1,853 research outputs found

    Transitivity And Related Notions For Graph Induced Symbolic Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate the dynamical behavior of a two dimensional shift XGX_G (generated by a two dimensional graph G=(H,V)G=(\mathcal{H},\mathcal{V})) using the adjacency matrices of the generating graph GG. In particular, we investigate properties such as transitivity, directional transitivity, weak mixing, directional weak mixing and mixing for the shift space XGX_G. We prove that if (HV)ij≠0⇔(VH)ij≠0(HV)_{ij}\neq 0 \Leftrightarrow (VH)_{ij}\neq 0 (for all i,ji,j), while doubly transitivity (weak mixing) of XHX_H (or XVX_V) ensures the same for two dimensional shift generated by the graph GG, directional transitivity (in the direction (r,s)(r,s)) can be characterized through the block representation of HrVsH^rV^s. We provide necessary and sufficient criteria to establish horizontal (vertical) transitivity for the shift space XGX_G. We also provide examples to establish the necessity of the conditions imposed. Finally, we investigate the decomposability of a given graph into product of graphs with reduced complexity

    Modeling Drivers of Political Risk in Offshore Outsourcing

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    Offshore outsourcing presents many opportunities that are not available domestically. Lower labor costs are the primary driver, but companies also want to focus on their core businesses and create value for their shareholders. Recently, companies even move beyond non-strategic functions into important operational and strategic functions. Smart companies have gained strategic advantage by offshoring processes. Many risks involve in offshore outsourcing of professional services because on behalf of client organization service provider provides services. Political instability in offshore destinations is one of the risks related to offshore outsourcing. Political risks are very volatile and also often more difficult to observe, so they may go unnoticed. Terrorism, Fiscal & Monetary policies, and Corruption are obvious problems that complicate offshore process management. The main objective of this paper is to identify and understand the mutual interaction among various drivers of political risk which affects the performance of offshore outsourcing.  To this effect, authors have identified various drivers through extant review of literature.  From this information, an integrated model using interpretive structural modeling (ISM) for drivers of political risk in offshore outsourcing is developed and the structural relationships between these drivers are modeled.  Further, MICMAC analysis is done to analyze the independent power and dependency of drivers which shall be helpful to managers to identify and classify important criterions and to reveal the direct and indirect effects of each criterion of political environment on offshore outsourcing. Results show that Domestic policies of host country, Civil war, Terrorism and Human resource availability are act as independent drivers Keywords: Political risk, offshore outsourcing, interpretive structural modeling, MICMAC analysi

    Effect of Ambient Temperature on Calibration of Cooled Thermal Camera

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    Thermal cameras may be used under ambient conditions that differ significantly from the calibration conditions. The effect of ambient temperature on temperature measurement error is examined for MWIR and LWIR cooled thermal cameras. The facilities used include an environmental chamber and an extended area blackbody with temperature controller. Significant differences were observed in the temperatures measured by the cameras placed in different ambient temperatures, with reference to the set blackbody temperatures. Re-calibration was done to account for variations in ambient temperature from 5 ºC to on the outputs of the cameras. It was found that after such recalibration, the measurement error was within acceptable accuracy of ±1 °C

    Migrated intrauterine contraceptive device: erosion in to sigmoid colon

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    Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCDs) are one of the most widely chosen contraceptive methods with high efficacy, less side effects, and low cost especially in a developing country like India. Although they have low side effect profile but they are also associated with serious complications like device migration into adjacent organs, uterine perforation and sepsis. Any patient presenting with loss of thread should be assessed for localization of the IUCD. Authors are thereby reporting a case of a 30-year-old lady who presented with 2 month amenorrhea with loss of IUCD thread. She was diagnosed with intrauterine pregnancy with migrated IUCD into distal sigmoid colon. The patient was explored, IUCD was removed, dilatation and evacuation were done. Authors concluded that IUCDs are safe only in experienced hands and an institutional training is must for family planning workers. Patient education regarding regular checkup for threads is also emphasized

    Estimation of Effect of Emissivity on Target Detection through Thermal Imaging Systems

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    The effects of target emissivity on apparent thermal contrast as well as on detection range capabilities of thermal imagers in long wave infrared and middle wave infrared bands were evaluated. The apparent thermal contrast (to be seen by the thermal imager at standoff distance), considering only the emission from target and background, was first computed in both the IR bands in terms of target emissivity and secondly the apparent thermal contrast, considering the background radiation reflected off the target, was also computed. A graphical user interface simulation in MATLAB was prepared for the estimation of total apparent thermal contrast taking into account both the emission and reflection. This total apparent thermal contrast was finally used in night vision thermal and image processing model for predicting the detection range performance of thermal imagers. Results of the analysis show that the effect of target emissivity on thermal contrast estimates is more pronounced in LWIR. The lower thermodynamic temperature difference between target and background at lower values of target emissivity leads to negative thermal contrast which in-turn leads to higher detection ranges

    Pulsatile Drug Delivery System – A Novel Approach for Time and Spatial Controlled Drug Delivery

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    The area of pharmaceutical research is broadened with the invention of new pharmaceutical drug delivery system. The traditional drug deliveries systems have not the way to treat or cure special disease or as well as the common disease with less side effects and maximized efficacy. ODDS have various advantages and disadvantages but their disadvantages are overcome by the CDDS. CDDS although they overcome the disadvantages of ODDS but do not handle the special pharmacological disease requirements. To overcome this PDDS is established to overcome the disadvantages of CDDS. PDDS has gained importance in the drug delivery system because of improved patient compliance, therapeutic efficacy and having fewer side effects. PDDS uses lag time for delivery of drug in body. Various systems are there in PDDS to overcome the patient’s special chronopharmacological needs

    IoT Enabled Real Time Appearance System using AI Camera and Deep Learning for Student Tracking

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    Internet of Things based Automatic Attendance Management systems that use Artificial Intelligent cameras and deep learning algorithms can suggestively advance the accuracy and proficiency of class presence following in schools, colleges as well as universities. This technology involves the use of cameras that are placed in classrooms or other areas where attendance needs to be monitored.The cameras are equipped with advanced deep learning algorithms that can detect and recognize students based on their unique facial features. These algorithms use machine learning techniques to analyse images and identify individual faces, even in varying lighting conditions and different angles.The data collected by the cameras is then transmitted to an Intenet of Things based platform, which stores and approach the attendance data in real time. This platform can also be used to generate reports and analytics on attendance, helping teachers and administrators make data driven decisions to improve student performance
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