331 research outputs found

    Mammary Epithelial Metastatic Phenotype Forced Through the Extracellular Matrix

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    Biochemical and mechanical cues of the extracellular matrix have been shown to play important roles in cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions. We have experimentally tested the combined influence of these cues on cell motility, cell-cell interaction and assembly and traction force profile in an in vitro breast cancer model. The behavior of non-tumorigenic mammary epithelial cells was observed on surfaces with varying ligand concentration and polyacrylamide gel rigidity. Our data shows that cell velocity is biphasic in both matrix rigidity and adhesiveness, which are inversely related. Traction force microscopy revealed that maximum migration velocity is reached at intermediate force of single cells. Cell-cell adhesion becomes strongly favored on softer gels with elasticity ≤1250 Pascals. This result implies an existence of a compliance threshold that promotes cell-cell over cell-matrix adhesion. On softer gels of 400 Pa, stiffness similar to pre-malignant breast tissue in vivo, cells undergo multi-cellular assembly, division and re-arrangement into 3D spherical aggregates on 2D surface. The aggregates resemble the spherical acini found in vivo and are also formed with EpH4-J3B1 mouse mammary epithelial cells at same compliance. We establish mechanical cross talk between cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions. Our findings of mechanotransduction show cell pairs exhibit \u27tug of war\u27 competitive dynamics between cell-cell and cell-matrix traction forces. Deletion of E-cadherin binding site to β-catenin results in loss of cell-cell tension magnitude and loss of the cross talk. We are first to show force dynamics of cell division and cytokinesis in adherent mammalian cells. In normal division intercellular force goes through a maximum. Inhibition of myosin II mediated contractility with blebbistatin completely inhibits cell cytokinesis on gel surfaces. However inhibition of Rho-associated kinase ROCK does not inhibit cytokinesis, only reduces the magnitude of the forces. Therefore myosin II mediated contractility is necessary for cytokinesis on physiologically relevant substrates

    Frustration of crystallisation by a liquid–crystal phase

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    Frustration of crystallisation by locally favoured structures is critically important in linking the phenomena of supercooling, glass formation, and liquid-liquid transitions. Here we show that the putative liquid-liquid transition in n-butanol is in fact caused by geometric frustration associated with an isotropic to rippled lamellar liquid-crystal transition. Liquid-crystal phases are generally regarded as being “in between” the liquid and the crystalline state. In contrast, the liquid-crystal phase in supercooled n-butanol is found to inhibit transformation to the crystal. The observed frustrated phase is a template for similar ordering in other liquids and likely to play an important role in supercooling and liquid-liquid transitions in many other molecular liquids

    Interpersonal communication value in globalizing community

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    The attention in this article is paid to social changes in terms of global information processes and the influence of these changes on the appearance of some new forms of socialization. The transformation period of modern society is in many ways determined by informational processes which are based on modern means of communication and technology. The evolution of these technologies transforms interpersonal communication, it being the vital need and universal value. Tarpasmeninės komunikacijos reikšmė globalizuotoje bendruomenėje Santrauka Šiame straipsnyje dėmesys sutelkiamas į socialinius pokyčius globaliųjų procesų sąlygomis ir į šių pokyčių įtaką pastebimoms naujoms socializacijos formoms. Moderniosios visuomenės transformacijos laikotarpis yra nulemtas informacinių procesų, kurių pagrindą sudaro modernios komunikacijos priemonės ir technologijos. Šių technologijų evoliucija keičia tarpasmeninę komunikaciją, nulemdama jos esminį poreikį ir universalią vertę. Reikšminiai žodžiai: komunikacija, socializacija, reikšmė, virtualuma


