410 research outputs found

    Projecting Wildfire Emissions and Their Air Quality Impacts in the Southeastern U.S. from 2010 to Mid-century

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    Wildfires can severely impair the health of ecosystems, life forms and regional economies. In the rapidly changing U. S. Southeast, both climate and socioeconomic factors (e.g., population and income) drive wildfires, and need to be represented in wildfire inventories to assess the air quality (AQ) impacts and health risks of wildfires long-term. This motivated the development of a wildfire emissions projection methodology leveraging published models of annual areas burned (AAB) based on county-level socioeconomic and climate projections for 2011-2060. It is applied to project two sets of AAB with different climate downscaling approaches, to estimate wildfire emissions for 2010 and four mid-century years. These are compared with emissions estimated using 18-year historical mean AAB without changes in climate and socioeconomics. Competing climate and socioeconomic factors result in 7% - 32% lower projected AAB than historical values, and 13% - 62% lower fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions than estimated from historical AAB in the selected years, with climate driving their temporal variability. Evaluation of the emissions projection methods in air quality (AQ) simulations against those using the National Emissions Inventory (NEI), and network observations for 2010 show little difference among the methods in ozone (0.08% - 0.93%) and PM2.5 (1% - 8%). Larger, comparable biases relative to observations in all three methods for secondary species, especially in winter, are attributable to non-wildfire emissions or secondary chemical production. The projection methods predict primary wildfire PM better than the NEI, providing confidence that they can assess current wildfire AQ impacts, while enabling longer-term AQ assessments unachievable with static inventories. AQ simulations using the projected wildfire emissions, and projected emission reductions in SOx and NOx from energy and transportation (by ~80% at mid-century) show peak periods and locations of wildfire impacts on ozone and PM shifting from autumn in Midwestern locations in 2010, to warmer and drier summers east and south by mid-century, following the AAB spatiotemporal patterns. Although considerably lower than 2010 levels, summertime PM2.5 increases by 4%-5% in 2040-2060 in this emission scenario, driven by increases in OC and unspeciated other PM.Doctor of Philosoph

    Vegetable Supply Chain: A Conceptual Study

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    The primary focus of this paper is to assess the challenges and problems of supply chain of vegetables. The paper is the beginning of the doctoral study and concentrating on the conceptual mapping of idea. For this paper the extensive literature review is the base and the concept derived from the secondary sources only. The effort is expected to give a insight of the problems and would attempt to suggest remedial measures for cost optimization and efficiency in the supply chain of vegetables from farm to consumer. The basic problem lies with supply chain. Farmers are not getting requisite realization of price commensurate to their efforts due to lack of storage facilities, poor market information and unorganized faulty supply chain. A better solution can be the Public Private Partnership for the supply chain development. Keywords: Supply Chain, Vegetables, Farmers, Minimum Support Price, Storage, Public Private Partnership

    Buyers Perception on Online Shopping in Kurdistan Region

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    This study has been conducted in order to identify customer buying behavior in Kurdistan region towards online shopping. In order to do this the main question of this thesis was, what is consumer buying behavior toward online shopping in Iraqi Kurdistan Region? This will all be studied carefully and a survey questionnaire will be used in quantitative and also descriptive manner in order to analyze customer’s feelings and thought which effect their behavior towards online shopping and finally the results will be analyzed by SPSS program which makes all data clear and understanding. Many literature reviews will be studied whether they are from the same region or from different countries, to further understand the case and to be able to answer the questions and reach the aims and objectives of the thesis. After going through all these steps, I was able to analyze all the data including primary and secondary data and was able to state my conclusion including recommendations which will help improve the process within the region and also will result in satisfied customers and better businesses. Keywords: Buyer, perception, shopping, consumer, online DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-15-03 Publication date:May 31st 201

    A Literature Study on Access of Petty Cash in Financial Crisis Private Sector

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    Study presented here is a qualitative research based on the exploration of conceptual base of the study concentrating on the importance of petty cash in the business when it comes to private sector companies. The specific study is done Kurdistan region where the ISIS crisis has affected the business. Public sector companies are well equipped to take care of their activities by the support of government but private parties are facing many challenges as the financial crisis has effected banks and financial institutions as well. Here for the support of literature a company has been taken for study as the sample for understanding of the reality as stated by the literature. This study has the good combination of theoretical base with the practical understanding of the application. The study concludes as the companies and organization should making the cash as more of the percentage of the financial transition because of  the access of petty cash has power and actions for companies finance situation and to better finance situation. The companies and private sector organization should make the cash flow statement with correct amount implementation to be positive points for fixing the financial crisis. The companies and private sector organization should making the sales by cash amount opposite that the loan (accounts payable) way. Keywords: Petty cash, crisis, finance, private company, investment DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-10-02 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Conceptualizing a Four-Factor Construct for Journalists’ Job Satisfaction: A Structural Equation Modeling Method

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    Job Satisfaction studies, especially in the field of Organization research, have traditionally been looked at as a measure of motivation and environmental factors. Factors of burnout related to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment and its different variants have also been related to diverse conceptualizations of job satisfaction. Recent studies in the fields of human services have also looked at intrinsic, organizational and salary as factors of job satisfaction. The present study theorizes a four-factor construct of job satisfaction for journalists - intrinsic satisfaction, organizational satisfaction, tangible benefits and efficacy perceptions. Based on an online survey of 216 journalists in three Indian cities, this study provides a structural equation modeling approach to prove the construct validity of the hypothesized model proposed as a second order hierarchical construct. Standard goodness of fit indices and factor loadings are used to prove the construct validity

