663 research outputs found

    Current practices in children with severe acute asthma across European PICUs: an ESPNIC survey

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    Most pediatric asthma guidelines offer evidence-based or best practice approaches to the management of asthma exacerbations but struggle with evidence-based approaches for severe acute asthma (SAA). We aimed to investigate current practices in children with SAA admitted to European pediatric intensive care units (PICUs), in particular, adjunct therapies, use of an asthma severity score, and availability of a SAA guideline. We designed a cross-sectional electronic survey across European PICUs. Thirty-seven PICUs from 11 European countries responded. In 8 PICUs (22%), a guideline for SAA management was unavailable. Inhaled beta-agonists and anticholinergics, combined with systemic steroids and IV MgSO4 was central in SAA treatment. Seven PICUs (30%) used a loading dose of a short-acting beta-agonist. Eighteen PICUs (49%) used an asthma severity score, with 8 different scores applied. Seventeen PICUs (46%) observed an increasing trend in SAA admissions. Conclusion: Variations in the treatment of children with SAA mainly existed in the use of adjunct therapies and asthma severity scores. Importantl

    The right ventricular response to lung resection

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    Objectives: Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer death and in suitable cases the best chance of cure is offered by surgery. Lung resection is associated with significant postoperative cardiorespiratory morbidity, with dyspnea and reduced functional capacity as dominant features. These changes are poorly associated with deterioration in pulmonary function and a potential role of right ventricular (RV) dysfunction has been hypothesized. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging is a reference method for noninvasive assessment of RV function and has not previously been applied to this population. Methods: We used cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging to assess the RV response to lung resection. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging with volume and flow analysis was performed on 27 patients preoperatively, on postoperative day 2 and at 2 months. Left ventricular ejection fraction and RV ejection fraction, the ratio of stroke volume to end systolic volume, pulmonary artery acceleration time, and distensibility of main and branch pulmonary arteries were studied. Results: Mean ± standard deviation RV ejection fraction deteriorated from 50.5% ± 6.9% preoperatively to 45.6% ± 4.5% on postoperative day 2 and remained depressed at 44.9% ± 7.7% by 2 months (P = .003). The ratio of stroke volume to end systolic volume deteriorated from median 1.0 (quartile 1, quartile 3, 0.9, 1.2) preoperatively to median 0.8 (quartile 1, quartile 3, 0.7, 1.0) on postoperative day 2 (P = .011). On postoperative day 2 there was a decrease in pulmonary artery acceleration time and operative pulmonary artery distensibility (P < .030 for both). There were no changes in left ventricular ejection fraction during the study period (P = .621). Conclusions: These findings suggest RV dysfunction occurs following lung resection and persists 2 months after surgery. The deterioration in the ratio of stroke volume to end systolic volume suggests a mismatch between afterload and contractility. There is an increase in indices of pulsatile afterload resulting from the operative pulmonary artery

    Crystal structures and freezing of dipolar fluids

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    We investigate the crystal structure of classical systems of spherical particles with an embedded point dipole at T=0. The ferroelectric ground state energy is calculated using generalizations of the Ewald summation technique. Due to the reduced symmetry compared to the nonpolar case the crystals are never strictly cubic. For the Stockmayer (i.e., Lennard-Jones plus dipolar) interaction three phases are found upon increasing the dipole moment: hexagonal, body-centered orthorhombic, and body-centered tetragonal. An even richer phase diagram arises for dipolar soft spheres with a purely repulsive inverse power law potential ∼r−n\sim r^{-n}. A crossover between qualitatively different sequences of phases occurs near the exponent n=12n=12. The results are applicable to electro- and magnetorheological fluids. In addition to the exact ground state analysis we study freezing of the Stockmayer fluid by density-functional theory.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Global Phylogeography of the Dusky Shark Carcharhinus obscurus: Implications for Fisheries Management and Monitoring the Shark Fin Trade

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    Genetic stock structure information is needed to delineate management units and monitor trade in sharks, many of which are heavily exploited and declining. The dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus is a large apex predator that is sought after for its fins and is considered highly susceptible to overexploitation. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies this species as ‘Vulnerable’ globally and ‘Endangered’ in the northwest Atlantic. We make the first assessment of global stock structure of C. obscurus by analyzing part of the mitochondrial control region (mtCR) in 255 individuals sampled from 8 geographically dispersed locations. We found 25 mtCR haplotypes and rejected a null hypothesis of panmixia (analysis of molecular variance, ΦST = 0.55, p \u3c 0.000001), detecting significant differentiation between 3 management units: US Atlantic (USATL), South Africa (SAF), and Australia (AUS). We also found preliminary evidence of population structure between the USATL and southwest Atlantic (Brazil). There were no shared haplotypes between the western Atlantic and Indo-Pacific. These analyses suggest that replenishment of the collapsed USATL management unit via immigration of females from elsewhere is unlikely. Mixed stock analysis (MSA) simulations show that reconstruction of the relative contributions of USATL, SAF, and AUS management units to the Asian fin trade is possible using these mtCR sequences. We suggest avenues for obtaining samples to conduct MSA of the shark fin trade, which could enhance management of dusky sharks and other species that are exploited for their fins

    Polyploidization for the genetic improvement of cannabis sativa

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    Cannabis sativa L. is a diploid species, cultivated throughout the ages as a source of fiber, food, and secondary metabolites with therapeutic and recreational properties. Polyploidization is considered as a valuable tool in the genetic improvement of crop plants. Although this method has been used in hemp-type Cannabis, it has never been applied to drug-type strains. Here, we describe the development of tetraploid drug-type Cannabis lines and test whether this transformation alters yield or the profile of important secondary metabolites: Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), or terpenes. The mitotic spindle inhibitor oryzalin was used to induce polyploids in a THC/CBD balanced drug-type strain of Cannabis sativa. Cultured axillary bud explants were exposed to a range of oryzalin concentrations for 24 h. Flow cytometry was used to assess the ploidy of regenerated shoots. Treatment with 20–40 μM oryzalin produced the highest number of tetraploids. Tetraploid clones were assessed for changes in morphology and chemical profile compared to diploid control plants. Tetraploid fan leaves were larger, with stomata about 30% larger and about half as dense compared to diploids. Trichome density was increased by about 40% on tetraploid sugar leaves, coupled with significant changes in the terpene profile and a 9% increase in CBD that was significant in buds. No significa

    Potential for rapid antibody detection to identify tuberculous cattle with non-reactive tuberculin skin test results

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    Abstract Background Bovine tuberculosis (TB) control programs generally rely on the tuberculin skin test (TST) for ante-mortem detection of Mycobacterium bovis-infected cattle. Results Present findings demonstrate that a rapid antibody test based on Dual-Path Platform (DPP®) technology, when applied 1-3 weeks after TST, detected 9 of 11 and 34 of 52 TST non-reactive yet M. bovis-infected cattle from the US and GB, respectively. The specificity of the assay ranged from 98.9% (n = 92, US) to 96.0% (n = 50, GB) with samples from TB-free herds. Multi-antigen print immunoassay (MAPIA) revealed the presence of antibodies to multiple antigens of M. bovis in sera from TST non-reactors diagnosed with TB. Conclusions Thus, use of serologic assays in series with TST can identify a significant number of TST non-reactive tuberculous cattle for more efficient removal from TB-affected herds
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