8 research outputs found

    Utility of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Lesions with Histopathological Correlation

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    100 cases of Soft tissue lesions were studied by Fine Needle Cytology (FNAC) and subsequently correlated by Histopathological examination and Immunohistochemical staining. The study revealed that 55% of the cases were benign soft tissue tumour masses, 34% were benign soft tissue tumour like masses and 11% were malignant soft tissue lesions. The accuracy determined by the histopathological examination for benign soft tissue masses was 94.38% and in 100%malignant soft tissue lesions. The discordance of 5.62% in the benign soft tissue masses was due to aspiration of inadequate material and loss of architectural pattern. Hence, excision with histopathological examination is mandatory in such cases

    Kashmiri refugees at the verge of hepatitis B and C epidemic in the State of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C among immigrants residing refugee camps in Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan, and to identify possible risk factors for HBV and HCV transmission. METHODS: Around 1,225 individuals inhabiting Muzaffarabad refugee camps, participated in the study. A qualitative Immuno-Chromatographic Technique was used for initial screening and PCR test was used for detection of HBV and HCV in participants. The major risk factors for HBV and HCV transmission were assessed using a questionnaire approach. RESULTS: Around 86 (7.0%) individuals were observed for HBsAg presence, and 215 (17.5%) individuals were found positive for Anti-HCV. Only 32 (2.6%) individuals were confirmed for HBV DNA and 126 (10.3%) individuals were positive for HCV RNA after PCR. Demographically, both HBsAg and Anti-HCV were found more prevalent in female (4.4% HBsAg and 10.8% Anti-HCV) population as compared to male (2.6% HBsAg and 6.7% Anti-HCV) population. Surprisingly, the HBsAg (23.5%) and Anti-HCV (41.1%) appeared to be more frequent in the age group 62–75 years. Previous history of hepatitis in the family (p < 0.0001), blood transfusion (p = 0.0197) dental treatment (p < 0.0001) and tattooing or piercing on any part of the body (p = 0.0028) were assessed as significant risk factors in HBV and HCV transmission. CONCLUSIONS: Presence of 7.0% HBsAg and 17.5% Anti-HCV in a small fragment of the migrant population cannot be overlooked. Lack of awareness among people and negligence of health department could escalate the situation

    Attitude and perception towards vaccination against poliomyelitis in Peshawar, Pakistan

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    OBJECTIVE: This research aimed to quantitatively assess the general public's awareness, attitude and perception of polio and its vaccination in Peshawar KPK, Pakistan. METHODS: We conducted a survey-based study to understand the surge in polio cases from 2015 to 2019 in the Peshawar city of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. A pre-tested questionnaire-based study was conducted in 2019 to assess the attitude and general perception of residents of Peshawar KPK towards polio vaccination. RESULTS: Out of 241 country-wide polio cases, 63 (26.1%) polio cases were reported in Peshawar city from 2015–2019. The questionnaire revealed that individuals between 18–30 years of age had sufficient knowledge (65.1%) about polio. Male and female participants had equal awareness (~ 43%). Participants with higher education (45.9%), those with better financial status (49.5%), individuals with children < 5 years of age (46.4%), and those who had experience of a polio patient (63.1%) had better knowledge. Participants inhabiting the central city were better aware (50.5%) of polio than individuals living in the outskirts. CONCLUSION: The data indicated that poor knowledge and negative attitudes of people towards polio vaccination are the main causes of the polio eradication program's failure. Moreover, religious beliefs, unchecked migration between the Pak-Afghan border, and lack of knowledge about polio vaccination are identified as critical barriers to polio eradication

    Physico-Chemical Variables and Fish Parasites of River Neelum Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan

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    The physico-chemical parameters and the fish parasites of the River Neelum were studied at three sampling sites, i.e., Pattika, Tali Mandi, and Domail. Water temperature and rate of flow of water were significantly higher at Domail than Pattika and Tali Mandi. ANOVA showed that dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, inorganic suspended solids, and organic matter of the bottom mud kept on fluctuating and showed a significant difference between three selected sites. Although, these variables showed variations, they remained within tolerable limits set by WHO. Three species of potentially harmful parasites, i.e., Dactylogyrus vastator, Procamallanus laevionchus, and Argulus foliaceus were isolated from fish population of the River Neelum, however, these parasites do not pose any severe threats to general fish life

    Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) contaminants in sediments from Karachi harbour, Pakistan

