69 research outputs found

    Demand and Supply Analysis of Transport Energy in Pakistan

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    Over the last decade, the importance of energy consumption in transport sector has burgeoned forth and has been growing rapidly in Pakistan, and the course is being augured to linger over the coming decades. This paper brings about the function of transport energy demand, economic growth (GDP), oil rents, gas rents, road length and number of registered vehicles for Pakistan over the 1980-2015 by using Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) approach. The results which have had come about shows preponderance of the fact that there is powerful relationship between all concerned variables when transport energy demand is used as a dependent variable in Pakistan. Hence, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model is used for the future forecasting related to the consumption and production of gasoline and oil. According to the forecasted results, consumption (demand) is much greater as compared to production (supply) in both non-renewable sources. As policy makers suggest, we can make up for this lacuna by bourgeoning forth new technology (hybrid vehicles) as well as an awareness campaign through which we can make others abreast of this research may be launched about energy conservation methods to curtail the transport energy demand (TED) in the country

    Ethically Minded Consumer Behavior, Brands’ Commitment to Sustainable Development and Brand Equity in the Apparel Market of Pakistan

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    Purpose-The current research paper elaborated effect of ethically-minded consumer behavior on the brand pledge to sustainable development and consumer perception and how it further impact “brand equity-loyalty-word of mouth statement. Designing/Methodology/Approach - To evaluate proposed hypotheses, a quantitative study method with a close-ended questionnaire was structured to collect the responses with the convincing non-probability sampling method. About six hundred questionnaires were distributed among the various people and 217 valid responses were received back. To measure the participants’ response, 5- Point Liker Scale was employed. Smart PLS was used to analyses the collected data Findings - The findings of the study recommend and allow an increasing series of suggestions for the brand holders to adopt sustainable development practices and it will raise the attention of the ethically minded consumers. Research Limitations/Implications - The research was conducted in the cities of Punjab Pakistan. Where the level of education and earnings are high. This study should also be conducted in other cities of Pakistan. The researchers have conducted this study for the apparel industry it should also be conducted on the other industries. At the final note for the further study in line with this study mediated relationship between variables used in this proposed model should be done. The new variable can also be introduced like brand image, satisfaction, perceived quality. This study has several implications for managers and academia. As a result of exposure and information, consumer behavior has changed in Pakistan and requires that organizations and brands must take necessary steps for owing sustainable development goals. This pledge to sustainable development is completely supposed by the consumer to boost brand equity, Loyalty, and constructive word of mouth. Originality/Value - To the best of Author’s Knowledge no study has been conducted to measure the impact of consumer behavior on Brands commitment to sustainable development in the Apparel Market of Pakista

    Microfinanças e empoderamento de mulheres: uma análise de regressão de comutação endógena

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    Women in Pakistan are suffering from a great social and economic deprivation due to gender discrimination and inequitable distribution of resources. This paper examines the determinants and extent of women empowerment by their participation in microfinance programs. Data for this study were collected from different areas of Faisalabad, Pakistan, where most of the households were poor and had borrowed money from different microfinance institutes. Keeping in view the disguised endogeneity, Endogenous Switching Regression Model was employed which accounts for selection bias because of observable and unobservable factors. The analysis revealed that education level, household size, family system, educational expenditures, income level and the ownership of different assets like sewing machines have the statistically significant impact on the women decision to work and hence promote women empowerment. It is concluded that the government in developing countries should introduce income-generating activities, especially for women by providing them access to financial resources.Las mujeres en Pakistán están sufriendo una gran carencia social y económica debido a la discriminación de género y la distribución desigual de los recursos. Este documento examina los determinantes y el alcance del empoderamiento de las mujeres por su participación en los programas de microfinanzas. Los datos para este estudio fueron recolectados de diferentes áreas de Faisalabad, Pakistán, donde la mayoría de los hogares eran pobres y habían tomado dinero prestado de diferentes institutos de microfinanzas. Teniendo en cuenta la endogeneidad disfrazada, se empleó el Modelo de Regresión de Conmutación Endógena que explica el sesgo debido a factores observables y no observables. El análisis reveló que el nivel educativo, el tamaño del hogar, el sistema familiar, los gastos educativos, el nivel de ingresos y la propiedad de diferentes activos, como las máquinas de coser, tienen un impacto estadísticamente significativo en la decisión de las mujeres de trabajar y, por lo tanto, promover el empoderamiento de las mujeres. Se concluye que el gobierno de los países en desarrollo debe introducir actividades generadoras de ingresos, especialmente para las mujeres, proporcionándoles acceso a recursos financierosAs mulheres no Paquistão sofrem de uma grande privação social e econômica devido à discriminação de gênero e à distribuição desigual de recursos. Este artigo examina os determinantes e a extensão do empoderamento das mulheres pela sua participação em programas de microfinanças. Os dados para este estudo foram coletados em diferentes áreas de Faisalabad, Paquistão, onde a maioria dos domicílios era pobre e tinha tomado dinheiro emprestado de diferentes institutos de microfinanças. Tendo em vista a endogeneidade disfarçada, empregou-se o Modelo de Regressão por Comutação Endógena, que considera o viés de seleção por causa de fatores observáveis e inobserváveis. A análise revelou que o nível de escolaridade, tamanho da família, sistema familiar, gastos com educação, nível de renda e posse de diferentes ativos, como máquinas de costura, têm impacto estatisticamente significativo na decisão das mulheres de trabalhar e, portanto, promovem o empoderamento das mulheres. Conclui-se que o governo dos países em desenvolvimento deve introduzir atividades geradoras de renda, especialmente para as mulheres, proporcionando-lhes acesso a recursos financeiro

