119 research outputs found

    Pathogenicity And Molecular Characteristics Of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Isolates Of Nepal

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    Infectious bursal disease (IBD) outbreak in chickens was first reported in Nepal in 1991. The objective of this study was to identify, characterise and determine the pathogenicity of IBD virus (IBDV) isolates of Nepal. The IBDV isolates, NP2K and NP1SSH were obtained from severe IBD outbreaks in Nepal in 2002. The IBDV isolates were inoculated in specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens and embryonated chicken eggs and identified as IBDV based on conventional methods. The hypervariable region of VP2 gene of NP2K and NP1SSH was amplified by revere transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The sequences were aligned, analysed to determine the molecular characteristic of the virus. A phylogenetic tree was constructed and the nucleotide sequences of the isolates were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) using computer-generated programme. The NP2K isolate was inoculated into 28-day-old SPF chickens to determine the pathogenicity and response of the bursa of Fabricius, caecal tonsil, thymus and kidney to the IBDV. The NP2K and NP1SSH isolates induced 100% mortality in SPF eggs in passage 1, 2, 3 and 4 post inoculation (pi). In 28-day-old SPF chickens, NP2K isolate produced lesions similar to those of field IBD outbreaks which were more pronounced at day 3 to 5 pi with 55% mortality. A significant decreased (p<0.05) in body weight of IBD group was recorded at day 3 pi. The bursa to body weight ratio was significantly different (p<0.05) at day 10 pi, between the control and IBD groups. The gross and histological lesions in the bursa of Fabricius were more pronounced than those of the thymus, caecal tonsil and kidney. In the bursa of Fabricius severe lesions (score of 5) were recorded at day 2, 3, 4 and 10 pi. The lesions in the thymus and caecal tonsil were moderate to severe (score of 3 to 5) at day 2, 3 and 4 pi, but remained normal or mild at the rest of observation days. In the kidney, only mild lesions were observed at day 3 and 4 pi. The viral antigen was detected only in the bursa of Fabricius and caecal tonsil at day 2, 3 and 4 pi, and was absent in the thymus and kidney using immunoperoxidase technique. The 1326 bp nucleotide and 446 amino acid sequences of NP2K and NP1SSH isolates were compared with other very virulent IBDV (vvIBDV), variant, vaccine, and classical strains of IBDV. The deduced amino acid sequences of NP2K and NP1SSH isolates were very similar to the vvIBDV of Japan (OKYM), Europe (UK661), China (HK61), Israel (IBDVKS), Malaysia (UPM97/61) and Belgium (849VB). Amino acid substitution at four positions were 300 (E to A), 308 (I to F), 334 (A to P) and 438 (I to S) for NP2K and at positions thirteen for NP1SSH at 27 (S to T), 28 (I to T), 31 (D to A), 36 (H to Y), 135 (E to G), 223 (G to S) 225 (V to I), 300 (E to A), 308 (I to F), 334 (A to P), 351 (L to I), 352 (V to E) and 339 (K to N) compare to published vvIBDV strains. Based on RFLP analysis with SspI, StyI, TaqI, StuI, AccI BmstI, MboI and Sac1 and the sequence analysis of NP2K and NP1SSH isolates showed similar characteristics to vvIBDV isolated from Japan, China, Europe and South East Asia. Absence of SspI site was likely due to the change in nucleotide at position 765 from T to C. The NP2K and NP1SSH isolates have BspMI, TaqI, MolI and Stu1 sites in the nucleotide sequence considered as a marker of vvIBDV. The amino acid substitution in different position indicates that a new strain of IBDV is still evolving. The NP2K and NP1SSH isolates were successfully isolated, identified and characterised using both conventional and molecular techniques as vvIBDV strain of serotype 1. The NP2K isolate produced severe lesions in the bursa of Fabricius and followed by caecal tonsil, thymus and kidney. The origin of the virus could be from China, Europe, Japan, or South East Asia. The accession numbers of the NP2K and NP1SSH isolates are AY 367560 and AY 605264 as provided from the gene bank, respectively

    I Miss My Country, but My World is with My Children : Examining the Family and Social Lives of Older Indian Immigrants in the United States

