7 research outputs found

    Growing of Yellow Fish Bread, Maize and Soybean to White Mice

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    Background: Calcium deficiency in human body intake will cause abnormalities of metabolism in the body especially in a nutrient-prone age that is during infancy until the age of children as well as pregnant and lactating women. The content of calcium is large enough in yellow bone meal bone is expected to be one of the alternative fulfillment of body calcium intake. This study aims to know the effect of feeding formula from bone meal of yellow fish and Corn Flour of Yellow and Soybean Meal to blood calcium level in Rat. Methods: This research is an experimental research conducted in the laboratory. The design used is Completely Randomized Design. Results: Average baseline blood calcium levels (h to 0) of the JG1 group (1.31), JG2 (1.42), KD1 (1.33), KD2 (1.40) and Control (1.33) mmol / L. The absorption of calcium in the highest rats at 6th hour after being given the treatment of cornflour + TTIBK. In this study, it was found that the highest levels of calcium in the blood were treated with the JG2 formula and the lowest in the control treatment, where the p-value (0.022) <0.05, which means that the blood calcium levels in the treatment were significantly different. The weight of experimental mice during the study was a possible reduction due to stressful rats due to blood drawn so that appetite decreased. Conclusion: Of these treatments showed the higher intake of calcium will lose weight of rats / lower body fat of mice

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sukrosa Terhadap Yoghurt Susu Kacang Tolo Menggunakan Kultur Campuran Bakteri Asam Laktat Sebagai Makanan Pokok

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    Tolo bean milk yogurt is a functional food derived from vegetable milk made from beans Tolo that contains protein, lysine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid are relatively high, so good for vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance, and can improve intestinal microflora. Yogurt is a functional food containing lactic acid bacteria which can reduce cholesterol levels and increase endurance. Have believed that functional foods can prevent or decrease the likelihood of disease. This study aimed to analyze the quality of microbiological and chemical quality of yogurt peanut Tolo seen from the influence of sucrose. This study is a pure experiment, with variable effect is the addition of sucrose (4%, 6%, 8% and 10%). Variable quality affected are chemical (pH, total acid) and microbiological quality (total lactic acid bacteria). Analysis of the data is tabulated and presented in a descriptive narrative. Values of pH, total acid levels, and BAL are affected by the treatment, Treatment P3 and P4 by the addition of sucrose 8% and 10% had the lowest pH value of 3.3 and a total acid content of the highest 1% and has a total of lactic acid bacteria highest.Yogurt susu kacang tolo adalah makanan khas yang berasal dari susu nabati yang terbuat dari kacang Tolo yang mengandung protein, lisin, asam aspartat dan asam glutamat yang relatif tinggi, sehingga baik untuk vegetarian dan orang dengan intoleransi laktosa, dan dapat meningkatkan mikroflora usus. Yogurt adalah makanan fungsional yang mengandung bakteri asam laktat yang dapat mengurangi kadar kolesterol dan meningkatkan daya tahan. Telah percaya bahwa makanan fungsional dapat mencegah atau mengurangi kemungkinan penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas mikrobiologi dan kualitas kimia kacang kedelai Tolo dilihat dari pengaruh sukrosa. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen murni, dengan efek variabel adalah penambahan sukrosa (4%, 6%, 8% dan 10%). Variabel kualitas yang dipengaruhi adalah kimia (pH, total asam) dan kualitas mikrobiologis (total bakteri asam laktat). Analisis data ditabulasikan dan disajikan dalam naratif deskriptif. Nilai pH, kadar asam total, dan BAL dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan, Pengobatan P3 dan P4 dengan penambahan sukrosa 8% dan 10% memiliki nilai pH terendah 3.3 dan kandungan asam total tertinggi 1% dan memiliki total bakteri asam laktat tertinggi

    Peningkatan Protein dan Vitamin B melalui Pemberian Whey dan Lerry pada Produk Nata

