90 research outputs found

    Apolipoprotein epsilon 3 alleles are associated with indicators of neuronal resilience

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Epilepsy is associated with precocious development of Alzheimer-type neuropathological changes, including appearance of senile plaques, neuronal loss and glial activation. As inheritance of <it>APOE ε4 </it>allele(s) is reported to favor this outcome, we sought to investigate neuronal and glial responses that differ according to <it>APOE </it>genotype. With an eye toward defining ways in which <it>APOE ε3 </it>alleles may foster neuronal well-being in epilepsy and/or <it>APOE ε4 </it>alleles exacerbate neuronal decline, neuronal and glial characteristics were studied in temporal lobectomy specimens from epilepsy patients of either <it>APOE ε4,4 </it>or <it>APOE ε3,3 </it>genotype.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Tissue and/or cellular expressions of interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1α), apolipoprotein E (ApoE), amyloid β (Aβ) precursor protein (βAPP), synaptophysin, phosphorylated tau, and Aβ were determined in frozen and paraffin-embedded tissues from 52 <it>APOE ε3,3 </it>and 7 <it>APOE ε4,4 </it>(0.25 to 71 years) epilepsy patients, and 5 neurologically normal patients using Western blot, RT-PCR, and fluorescence immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Tissue levels of IL-1α were elevated in patients of both <it>APOE ε3,3 </it>and <it>APOE ε4,4 </it>genotypes, and this elevation was apparent as an increase in the number of activated microglia per neuron (<it>APOE </it>ε<it>3,3 </it>vs <it>APOE ε4,4 </it>= 3.7 ± 1.2 vs 1.5 ± 0.4; <it>P </it>< 0.05). This, together with increases in βAPP and ApoE, was associated with apparent neuronal sparing in that <it>APOE ε4,4 </it>genotype was associated with smaller neuron size (<it>APOE ε4,4 </it>vs <it>APOE ε3,3 </it>= 173 ± 27 vs 356 ± 45; <it>P </it>≤ 0.01) and greater DNA damage (<it>APOE ε4,4 </it>vs <it>APOE ε3,3 </it>= 67 ± 10 vs 39 ± 2; <it>P </it>= 0.01). 3) Aβ plaques were noted at early ages in our epilepsy patients, regardless of <it>APOE </it>genotype (<it>APOE ε4,4 </it>age 10; <it>APOE ε3,3 </it>age 17).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings of neuronal and glial events, which correlate with lesser neuronal DNA damage and larger, more robust neurons in epilepsy patients of <it>APOE ε3,3 </it>genotype compared to <it>APOE ε4,4 </it>genotype carriers, are consistent with the idea that the <it>APOE </it>ε<it>3,3 </it>genotype better protects neurons subjected to the hyperexcitability of epilepsy and thus confers less risk of AD (Alzheimer's disease).</p> <p>Please see related article: <url>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/10/36</url></p

    Down-regulation of miR-15a/b accelerates fibrotic remodelling in the Type 2 diabetic human and mouse heart

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    Correspondence: Rajesh Katare ([email protected]) Aim: Myocardial fibrosis is a well-established cause of increased myocardial stiffness and subsequent diastolic dysfunction in the diabetic heart. The molecular regulators that drive the process of fibrotic events in the diabetic heart are still unknown. We determined the role of the microRNA (miR)-15 family in fibrotic remodelling of the diabetic heart. Methods and results: Right atrial appendage (RAA) and left ventricular (LV) biopsy tissues collected from diabetic and non-diabetic (ND) patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery showed significant down-regulation of miR-15a and -15b. This was associated with marked up-regulation of pro-fibrotic transforming growth factor-β receptor-1 (TGFβR1) and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), direct targets for miR-15a/b and pro-senescence p53 protein. Interestingly, down-regulation of miR-15a/b preceded the development of diastolic dysfunction and fibrosis in Type 2 diabetic mouse heart. Therapeutic restoration of miR-15a and -15b in HL-1 cardiomyocytes reduced the activation of pro-fibrotic TGFβR1 and CTGF, and the pro-senescence p53 protein expression, confirming a causal regulation of these fibrotic and senescence mediators by miR-15a/b. Moreover, conditioned medium (CM) collected from cardiomyocytes treated with miR-15a/b markedly diminished the differentiation of diabetic human cardiac fibroblasts. Conclusion: Our results provide first evidence that early down-regulation of miR-15a/b activates fibrotic signalling in diabetic heart, and hence could be a potential target for the treatment/prevention of diabetes-induced fibrotic remodelling of the heart

