14 research outputs found

    Adjust genetic algorithm parameter by fuzzy system

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    Genetic algorithm is one of the random searches algorithm. Genetic algorithm is a method that uses genetic evolution as a model of problem solving. Genetic algorithm for selecting the best population, but the choices are not as heuristic information to be used in specific issues. In order to obtain optimal solutions and efficient use of fuzzy systems with heuristic rules that we would aim to increase the efficiency of parallel genetic algorithms using fuzzy logic immigration, which in fact do this by optimizing the parameters compared with the use of fuzzy system is done

    Chemical composition, efficacy and safety of Pistacia vera (var. Fandoghi) to inactivate protoscoleces during hydatid cyst surgery

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    At present, various scolicidal agents have been used for inactivation of protoscoleces during hydatid cyst surgery, however, they are associated with serious adverse side effects including sclerosing colangititis (biliary tract fibrosis), liver necrosis and methaemoglobinaemia. This investigation was designed to evaluate the chemical composition and in vitro scolicidal effects of Pistacia vera (var. Fandoghi) essential oil against protoscoleces of hydatid cysts and also its toxicity in mice model. The components of the P. vera essential oil were identified by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) analysis. Protoscoleces were aseptically aspirated from sheep livers having hydatid cysts. Various concentrations of the essential oil (25–200ml/mL) were used for 5–30 min. Viability of protoscoleces was confirmed using eosin exclusion test (0.1% eosin staining). In addition, forty male NIH mice were used to determine the acute and sub-acute toxicity of P. vera essential oil for 2 and 14 days, respectively. The main components of P. vera essential oil were limonene (26.21%), a-pinene (18.07%), a-thujene (9.31%) and a-terpinolene (9.28%). Findings of the present study demonstrated that the P. vera essential oil at the concentrations of 100 and 200ml/mL killed 100% protoscoleces after 10 and 5 min of exposure, respectively. The LD50 values of intraperitoneal injection of the P. vera essential oil was 2.69 ml/kg body weight, and the maximum nonfatal doses were 1.94 ml/kg body weight. No significant difference (P > 0.05) was observed in the clinical chemistry and hematological parameters following oral administrations of P. vera essential oil at the doses 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 ml/kg for 14 days. The obtained findings demonstrated new chemical composition and promising scolicidal activity of the P. vera with no significant toxicity which might be used as a natural scolicidal agent in hydatid cyst surger

