176 research outputs found

    The Dilemmas of African-American Men from Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Completing Doctoral Degrees from Predominately White Institutions

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    This paper examines the experiences of two African-American men in their pursuit of doctoral degrees from predominantly white institutions. It presents an overview of other studies that discuss the unique challenges experienced by African American students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs at these institutions. It also includes a case study that describes the struggles and difficulties of these two men, who completed their undergraduate degrees from two separate Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and completed their Ph.D. programs in separate Predominately White Institutions (PWI’s). The authors share their thoughts on the factors they felt were instrumental to their success, such as overcoming social isolation, having caring mentors, and receiving financial support. The paper concludes by offering suggestions to doctoral programs and their administrators on recruiting and graduating African-Americans from their doctoral programs

    The Dilemmas of African-American Men from Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Completing Doctoral Degrees from Predominately White Institutions

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    This paper examines the experiences of two African-American men in their pursuit of doctoral degrees from predominantly white institutions. It presents an overview of other studies that discuss the unique challenges experienced by African American students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs at these institutions. It also includes a case study that describes the struggles and difficulties of these two men, who completed their undergraduate degrees from two separate Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and completed their Ph.D. programs in separate Predominately White Institutions (PWI’s). The authors share their thoughts on the factors they felt were instrumental to their success, such as overcoming social isolation, having caring mentors, and receiving financial support. The paper concludes by offering suggestions to doctoral programs and their administrators on recruiting and graduating African-Americans from their doctoral programs

    Exploring fathering roles in low-income families: The influence of intergenerational transmission

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    This is the published version. Copyright Alliance for Children and FamiliesThis study explores the meaning of fathering among men identified as fathers or father figures of 24-month-old children enrolled in Early Head Start research sites. Fathers were asked open-ended questions about their experiences of being fathers and their relationships with their own fathers. These men spoke of how important “being there” was for them in their relationship with their child as well as how the relationship with their own fathers influenced them as a parent. This study supports the theory of intergenerational parenting and furthers our knowledge and understanding of what some men feel are important aspects of being a good father. A theoretical framework on why men may model their father’s behaviors is offered, as are implications for practitioners

    Understanding key barriers to fathers' case planning involvement

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    Fathers who are uninvolved or play minimal roles in their children's lives may unwittingly have adverse effects on their psychosocial development. In 2003, only 54% of nearly a half million children in foster care in the United States had contact with their fathers, compared to 72% of children from the general population. There are multiple, complex personal, familial, societal, and agency barriers that limit fathers’ involvement with their children. We provide recommendations for child welfare agencies to modify their policies to be equitable and financially helpful to fathers, and engage fathers in case planning about their children's safety, well-being and permanency

    African-American Fathers' Perspectives on Facilitators and Barriers to Father–Son Sexual Health Communication

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    African-American males ages 13 through 24 are disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), accounting for over half of all HIV infections in this age group in the United States. Clear communication between African-American parents and their youth about sexual health is associated with higher rates of sexual abstinence, condom use, and intent to delay initiation of sexual intercourse. However, little is known about African-American fathers' perceptions of what facilitates and inhibits sexual health communication with their preadolescent and adolescent sons. We conducted focus groups with 29 African-American fathers of sons ages 10–15 to explore perceived facilitators and barriers for father–son communication about sexual health. Participants were recruited from barbershops in metropolitan and rural North Carolina communities highly affected by STIs and HIV, and data were analyzed using content analysis. Three factors facilitated father–son communication: (a) fathers' acceptance of their roles and responsibilities; (b) a positive father–son relationship; and (c) fathers' ability to speak directly to their sons about sex. We also identified three barriers: (a) fathers' difficulty in initiating sexual health discussions with their sons; (b) sons' developmental readiness for sexual health information; and (c) fathers' lack of experience in talking with their own fathers about sex. These findings have implications for father-focused prevention interventions aimed at reducing risky sexual behaviors in adolescent African-American males

    Values that Fathers Communicate to Sons about Sex, Sexuality, Relationships, and Marriage

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    African American males between ages 13 and 24 are disproportionately affected by unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV/AIDS; indeed, they account for 50% of HIV infections among all youth. Clear communication between parents and their youth about sex is associated with higher rates of sexual abstinence, condom use, and intent to delay initiation of sexual intercourse, which can prevent STIs and unintended pregnancy. However, barriers exist for parents to educate their youth about sexual health. The purpose of this article is to explore the values fathers communicate to their sons to prevent their risky sexual behaviors that lead to STIs, HIV, and adolescent parenthood. This was a qualitative study conducted from May and June 2015. African American fathers (N = 29) who had sons, ages 10 to 15 years, participated in five focus groups across metropolitan and rural North Carolina communities in barbershops. A qualitative content analysis revealed four themes regarding areas that fathers imparted their values onto their sons to protect them from sexual health risks: (a) sex, (b) sexuality, (c) relationships, and (d) marriage. The findings have implications for social work and public health practice

    Parent–youth communication to reduce at-risk sexual behavior: A systematic literature review

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    There are nearly 110 million cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that annually there are more than 19.7 million new STI cases. Of those, more than half are accounted for by youth aged 15–24 years. Although some STIs are not considered to be life threatening, they can lead to severe health problems, risk of HIV infection, or infertility if they are not properly treated. Some research has shown that parent–youth communication can reduce youth’s at-risk sexual behaviors. The following is a systematic review of the literature on parent–youth sexual communication and family-level interventions designed to reduce risky sexual behavior in youth

    Determining the role and responsibilities of the Australian epilepsy nurse in the management of epilepsy: a study protocol

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    Introduction Epilepsy is a common neurological condition affecting between 3% and 3.5% of the Australian population at some point in their lifetime. The effective management of chronic and complex conditions such as epilepsy requires person-centred and coordinated care across sectors, from primary to tertiary healthcare. Internationally, epilepsy nurse specialists are frequently identified as playing a vital role in improving the integration of epilepsy care and enhancing patient self-management. This workforce has not been the focus of research in Australia to date. Methods and analysis This multistage mixed-method study examines the role and responsibilities of epilepsy nurses, particularly in primary and community care settings, across Australia, including through the provision of a nurse helpline service. A nationwide sample of 30 epilepsy nurses will be purposively recruited via advertisements distributed by epilepsy organisations and through word-of-mouth snowball sampling. Two stages (1 and 3) consist of a demographic questionnaire and semistructured interviews (individual or group) with epilepsy nurse participants, with the thematic data analysis from this work informing the areas for focus in stage 3. Stage 2 comprises of a retrospective descriptive analysis of phone call data from Epilepsy Action Australia’s National Epilepsy Line service to identify types of users, their needs and reasons for using the service, and to characterise the range of activities undertaken by the nurse call takers. Ethics and dissemination Ethics approval for this study was granted by Macquarie University (HREC: 52020668117612). Findings of the study will be published through peer-reviewed journal articles and summary reports to key stakeholders, and disseminated through public forums and academic conference presentations. Study findings will also be communicated to people living with epilepsy and families

    Determining the role and responsibilities of the community epilepsy nurse in the management of epilepsy

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    Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study is to enhance the understanding of the core elements and influencing factors on the community‐based epilepsy nurse's role and responsibilities. Background: Internationally, epilepsy nurse specialists play a key role in providing person‐centred care and management of epilepsy but there is a gap in understanding of their role in the community. Design: A national three‐stage, mixed‐method study was conducted. Methods: One‐on‐one, in‐depth semi‐structured qualitative interviews were conducted online with 12 community‐based epilepsy nurses (Stage 1); retrospective analysis of data collected from the National Epilepsy Line, a nurse‐led community helpline (Stage 2); and focus group conducted with four epilepsy nurses, to delve further into emerging findings (Stage 3). A thematic analysis was conducted in Stages 1 and 3, and a descriptive statistical analysis of Stage 2 data. Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative studies checklist was followed for reporting. Results: Three key themes emerged: (1) The epilepsy nurse career trajectory highlighted a lack of standardised qualifications, competencies, and career opportunities. (2) The key components of the epilepsy nurse role explored role diversity, responsibilities, and models of practice in the management of living with epilepsy, and experiences navigating complex fragmented systems and practices. (3) Shifting work practices detailed the adapting work practices, impacted by changing service demands, including COVID‐19 pandemic experiences, role boundaries, funding, and resource availability. Conclusion: Community epilepsy nurses play a pivotal role in providing holistic, person‐centred epilepsy management They contribute to identifying and addressing service gaps through innovating and implementing change in service design and delivery. Relevance to Clinical Practice: Epilepsy nurses' person‐centred approach to epilepsy management is influenced by the limited investment in epilepsy‐specific integrated care initiatives, and their perceived value is impacted by the lack of national standardisation of their role and scope of practice. No Patient or Public Contribution: Only epilepsy nurses' perspectives were sought
