16 research outputs found

    Gulf Stream structure, transport, and recirculation near 68°W

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    An analysis of the structure and transport of the Gulf Stream is undertaken using direct current meter observations from a 13-mooring array deployed near 68°W from June 1988 to August 1990. On the basis of these results and other recent studies the downstream transport increase of the Gulf Stream and the inflow structure to the Gulf Stream are reconsidered. It is concluded that approximately 30 Sv, or over half of the transport increase between Cape Hatteras and 68°W, is fed by inflow from the northern side of the Gulf Stream and that this inflow is concentrated near Cape Hatteras and 68°W, where the Gulf Stream flows steeply across isobaths converging from the north

    Gulf Stream path and thermocline structure near 74°W and 68°W

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    The SYNoptic Ocean Prediction (SYNOP) experiment had the goal of providing a physical understanding of energetic mesoscale eddy processes in the Gulf Stream. In the SYNOP Inlet Array off Cape Hatteras and in the Central Array near 68°W moored observations were collected from October 1987 through August 1990. The Inlet Array measured the surface path and bottom currents where the Gulf Stream leaves the continental margin to enter the deep water regime. The cross-stream slope of the thermocline steepened linearly with path curvature, consistent with gradient wind balance. Structures are illustrated in the mapped fields consistent with baroclinic instability wherein troughs steepen and rings form

    Gulf Stream flow field and events near 68°W

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    The SYNoptic Ocean Prediction (SYNOP) experiment was designed to provide an accurate understanding of the energetic mesoscale processes in the Gulf Stream. The Central Array measured velocity and temperature throughout the water column, with horizontal extent large enough nearly to span the meander envelope and Eulerian mean structure of the jet at 68°W. Two extended case studies of meander propagation through the array demonstrate the development and intensification of deep cyclonic and anticyclonic flows beneath the Gulf Stream

    Colloid Surface Chemistry Critically Affects Multiple Particle Tracking Measurements of Biomaterials

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    Characterization of the properties of complex biomaterials using microrheological techniques has the promise of providing fundamental insights into their biomechanical functions; however, precise interpretations of such measurements are hindered by inadequate characterization of the interactions between tracers and the networks they probe. We here show that colloid surface chemistry can profoundly affect multiple particle tracking measurements of networks of fibrin, entangled F-actin solutions, and networks of cross-linked F-actin. We present a simple protocol to render the surface of colloidal probe particles protein-resistant by grafting short amine-terminated methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol) to the surface of carboxylated microspheres. We demonstrate that these poly(ethylene glycol)-coated tracers adsorb significantly less protein than particles coated with bovine serum albumin or unmodified probe particles. We establish that varying particle surface chemistry selectively tunes the sensitivity of the particles to different physical properties of their microenvironments. Specifically, particles that are weakly bound to a heterogeneous network are sensitive to changes in network stiffness, whereas protein-resistant tracers measure changes in the viscosity of the fluid and in the network microstructure. We demonstrate experimentally that two-particle microrheology analysis significantly reduces differences arising from tracer surface chemistry, indicating that modifications of network properties near the particle do not introduce large-scale heterogeneities. Our results establish that controlling colloid-protein interactions is crucial to the successful application of multiple particle tracking techniques to reconstituted protein networks, cytoplasm, and cells

    Adenovector-Mediated Cancer Gene Therapy

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