105 research outputs found

    Drawing Modelling Canvas For The International Positioning Of Indian Beverage Products

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    Purpose The objective of this paper is to develop a mechanism for the international positioning of Indian Origin Beverage Products (IOBP) that concatenates four essential segments of globalization, which has not been addressed in the literature yet.   Methodology The paper tailors the information for the international positioning of Indian Origin Beverage Products through certain sequential steps: information development, information validation and information refinement. The information is validated using statistical package R and refined using Principal Component Analysis.  The refined information is used for the development of model for the effective positioning of IOBP in the international market.   Findings The study explores four statistically significant steps for the international positioning of IOBP, which are finally summarized into 18 highly influencing variables in contrast to 91 variables available in literature.   Research Implications The 18 variables explored in this study should be considered as initial set of information for the international positioning of IOBP. It should not be taken as standard paradigm to be followed in all cases.   Practical Implications The model developed in this paper will be useful for the researchers and practitioners related to Indian beverage industry for drawing the strategy canvas to position goods effectively in the international market.   Originality/Value The model developed in this paper will be useful for Beverage Industry oriented business decision makers, in identifying the dimensions that can be considered for formulating the strategy for each stage of international positioning process.   Paper Type Research Paper   Keywords: International business, International positioning, Indian Origin Beverage Products (IOBP

    Developing Model for Fuel Consumption Optimization in Aviation Industry

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    The contribution of aviation to society and economy is undisputedly significant. The aviation industry drives economic and social progress by contributing prominently to tourism, commerce and improved quality of life. Identifying the amount of fuel consumed by an aircraft while moving in both airspace and ground networks is critical to air transport economics. Aviation fuel is a major operating cost parameter of the aviation industry and at the same time it is prone to various constraints. This article aims to develop a model for fuel consumption of aviation product. The paper tailors the information for the fuel consumption optimization in terms of information development, information evaluation and information refinement. The information is evaluated and refined using statistical package R and Factor Analysis which is further validated with neural networking. The study explores three primary dimensions which are finally summarized into 23 influencing variables in contrast to 96 variables available in literature. The 23 variables explored in this study should be considered as highly influencing variables for fuel consumption which will contribute significantly towards fuel optimization. Keywords: Fuel Consumption, Civil Aviation Industry, Neural Networking, Optimizatio

    Exploring the Scope of Prognosis Agent Technology in Digital Manufacturing

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    It is an established fact that the last decade is evident for the advancement in manufacturing sector by the use of various digital manufacturing (DM) techniques. Agent technology has contributed far in the DM by simplifying and adding synergy to the various functionaries in form of static and mobile agents. The agents contribute in the paradigms of designing, diagnosis, production, marketing etc. In the international business market, the agent technology has increased the competence by providing fast, error free, customized services. The paper first reviews the work done in the field of applications of agent technology in digital manufacturing including the role of agent technology in prognosis and then the research object is to develop a framework for the prognosis of digital data feeded to the manufacturing facilities of DM system. The paper focus on the introduction and brief description of the manufacturing prognosis agent in context to Digital manufacturing. Key words: manufacturing prognosis agent, digital manufacturing, prognosis, agent technology, digital dat

    Modeling Travel Demand in a Metropolitan City: Case Study of Bangalore, India

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    Increasing urbanization, population growth and rising incomes have led to rapid growth of travel demand in Indian cities. The paper provides a modeling approach for forecasting urban travel demand and assessing public transport options for large metropolitan cities. A travel characteristics model is used to forecast the pattern of travel demand in Bangalore city up to the year 2014. The paper examines the scope of a public bus transport service and a mass rapid transit system for meeting the projected travel demand and thereby curtailing the growth of personal vehicles in the city.

    Synthesizing the latest Configurational Contents of International Marketing

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    This study is an effort to attempt and identify the most recent configurational contents developed during 1990 - 2012. Literature of this particular duration is assessed to explore attention captured by each individual configurational content by researchers, publication outlets and in terms of their application in a particular industry. This literature synthesis 1834 research articles published in particular time frame 1990 - 2012, which yield 57 different configurational contents of international marketing with application in 32 different industries. These 57 configurational contents are categorized under 7 derived clusters. Review also focuses on attention of publication outlets in context of specialized volumes published in each research stream of international marketing. This synthesis find that international marketing has made substantial progress in context of concepts, their application. All the configurational contents and research streams successfully captured the attention of researchers and publication outlets. Keywords: International marketing, Configurational Contents, Research Stream