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    Within the context of ongoing social and demographic transformation, including the trend towards globalization, changing patterns of longevity and increasing ethnic diversity, this thesis examines the lives older Asian-Indian immigrants in the United States. To date, much of what little research exists on this group of elders focuses on acculturation and related stress, but there is limited research on the daily life experiences of these older adults, particularly as they pertain to family life, the practice of filial piety, and informal support exchange within their households, as well as their social lives more generally. Informed by two theoretical approaches, Life Course and Symbolic Interactionism, this research examines older immigrants’ social and family lives. The study employs a qualitative approach and involves in-depth semi-structured interviews with 10 older Asian-Indians living in the Atlanta area. To varying degrees, their lives are family-centered. Traditional Indian practices such as filial piety are individualized according to the intersection of American and Indian cultures and family (e.g., structure and history) and personal (e.g., personal resources) influences. Similar influences operate to shape their family and social lives more generally. These findings enhance existing understandings of older immigrants’ lives and illustrate similarities and differences. In doing so, the research provides valuable information that can promote cultural competence for those working with and designing policies and programs for adults in a rapidly aging and increasingly diverse society

    The Social World of Prostitutes and \u3cem\u3eDevadasis\u3c/em\u3e: A Study of the Social Structure and Its Politics in Early Modern India

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    This research paper discusses two groups of professional women who had a distinct place in the sexual economy of the period under review. By analyzing the actions and situations of prostitutes and the devadasis (literally meaning servants of God) in terms of a broader context of relationships, I consider the sexual-services and the entertainment provided by them as a meaningful labor, which got integrated at both the social and cultural levels. I have looked at how and to whom the prostitutes and the devadasis sold their labor, and how they related to other women, to men, and to various social systems. The study of these professionals shows different strands of Indian culture and one could state that the world of entertainment, to which these professions belonged, itself is a cultural reproduction of society. Specifically, it is my view that the prostitutes were sought after for their physical attraction, but elegance and élan were to an extent constitutive elements of their profession. In the case of devadasis who were the custodians of the arts of singing and dancing and whose dedicated status made them a symbol of social prestige, I would say that while the economic/professional benefits were considerable, they did not lack social honor either. The essay shows that the women who were part of this set-up, a set-up which thrived on the commercialization of women’s reproductive labor, had those skills and expertise which eventually get appropriated by politico-economic structures. This gives a better insight into the politics of human relations

    Vocational Interest Regarding Career Awareness Among Adolescent Boys and Girls of Rohtak City: Haryana (India)

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    All young are deeply concerned about their future vocational roles. Vocation is valued by most adolescents, for its contributions to self-esteem, financial independence, and social maturity. The present study is done to find out the gender difference in the vocational interest of high school adolescents. The sample for the investigation consisted of 300 adolescents (150 boys &amp; 150 girls) studying in 10th class. The sample was taken from six schools of Rohtak city. The standardized tool was used to measure the variable Vocational Interest Record (VIR). For analysis of data, mean, standard deviation, and t-test were computed. The results of the study revealed that the gender difference in vocational interest was seen. Results indicated that t scores on artistic, agricultural, social and household dimensions of vocational interest were significant. Significant different exists between boys and girls on above vocational areas. Girls were high on artistic, social and household jobs as compared to boys whereas boys were high on agricultural jobs

    Intelligent Orchard Monitoring: An IoT-Based Approach for Real-Time Apple Disease Detection Using Environmental Factors

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    This research introduces a novel methodology for apple disease detection based on environmental factors, integrating the capabilities of the Internet of Things (IoT). By deploying advanced sensors in orchards, the aim is to facilitate real-time monitoring and transform these spaces into intelligent ecosystems. The methodology encompasses data collection from environmental variables like temperature, humidity, pressure, and light. Using the Mamdani fuzzy inference system (MFIS), the collected data is then employed to predict potential apple diseases. Initial tests conducted in an apple orchard in Shimla, India, demonstrated the system's effectiveness and efficiency, with minimal delays during various phases of the process. The study also offers a comparative analysis with existing state-of-the-art methodologies in the realm of disease detection

    Bioefficacy of entomopathogenic mycoformulations and effect of adjuvants against nymphs of cabbage aphid, Brevicornye brassicae (Linnaeus)

