16 research outputs found

    Single-laser 32.5 Tbit/s Nyquist WDM transmission

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    We demonstrate 32.5 Tbit/s 16QAM Nyquist WDM transmission over a total length of 227 km of SMF-28 without optical dispersion compensation. A number of 325 optical carriers are derived from a single laser and encoded with dual-polarization 16QAM data using sinc-shaped Nyquist pulses. As we use no guard bands, the carriers have a spacing of 12.5 GHz equal to the Nyquist bandwidth of the data. We achieve a high net spectral efficiency of 6.4 bit/s/Hz using a software-defined transmitter which generates the electrical modulator drive signals in real-time.Comment: (c) 2012 Optical Society of America. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibite

    Quasi-phase-matched generation of optical intensity waves

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    The evolution of modulated light in a nonlinear medium, when described in terms of intensity waves, depends critically on a phase-matching condition for the intensity waves. We formally develop the conditions for quasi-phase matching of the interacting intensity waves and show that a periodic nonlinearity can be utilized to eliminate the dephasing between them. This is verified using stimulated Brillouin scattering with a periodically nonlinear optical fiber that has a period length equal to one-half of the (modulation) wavelength of the intensity waves

    Impact of spatial and spectral granularity on the performance of SDM networks based on spatial superchannel switching

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Spatially integrated switching architectures have been recently investigated in an attempt to provide switching capability for networks based on spatial division multiplexing (SDM) fibers, as well as to reduce the implementation cost. These architectures rely on the following switching paradigms, furnishing different degrees of spectral and spatial switching granularity: independent switching, which offers full spatial-spectral flexibility; joint-switching, which treats all spatial modes as a single entity; and fractional-joint switching, whereby subgroups of spatial modes are switched together as independent units. The last two paradigms are categorized as spatial group switching solutions since the spatial resources (modes, cores, or single-mode fibers) are switched in groups. In this paper, we compare the performance (in terms of spectral utilization, data occupancy, and network switching infrastructure cost) of the SDM switching paradigms listed above for varying spatial and spectral switching granularities in a network planning scenario. The spatial granularity is related to the grouping of the spatial resources, whereas the spectral granularity depends on the channel baud rate and the spectral resolution supported by wavelength selective switches (WSS). We consider two WSS technologies for handling of the SDM switching paradigms: 1) the current WSS realization, 2) WSS technology with a factor-two resolution improvement. Bundles of single-mode fibers are assumed across all links as a near-term SDM solution. Results show that the performance of all switching paradigms converge as the size of the traffic demands increases, but finer spatial and spectral granularity can lead to significant performance improvement for small traffic demands. Additionally, we demonstrate that spectral switching granularity must be adaptable with respect to the size of the traffic in order to have a globally optimum spectrum utilization in an SDM network. Finally, we calculate the number of required WSSs and their port count for each of the switching architectures under evaluation, and estimate the switching-related cost of an SDM network, assuming the current WSS realization as well as the improved resolution WSS technology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Investigation of mid-term network migration scenarios comparing multi-band and multifiber deployments

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    We compared two different mid-term migration scenarios for core network capacity scaling, realized using either multi-band or multi-fiber systems. We show, under realistic assumptions of current costs, that the multi-fiber system is more cost-effective.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluation of the impact of different SDM switching strategies in a network planning scenario

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    We compare SDM joint and independent switching strategies in a planning scenario involving a European backbone network. Joint switching can achieve cost savings of 40-50% with a performance similar to that of independent switching.Peer Reviewe

    Impact of spatial and spectral granularity on the performance of SDM networks based on spatial superchannel switching

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Spatially integrated switching architectures have been recently investigated in an attempt to provide switching capability for networks based on spatial division multiplexing (SDM) fibers, as well as to reduce the implementation cost. These architectures rely on the following switching paradigms, furnishing different degrees of spectral and spatial switching granularity: independent switching, which offers full spatial-spectral flexibility; joint-switching, which treats all spatial modes as a single entity; and fractional-joint switching, whereby subgroups of spatial modes are switched together as independent units. The last two paradigms are categorized as spatial group switching solutions since the spatial resources (modes, cores, or single-mode fibers) are switched in groups. In this paper, we compare the performance (in terms of spectral utilization, data occupancy, and network switching infrastructure cost) of the SDM switching paradigms listed above for varying spatial and spectral switching granularities in a network planning scenario. The spatial granularity is related to the grouping of the spatial resources, whereas the spectral granularity depends on the channel baud rate and the spectral resolution supported by wavelength selective switches (WSS). We consider two WSS technologies for handling of the SDM switching paradigms: 1) the current WSS realization, 2) WSS technology with a factor-two resolution improvement. Bundles of single-mode fibers are assumed across all links as a near-term SDM solution. Results show that the performance of all switching paradigms converge as the size of the traffic demands increases, but finer spatial and spectral granularity can lead to significant performance improvement for small traffic demands. Additionally, we demonstrate that spectral switching granularity must be adaptable with respect to the size of the traffic in order to have a globally optimum spectrum utilization in an SDM network. Finally, we calculate the number of required WSSs and their port count for each of the switching architectures under evaluation, and estimate the switching-related cost of an SDM network, assuming the current WSS realization as well as the improved resolution WSS technology.Peer Reviewe

    Evaluation of the impact of different SDM switching strategies in a network planning scenario

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    We compare SDM joint and independent switching strategies in a planning scenario involving a European backbone network. Joint switching can achieve cost savings of 40-50% with a performance similar to that of independent switching.Peer Reviewe