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    Background: Rinse or rice water lyri and whey tofu is a waste generated by many households and home industries are thrown away. Whereas this waste is still a lot of nutrients that still exist such as carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins. Waste lerri and whey know this can still be utilized to nata by using bacteria Acetobacter xylinum, so it is expected can also increase economic value of society. Objective: To know the effect of whey tofu substitution on thickness, nutrient content and vitamin B1 nata de lerri. Method: This research is purely experimental, using Completely Randomized Design (RAL) consisting of 5 treatments and each repeated 3 times. Where the free variable is media formula nata, namely rice water washing medium (lerri) and whey knows F1 (100: 0)%; F2 (75: 25)%; F3 (50: 50)%; F4 (25: 75)%; F5 (0: 100)%. The dependent variable is nata thickness, nata nutritional value (moisture content, crude protein content, coarse fiber content, vitamin B1) and organoleptic receiving power. Result: In this research there are five formula of nata de lerri substitution whey know that do. But in practice 2 formulas did not work, namely F4 and F5, because the product remains liquid and cloudy white. This is possible fungal contamination that occurs due to a technical error (less sterile). For thickness nata de lerri, the highest result is the formula F1 with a thickness of 1 cm and the lowest F3 with a thickness of 0.5 cm. But for the results of testing the water content, ash content and highest crude protein content is F3 with a water content value 99.93%, ash 0.34%, crude protein content 1.35%. But from the test results of vitamin B1 all formula and water lerri not detected, this is possible because of the error of the test equipment.Latar Belakang: Air cucian beras atau lerri dan whey tahu merupakan limbah yang banyak dihasilkan oleh rumah tangga dan industri rumahan yang dibuang begitu saja. Padahal pada limbah ini masih banyak kandungan nutrisi yang masih ada seperti karbohidrat, protein, serta vitamin. Limbah lerri dan whey tahu ini masih bisa dimanfaatkan menjadi nata dengan menggunakan bakteri Acetobacter xylinum, sehingga diharapkan dapat juga meningkatkan nilai ekonomi masyarakat. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh substitusi whey tahu terhadap ketebalan, kandungan gizi dan vitamin B1 nata de lerri. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental murni, dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan masing-masing diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Dimana yang menjadi variabel bebasnya adalah formula media nata, yaitu media air cucian beras (lerri) dan whey tahu F1 (100:0)%; F2 (75:25)%; F3 (50:50)%; F4 (25:75)%; F5 (0:100)%. Variabel terikatnya adalah ketebalan nata, nilai gizi nata (Kadar air, kadar protein kasar, kadar serat kasar, vitamin B1) dan daya terima organoleptik. Hasil: Pada penelitian ini terdapat lima formula nata de lerri substitusi whey tahu yang dilakukan. Namun pada pelaksanaannya 2 formula tidak berhasil, yaitu F4 dan F5, karena produk tetap cair dan berwarna putih keruh. Hal ini dimungkinkan adanya kontaminasi jamur yang terjadi  karena kesalahan teknis (kurang steril).Untuk ketebalan nata de lerri, hasil yang paling tinggi adalah formula F1 dengan ketebalan 1 cm dan terendah F3 dengan ketebalan 0,5 cm. Namun untuk hasil pengujian kadar air, kadar abu serta kadar protein kasar yang paling tinggi adalah F3 dengan nilai kadar air 99,93%, kadar abu 0,34%, kadar protein kasar 1,35%. Namun dari hasil pengujian kadar vit B1 semua formula dan air lerri tidak terdeteksi, hal ini dimungkinkan karena adanya kesalahan alat uji

    Sensitivity (Se) and Specificity (Sp) Anthropometric Wall Chart (Awc) Tb/U for Detecting Stunting on Children Aged 6-12 Years

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    Anthropometric Wall Chart (AWC) TB/U is a tool developed to screen nutritional status that is easy and fast to use for children aged 6-12 years in the population. The accuracy of the tool in measuring stunting can be seen from its validity. This study aims to get the validity of AWC in 3 (three) cities representing the West (Medan), Central (Bandung) and East (Kupang), Indonesia so that the results could be used for stunting screening of elementary school children wider coverage. The study was conducted in a cross-sectional manner with a sample of 270 elementary students from grade 1 to grade 6 in 3 cities (Medan, Kupang, and Bandung) whose nutritional status was measured by using AWC TB / U and TB / U index using microtoise. The results of the study of the use of AWC in Medan showed that there were 20 (22.2%) stunting children, with Se value of 68.8% and Sp value of 87.8%, PPV 55%, and NPV 92.9%. In Kupang, there were 21 (23.3%) children who were stunting with a value of Se 60.0% and Sp 98.2%, and in Bandung, there were 12 (13.3%) stunted children with Se value of 72.7% and Sp 94.9%. Combined in 3 (three) cities get Se value 66.0% and Sp 93.3%, PPV 73.6% and NPV 90.3%. AWC TB / U can be used as a stunting screening tool for diagnosis with the aim of a high Sp value. For students who are detected stunted, further treatment is needed to overcome their nutritional problems