    Interrogation of a lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome protein reveals novel modes of fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) function

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    Heterozygous mutations in the gene encoding fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) or its cognate receptor, FGF-receptor 2 IIIb (FGFR2-IIIb) result in two human syndromes - LADD (lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital) and ALSG (Aplasia of lacrimal and salivary glands). To date, the partial loss-of-FGF10 function in these patients has been attributed solely to perturbed paracrine signalling functions between FGF10-producing mesenchymal cells and FGF10-responsive epithelial cells. However, the functioning of a LADD-causing G138E FGF10 mutation, which falls outside its receptor interaction interface, has remained enigmatic. In this study, we interrogated this mutation in the context of FGF10's protein sequence and three-dimensional structure, and followed the subcellular fate of tagged proteins containing this or other combinatorial FGF10 mutations, in vitro. We report that FGF10 harbours two putative nuclear localization sequences, termed NLS1 and NLS2, which individually or co-operatively promote nuclear translocation of FGF10. Furthermore, FGF10 localizes to a subset of dense fibrillar components of the nucleolus. G138E falls within NLS1 and abrogates FGF10's nuclear translocation whilst attenuating its progression along the secretory pathway. Our findings suggest that in addition to its paracrine roles, FGF10 may normally play intracrine role/s within FGF10-producing cells. Thus, G138E may disrupt both paracrine and intracrine function/s of FGF10 through attenuated secretion and nuclear translocation, respectively

    Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and aldolase mediate glucose sensing by AMPK

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    葡萄糖是生物中最基本、最主要的营养物质,它不仅是机体能量的主要来源,也是生物质合成的主要原料。因此,葡萄糖的水平对于生物体是极其重要的。然而,在生活中,体内葡萄糖水平的波动是十分常见的,这是因为我们不可能每时每刻都在摄入葡萄糖:睡一大觉、剧烈运动几个小时或者太忙了没时间吃饭,都会引起葡萄糖水平的显著下降。这时,机体能够触发一套有效的过程应对这类“不利情况”,其中最为关键的就是激活“代谢的核心调节”——AMPK。在葡萄糖水平下降时,被激活的AMPK能够迅速启动脂肪、蛋白质的分解代谢,关闭它们的合成代谢,从而起到维持机体的能量和物质代谢的平衡,弥补机体因葡萄糖不足引起的胁迫压力。那么,机体如何感受葡萄糖水平下降,并“传递”给AMPK使其激活呢?林圣彩教授课题组的这项研究正是发现了生理状态下机体感受葡萄糖水平的机制。通过研究他们发现,无论在不含葡萄糖的细胞培养条件下,还是在饥饿的低血糖的动物体内,都不能观测到AMP水平的上升,这充分说明了机体有一套尚不为人知的、独立于AMP的感应葡萄糖水平的机制。在进一步的研究中他们揭示了这一完整过程:葡萄糖水平下降将引起的葡萄糖代谢中间物——果糖1,6-二磷酸(fructose-1,6-bisphosphate)水平的下降,该过程进一步地被糖酵解通路上的代谢酶——醛缩酶(aldolase)感应,因为醛缩酶正是将含有6个碳原子的果糖1,6-二磷酸裂解成三碳糖的酶,一旦醛缩酶“吃不到”由葡萄糖衍生的果糖1,6-二磷酸,它便“翻脸”,传递给也正是林圣彩教授课题组先前发现的溶酶体途径进而激活AMPK。该过程完全不涉及AMP水平,即能量水平的变化,是一条全新的、完全建立在实际的生理情况上的通路。林圣彩教授进一步地把葡萄糖水平总结为一种“状态信号”,以区别于传统的“能量信号”。据悉,该葡萄糖感知通路的发现对开发用于治疗肥胖症,乃至延长寿命的药物具有深远的意义。【Abstract】The major energy source for most cells is glucose, from which ATP is generated via glycolysis and/or oxidative metabolism. Glucose deprivation activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)1, but it is unclear whether this activation occurs solely via changes in AMP or ADP, the classical activators of AMPK2, 3, 4, 5. Here, we describe an AMP/ADP-independent mechanism that triggers AMPK activation by sensing the absence of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), with AMPK being progressively activated as extracellular glucose and intracellular FBP decrease. When unoccupied by FBP, aldolases promote the formation of a lysosomal complex containing at least v-ATPase, ragulator, axin, liver kinase B1 (LKB1) and AMPK, which has previously been shown to be required for AMPK activation6, 7. Knockdown of aldolases activates AMPK even in cells with abundant glucose, whereas the catalysis-defective D34S aldolase mutant, which still binds FBP, blocks AMPK activation. Cell-free reconstitution assays show that addition of FBP disrupts the association of axin and LKB1 with v-ATPase and ragulator. Importantly, in some cell types AMP/ATP and ADP/ATP ratios remain unchanged during acute glucose starvation, and intact AMP-binding sites on AMPK are not required for AMPK activation. These results establish that aldolase, as well as being a glycolytic enzyme, is a sensor of glucose availability that regulates AMPK.D.G.H. was supported by an Investigator Award from the Wellcome Trust (097726) and a Programme Grant from Cancer Research UK (C37030/A15101). S.-C.L. was supported by grants from the National Key Research and Development Project of China (2016YFA0502001) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (#31430094, #31690101, #31571214, #31601152 and #J1310027)