    Bioactivity-guided isolation of rosmarinic acid as the principle bioactive compound from the butanol extract of Isodon rugosus against pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum

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    Aphids are agricultural pest insects that transmit viruses and cause feeding damage on a global scale. Current pest control involving the excessive use of synthetic insecticides over decades has led to multiple forms of aphid resistance to most classes of insecticides. In nature, plants produce secondary metabolites during their interaction with insects and these metabolites can act as toxicants, antifeedants, anti-oviposition agents and deterrents towards the insects. In a previous study, we demonstrated that the butanol fraction from a crude methanolic extract of an important plant species, Isodon rugosus showed strong insecticidal activity against the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. It was however not known as which compound was responsible for such activity. To further explore this finding, current study aimed to exploit a bioactivity-guided strategy to isolate and identify the active compound in the butanol fraction of I. rugosus. As such, reversed-phase flash chromatography, acidic extraction and different spectroscopic techniques were used to isolate and identify the new compound, rosmarinic acid as the bioactive compound in I. rugosus. Insecticidal activity of rosmarinic acid was carried out using standard protocols on A. pisum. The data was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative statistical approaches. Considering that a very low concentration of this compound (LC90 = 5.4 ppm) causes significant mortality in A. pisum within 24 h, rosmarinic acid could be exploited as a potent insecticide against this important pest insect. Furthermore, I. rugosus is already used for medicinal purposes and rosmarinic acid is known to reduce genotoxic effects induced by chemicals, hence it is expected to be safer compared to the current conventional pesticides. While this study highlights the potential of I. rugosus as a possible biopesticide source against A. pisum, it also provides the basis for further exploration and development of formulations for effective field application

    Bioactivity-guided isolation of rosmarinic acid as the principal bioactive compound from the butanol extract of Isodon rugosus against the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum

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    Aphids are agricultural pest insects that transmit viruses and cause feeding damage on a global scale. Current pest control practices involving the excessive use of synthetic insecticides over many years have resulted in aphid resistance to a number of pesticides. In nature, plants produce secondary metabolites during their interaction with insects and these metabolites can act as toxicants, antifeedants, anti-oviposition agents and deterrents towards the insects. In a previous study, we demonstrated that the butanol fraction from a crude methanolic extract of an important plant species, Isodon rugosus showed strong insecticidal activity against the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. To further explore this finding, the current study aimed to exploit a bioactivity-guided strategy to isolate and identify the active compound in the butanol fraction of I. rugosus. As such, reversed-phase flash chromatography, acidic extraction and different spectroscopic techniques were used to isolate and identify the new compound, rosmarinic acid, as the bioactive compound in I. rugosus. Insecticidal potential of rosmarinic acid against A. pisum was evaluated using standard protocols and the data obtained was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative statistical approaches. Considering that a very low concentration of this compound (LC90 = 5.4 ppm) causes significant mortality in A. pisum within 24 h, rosmarinic acid could be exploited as a potent insecticide against this important pest insect. Furthermore, I. rugosus is already used for medicinal purposes and rosmarinic acid is known to reduce genotoxic effects induced by chemicals, hence it is expected to be safer compared to the current conventional pesticides. While this study highlights the potential of I. rugosus as a possible biopesticide source against A. pisum, it also provides the basis for further exploration and development of formulations for effective field application

