49 research outputs found

    «Сlip thinking» in modern educational situation: sociological analysis

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    This article examines the social interaction in in the sphere of contemporary system of education in Russia in conditions of new cognitive reality. In terms of theory, the article calls attention to researching new type of modern thinking in different elements of educational system, which is connected with «clip thinking». This paper describes important issues on the topic and describes results of the research. This discussion continue the topic about new social and cognitive reality: the society of information.В статье автор обращается к теме изучения феномена «клипового мышления» современной молодежи, в условиях которого формируется новая когнитивная реальность. Именно с ней сталкивается сегодня система образования в области организации образовательной деятельности: разнообразие источников информации, сфер и возможностей ее поиска, новые технологии передачи и обработки знаний. Это требует поворота к личности обучающегося как особому субъекту образовательного процесса, чьи методы и приемы работы с информацией, формированием знаний, представлений, установок в области образования трансформированы в современных условиях и требуют особой корреляции с выбором педагогических технологий. Автор приводит данные конкретных социологических исследований, позволяющие продолжить дискуссию о новых реалиях, вносимых в образование информационным обществом

    Modern pupils in conditions of clip consciousness: sociological analysis

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    This article examines the social interaction in in the sphere of contemporary system of education in Russia in conditions of new cognitive reality. In terms of theory, the article calls attention to researching new type of modern thinking in different elements of educational system, which is connected with Net knowledge, «clip consciousness». This paper describes important issues on the topic and describes results of the research. This discussion continue the topic about new social and cognitive reality: the society of information.В статье автор обращается к теме изучения причин и особенностей у современных старшеклассников проявления феномена «клипового сознания», в условиях которого формируется их новая когнитивная реальность. Именно с ней сталкивается сегодня система образования в области организации образовательной деятельности, что требует поворота к личности старшеклассника как особому субъекту образовательного процесса. Автор приводит данные конкретных социологических исследований, позволяющие продолжить дискуссию о новых реалиях, вносимых в образование информационным обществом

    Social interaction of the teacher and pupils in the modern school

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    В статье автор обращается к анализу сущностных причин основных противоречий в системе социального взаимодействия в современной школе между педагогами и школьниками. Данные субъекты образовательного процесса рассмотрены в качестве представителей двух социальных общностей со специфической системой культурных норм, образов жизни, деятельности, в которой дифференцируются также их цели и задачи.In the article the author analyzes the essential causes of major contradictions in the system of social interaction in a modern school between teachers and students. The data subjects of the educational process are considered as representatives of the two social communities with specific system of cultural norms, lifestyles, activities in which differentiate their goals and objectives

    Cyber Bullying in the Modern Media Environment: Sociological Analysis of the Ideas of Adolescents and Teachers (Based on the Materials of Applied Sociological Research)

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    The widespread use of the Internet determines the specifics of the social situation of a modern metropolis. Together with its information, technological, communication and educational resources, various risks and threats enter the life of a modern teenager. Analysing the degree of trust (distrust) in online information, recognising potential dangers, determining the mechanisms of personal and group protection and the skills of their application — these are the range of issues that require special applied research in the current circumstances. Using the example of an original sociological study, the author shows the emerging tendencies characteristic of the Ural region in the study of the social phenomenon of cyber bullying. The results obtained by survey methods are used to determine the degree of awareness of schoolchildren and teachers about this phenomenon, and a description of their personal experience of dealing with bullying situations in the online environment is given

    Artistic means of childhood trauma representation in American 9/11 literature

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    The paper provides an analysis of how American 9/11 literature artistically represents the traumatization of children, conveys their psychological experiences and the subsequent journey towards healing in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. As a result of the conducted research, we draw the conclusion that 9/11 literature employs artistic techniques to portray the trauma experienced by child characters, illustrating their inner journe

    Between Denisovans and Neanderthals: Strashnaya Cave in the Altai Mountains

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    peer reviewedNew data from Strashnaya Cave have revealed previously unknown complexity in hominin occupation of the Altai Mountains, including the first regional evidence for the presence of anatomically modern human

    Motivational orientation of students of courses of supplementary professional education

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    The article discusses the features of the review and analysis of the results of applied sociological research, revealing the content of motivational orientations of students of educational programs of the system of supplementary professional education in Russia, in order to determine the relevance of their demand, especially the inclusion of different groups of the population and factors determining the choice to continue their education through additional professional competencies and specializations.Авторы обращаются к обзору и анализу результатов прикладных социологических исследований, раскрывающих содержания мотивационных ориентаций слушателей образовательных программ системы дополнительного профессионального образования, чтобы определить актуальный характер их востребованности, особенности включенности различных групп населения и факторы, детерминирующие выбор продолжать свое образование через получение дополнительных профессиональных компетенций и специализаций

    Yury buida and fyodor dostoyevsky: Types of intertextual connections

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    The essay addresses various forms of dialogue with F. M. Dostoevsky in the cycle of stories by Yuri Buida ‘The Osor’ins Chronicles’. The authors show that this dialogue is manifested through intertextual connections, allusions, details, narrative techniques defining the inner subplot of the cycle associated with the types of characters, philosophical problems inherent in Dostoevsky’s works (freedom and lack of freedom, crime and punishment, passion and lust), and also with the prophetic forebodings of the writer

    In Search of Canadian National Interests: Relations Between Canada and the USA During the John Diefenbaker’s Government Administration (1957–1963)

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    The article is devoted to features of the John Diefenbaker’s government foreign policy towards the USA, particularly to the ideas of Canadian nationalism. The author analyzes events of Canadian history at that time.Статья посвящена особенностям внешней политики правительства Джона Дифенбейкера в отношении США, а именно идеям канадского национализма. Автор анализирует события истории Канады того времени

    Bone needles from Upper Palaeolithic complexes of the Strashnaya Cave (North-Western Altai)

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    peer reviewedPaleolithic sites in Altai became widely known not only due to the unique paleoanthropological remains, but also because of the discovery of the traces of the non-utilitarian activity of the earliest ancient humans. In the Initial Upper Paleolithic complexes from the Denisova Cave, a numerous assemblage of ornaments and tools made of bone and antler was discovered. Up to the latest research stage the finds of bone tools were unique among the regional Initial and Early Upper Paleolithic. This situation changed with the discovery in the Upper Paleolithic assemblages from the Strashnaya cave of bone tools including various pendants, needles, points and perforators. One of the most impressive part of the bone industry from the Strashnaya cave are two bone needles. The first proximal-medial fragment of the needle with the eyelet was found at the bottom part of the Upper Paleolithic deposits (layer 33). The second find, a distal fragment, originated from the layer 31а in the upper part of the profile. The main stages of both needles manufacture and utilization were reconstructed. Taking in account the available radiocarbon dates, bone needles from the Strashnaya cave fit into a chronological interval of 44 to 19 kyr. A comparison of the bone needles with the needles from the Paleolithic sites from nearby territories made it possible to reveal analogies in the Initial and Early Upper Paleolithic complexes of the Denisova Cave, the Talbaga site (Transbaikal region ), and in the assemblages from Middle Yenisei Upper Paleolithic sites (Lystinka, Afontova Gora-2)