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    Mangrove swamps, intertidal mudflats and creeks of backwaters represent main feature of Karachi harbour area. Karachi harbour sediment is under continuous influence of untreated industrial effluents and domestic waste discharged into the Harbour area vra Lyari River Sediment samples from sixteen locations were collected to evaluate the levels of contamination of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in Karachi harbour and adjoining areas. It has been observed that residual concentrations of various organochlorine pesticides were considerably higher in the semienclosed area of the upper Harbour in the vicinity of the discharge point of Lyari River. The residue of DDT mainly its metabolites (DDE and DDD) were widely distributed and have been detected in most of the sediment samples in relatively higher concentrations as compared to other OCPs. The higher levels of the DDTs would attribute to low tidal flushing of the area The high proportion of pp'-DDE in the most sediment sampled (41-95%) suggested old inputs of DDTs in the environment. Ratio of SDDT and DDT was in the range of 0,04 -0 24 at all locations which also reflects that the discharges of DDT were negligible in the Harbour area. This may be due to the restrictions being implemented on the use of DDTs and Pakistan has also switched over to natural pest control or using safer formulas. The data obtained during the study showed that concentration levels of other pesticides such as HCHs, HCB and Cyclodienes in the sediment were generally lower than the threshold levels known to harm wildlife by OCPs. The results clearly indicate that elevated concentration of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the marine sediment of Karachi harbour and adjoining area was localized and much lower than the concentrations reported from neighbouring and regional countries which suggests/confirms that the present use of pesticide in Pakistan is environmentally safe

    Characterisation of Bacteriocins Produced by Lactobacillus spp. Isolated from the Traditional Pakistani Yoghurt and Their Antimicrobial Activity against Common Foodborne Pathogens

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are widely known for their probiotic activities for centuries. These bacteria synthesise some secretory proteinaceous toxins, bacteriocins, which help destroy similar or interrelated bacterial strains. This study was aimed at characterising bacteriocins extracted from Lactobacillus spp. found in yoghurt and assessing their bactericidal effect on foodborne bacteria. Twelve isolated Lactobacillus spp. were examined to produce bacteriocins by the organic solvent extraction method. Bacteriocins produced by two of these strains, Lactobacillus helveticus (BLh) and Lactobacillus plantarum (BLp), showed the most significant antimicrobial activity, especially against Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter baumannii. Analysis of SDS-PAGE showed that L. plantarum and L. helveticus bacteriocins have a molecular weight of ~10 kDa and ~15 kDa, respectively. L. plantarum (BLp) bacteriocin was heat stable while L. helveticus (BLh) bacteriocin was heat labile. Both bacteriocins have shown activity at acidic pH. Exposure to a UV light enhances the activity of the BLh; however, it had negligible effects on the BLp. Different proteolytic enzymes confirmed the proteinaceous nature of both the bacteriocins. From this study, it was concluded that bacteriocin extracts from L. helveticus (BLh) can be considered a preferable candidate against foodborne pathogens as compared to L. plantarum (BLp). These partially purified bacteriocins should be further processed to attain purified product that could be useful for food spoilage and preservation purposes

    Sequencing and Characterization of Mitochondrial Protein-Coding Genes for Schizothorax niger (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) with Phylogenetic Consideration

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    The present study was conducted to get more information about the genome and locate the taxonomic position of Schizothorax niger in Schizothoracinae through mitochondrial 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs). These PCGs for S. niger were found to be 11409 bps in length ranging from 165 (ATPase 8) to 1824 bps (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5) and encode 3801 amino acids. In these PCGs, 4 genes overlap on the similar strands, while one shown on the opposite one: ATPase 6+8 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4+4L overlap by 7 nucleotides. Similarly, ND5-ND6 overlap by 4 nucleotides, while ATP6 and COIII overlap by 1 nucleotide. Similarly, four commonly used amino acids in S. niger were Leu (15.6 %), Ile (10.12 %), Thr (8.12 %), and Ala (8.7 %). The results presented that COII, COIII, NDI, ND4L, and Cytb had substantial amino acid conservation as compared to the COI gene. Through phylogenetic analysis, it was observed that S. niger is closely linked with S. progastus, S. labiatus, S. plagiostomus, and S. nepalensis with high bootstrap values. The present study provided more genomic data to know the diversity of the mitochondrial genome and its molecular evolution in Schizothoracinae