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    Розглянуто особливості контексту життєвого шляху та його сприйняття, що формується під впливом травматичного тілесного досвіду (на прикладі вагітних  із  досвідом  лікування  безпліддя,  спричиненого  проблемами  харчової  поведінки  й  деформаціями  ваги).  З’ясовано,  що  негативні  переживання  переважно пов’язані  з  батьківською  родиною,  зокрема  з  ситуаціями  фізичного  й  психологічного насильства; значущий відсоток негативних подій складають спогади на тему «харчове насильство».Проанализировано  влияние  травматического  телесного  опыта  на особенности восприятия контекста жизненного пути личности. Установлено, что в группах женщин с травматическим телесным опытом (деформациями веса, нарушениями пищевого поведения и коморбидными нарушениями репродуктивной функции) «ситуации унижения» встречаются значительно чаще, чем в группе «здоровых беременных».  Показано,  что  негативные  переживания  преимущественно  связаны с родительской семьей, в частности с ситуациями физического и психологического насилия; значимый процент негативных событий составляют воспоминания на тему «пищевого насилия».Background. Different aspects of the in?uence of traumatic corporal experience on life context have been established, the most signi?cant of which is ?xed on negative experiences of the past (?xation).Objective. The objective of this research was to investigate the peculiarities of perception of life context under the in?uence of traumatic corporal experience (weight deformations, eating disorders and reproductive function).Method. The respondents for this empirical research were selected according to certain criteria and are presented by three groups:– Group 1 (N = 27) consisted of women with the ?rst pregnancy experience (late 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester), who in the past could not become pregnant because of eating behavior and weight deformations (excessively high or low) problems. The characteristic feature of this group of women was their strong incentive to maternity. The age of women in this group is from 23 to 29 (an average age is 25, 9 years old). The important selection criterion in this group was the criterion of dissatisfaction with their own weight. The group was balanced by the number of people who have distorted eating behavior strategies «overeating type», «food restriction type»;– Group 2 (N = 27) consisted of women who are dissatis?ed with their weight and were treated for «obesity» or «eating disorders» (anorexia, bulimia, psychogenic overeating). Another characteristic feature of women of this group was their unwillingness to have children. The age of women in this group is from 21 to 27(an average age is 24,4 years old);– Group 3 (control) included women with the ?rst pregnancy experience (end of 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester), who are satis?ed with their own weight and do not have any complaints about the state of their health (N = 27). Forming this group we focused our attention to the questions that allowed us to feel certain in the absence of maladaptive patterns of eating behavior and reproductive health. The age of women in this group is from 21 to 29 (average age – 25, 3 years old).Determination results of the peculiarities of perception of respondents’ course of life applying the method of «Psychological autobiography» (L.F. Burlachuk, Е.Yu. Korzhova) are presented in the article.Results. The differences between the groups of women with different corporal experiences con?rm the in?uence of traumatic corporal experience (weight deformations, eating behavior disorders and reproductive function) on the characteristics of personality’s life context perception. It was found that in the group of women with traumatic corporal experiences (weight deformations, eating disorders and comorbid disorders of the reproductive function) «humiliation situations» occurred more frequently than in the group of «healthy pregnant women».Conclusions. The research reveals a new approach to the study of the peculiarities of life context of the personality with different corporal experiences


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    The purpose of the article is analyzing the application of the biographical method in the study of prob­lematic eating behavior’s formation. The research was carried out using the method of thematic retrospective analysis of MTR-food, which is a variant of the biographical method (Shebanova, 2016). The data was processed using content analysis, Fisher’s φ-criterion was used to compare the differences between the groups that were investigated. The effectiveness of the biographical method in the study of problem eating behavior has been confirmed. The study clarifies the peculiarities of eating behavior’s formation and its disorders. It has been found that various forms of food violence, direct and indirect ways of coercion or blocking of food activity are manifested in ignoring the taste preferences of the child, its desire and readiness to receive food. It was found that most often parents used manipulative techniques for influencing the food behavior of children (encouragement, inducement, rewards promises, approval, recognition, caution, switching attention), direct means of influence - coercive measures (prohibition, restriction, rejection, destructive criticism, intimidation, deprivation of various forms of satisfaction). It is statistically confirmed that using by parents the means of manipulation and / or direct coercion of a child in a situation of food intake predetermines the pathological processes’ formation of corporeality, specific guidelines and psychological mechanisms that are a precautionary dietary disorderМетою статті є аналіз застосування біографічного методу у дослідженні формування проблемної харчової поведінки. Дослідження здійснювалося за допомогою методики тематичного ретроспективного аналізу МТРА-їжа, що є варіантом біографічного методу (Шебанова, 2016). Дані було опрацьовано за допомогою контент-аналізу, застосовувався φ-критерій Фішера для порівняння відмінностей між групами досліджуваних. Підтверджено ефективність біографічного методу в дослідженні проблемної харчової поведінки. В результаті дослідження уточнено особливості становлення харчової поведінки та її розладів. З’ясовано, що різноманітні форми харчового насильства, прямі й непрямі способи примусу до харчової активності або її блокування проявляються в ігноруванні дорослими смакових уподобань дитини, її бажання та готовності приймати їжу. Встановлено, що найчастіше батьки застосовували маніпулятивні техніки для впливу на харчову поведінку дітей (заохочення, спонукання, обіцянки винагороди, схвалення, визнання, застереження, переключення уваги), прямі засоби впливу – прийоми примусу (заборона, обмеження, відторгнення, деструк­тивна критика, залякування, позбавлення різноманітних форм задоволення). Статистично підтверджено, що застосування батьками засобів маніпуляції та/або прямого примусу щодо дитини в ситуації приймання їжі зумовлює формування патологічних процесів тілесності, специфічних настанов і психологічних механізмів, які є предумовою харчових розладі