    Role of Farmers in Vertical Coordinated Vegetable Supply Chains in Odisha

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    Farmers are always struggling with many challenges in the absence of well-developed support systems. The opinion of farmer and intermediaries are very important to reach the conclusion, so an assessment has been performed measuring the similarities and differences in opinion based on defined factors considered as the key success factors and constraints to participate in the vertically coordinated vegetable supply chain. Horticulture is one of the most growing sectors with ample opportunities throughout the state helping in development of economic situations of farmer’s by getting the cash on produce sales. The producer’s participation in vegetable supply chain has been analyzed on the basis of data collected as the sample considering the well representative of the whole population. The samples collected from three districts of Odisha namely Bhubaneswar/ Khorda, Puri and Balasore with the frequency of 250, 279 and 228 respectively, which is 33.0%, 36.9 % and 30.1% respectively. This paper importantly mentioning the overview of the Odisha and the supply chain for vegetables, characteristics of producers and intermediaries participating in VCVSC (producer’s characteristics and intermediary’s characteristics) and the market participation of farmers and intermediaries in the VCVSC. Keywords: VCVSC, vegetable, vertical coordinated, supply chain, Odisha DOI: 10.7176/FSQM/87-06 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Application of Customer Relationship Management Practices in the Industrial Process

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    The focus of research is to discuss customer relationship management practice and their effect on customer satisfaction. Today, business organizations are living in a highly competitive world, and for any bank to know its customers because they are the cornerstones on which business is based. Study observed the research problem as competition among bank has changed the way of conducting with consumers. Customers nowadays became more sophisticated and started seeking best providers. Furthermore, banks face huge request in satisfying large amount of customers as the number of orders and customers increase day after day. Research objectives formulated are: to know the importance of CRM in industrial practice, to measure the level of customer satisfaction, to assess the relationship in between CRM and customer satisfaction. Methodology says that The Population which is collects from Kurdistan International Bank in Erbil, at Kurdistan region from Iraq.  The research data is collected by developing questionnaire, the research is of quantitative method which tends to address the numerical data and statistics rather than the quality of data. The use of management expertise to provide advice on conducting marketing research on the surrounding environment and how to exploit opportunities and meet the challenges that the responses showed a lack of such research. Review the customer relationship management program periodically during the year to determine its performance. Keywords: Customer relationship management, CRM, management, satisfaction, DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/56-02 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Marketing Agricultural Produces: A Literature Study of India

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    Marketing infrastructure includes all those facilities and amenities needed for the smooth conduct of marketing in the economy. In this paper an attempt has been made to examine the status of different agricultural marketing infrastructures, their geographical spread in the different states of India and also the policy measures for strengthening of these infrastructural facilities.  The infrastructural facilities in development are as necessary as foundations of a building. The existence of adequate marketing infrastructure are important not only for the performance of various marketing functions and expansion of the size of the markets but also for the transfer of appropriate price signals leading to improved marketing efficiency. The availability of different infrastructures affects the choice of technology to be adopted, reduces the cost of transportation, produces powerful impetus to production and also affects income distribution in favor of small and marginal farmers by raising their access to the market. The agriculture sector needs heavy investment for creation of basic infrastructures necessary for the overall economic development. In a developing country like India, marketing infrastructures play a pivotal role in fostering and sustaining the tempo of rural and economic development. Marketing is as critical to better performance in agriculture as farming itself. Though the role of infrastructure is the key element of any development programme, yet their role in distribution and marketing is the supreme. Key Words: Appropriate; Distribution; Improved; Infrastructure; Supreme

    Meson Masses and Mixing Angles in 2+1 Flavor Polyakov Quark Meson Sigma Model and Symmetry Restoration Effects

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    The meson masses and mixing angles have been calculated for the scalar and pseudoscalar sector in the framework of the generalized 2+1 flavor Polyakov loop augmented quark meson linear sigma model. We have given the results for two different forms of the effective Polyakov loop potential. The comparison of results with the existing calculations in the bare 2+1 quark meson linear sigma model, shows that the restoration of chiral symmetry becomes sharper due to the influence of the Polyakov loop potential. We find that inclusion of the Polyakov loop in quark meson linear sigma model together with the presence of axial anomaly, triggers an early and significant melting of the strange condensate. We have examined how the inclusion of the Polyakov loop qualitatively and quantitatively affects the convergence in the masses of the chiral partners in pseudoscalar (π\pi, η\eta, η′\eta', KK) and scalar (σ\sigma, a0a_0, f0f_0,κ\kappa) meson nonets as the temperature is varied on the reduced temperature scale. The role of UA(1)U_A(1) anomaly in determining the isoscalar masses and mixing angles for the pseudoscalar (η\eta and η′\eta') and scalar (σ\sigma and f0f_0)meson complex, has also been investigated in the Polyakov quark meson linear sigma model. The interplay of chiral symmetry restoration effects and the setting up of UA(1)U_A(1) restoration trend has been discussed and analyzed in the framework of the presented model calculations.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 4 table
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