    Assessing Educational Needs of Emergency Medical Technicians

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    مقدمه: امروزه بهسازی منابع انسانی به عنوان یکی از استراتژی های اصلی موفقیت سازمان ها محسوب می شود که گسترش سریع زمینه های علمی و تحقیقاتی بر اهمیت آن می افزاید. فوريت هاي پزشکي یکی از بخش های مراقبتی-درمانی است که از این تغییرات مصون نمانده است. فوريت هاي پزشکي نیز برای افزایش کیفیت خدمات خود به آموزش و بهسازی منابع انسانی نیازمند است که لازمه آن، نیازسنجی می باشد. مطالعه حاضر با هدف نیازسنجی آموزشی تکنسین های اورژانس پیش بیمارستانی انجام گرفت. روش کار: مطالعه توصیفی حاضر در مرکز فوریت های پزشکی کرمان با نمونه گیری به روش در دسترس انجام گرفت. ابزار گردآوری داده ها پرسشنامه پژوهشگر ساخته ای حاوی 39 سوال بود که نیازهای آموزشی تکنسین های فوریت پزشکی در 3 بعد دانش، مهارت و نگرش بر حسب مقیاس لیکرت مورد ارزیابی قرار داد. يافته ها: در مجموع 170 نفر با میانگین سنی 51/5 ± 21/31 در مطالعه شرکت کردند که همگی مرد بودند. در بعد دانش، بیشترین نیاز آموزشی تکنیسین های اورژانس به آیتم «دانش و اطلاعات مربوط به اطلاعات دارويي وعوارض احتمالي مصرف آن ها» با 9/25 درصد، در بعد مهارت به آیتم «توانایی و مهارت در جاگذاری لوله داخل تراشه» با 8/28 درصد و در بعد نگرش به آیتم «علاقه مندی به شرکت در دوره‌هاي آموزش ضمن خدمت برای ارتقاي سطح علمي‌خود در زمينه مهارت هاي عملي» با 8/71 درصد مربوط شد. نتیجه گیری: بر اساس یافته های مطالعه حاضر، اغلب تکنیسین های فوریت های پزشکی بیان کردند که نیاز آنها در بعد دانش به آیتم «اطلاعات دارويي و عوارض احتمالي مصرف آنها»، در بعد مهارت به «توانایی و مهارت در جاگذاری لوله داخل تراشه» و در بعد نگرش به «علاقه مندی به شرکت در دوره‌هاي آموزش ضمن خدمت برای ارتقاي سطح علمي‌خود در زمينه مهارت هاي عملي» می باشد.Introduction: Currently improvement of human resources is considered a major strategy for success of the organizations and rapid development of scientific and research fields emphasizes its importance. Medical emergencies are a part of care and treatment that has not been immune to these changes. Medical emergency centers need education and improvement of human resources to enhance the quality of their service, which in turn require assessment of needs. The present study was carried out aiming to assess the educational needs of pre-hospital emergency technicians. Methods: The present observational study in medical emergencies center of Kerman, Iran, was carried out using convenience sampling. The tool used for gathering data was a questionnaire designed by the researcher, which consisted of 39 questions that evaluated educational needs of emergency medical technicians from 3 aspects of knowledge, skill, and attitude based on the Likert scale. Results: A total of 170 individuals with the mean age of 31.21 ± 5.51 years participated in the study, all of which were male. The most important educational need of the emergency technicians regarding knowledge was “knowledge and information regarding drugs and probable side effects of using them” with 25.9%; in the skill item, it was “ability and skill of performing endotracheal intubation” with 28.8%; and in the attitude section, it was “taking interest in participating in training courses during service to improve their knowledge regarding practical skills” with 71.8%. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, most medical emergency technicians expressed that their need regarding knowledge is “drug information and their side effects” from skills aspect, it is “ability and skill of performing endotracheal intubation” and from the aspect of attitude, it is “taking interest in participating in training courses during service to improve their knowledge regarding practical skills”.

    The Effect of Radiation on Secondary Sex Ratio among Radiologists in Shiraz, Iran

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    Environmental and occupational exposure may play a role in gender offspring. This study aimed to investigate the effect of radiation on gender ratio in the offspring of radiologists and technicians. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 262 participants with a total of 354 children. A data collection form including age, years spent in radiology practice, number of children, sex of each child, observance of radiation protection principles, and intensity of exposure based on International Commission Radiological Protection was completed. Male to female ratio was calculated 0.85 in fathers and 0.75 in mothers in comparison to this ratio estimated in Iran demographic statistics sex ratio which is 1.03. Highly-exposed parents (Prevalence ratio [PR]: 1.67, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.67, 95% confidence interval [CI: 1.11-2.52), as well as fathers (PR: 2.72, 95%CI: 1.56-4.72), had a significant propensity to have female offspring. However, this criterion in female radiologists was not found to be significant (P= 0.57). Moreover, in fathers a significant relationship was found between the years spent in radiology field up to the time of the child’s birth or age of the parents’ at child’s conception with offspring gender (4-6 year: PR: 2.07, 95% CI: 1.15-3.72; ≥7 year: PR:1.81, 95%CI: 1.18-2.78). Highly-exposed radiology male personnel, as well as those exposed to radiation 4 years or more before the offspring’s birth, were more likely to have daughters than sons. Although no exact mechanism has been identified for this preponderance, further animal studies are required to evaluate whether x ray is an influential factor in offspring gender