    Pressure and temperature dependence of local structure and dynamics in an ionic liquid

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    A detailed understanding of the local dynamics in ionic liquids remains an important aspect in the design of new ionic liquids as advanced functional fluids. Here, we use small-angle X-ray scattering and quasi-elastic neutron spectroscopy to investigate the local structure and dynamics in a model ionic liquid as a function of temperature and pressure, with a particular focus on state points (P,T) where the macroscopic dynamics, i.e., conductivity, is the same. Our results suggest that the initial step of ion transport is a confined diffusion process, on the nanosecond timescale, where the motion is restricted by a cage of nearest neighbors. This process is invariant considering timescale, geometry, and the participation ratio, at state points of constant conductivity, i.e., state points of isoconductivity. The connection to the nearest-neighbor structure is underlined by the invariance of the peak in the structure factor corresponding to nearest-neighbor correlations. At shorter timescales, picoseconds, two localized relaxation processes of the cation can be observed, which are not directly linked to ion transport. However, these processes also show invariance at isoconductivity. This points to that the overall energy landscape in ionic liquids responds in the same way to density changes and is mainly governed by the nearest-neighbor interactions

    Life cycles and somatic production of hyperiids in the Okhotsk and Bering Seas

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    Hyperiid species Themisto pacifica , T. libellula , and Primno macropa are widespread in the Far-Eastern Seas. They are an important element of trophic web in pelagic communities of these seas. Their food spectra are very broad and include copepods, euphausiids, arrowworms, and fish larvae. On the other hand, the hyperiids play an important role in the diet of large-sized marine organisms as walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma , mackerels Scomber japonicus , Pleurogrammus monopterygius , and Pleurogrammus azonus , and japanese squid Todarodes pacificus . Life cycles and production of these hyperiid species are described on the base of samples collected in complex surveys conducted by Pacific Fish. Res. Center (TINRO) in the Okhotsk Sea and the western Bering Sea in 1984-2011. All three species have similar life history though the maximal life span is 2 years for T. pacifica and T. libellula but 3 years for Primno macropa . They spawn twice in their life in the period from May to October with the peak in July. Their weight increments also increase twice, usually when their size is 7-10 and 10-12 mm for T. pacifica and P. macropa and 10-15 and 20-30 mm for T. libellula . The average specific daily production of hyperiids in the Okhotsk Sea is estimated as 0.0410 for T. pacifica , 0.0273 for T. libellula , and 0.0101 for P. macropa ; but in the western Bering Sea - as 0.0492 for T. pacifica , 0.0361 for T. libellula , and 0.0094 for P. macropa . The most favorable feeding grounds for hyperiids are located at Kuril Islands, at West Kamchatka, and in the Anadyr Bay. Their summary annual production is estimated as 30.235 mln t in the Okhotsk Sea and 21.370 mln t in the western Bering Sea