16 research outputs found

    Simulating the Impacts of Irrigation Levels on Soybean Production in Texas High Plains to Manage Diminishing Groundwater Levels

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    There is an increasing need to strategize and plan irrigation systems under varied climatic conditions to support efficient irrigation practices while maintaining and improving the sustainability of groundwater systems. This study was undertaken to simulate the growth and production of soybean [Glycine max (L.)] under different irrigation scenarios. The objectives of this study were to calibrate and validate the CROPGRO-Soybean model under Texas High Plains’ (THP) climatic conditions and to apply the calibrated model to simulate the impacts of different irrigation levels and triggers on soybean production. The methodology involved combining short-term experimental data with long-term historical weather data (1951–2012), and use of mechanistic crop growth simulation algorithms to determine optimum irrigation management strategies. Irrigation was scheduled based on five different plant extractable water levels (irrigation threshold [ITHR]) set at 20%, 35%, 50%, 65%, and 80%. The calibrated model was able to satisfactorily reproduce measured leaf area index, biomass, and evapotranspiration for soybean, indicating it can be used for investigating different strategies for irrigating soybean in the THP. Calculations of crop water productivity for biomass and yield along with irrigation water use efficiency indicated soybean can be irrigated at ITHR set at 50% or 65% with minimal yield loss as compared to 80% ITHR, thus conserving water and contributing toward lower groundwater withdrawals

    Effect of Early Planting on Soybean Yield: 2023 Growing Season

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    In an effort to increase soybean yield potential, early planting dates have been promoted as a management practice that can increase yield of soybeans. Early planting of soybeans can be a relative term, meaning late April/early May for some soybean producers in Kansas, but this study’s definition of early planted soybeans is late March/early April. Theoretically, the earlier planting date could allow for more vegetative growth and interception of more light before blooming, increasing the yield potential. With the improvement of soybean seed treatments to protect seed when emergence is slowed due to cool and wet conditions, the early planting may be a viable option. The planting dates in the three years of the study have shown soybean yields as either stable or increased when planting in late March/early April compared to planting in mid-to-late April and early-to-mid May

    Transition Pathways to Sustainable Agricultural Water Management: A Review of Integrated Modeling Approaches

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    Agricultural water management (AWM) is an interdisciplinary concern, cutting across traditional domains such as agronomy, climatology, geology, economics, and sociology. Each of these disciplines has developed numerous process-based and empirical models for AWM. However, models that simulate all major hydrologic, water quality, and crop growth processes in agricultural systems are still lacking. As computers become more powerful, more researchers are choosing to integrate existing models to account for these major processes rather than building new cross-disciplinary models. Model integration carries the hope that, as in a real system, the sum of the model will be greater than the parts. However, models based upon simplified and unrealistic assumptions of physical or empirical processes can generate misleading results which are not useful for informing policy. In this article, we use literature and case studies from the High Plains Aquifer and Southeastern United States regions to elucidate the challenges and opportunities associated with integrated modeling for AWM and recommend conditions in which to use integrated models. Additionally, we examine the potential contributions of integrated modeling to AWM — the actual practice of conserving water while maximizing productivity

    Study of Risk Factors Associated With Term Low Birth Weight Neonates and its Placental Histopathological Correlation

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    Aims: The study was aimed to assess the risk factors leading to low birth weight in term neonates and correlate them with placental histopathology in cases of term LBW. Material and Methods: The study was conducted as a cross sectional study, at tertiary care centre on females delivering term neonates with LBW. All the females were subjected to detailed history, examination and blood investigations. Following delivery, baby details were recorded and placentae collected were subjected to gross and histopathological examination. Results: Incidence of term LBW was 13.39%. Anemia (33.5%) and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (29.75%) were noted to be major high-risk factors. Shift in centrality of cord insertion was found to be a significant risk factor for LBW (P value =0.001 and 0.021). Baby weight and placental weight were both reduced in the presence of risk factors. Higher number of placental lesions were significantly associated with low birth weight (p<0.05) and it was found that more the number of placental lesions, greater was the decrease in the birth weight of the neonates. All the histopathological findings of placentae correlated with high risk (p<0.05). Conclusion: Examination of placentae conducted in present study proved to be a useful adjunct in finding the pathogenic mechanism resulting in LBW and can be helpful in timely detection, planning and management including desired interventions in future pregnancies

    Study of Risk Factors Associated with Term low Birth Weight Neonates and its Placental Histopathological Correlation

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    Aims- The study was aimed to assess the risk factors leading to low birth weight in term neonates and correlate them with placental histopathology in cases of term LBW.Material and Methods- The study was conducted as a cross sectional study, at tertiary care centre on females delivering term neonates with LBW. All the females were subjected to detailed history, examination and blood investigations. Following delivery, baby details were recorded and placentae collected were subjected to gross and histopathological examination. Results- Incidence of term LBW was 13.39%. Anemia (33.5%) and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (29.75%) were noted to be major high-risk factors. Shift in centrality of cord insertion was found to be a significant risk factor for LBW (P value =0.001 and 0.021). Baby weight and placental weight were both reduced in the presence of risk factors. Higher number of placental lesions were significantly associated with low birth weight (p<0.05) and it was found that more the number of placental lesions, greater was the decrease in the birth weight of the neonates. All the histopathological findings of placentae correlated with high risk (p<0.05). Conclusion:Examination of placentae conducted in present study proved to be a useful adjunct in finding the pathogenic mechanism resulting in LBW and can be helpful in timely detection, planning and management including desired interventions in future pregnancies

    AT: A hydro-economic modeling framework for aquifer management in irrigated agricultural regions☆

