11,568 research outputs found

    Entanglement dynamics of two-qubit system in different types of noisy channels

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    In this paper, we study entanglement dynamics of a two-qubit extended Werner-like state locally interacting with independent noisy channels, i.e., amplitude damping, phase damping and depolarizing channels. We show that the purity of initial entangled state has direct impacts on the entanglement robustness in each noisy channel. That is, if the initial entangled state is prepared in mixed instead of pure form, the state may exhibit entanglement sudden death (ESD) and/or be decreased for the critical probability at which the entanglement disappear.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Entanglement and quantum phase transition in alternating XY spin chain with next-nearest neighbour interactions

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    By using the method of density-matrix renormalization-group to solve the different spin-spin correlation functions, the nearest-neighbouring entanglement(NNE) and next-nearest-neighbouring entanglement(NNNE) of one-dimensional alternating Heisenberg XY spin chain is investigated in the presence of alternating nearest neighbour interactions of exchange couplings, external magnetic fields and next-nearest neighbouring interactions. For dimerized ferromagnetic spin chain, NNNE appears only above the critical dimerized interaction, meanwhile, the dimerized interaction effects quantum phase transition point and improves NNNE to a large value. We also study the effect of ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic next-nearest neighboring (NNN) interactions on the dynamics of NNE and NNNE. The ferromagnetic NNN interaction increases and shrinks NNE below and above critical frustrated interaction respectively, while the antiferromagnetic NNN interaction always decreases NNE. The antiferromagnetic NNN interaction results to a larger value of NNNE in comparison to the case when the NNN interaction is ferromagnetic.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures,. accepted by Chinese Physics B 2008 11 (in press

    Four Poems by Yang Chia-hsien

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    Translated from Chinese by Tina Z. Shan: Waltzing Violence The Drill Breakfast on Pluto The Keepsak

    Study of the atmospheric turbulence in free space optical communications

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    Abstract-In this paper the effect of atmospheric turbulence on free space optical (FSO) communications is investigated experimentally by designing a turbulence simulation chamber. The distributions of bits ‘0 ’ and ‘1 ’ levels are measured with and without turbulence. The bit error rate (BER) is then obtained from the distributions. The temperature gradient within the channel is less than 6 °C resulting in turbulence of log irradiance variance of 0.002. The received average signal is measured and used to characterise the simulated turbulence strength. We then evaluated the BER with turbulence and found that from an error free link in the absence of turbulence, the BER increased significantly to about 10-4 due to the turbulence effect. I

    Theoretical study of the synthesis of superheavy nuclei with Z= 119 and 120 in heavy-ion reactions with trans-uranium targets

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    By using a newly developed di-nuclear system model with a dynamical potential energy surface---the DNS-DyPES model, hot fusion reactions for synthesizing superheavy nuclei (SHN) with the charge number Z = 112-120 are studied. The calculated evaporation residue cross sections are in good agreement with available data. In the reaction 50Ti+249Bk -> (299-x)119 + xn, the maximal evaporation residue (ER) cross section is found to be about 0.11 pb for the 4n-emission channel. For projectile-target combinations producing SHN with Z=120, the ER cross section increases with the mass asymmetry in the incident channel increasing. The maximal ER cross sections for 58Fe+244Pu and 54Cr + 248Cm are relatively small (less than 0.01 pb) and those for 50Ti+249Cf and 50Ti+251Cf are about 0.05 and 0.25 pb, respectively.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; Phys. Rev. C, in pres

    The Entanglement in Anisotropic Heisenberg XYZ Chain with inhomogeneous magnetic field

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    The thermal entanglement of a two-qubit anisotropic Heisenberg XYZXYZ chain under an inhomogeneous magnetic field b is studied. It is shown that when inhomogeneity is increased to certain value, the entanglement can exhibit a larger revival than that of less values of b. The property is both true for zero temperature and a finite temperature. The results also show that the entanglement and critical temperature can be increased by increasing inhomogeneous exteral magnetic field

    Competition between the BCS superconductivity and ferromagnetic spin fluctuations in MgCNi3_3

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    The low temperature specific heat of the superconductor MgCNi3_3 and a non-superconductor MgC0.85_{0.85}Ni3_3 is investigated in detail. An additional contribution is observed from the data of MgCNi3_3 but absent in MgC0.85_{0.85}Ni3_3, which is demonstrated to be insensitive to the applied magnetic field even up to 12 Tesla. A detailed discussion on its origin is then presented. By subtracting this additional contribution, the zero field specific heat of MgCNi3_3 can be well described by the BCS theory with the gap ratio (Δ/kBTc\Delta/k_BT_c) determined by the previous tunneling measurements. The conventional s-wave pairing state is further proved by the magnetic field dependence of the specific heat at low temperatures and the behavior of the upper critical field.Comment: To appear in Physical Review B, 6 pages, 7 figure
