in high material use structures with large carbon footprints. This paper will explore flexible formwork construction technologies which embrace the fluidity of concrete to facilitate the practical construction of concrete structures with complex and efficient geometries. This paper presents the current state of the art in flexible formwork technology, highlighting practical uses, research challenges and new opportunities

    Nitrogen and sulphur management: challenges for organic sources in temperate agricultural systems

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    A current global trend towards intensification or specialization of agricultural enterprises has been accompanied by increasing public awareness of associated environmental consequences. Air and water pollution from losses of nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S), are a major concern. Governments have initiated extensive regulatory frameworks, including various land use policies, in an attempt to control or reduce the losses. This paper presents an overview of critical input and loss processes affecting N and S for temperate climates, and provides some background to the discussion in subsequent papers evaluating specific farming systems. Management effects on potential gaseous and leaching losses, the lack of synchrony between supply of nutrients and plant demand, and options for optimizing the efficiency of N and S use are reviewed. Integration of inorganic and organic fertilizer inputs and the equitable re-distribution of nutrients from manure are discussed. The paper concludes by highlighting a need for innovative research that is also targeted to practical approaches for reducing N and S losses, and improving the overall synchrony between supply and demand

    A demonstration of an affinity between pyrite and organic matter in a hydrothermal setting

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    One of the key-principles of the iron-sulphur world theory is to bring organic molecules close enough to interact with each other, using the surface of pyrite as a substrate in a hydrothermal setting. The present paper explores the relationship of pyrite and organic matter in a hydrothermal setting from the geological record; in hydrothermal calcite veins from Carboniferous limestones in central Ireland. Here, the organic matter is accumulated as coatings around, and through, pyrite grains. Most of the pyrite grains are euhedral-subhedral crystals, ranging in size from ca 0.1-0.5 mm in diameter, and they are scattered throughout the matrix of the vein calcite. The organic matter was deposited from a hydrothermal fluid at a temperature of at least 200°C, and gives a Raman signature of disordered carbon. This study points to an example from a hydrothermal setting in the geological record, demonstrating that pyrite can have a high potential for the concentration and accumulation of organic materials

    Superluminal motion of a relativistic jet in the neutron star merger GW170817

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    The binary neutron star merger GW170817 was accompanied by radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum and localized to the galaxy NGC 4993 at a distance of 41+/-3 Mpc. The radio and X-ray afterglows of GW170817 exhibited delayed onset, a gradual rise in the emission with time as t^0.8, a peak at about 150 days post-merger, followed by a relatively rapid decline. To date, various models have been proposed to explain the afterglow emission, including a choked-jet cocoon and a successful-jet cocoon (a.k.a. structured jet). However, the observational data have remained inconclusive as to whether GW170817 launched a successful relativistic jet. Here we show, through Very Long Baseline Interferometry, that the compact radio source associated with GW170817 exhibits superluminal motion between two epochs at 75 and 230 days post-merger. This measurement breaks the degeneracy between the models and indicates that, while the early-time radio emission was powered by a wider-angle outflow (cocoon), the late-time emission was most likely dominated by an energetic and narrowly-collimated jet, with an opening angle of <5 degrees, and observed from a viewing angle of about 20 degrees. The imaging of a collimated relativistic outflow emerging from GW170817 adds substantial weight to the growing evidence linking binary neutron star mergers and short gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 42 pages, 4 figures (main text), 2 figures (supplementary text), 2 tables. Referee and editor comments incorporate

    Subclinical thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline in old age

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    &lt;p&gt;Background: Subclinical thyroid dysfunction has been implicated as a risk factor for cognitive decline in old age, but results are inconsistent. We investigated the association between subclinical thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline in the PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods: Prospective longitudinal study of men and women aged 70–82 years with pre-existing vascular disease or more than one risk factor to develop this condition (N = 5,154). Participants taking antithyroid medications, thyroid hormone supplementation and/or amiodarone were excluded. Thyroid function was measured at baseline: subclinical hyper- and hypothyroidism were defined as thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) &#60;0.45 mU/L or &#62;4.50 mU/L respectively, with normal levels of free thyroxine (FT4). Cognitive performance was tested at baseline and at four subsequent time points during a mean follow-up of 3 years, using five neuropsychological performance tests.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Results: Subclinical hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism were found in 65 and 161 participants, respectively. We found no consistent association of subclinical hyper- or hypothyroidism with altered cognitive performance compared to euthyroid participants on the individual cognitive tests. Similarly, there was no association with rate of cognitive decline during follow-up.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusion: We found no consistent evidence that subclinical hyper- or hypothyroidism contribute to cognitive impairment or decline in old age. Although our data are not in support of treatment of subclinical thyroid dysfunction to prevent cognitive dysfunction in later life, only large randomized controlled trials can provide definitive evidence.&lt;/p&gt

    Subclinical thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline in old age

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    &lt;p&gt;Background: Subclinical thyroid dysfunction has been implicated as a risk factor for cognitive decline in old age, but results are inconsistent. We investigated the association between subclinical thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline in the PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods: Prospective longitudinal study of men and women aged 70–82 years with pre-existing vascular disease or more than one risk factor to develop this condition (N = 5,154). Participants taking antithyroid medications, thyroid hormone supplementation and/or amiodarone were excluded. Thyroid function was measured at baseline: subclinical hyper- and hypothyroidism were defined as thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) &#60;0.45 mU/L or &#62;4.50 mU/L respectively, with normal levels of free thyroxine (FT4). Cognitive performance was tested at baseline and at four subsequent time points during a mean follow-up of 3 years, using five neuropsychological performance tests.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Results: Subclinical hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism were found in 65 and 161 participants, respectively. We found no consistent association of subclinical hyper- or hypothyroidism with altered cognitive performance compared to euthyroid participants on the individual cognitive tests. Similarly, there was no association with rate of cognitive decline during follow-up.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusion: We found no consistent evidence that subclinical hyper- or hypothyroidism contribute to cognitive impairment or decline in old age. Although our data are not in support of treatment of subclinical thyroid dysfunction to prevent cognitive dysfunction in later life, only large randomized controlled trials can provide definitive evidence.&lt;/p&gt