    Arterial Embolization Hyperthermia Using As2O3 Nanoparticles in VX2 Carcinoma–Induced Liver Tumors

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    BACKGROUND: Combination therapy for arterial embolization hyperthermia (AEH) with arsenic trioxide (As(2)O(3)) nanoparticles (ATONs) is a novel treatment for solid malignancies. This study was performed to evaluate the feasibility and therapeutic effect of AEH with As(2)O(3) nanoparticles in a rabbit liver cancer model. The protocol was approved by our institutional animal use committee. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In total, 60 VX(2) liver-tumor-bearing rabbits were randomly assigned to five groups (n = 12/group) and received AEH with ATONs (Group 1), hepatic arterial embolization with ATONs (Group 2), lipiodol (Group 3), or saline (Group 4), on day 14 after tumor implantation. Twelve rabbits that received AEH with ATONs were prepared for temperature measurements, and were defined as Group 5. Computed tomography was used to measure the tumors' longest dimension, and evaluation was performed according to the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors. Hepatic toxicity, tumor necrosis rate, vascular endothelial growth factor level, and microvessel density were determined. Survival rates were measured using the Kaplan-Meier method. The therapeutic temperature (42.5°C) was obtained in Group 5. Hepatotoxicity reactions occurred but were transient in all groups. Tumor growth was delayed and survival was prolonged in Group 1 (treated with AEH and ATONs). Plasma and tumor vascular endothelial growth factor and microvessel density were significantly inhibited in Group 1, while tumor necrosis rates were markedly enhanced compared with those in the control groups. CONCLUSIONS: ATON-based AEH is a safe and effective treatment that can be targeted at liver tumors using the dual effects of hyperthermia and chemotherapy. This therapy can delay tumor growth and noticeably inhibit tumor angiogenesis

    Comparative cellular analysis of motor cortex in human, marmoset and mouse

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    The primary motor cortex (M1) is essential for voluntary fine-motor control and is functionally conserved across mammals1. Here, using high-throughput transcriptomic and epigenomic profiling of more than 450,000 single nuclei in humans, marmoset monkeys and mice, we demonstrate a broadly conserved cellular makeup of this region, with similarities that mirror evolutionary distance and are consistent between the transcriptome and epigenome. The core conserved molecular identities of neuronal and non-neuronal cell types allow us to generate a cross-species consensus classification of cell types, and to infer conserved properties of cell types across species. Despite the overall conservation, however, many species-dependent specializations are apparent, including differences in cell-type proportions, gene expression, DNA methylation and chromatin state. Few cell-type marker genes are conserved across species, revealing a short list of candidate genes and regulatory mechanisms that are responsible for conserved features of homologous cell types, such as the GABAergic chandelier cells. This consensus transcriptomic classification allows us to use patch-seq (a combination of whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, RNA sequencing and morphological characterization) to identify corticospinal Betz cells from layer 5 in non-human primates and humans, and to characterize their highly specialized physiology and anatomy. These findings highlight the robust molecular underpinnings of cell-type diversity in M1 across mammals, and point to the genes and regulatory pathways responsible for the functional identity of cell types and their species-specific adaptations


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    El defensor de Córdoba : diario católico: Año XXIII Número 7030 - 1921 marzo 24

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 200