    Climatic Events and Natural Disasters of 21st Century: A Perspective of Pakistan

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    In recent years, the frequent occurrence of natural calamities in the world has gained much attention due to infrastructure and life losses. Increase in global temperature has threatened the earth’s climate, causing unpredictable and extreme weather events more often. These events were both short-term as well as long-term. In spite of insufficient monitoring coverage of inner areas and high altitudes, an intensification of average yearly temperature has been observed after the 20th century in many regions of Asia. Pakistan has faced a number of natural disasters including severe floods, devastating earthquakes, disturbing droughts, distressing smog, extreme temperature and torrential rainfall patterns. These calamities have affected people economically, socially, physically and mentally by posing a threat to earth, its species and their livelihood. This paper was aimed to document the natural calamities in Pakistan since the beginning of 21st century till date. The country is facing the problem of intense and longer summers and has witnessed two intense heat waves. Moreover, in some areas, extensive droughts are threatening crops, freshwater supply and wildlife. In recent years, the problem of smog has emerged in Pakistan, especially in Punjab. The problem is getting worse in every coming year due to overpopulation, cities expansion, increased emission of greenhouse gases, open burning of crop residues and extreme reliance on fossil fuels for energy purpose. So far in this century, Pakistan has faced 3 droughts, 2 heat waves, 10 severe floods, 27 major earthquakes, 2 consecutive sessions of severe smog and extreme high and low temperature events. Some of the deadliest events were; 2005 Kashmir earthquake claiming 87,350 human lives and 2010 flood impacting nearly 20 million people with 1,781 causalities. Change in climate is posing a severe threat to species, livelihood of the human beings and the earth. Global warming is causing warming of oceans and consequently rise in sea level. Climate change affects average as well as extreme temperatures hence increasing the probability climate-related disasters. Thus, global warming is causing a chain of catastrophic events that make the problem even more complex to understand

    Outcome of surgical treatment for neglected congenital muscular torticollis: a series of 28 adolescent patients

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    Background: Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is a common musculoskeletal anomaly that can be excellently managed at birth with conservative physiotherapy; as a result, literature on neglected cases of CMT in older patients is sparse, and there is controversy regarding the ideal surgical approach. This report aims to provide the outcome of 28 adolescent patients with neglected CMT who underwent unipolar release at the distal sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM). Methods: Twenty-eight adolescent patients with untreated CMT presented to our department between 2016 and 2019 and underwent unipolar release at the distal end of their SCM. All patients had no other anomaly based on clinical examination and radiological investigations. At the time of surgery, the mean age of patients was 15.8 years (range 13–18 years). There were 10 male and 18 female patients with the right side affected in 20 cases. All patients were followed up for 2 years. Patients were evaluated using an adapted version of the modified Lee’s scoring system to assess cosmesis and the cervical-mandibular angle (CMA) to assess radiological change. Results: The adapted modified Lee’s scoring system indicated 17 patients (60.7%) had an excellent outcome, 6 patients (21.4%) had a good outcome, and 5 patients (17.9%) had a fair outcome. In particular, scarring was fine in 23 patients (82.1%) and only slight in the remaining. Independent to the categorical outcome, all patients subjectively reported high satisfaction with their cosmesis. The preoperative mean CMA was 19.6° (range, 8.5–31.5°), which was reduced to a mean of CMA of 14.0° (range, 3–28°) after surgery (P Conclusion: In uncomplicated cases of neglected CMT in adolescent patients, unipolar tenotomy of the distal SCM is a safe and reliable technique with good clinical outcomes

    The Pakistan risk of myocardial infarction study: A resource for the study of genetic, lifestyle and other determinants of myocardial infarction in south Asia

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    The burden of coronary heart disease (CHD) is increasing at a greater rate in South Asia than in any other region globally, but there is little direct evidence about its determinants. The Pakistan Risk of Myocardial Infarction Study (PROMIS) is an epidemiological resource to enable reliable study of genetic, lifestyle and other determinants of CHD in South Asia. By March 2009, PROMIS had recruited over 5,000 cases of first-ever confirmed acute myocardial infarction (MI) and over 5,000 matched controls aged 30-80 years. For each participant, information has been recorded on demographic factors, lifestyle, medical and family history, anthropometry, and a 12-lead electrocardiogram. A range of biological samples has been collected and stored, including DNA, plasma, serum and whole blood. During its next stage, the study aims to expand recruitment to achieve a total of about 20,000 cases and about 20,000 controls, and, in subsets of participants, to enrich the resource by collection of monocytes, establishment of lymphoblastoid cell lines, and by resurveying participants. Measurements in progress include profiling of candidate biochemical factors, assay of 45,000 variants in 2,100 candidate genes, and a genomewide association scan of over 650,000 genetic markers. We have established a large epidemiological resource for CHD in South Asia. In parallel with its further expansion and enrichment, the PROMIS resource will be systematically harvested to help identify and evaluate genetic and other determinants of MI in South Asia. Findings from this study should advance scientific understanding and inform regionally appropriate disease prevention and control strategies
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