    A Classification and Assessment of Research Streams on Low Cost Modeling in Civil Aviation Transportation Industry

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    This article attempts to identify key research streams in Civil Aviation Transportation Industry during the past decade and highlights the evolution of the literature. Progress in six established research thrusts and a new research stream is discussed. Using content analysis, the existing research is also examined from a methodological point of view. The review provides evidence for an increasingly sophisticated and rich body of knowledge in global Civil Aviation Transportation Industry. Keywords: Civil Aviation Transportation Industry (CATI), Low Cost Strategies (LCS), Low Cost Carriers (LCCs), Classification, Assessment

    Solid state fermentation of BSG for citric acid production

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    Brewers' spent grain (BSG) is the major by-product of the brewing industry, representing around 85 % of the total by-products generated. BSG is a lignocellulosic material containing about 17 % cellulose, 28 % non-cellulosic polysaccharides, chiefly arabinoxylans, and 28 % lignin. Nevertheless, due to its high content of protein and fibre (around 20 and 70 % dry basis, respectively), it can also serve as an attractive adjunct in human nutrition. The present investigation was carried out on citric acid production from Brewer’s spent grain using Aspergillus niger. The chemical qualitative characterization of Brewer’s spent grain showed that it contained a considerable amount of carbohydrate (6.4 %) and protein (20 %) that could be a good source for microorganism’s growth and metabolic activities. Effect of different supplements was studied on solid state fermentation of Brewers’ spent grain. Among the different constituents, the organic nitrogen that is peptone was found to give significant results at 0.1 % concentration which increases the citric acid production up to 0.19 % as compared to yeast extract which did not give significant result in the fermentation medium. The effect of inorganic constituents on the fermentation showed that potassium dihydrogen phosphate was also found best at 0.1 % which led to increase in the production of citric acid i.e (0.22 %). The mineral constituents such as ammonium sulphate and magnesium sulphate were found effective at 0.1 % concentration. From this investigation, it can be concluded that BSG can be used as a cheap raw material for the production of citric acid by A. niger

    Barley-based probiotic food mixture : health effects and future prospects

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    Consumers around the globe are increasingly aware of the relation between nutrition and health. In this sense, food products that can improve gastrointestinal health such as probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics are the most important segment within functional foods. Cereals are the potential substrates for probiotic products as they contain nutrients easily assimilated by probiotics and serve as the transporters of Lactobacilli through the severe conditions of gastrointestinal tract. Barley is one of the important substrates for the probiotic formulation because of its high phenolic compounds, beta-glucans and tocols. The purpose of this review is to examine recent information regarding barley-based probiotic foods with a specific focus on the potential benefits of barley as a substrate for probiotic microorganisms in the development of dairy and nondairy based food products, and to study the effects of food matrices containing barley beta-glucans on the growth and features of Lactobacillus strains after fermentation.Peer reviewe

    Exploring Raw Safety Aspects in Aviation Industry

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    Aviation is the growing industry. Safety in the aviation industry is most important. Safety is affected by many factors such as environmental, economical, technical, and operational and many challenges are in the way of aviation safety to overcome from these hurdles .So this paper tried to explore the different safety aspects for the aviation industry. From the literature different research streams and research issues are discussed which affects the safety of the aviation industry. Keywords: Aviation Safety, Challenges, Safety Aspects, Environmental, Economical, Technica

    Modeling the Civil Aircraft Operations for the Optimization of Fuel Consumption in Indian Air Transport Industry

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    This paper presents a model for the optimization of fuel consumption during the operations of civil aircrafts. Several parameters were identified which effect the aircraft fuel consumption during its operations from the literature. An informational framework was developed. It was evaluated, validated and refined. Average importance rating of decision variables was done. The unimportant variables were discarded and information refinement is done for the important and moderate variables. The information refinement is done by applying the Principal Component Analysis with the help of MS excels and a fuel optimization model was developed. Aviation model specific variables can be selectively simulated to obtain the fuel consumption optimization model for that particular product. Further we hope our work will serve its intended purpose by its industrial implementation and will actually help reduce aviation fuel consumption.   Keyword: Air transport industry, Aircraft operations, Aviation turbine fuel (ATF), Fuel consumption, Fuel optimizatio
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