    Pendampingan Umkm Kelompok Tani Kelor ”Sejahtera Bersama”

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    ABSTRAK Wilayah NTT merupakah wilayah yang banyak ditumbuhi oleh tanaman tropis salah satunya adalah kelor. Pohon kelor memunyai banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan oleh karena itu pohon ini mempunyai nama lain sebagai pohon ajaib. Pemerintah Propinsi NTT membuka lahan untuk budidaya kelor sampai dengan menghasilkan produk seperti bubuk kelor, teh kelor dan kopi kelor. Namun usaha tersebut mengalami banyak kendala di lapangan sampai dengan proses pengepakan serta uji standar mutu Produk yang dihasilkan oleh karena itu dibutuhkan kerjasama dari banyak pihak untuk memberikan support sistem terhadap kebijakan pemerintah tersebut. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan pengelolaan pangan yang higienes dan pendampingan pengembangan berbagai jenis produk pangan berbahan dasar kelor. Metode pengabdian masyarakat yang digunakan adalah memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan tentang pengelolaan pangan yang higienes dan pengembangan berbagai jenis produk pangan berbahan dasar kelor terhadap 6 peserta di Desa Otan Kecamatan Semau Kabupaten Kupang Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur pada tanggal 03 Juli – 04 Juli 2021. Hasil kegitaan ini diambil menggunakan penilaian pre test dan post test. Pada aspek pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra terdapat perubahan yang signifikan bahwa seluruhnya dari peserta memiliki pengetahuan baik tentang pengelolaan pangan yang higienes dan pengembangan berbagai jenis produk pangan berbahan dasar kelor. Kesimpulan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta tentang pengelolaan pangan yang higienes dan pendampingan pengembangan berbagai jenis produk pangan berbahan dasar kelor. Kata Kunci: Pendampingan, Kelor, UMKM  ABSTRACT The NTT region is an area that is overgrown by tropical plants, one of which is Moringa. Moringa tree has many benefits for health, therefore this tree has another name as a magic tree. The NTT Provincial Government opened land for the cultivation of Moringa to produce products such as Moringa powder, Moringa tea and Moringa coffee. However, the business encountered many obstacles in the field, up to the packaging process and testing of product quality standards, therefore cooperation from many parties was needed to provide system support for the government's policy. The purpose of this community service is to provide training in hygienic food management and assistance in the development of various types of moringa-based food products. The community service method used is to provide training and assistance on hygienic food management and the development of various types of moringa-based food products to 6 participants in Otan Village, Semau District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province on 03 July – 04 July 2021. The results of this activity taken using pre-test and post-test assessments. In the aspect of knowledge and skills of partners, there was a significant change that all of the participants had good knowledge of hygienic food management and the development of various types of moringa-based food products. The conclusion is that there is an increase in participants' knowledge and skills about hygienic food management and assistance in the development of various types of moringa-based food products. Keywords: Mentoring, Moringa, UMK

    The Relationship between Intestinal Worm Infection and Stunting In Elementary School Children in South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

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    Background: Intestinal worm infection is one of the causes of stunting in school-age children. Helminthiasis or worm infection caused by worm parasites endanger the child's age health. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between intestinal worm infection and the incidence of stunting in elementary school children in South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in West Amanuban District, South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, from May to October 2021. A total of 160 elementary school children was selected at random. The dependent variable was stunting. The independent variable was intestinal worm infection. The data were collected using anthropometric measurement for height and fecal examination in the laboratory. The data were analyzed using simple logistic regression. Results: Intestinal worm infection increased the risk of stunting in elementary school children (OR= 7.14; 95% CI= 3.33 to 16.67; p< 0.001). Conclusion: Intestinal worm infection increases the risk of stunting in elementary school children. Keywords: infection, worm, stunting Correspondence: Rafael Paun. School of Health Polytechnics, Ministry, Kupang. Jl. Piet A. Tallo-Liliba, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Email: [email protected]. Mobile:0813¬39334949