267 research outputs found

    Satellite-derived bathymetry with sediment classification using the ICESat-2 and multispectral imagery: cases study in the South China Sea and Australia

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    Achieving coastal and shallow-water bathymetry is essential for understanding the marine environment and for coastal management. Bathymetry data in shallow sea areas can currently be obtained using SDB (satellite-derived bathymetry) with multispectral satellites based on depth inversion models. In situ bathymetry data are crucial for validating empirical models but are currently limited in remote and unapproachable areas. Instead of the measured water depth data, we used the ICESat-2 (Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2) ATL03 bathymetry data at different acquisition dates and multispectral imagery from Sentinel-2/GeoEye-1 to train and evaluate water depth inversion empirical models in two study regions: Shanhu Island in the South China Sea (SCS), and Heron Island in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in Australia. However, different sediment types also influenced the SDB results. Therefore, three types of sediments (sand, reef, and coral/algae) were analyzed for Heron Island, and four types of sediments (sand, reef, rubble and coral/algae) were analyzed for Shanhu Island. The results show that consistency generally improved when sediment classification information was considered in both study areas. For Heron Island, the sand sediments showed the best performance in both models compared to the other sediments, with mean RMSE and R2 values of 1.52 m and 0.90, respectively, representing a 5.6% improvement of the latter metric. For Shanhu Island, the rubble sediments showed the best consistency in both models, and the average RMSE and R2 values were 0.65 m and 0.97, respectively, indicating an RMSE improvement of 15.5%. Finally, bathymetry maps were generated in two regions based on the sediment classification results. These results indicate that the SDB method with sediment classifications can improve the water depth estimation consistency. This technology can also provide an efficient way to generate large-scale bathymetry maps in remote and sensitive shallow water areas for marine applications

    Liquid-gas Phase Transition in Strange Hadronic Matter with Weak Y-Y Interaction

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    The liquid-gas phase transition in strange hadronic matter is reexamined by using the new parameters about the Λ−Λ\Lambda - \Lambda interaction deduced from recent observation of ΛΛ6He^{6}_{\Lambda\Lambda}He double hypernucleus. The extended Furnstahl-Serot-Tang model with nucleons and hyperons is utilized. The binodal surface, the limit pressure, the entropy, the specific heat capacity and the Caloric curves are addressed. We find that the liquid-gas phase transition can occur more easily in strange hadronic matter with weak Y-Y interaction than that of the strong Y-Y interaction.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    The source localization technique based on improved functional beamforming using a virtual array

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    Beamforming have become a popular technique to identify sound source. The most common application is conventional beamforming, but it has low resolution and requires a large number of microphones at low frequency. To overcome this problem, an improved functional beamforming method based on “virtual array” and the relative spectral matrix is introduced. Firstly, the relative complex pressures of the sound field can be acquired by “virtual array” with one scanning microphone and a fixed reference microphone. Thereby, a relative spectral matrix of the relative complex pressures measured can be obtained. Then the improved functional beamforming method with order v is developed based on the relative spectral matrix. And the resolution of the improved method can be modified by increased the number of order v. but it also can be improved by changing virtual microphones. This property allows widening the scope of this interesting beamforming method

    On-chip Spectrometer Formed by a Multi-stage Structure

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    With apparent size and weight advantages, on-chip spectrometer could be a good choice for the spectrum analysis application which has been widely used in numerous areas such as optical network performance monitoring, materials analysis and medical research. In order to realize the broadband and the high resolution simultaneously, we propose a new on-chip spectrometer structure, which is a two-stage structure. The coarse wavelength division is realized by the cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers, which is the first stage of the spectrometer. The output of the Mach-Zehnder interferometers are further dispersed by the second stage structure, which can be realized either by arrayed waveguide gratings or by digital Fourier transform spectrometer structure. We further implemented the thermo-optic modulation for the arrayed waveguide gratings to achieve a higher spectral resolution. The output channel wavelengths of the spectrometer are modulated by the embedded heater to obtain the first order derivative spectra of the input optical signal to obtain a 2nm resolution. With respect to the computer simulation and device characterization results, the 400nm spectral range and the nanoscale resolution have been demonstrated

    Inside-Out Radial Migration Facilitates Lineage-Dependent Neocortical Microcircuit Assembly

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    SummaryNeocortical excitatory neurons migrate radially along the glial fibers of mother radial glial progenitors (RGPs) in a birth-date-dependent inside-out manner. However, the precise functional significance of this well-established orderly neuronal migration remains largely unclear. Here, we show that strong electrical synapses selectively form between RGPs and their newborn progeny and between sister excitatory neurons in ontogenetic radial clones at the embryonic stage. Interestingly, the preferential electrical coupling between sister excitatory neurons, but not that between RGP and newborn progeny, is eliminated in mice lacking REELIN or upon clonal depletion of DISABLED-1, which compromises the inside-out radial neuronal migration pattern in the developing neocortex. Moreover, increased levels of Ephrin-A ligand or receptor that laterally disperse sister excitatory neurons also disrupt preferential electrical coupling between radially aligned sister excitatory neurons. These results suggest that RGP-guided inside-out radial neuronal migration facilitates the initial assembly of lineage-dependent precise columnar microcircuits in the neocortex

    Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejections by CORAR Technique through Different Stereoscopic Angle of STEREO Twin Spacecraft

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    Recently, we developed the Correlation-Aided Reconstruction (CORAR) method to reconstruct solar wind inhomogeneous structures, or transients, using dual-view white-light images (Li et al. 2020; Li et al. 2018). This method is proved to be useful for studying the morphological and dynamical properties of transients like blobs and coronal mass ejection (CME), but the accuracy of reconstruction may be affected by the separation angle between the two spacecraft (Lyu et al. 2020). Based on the dual-view CME events from the Heliospheric Imager CME Join Catalogue (HIJoinCAT) in the HELCATS (Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service) project, we study the quality of the CME reconstruction by the CORAR method under different STEREO stereoscopic angles. We find that when the separation angle of spacecraft is around 150{\deg}, most CME events can be well reconstructed. If the collinear effect is considered, the optimal separation angle should locate between 120{\deg} and 150{\deg}. Compared with the CME direction given in the Heliospheric Imager Geometrical Catalogue (HIGeoCAT) from HELCATS, the CME parameters obtained by the CORAR method are reasonable. However, the CORAR-obtained directions have deviations towards the meridian plane in longitude, and towards the equatorial plane in latitude. An empirical formula is proposed to correct these deviations. This study provides the basis for the spacecraft configuration of our recently proposed Solar Ring mission concept (Wang et al. 2020b).Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure