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    In this paper, we introduce a hydro-economic modeling framework for the management of groundwater resources that are used for irrigated agricultural production. The model, MODAT,canbeusedtostudythecostsofaquiferdepletionandthenetbenefitsofspecificaquifermanagementpolicies.MODAT, can be used to study the costs of aquifer depletion and the net benefits of specific aquifer management policies. MODAT is composed of three components, namely, an economic component, a hydrologic component and an agronomic component. A main goal of this paper is to introduce the hydro-economic model and describe how it can be transferable to different contexts. With this objective in mind, we describe model components step-by-step so that the process of integration can be replicated easily. We then apply the model to study the efficacy of a pumping tax in Finney County, Kansas, USA, which overlies the High Plains Aquifer. The results show that a pumping tax results in an increase in average well capacities in the county over time relative to the status quo, which increases the average profitability of agricultural production. However, the increase in profitability is not uniform across producers and some producers gain more than others under the tax


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    本文之研究目的希望透過銀行業經理人工作現況與工作條件之經驗,探求經理人的契約關係,及其工作權益保障之討論。在研究方法上,一方面先以文獻探討開展,一方面以實務訪談的方式,觀察銀行經理人具備勞工「從屬性」之有無與程度與銀行經理人實際遭遇到何種工作權益的問題,將實務研究發現加以統整,以銀行業的訪談經驗作為其「從屬性」與「裁量自由」加以分析,希望逐步釐清我國經理人之概念及其契約結構,探求是否有其他勞務性契約之適用可能。 我國經理人契約通說係為委任契約類型,經理人之工作保障不受勞動法令的保障。實務上,勞工轉換為經理人身份時,經民法、公司法法定程序任命,即從勞動契約關係轉換為委任契約關係,在為有法令的保障下,常發生因身份轉換,導致許多勞動權益的喪失,衍生退休年資的消滅、團結權資格的喪失及工作權隨時喪失等問題。 本文從「人格從屬性」相關的四個面向(工作時間、接受指示調派、接受考核及接受懲戒)觀察銀行分行經理及總行部處首長等經理人,採以「上、下位標準認定」方式,再結合其經濟從屬性及事務處理自由程度等具體事項,綜合分析後發現這些公司法經理人不但具一定程度的從屬性,事務處理的自由亦為受限,理當可以視為勞工身份。此外,本文亦發現近年司法機關針對勞工行政主管機關過去所採以經公司法程序之形式認定方式,出現突破性之看法,認為此法定任命程序,僅為進用方式,無法憑單一方式即認定這些經理人之契約關係為委任契約,而排除於勞動法令之適用範圍。 以德國的經驗,發現德國將經理人之概念再細分為獨立經理人與經理人員(Leading Officer),雖然德國法制承認經理人員確實與一般勞工在地位、組織利益關係常有所衝突之處,然仍將其視為「勞工」身份,享有勞動權益的保障,於特別法令上,再與一般勞工有所區分,在企業內部另組利益團體或工會,可與雇主進行協商。反觀我國經理人之範疇含括了獨立經理人與經理人員之概念,而我國大部分經公司法任命之經理人皆與經理人員的性質相符,實有討論納入勞動法令的意義,值得我國法令省思。 結論對於經理人的組織定位、基礎契約關係有更深入探討分析,期待我國有一套客觀地認定勞工身份之方式,並提出我國勞動法應獨立於其他商事法令,針對經理人員等特殊身份的勞動者,重新思考其契約關係,訂定有更為詳細的定義,確保勞工升遷中,仍得維護自身工作權益,使職涯生活能夠多一層保障

    AT: A hydro-economic modeling framework for aquifer management in irrigated agricultural regions☆

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    In this paper, we introduce a hydro-economic modeling framework for the management of groundwater resources that are used for irrigated agricultural production. The model, MODAT,canbeusedtostudythecostsofaquiferdepletionandthenetbenefitsofspecificaquifermanagementpolicies.MODAT, can be used to study the costs of aquifer depletion and the net benefits of specific aquifer management policies. MODAT is composed of three components, namely, an economic component, a hydrologic component and an agronomic component. A main goal of this paper is to introduce the hydro-economic model and describe how it can be transferable to different contexts. With this objective in mind, we describe model components step-by-step so that the process of integration can be replicated easily. We then apply the model to study the efficacy of a pumping tax in Finney County, Kansas, USA, which overlies the High Plains Aquifer. The results show that a pumping tax results in an increase in average well capacities in the county over time relative to the status quo, which increases the average profitability of agricultural production. However, the increase in profitability is not uniform across producers and some producers gain more than others under the tax

    Transition Pathways to Sustainable Agricultural Water Management: A Review of Integrated Modeling Approaches

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    Agricultural water management (AWM) is an interdisciplinary concern, cutting across traditional domains such as agronomy, climatology, geology, economics, and sociology. Each of these disciplines has developed numerous process-based and empirical models for AWM. However, models that simulate all major hydrologic, water quality, and crop growth processes in agricultural systems are still lacking. As computers become more powerful, more researchers are choosing to integrate existing models to account for these major processes rather than building new cross-disciplinary models. Model integration carries the hope that, as in a real system, the sum of the model will be greater than the parts. However, models based upon simplified and unrealistic assumptions of physical or empirical processes can generate misleading results which are not useful for informing policy. In this article, we use literature and case studies from the High Plains Aquifer and Southeastern United States regions to elucidate the challenges and opportunities associated with integrated modeling for AWM and recommend conditions in which to use integrated models. Additionally, we examine the potential contributions of integrated modeling to AWM — the actual practice of conserving water while maximizing productivity