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    Cabbage aphid, Brevicornye brassicae (Linnaeus) is one of the major insect pests of cabbage. Chemical control is mostly used to manage this pest. The present investigation was conducted to evaluate an environmentally benign approach for the pest management through different entomopathogenic mycoformulations against nymphs of B. brassicae to identify effective mycoformulation. The effect of mycoformulations supplemented with different adjuvants against nymphs of B. Brassicae was also evaluated under laboratory conditions. The bioassay studies of fungal bioformulation against nymphs of B. brassicae recorded maximum cumulative per cent mortality (53.33%) in talc formulation of L. lecanii MTCC 956 and commercial L. Lecanii formulation @12g L-1 and these were at par with each other. Maximum percent reduction of nymphal population over control 54.66 and 51.33 per cent was recorded @12 g L-1in talc formulation of L. lecanii (MTCC 956) and commercial L. Lecanii formulation ten days after treatment respectively. Laboratory studies undertaken to evaluate talc formulation of L. lecanii MTCC 956 lecanii with and without adjuvants against the nymphs of B. brassicae recorded maximum percent increase in mortality over control (7.89%) in L. lecanii formulation + tween80@1%. Results of this study signified that L. lecanii formulation, when supplemented with adjuvants enhanced the growth of L. lecanii and increased mortality of nymphs of B. brassicae and could be used as a part of the integrated pest management program

    Effect of zinc concentration on the growth performance of White leg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei Boone

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    Awareness about healthy organic food is increasing, leading to research on contaminants/pollutants and their effect on aquatic fauna and mankind. The effect of zinc sulphate on the growth performance of White leg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) was evaluated under six doses viz; 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 mg/l in in vitro study conducted from June to October 2021.  The results revealed that higher doses of zinc sulphate showed toxicity against L. vannamei. The weight (3.12gm), length (8.95cm), weight gain per shrimp (4.11g), average daily weight gain (0.032), and specific growth rate (1.1g) were significantly (5%) lower at the higher dose (8mg/l) of zinc sulphate than control 11.73g, 16.22cm, 19.75g, 0.156g, and 2.20g respectively. With an increase in zinc sulphate dose from 0 mg/l in control to 8 mg/l, survival of shrimp decreased from 100 % to 7%. The Lethal concentration (LC50) for zinc sulphate treatments was recorded at 0.71 ppm for shrimp. The water quality parameter pH (7.17-8.09), dissolved oxygen (6.13-7.58mg/l), hardness (4000-4772mg/l), and total alkalinity (162-231mg/l) were in an optimum range. The variation in Nitrite- Nitrogen, Nitrate- Nitrogen and Ammonical-Nitrogen (0-0.018, 0-0.4, 0-0.018mg/l) were within a permissible range. Thus, the present study revealed that zinc had a negative potential effect on L. vannamei at higher concentrations and may lead to serious economic loss to farmers if ignored

    Productivity of Perennial Grasses under \u3cem\u3eMachillus bombicinii\u3c/em\u3e Tree in Assam

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    Homestead agroforestry system is the most common production system in Assam. It varies with the agroclimatic zones and economic condition of the farmers. In lower Brahmaputra valley zone, generation of employment under such system varies from 16.5 to 19.1% whereas in upper Brahmaputra valley zone, it ranges from 30.6 to 64.1%. For increasing forage productivity homestead garden can play a major role in augmenting fodder production for year round supply of green forage through non competitive land use system. There is scope for growing suitable perennial grasses like Guinea, setaria and Congo-signal for increasing fodder production. However research information on the performance of setaria and Guinea grasses are not available in Assam under tree shade. Through the performance of Guinea grass under tree shade has already been tested and found to be feasible for growing. On the other hand in Assam there are many plantation areas where Machilus bombicina King (Family Lauraceae) locally known as “Som” tree is grown. This is a very common tree for Munga silk worm rearing (Dutta, 1985) which is middle to big tree with spreading crown. Wood is hard and used as ordinary timber. It is a good fire wood and suitable for making charcoal. The present study was proposed to study the productivity and quality of two perennial grasses viz. Setaria and Congo-signal at varying levels of nitrogen under tree shade of Machilus bombicia

    Readiness and Perception of Pacific Students to Mobile Phones for Higher Education

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    The emergence and advancement of Information Communication Technologies have transformed facilitation and content delivery in higher education worldwide, the Pacific region being no exception. The extensive use of mobile phones in the Pacific, especially with the student-aged populace, is gradually creating a niche for mobile learning in the education landscape. However, there is a growing concern on the effectiveness of this innovative intervention keeping in mind the digital intelligence of Pacific students. This paper explores the readiness and perception of the Pacific students using mobile devices for learning. An online questionnaire was used to collect data for this exploratory research. While the results revealed the student’s willingness and positive perception to leverage on mobile phones for learning in higher education, their readiness for the mobile-driven education is rather dependent on various factors which are explored in detail. The paper concludes with recommendations for the higher education institutes and education ministries in the Pacific region