    Determinants of job motivation among frontline employees at hospitals in Tehran

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    Introduction: Human resources are the most strategic resource and the most significant input for health systems. Their behavior and motivation can strongly affect the overall performance of the health systems. The aim of this study was to determine the factors that affect motivation in frontline employees at teaching hospitals affiliated with Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU) in Tehran, Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2015. The participants (nurses, physiotherapists, radiology and laboratory technicians, operating room and pharmacy staff) were 300 employees selected by the stratified random sampling method from two general and teaching hospitals. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire that consisted of 42 questions in the 7 domains of motivational factors. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and independent samples t-test by SPSS software, version 23. Results: The findings indicated that working relationships (mean of 3.95) were the main determinant of job motivation of frontline employees. Job content (3.76) career development (3.75), social respect (3.75), and autonomy (3.30) were the next four affective factors. Recognition and remuneration had the least influence on the job motivation of frontline employees. The results of the Friedman test indicated that the difference between the mean scores of different dimensions was significant (χ 2 (6) = 607.00, p < 0.001). Conclusion: A hospital that seeks to engender increased motivation of its frontline employees should have in place a human resources strategy that includes facilitating communication between personnel and management, supporting employees in the community, and promoting social respect for health professions, providing educational opportunities and career development, development of appropriate promotional policies, employee participation in goal setting, facilitating a good working environment and job security, job enrichment, and delegation

    Comparison of impacts of friction massage, stretching exercises and analgesics on pain relief in primary fibromyalgia syndrome: a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Stretching exercises and massage therapy are both suggested for pain relief in fibromyalgia syndrome. Previous studies have not proved their superiority over each other. This study compared the therapeutic effects of friction massage, stretching exercises, and analgesics on pain relief in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome.Methods: We evaluated 129 female patients with the diagnosis of primary fibromyalgia visited at the physical medicine clinics of Baqiyatallah Hospital in Tehran, Iran during 2010- 2011. Patients were randomly divided into three groups: the first group received 400 mg ibuprofen P.O. (3 times per day) and 25 mg nortriptyline (daily) P.O. as analgesic, the second group was treated by friction massage and the third group performed stretching exercises. Patients were assessed three times (initially, after one and four weeks) by visual analogue scale (VAS).Results: The mean age of participants was 60.46 years. The mean age in each treatment group was 46.66 years in medication group, 46.73 years in stretching group and 46.65 years in friction massage group. Changes in VAS score over 4 weeks were 2.4, 3.1 and 1.9, in the first, second, and third groups, respectively. The changes in VAS were significantly different in the first and second groups rather than the controls (P&amp;lt;0.05).Conclusion: The effect of stretch exercise on pain relief was similar to analgesics, but it was more effective than friction massage. Moreover, the therapeutic effect of stretching exercise on pain relief upon four weeks was more permanent than friction massage but it was similar to analgesics

    Effect of Vitamin C on Bioviability and Differentiation Potential of Human Umbilical Cord Wharton’s Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Background and Objectives: Human umbilical cord Wharton&rsquo;s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells are one of the valuable sources for cell therapy and tissue engineering, and for these purposes, it is necessary to proliferate them in culture medium. Culture medium imposes oxidative stress on cells. Vitamin C (vit C) is a potent antioxidant. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of vit C on proliferation and differentiation of these cells. &nbsp; Methods: After isolation and culture of cells from umbilical cord Wharton&rsquo;s jelly, cells of third passage culture, were treated with different concentrations of vit C in five groups, including: 1- without vit C, 2- supplemented medium with 5&micro;M of vit C; 3- supplemented medium with 50&micro;M of vit C; 4- supplemented medium with 250, and 5- supplemented medium with 500&micro;M of vit C. The treatment period was 9days. Cellular bioviability was assessed by MTT assay, and their differentiation potential was assessed by osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation inducer medium and histochemical staining. &nbsp; Results: In this study, vit C with concentration of 250&micro;M increased cellular bioviability, while other concentrations decreased it (p&le;0.05). Also, 50&micro;M concentration improved osteogenic differentiation; while, in terms of adipogenic differentiation, it could just uniform dispersion of lipid droplets with 50 &micro;M concentration. &nbsp; Conclusion: The results of this study showed that an appropriate concentration of vit C can increase the viability of Wharton&rsquo;s jelly and affect osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation in a dose-dependent manner. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp