247 research outputs found


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    The article analyzes the features of the preparation and appointment of forensic examination of vehicles, procedural and tactical requirements for this examination. The vehicle is a special object of forensics, which imposes certain restrictions on its preparation for examination. Specific requirements for the tactics of investigative actions with this object are intended to ensure the legality and admissibility of evidence for criminal proceedings. The vehicle is also an object for conducting expert studies of various types. The issue of changing the identification numbers (body, engine), determining the year of manufacture, replacing the data carriers about the car (number and code plates, etc.) are resolved by means of traceability. To solve the issue of replacing the body number by replacing the panel with a number plate, a complex forensic chemical (paintwork research) and trace evidence examination are appointed. The issue of re-equipment of the vehicle is solved by complex trace evidence and commodity expertise, etc. The complexity of the study of the vehicle and the accompanying documents requires the appointment of directly comprehensive examinations of various types. In the investigation of unlawful acts related to the illegal movement of vehicles across the customs border of Ukraine, auto-merchandising and transport- merchandising examinations can also be carried out to solve the problems associated with determining the market value of wheeled vehicles, their components, as well as the amount of the cost of material losses caused to the owner or to the owner of wheeled vehicles, their components due to damage to the latter. The indicated examinations are quite often appointed in conjunction with the trace evidence examination. The fulfillment of certain procedural requirements is designed to ensure the legality and admissibility of evidence obtained in the course of investigative actions and the results of forensic examinations conducted by them.В статье проанализированы особенности подготовки и назначения криминалистической экспертизы транспортных средств, процессуальные и тактические требования по данной экспертизе. Транспортное средство является особенным объектом криминалистики, что накладывает определенные ограничения по подготовке его к экспертизе. Специфические требования к тактике проведения следственных действий с этим объектом призваны обеспечить законность и допустимость доказательств для уголовного производства. Транспортное средство является одновременно объектом для проведения экспертных исследований различного вида. Вопросы об изменении идентификационных номеров (кузова, двигателя), установлении года выпуска, замене носителей данных об автомобиле (номерной и кодовой табличек и т. п.) решаются трасологической экспертизой. Для решения вопроса о замене номера кузова путем замены панели с номерной площадкой назначается комплексная судебно-химическая (исследование лакокрасочного покрытия) и трасологическая экспертизы. Вопрос о переоборудовании транспортного средства решаются комплексной трасологической и товароведческой экспертизой и т. д. Комплексность исследования транспортного средства и сопроводительных документов требует назначения непосредственно комплексных экспертиз различных видов. При расследовании противоправных деяний, связанных с незаконным перемещением транспорта через таможенную границу Украины, могут проводиться также автотовароведческая и транспортно-товароведческая экспертизы, решающие задачи, связанные с определением рыночной стоимости колесных транспортных средств, их составляющих, а также размера стоимости материального ущерба, причиненного собственнику или владельцу колесных транспортных средств, их составных вследствие повреждения последнего. Указанные экспертизы достаточно часто назначаются в комплексе с трасологической. Выполнение определенных процессуальных требований призвано обеспечить законность и допустимость полученных в процессе следственных действий доказательств и результатов проведенных за ними судебных экспертиз.У статті проаналізовано особливості підготовки та призначення криміналістичної експертизи транспортних засобів, процесуальні та тактичні вимоги щодо зазначеної експертизи. Транспортний засіб є одночасно об'єктом для проведення різного виду експертних досліджень. Питання про зміну ідентифікаційних номерів, встановлення року випуску, заміну носіїв даних про автомобіль вирішуються трасологічною експертизою. Питання про переобладнання транспортного засобу вирішуються комплексною трасологічною й автотоварознавчою експертизою та ін. Комплексність дослідження транспортного засобу вимагає призначення безпосередньо комплексних експертиз різних видів

    Криміналістичне дослідження грошей і цінних паперів

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    The article is focused on the peculiarities of forensic examination of money and securities. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of forensic examination of money and securities. It is alleged that money or securities with counterfeiting features may be found during the crime scene search or inspection. The specifics of the inspection of such objects are determined. The characteristic features of forgery are given, which should be paid attention to during the inspection. The procedure for appointing and conducting a forensic examination of money and securities has been clarified. It is noted that the examination of metal money counterfeit requires other examination. The list of questions which can be solved during carrying out examination is defined. The characteristics of the objects that should be sent for examination are given. The requirements for the expert’s opinion are given. Counterfeit money or government securities are defined as objects produced by any person against the procedure established by the law on the relevant information sources, images of their details, design and protection elements that makes them similar to the real ones (originals). To confirm the fact of counterfeiting of funds or securities, a forensic examination of monetary funds are assigned. While conducting technical and forensic examination of banknotes some expert tasks require a comprehensive study by using the methods of forensic documentation, the study of materials of banknotes and securities by special methods of forensic chemistry, forensic physics, etc. The main issues to be addressed during such an examination are the compliance of the security or banknote with similar securities or banknotes produced by the State Mark or the National Bank of Ukraine. The results of the expert examination should be presented and formalized in the expert’s opinion.Статтю присвячено криміналістичному дослідженню грошей і цінних паперів. Визначено специфіку огляду грошових знаків і цінних паперів з ознаками підроблення. Наведено характерні ознаки підроблення. Під час техніко-криміналістичного дослідження грошових знаків деякі експертні завдання потребують комплексного вивчення із застосуванням методів криміналістичного документування, дослідження матеріалів грошових знаків і цінних паперів спеціальними методами судової хімії, судової фізики тощо. З’ясовано перелік питань, які можуть бути поставлені на розгляд експерту. Визначено вимоги до висновку експерта

    Forensic Examination of Electronic Documents

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    [Purpose] The purpose of the study is to reveal the concept and essence of forensic prevention of crimes of forgery of electronic documents, to identify problems in the use of information to establish a system of countering crime and document management. [Methodology] The following approaches were used in the work: system-structural, dialectical, empirical. Forgery of electronic documents and their use is investigated not only within the framework of a single criminal case but also by a set of crimes committed depending on the mechanism that is the main one in the structure of criminal technologies. [Findings] Lack of skills and knowledge about the latest forms of documents, methods of their forgery and use in the field of forensic investigations determine the reasons for the development of this condition. The analysis of investigative and judicial practice shows that cases of forgery of electronic documents are moved to separate proceedings due to the inability to fix the person who committed the crime. In some cases, court procedures are returned for additional investigation, since investigators cannot establish mechanisms for falsification tools and bring appropriate charges. [Practical Implications] The practical significance lies in the formation of proposals for improving or making changes to the legislation, effectively improving the activities of law enforcement agencies involved in countering or combating the forgery of documents.[Purpose] The purpose of the study is to reveal the concept and essence of forensic prevention of crimes of forgery of electronic documents, to identify problems in the use of information to establish a system of countering crime and document management. [Methodology] The following approaches were used in the work: system-structural, dialectical, empirical. Forgery of electronic documents and their use is investigated not only within the framework of a single criminal case but also by a set of crimes committed depending on the mechanism that is the main one in the structure of criminal technologies. [Findings] Lack of skills and knowledge about the latest forms of documents, methods of their forgery and use in the field of forensic investigations determine the reasons for the development of this condition. The analysis of investigative and judicial practice shows that cases of forgery of electronic documents are moved to separate proceedings due to the inability to fix the person who committed the crime. In some cases, court procedures are returned for additional investigation, since investigators cannot establish mechanisms for falsification tools and bring appropriate charges. [Practical Implications] The practical significance lies in the formation of proposals for improving or making changes to the legislation, effectively improving the activities of law enforcement agencies involved in countering or combating the forgery of documents.[Purpose] The purpose of the study is to reveal the concept and essence of forensic prevention of crimes of forgery of electronic documents, to identify problems in the use of information to establish a system of countering crime and document management. [Methodology] The following approaches were used in the work: system-structural, dialectical, empirical. Forgery of electronic documents and their use is investigated not only within the framework of a single criminal case but also by a set of crimes committed depending on the mechanism that is the main one in the structure of criminal technologies. [Findings] Lack of skills and knowledge about the latest forms of documents, methods of their forgery and use in the field of forensic investigations determine the reasons for the development of this condition. The analysis of investigative and judicial practice shows that cases of forgery of electronic documents are moved to separate proceedings due to the inability to fix the person who committed the crime. In some cases, court procedures are returned for additional investigation, since investigators cannot establish mechanisms for falsification tools and bring appropriate charges. [Practical Implications] The practical significance lies in the formation of proposals for improving or making changes to the legislation, effectively improving the activities of law enforcement agencies involved in countering or combating the forgery of documents.[Purpose] The purpose of the study is to reveal the concept and essence of forensic prevention of crimes of forgery of electronic documents, to identify problems in the use of information to establish a system of countering crime and document management. [Methodology] The following approaches were used in the work: system-structural, dialectical, empirical. Forgery of electronic documents and their use is investigated not only within the framework of a single criminal case but also by a set of crimes committed depending on the mechanism that is the main one in the structure of criminal technologies. [Findings] Lack of skills and knowledge about the latest forms of documents, methods of their forgery and use in the field of forensic investigations determine the reasons for the development of this condition. The analysis of investigative and judicial practice shows that cases of forgery of electronic documents are moved to separate proceedings due to the inability to fix the person who committed the crime. In some cases, court procedures are returned for additional investigation, since investigators cannot establish mechanisms for falsification tools and bring appropriate charges. [Practical Implications] The practical significance lies in the formation of proposals for improving or making changes to the legislation, effectively improving the activities of law enforcement agencies involved in countering or combating the forgery of documents

    Генезис криміналістичного дослідження документів як галузі криміналістичної техніки

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    The history of the falsification of various documents for illegal purposes accompanies the entire history of human civilization, so the study of the evolution of methods of documenting information and related methods of forgery is one of the methods of improving forensic knowledge. The examination of documents similarly has a long history and is directly related to the emergence and spread of writing. At the present stage of development of forensic document research, the achievements of various sciences are actively used to reveal the patterns in the field of forensic technology and its improvement. In particular, the study of the anatomical characteristics of writing and motor skills during the analysis of certain elements of handwriting; physiological processes that form the basis of movement control and reproduce written features or their combinations. The coordination of movements in the distribution of manuscripts according to the pace of writing is separately studied. Factors influencing the formation of written speech are determined by conducting experiments. Internal and external factors are taken into account, which allow to reconstruct the psycho-physiological features of the person who wrote the document, without which the establishment of its authorship is extremely problematic. Data of physiology and psychology help in the process of substantiating the stability of handwriting elements, drawing parallels between psycho-physiological characteristics of a person and certain graphic features. Considering the acquired historical experience, modern forensic research can be divided into three categories: 1) handwriting, where the main purpose is to establish the executor of the document; 2) auto-research – finding out the authorship of the text of the document; 3) technical and forensic, which allow to accurately establish the remaining components of the document. Forensic examination of documents has passed a long way in historical evolution. In its modern form, it was developed in the second half of the XX century due to a combination of theoretical principles and special methods borrowed from the natural and technical sciences. It allowed to determine as accurately as possible the technical features of producing a document or its part thereof, identifying the used tools and materials.История фальсификации различных документов в противоправных целях сопровождает всю историю человеческой цивилизации.  Об этом свидетельствует эволюция способов документирования информации и связанных с ними способов подделки. Так и экспертиза документов имеет длительную историю и непосредственно связана с появлением и распространением письменности. На современном этапе развития криминалистических исследований документов получило распространение активное использование достижений различных наук для выявления закономерностей соответствующей отрасли криминалистической техники и ее совершенствования.Історія фальсифікації різних документів у протиправних цілях супроводжує всю історію людської цивілізації. Про це свідчить еволюція способів документування інформації та пов’язаних із цим способів підробки. Так само й експертиза документів має тривалу історію і є безпосередньо пов’язаною з появою та поширенням писемності. На сучасному етапі розвитку криміналістичних досліджень документів набуло поширення активне використання досягнень різних наук для розкриття закономірностей у галузі криміналістичної техніки та її вдосконалення

    Modern technologies for technical follow-up of documents

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    The relevance of the study of modern document research technologies is determined by the growing pace of innovative and technical progress, which produces high-tech achievements that are used not only for rational purposes, but also for the purpose of high-quality falsification of documents to achieve illegitimate and selfish goals. The purpose of this article was to study the latest methods of document forgery and existing technologies for their detection with the aim of assessing the level of development of modern expert research in this field. In order to achieve the above-mentioned result, a complex methodological approach was used in the study of this topic, which consists in the consistent application of methods of scientific knowledge, analysis of the acquired knowledge, their systematization and generalization with the aim of building a system model of the modern process of technical documentation research, as well as the application of comparison and evaluation methods in order to identify weaknesses in the use of existing technologies, the method of scientific forecasting of development prospects in this field. As a result of the study, the general theoretical, methodological and procedural provisions governing the document examination process were highlighted, the known and most used methods of falsification of documents were defined, the methodology for establishing the characteristic features of various types of forgeries and the technical means used for their detection were studied, and the available in this field were outlined problems and prospects for overcoming them. The knowledge gained in this way logically contributes to the formation of fundamental information baggage, which should be used in expert work to achieve the most accurate and justified results. The conducted research has a high applied value, as it focuses on the most optimal and effective modern examination technologies in the field of document circulation, highlighting their characteristic features and advantages, emphasizing the growing need to use the latest technological advances in the examination of document

    Régulateurs transcriptionnels chez les archées hyperthermophiles et leurs virus (analyse moléculaire, fonctionnelle et génétique)

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    Chez les Archaea, tous les processus informationnels, transcription incluse, sont effectués par des protéines proches de celles des Eukarya. Alors que la machinerie transcriptionnelle des archées a été bien caractérisée structurellement et fonctionnellement, très peu d'informations sont disponibles sur la régulation de son activité. En travaillant à la fois avec des modèles cellulaires (crénarchée hyperthermophile Sulfolobus islandicus) et viraux, nous avons pu réaliser une étude approfondie de trois régulateurs transcriptionnels et mieux comprendre les mécanismes de régulation transcriptionnelle chez les archées. Au cours de cette thèse, deux régulateurs viraux, SvtR et AFV1p06, et un régulateur cellulaire, Sta1, ont été étudiés. Concernant SvtR, codé par le virus SIRV1 qui infecte S. islandicus, nous avons poursuivi la recherche précédente, qui avait permis de déterminer sa structure et sa fonction, en nous focalisant sur la caractérisation de l'ensemble de ses cibles dans le génome viral et sur l'étude de son mécanisme d'action. Pour cela, la séquence du site consensus reconnu par SvtR a été établie à l'aide de la mutagénèse systématique d'un de ses sites déjà caractérisés. Ce site est présent dans les promoteurs de dix gènes de SIRV1 montrant que SvtR pourrait réguler l'activité de plus de 20% des gènes viraux. Ses cibles incluent tous les gènes codant pour les protéines de la capside virale. L'analyse fonctionnelle réalisée sur une partie des sites de liaison de SvtR a permis de démontrer qu'il s'agit d'un régulateur polyvalent agissant, selon la cible, en tant que activateur ou répresseur transcriptionnel. En prenant comme modèle le promoteur du gène gp30, nous avons pu démontrer par plusieurs approches que la régulation de ce promoteur inclut la polymérisation de la protéine depuis son site de liaison principal jusqu à la TATA-box du promoteur. Il s agit d un mécanisme de régulation de transcription à distance original et inédit chez les archées. La structure de l autre régulateur viral étudié, AFV1p06, codé par le virus AFV1 qui infecte Acidianus hospitalis, révèle la présence au sein de cette protéine d un domaine en doigt de zinc C2H2, considéré jusqu à présent comme spécifique des eucaryotes. Nous avons démontré la capacité d AFV1p06 à se lier à l ADN avec une préférence pour les régions riches en GC. AFV1p06 est la première DNA binding protéine d archées de ce type caractérisée in vitro. Le troisième régulateur transcriptionnel, Sta1, est codé par le génome des Sulfolobales. Il est capable d activer la transcription de gènes viraux, ainsi que du gène chromosomique radA en réponse à un dommage à l ADN. Pour comprendre son rôle dans la cellule, nous avons tenté de réaliser, sans succès, un mutant knock-out du gène sta1 de S. islandicus RYE15A, ce qui indique que le gène sta1 serait un gène essentiel. L étude de l interaction hôte-virus sur le modèle S. islandicus LAL14/1 est un des sujets principaux de notre laboratoire. Le séquençage du génome de cette souche a ouvert la voie pour établir un système génétique. Plusieurs mutants KO de LAL14/1 (pyrEF-; CRISPR1) ont été construits. L impossibilité d inactiver un autre gène candidat, topR2, codant pour une réverse gyrase, indique qu il s agit d un gène essentiel. La construction du mutant CRISPR1 est la première étape pour obtenir un dérivé de LAL14/1 dépourvu de système CRISPR, un mutant très utile pour mieux comprendre l implication des CRISPRs dans le phénotype de résistance de LA14/1 au virus SIRV1 et leur rôle chez les archées en général. L ensemble des résultats de cette thèse contribue à la meilleure compréhension du fonctionnement moléculaire chez les archées et leurs virus.In Archaea cells all information processes, including transcription, are performed by the Eukarya-like proteins. While the transcriptional machinery of archaea has been well characterized structurally and functionally, very few information concerning the regulation of its activity is available. By working with both cell (crenarchaeota Sulfolobus islandicus) and viral models, we have performed an in-depth study of three transcriptional regulators: two viral regulators, SvtR and AFV1p06, and a cell regulator Sta1. The obtained results allow to better understand the mechanisms of transcriptional regulation in archaea. Concerning the protein SvtR encoded by the virus SIRV1 that infects S. islandicus, we continued the research project that had identified its structure and function. We were focused on identification and characterization of all of SvtR targets in the viral genome and on the study of the mechanisms of regulation. For this purpose, we established the sequence of consensus site recognized by SvtR using systematic mutagenesis of one of its previously characterized binding sites. This site is present in the promoters of 10 genes meaning that SvtR may regulate the activity of more than 20% of SIRV1 genes. Its targets include all known genes encoding proteins of the viral capsid. Functional analysis of SvtR has demonstrated that, according to the target, this protein is a versatile regulator acting as transcriptional activator or repressor. Taking as a model the gp30 gene promoter, we demonstrated by several approaches that regulation of this promoter includes the polymerization of the protein from its primary binding site towards the TATA-box. Such a mechanism of transcriptional regulation is new in archaea. Second, we performed a structural analysis of the protein AFV1p06 encoded by the virus AFV1 which infects Acidianus hospitalis. The structural analysis of AFV1p06 revealed the presence of a C2H2 zinc finger domain regarded hitherto as specific to eukaryotes. We demonstrated that AFV1p06 has ability to bind specifically to DNA sequences rich in GC. AFV1p06 is the first archaeal DNA binding protein with zinc finger domain characterized in vitro. The third transcriptional regulator, Sta1 is encoded by the genome of Sulfolobales. The protein RadA is able to activate the transcription of viral as well as chromosomal genes in response to DNA damage. To understand its role in the cell, we attempted, without success, to knockout the sta1 gene in S. islandicus RYE15A. This result indicates that the sta1 gene is probably essential. The strain S. islandicus LAL14 /1 is a model strain to study host-virus interaction in archaea. The sequencing of the genome of this strain opened the way to establish a genetic system for this model and allowed us to construct knockout mutants for several LAL14/1 genes (pyrEF-; CRISPR1). Our unsuccessful attempts to inactivate topR2, another candidate gene encoding reverse gyrase indicate that topR2 function could be essential. The construction of the CRISPR1 mutant opens the way to obtain a derivative of LAL14/1 entirely lacking the CRISPR system. Such a mutant will be very useful for the future studies of function and role of CRISPRs in archaea in general but also will allow to verify the hypothesis of involvement of CRISPRs in the phenotype of resistance of LA14/1 to SIRV1. All the results of this thesis contribute to an improved understanding of molecular mechanisms in archaeal cells and their viruses.PARIS-JUSSIEU-Bib.électronique (751059901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Організаційно-правові питання вдосконалення адміністративної діяльності міліції

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    Сезонов, С. В. Організаційно-правові питання вдосконалення адміністративної діяльності міліції / С. В. Сезонов // Вісник Національного університету внутрішніх справ.- 2002.- Вип. 20.- С. 207 - 210Аналізуються адміністративно-правові заходи, що застосовуються стосовно вдосконалення адміністративної діяльності міліції. Цей напрямок є досить перспективним для наукового пошуку, кінцевою метою якого є виявлення шляхів підвищення ефективності боротьби зі злочинністю. Анализируются административно-правовые меры, применяемые по совершенствованию административной деятельности милиции. Это направление является перспективным для научного поиска, конечной целью которого является выявление путей повышения эффективности борьбы с преступностью. The administrative and legal measures applied to improve the administrative activity of the police are analyzed. This area is quite promising for scientific research, the ultimate goal of which is to identify ways to increase the effectiveness of the fight against crime

    Determination of the major threats to Ukraine`s economic security as a basis for the elaboration of preventive measures against economic crime

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    Сезонов, В. В. Визначення основних загроз економічній безпеці України як основа для вироблення заходів протидії економічній злочинності / В. В. Сезонов // Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія: Право. - 2019. - Вип. 58, т. 2. - С. 156-159.Публікація присвячена визначенню і характеристиці основних загроз економічній безпеці країни. Акцентовано увагу на необхідності своєчасного виявлення і подальшого аналізу суті загроз із метою забезпечення надалі прийняття ефективних управлінських рішень щодо протидії економічній злочинності. Зазначено, що велика кількість дестабілізуючих факторів є причиною зниження рівня економічної безпеки як складника національної безпеки України. Ефективна протидія загрозам фінансовій безпеці держави можлива за умови сталого функціонування спеціальної системи своєчасного виявлення й усунення системних загроз у сфері публічних фінансів, запобігання їх виникненню в майбутньому. Наголошено на тому, що злочинність як соціальний динамічний феномен є проявом певних суперечностей у життєдіяльності суспільства. Загрози економічній безпеці держави також є проявом цих суперечностей, і їх виникнення, існування, зміни зумовлюються різними факторами, які охоплюються детермінацією злочинності. Саме в причинах та умовах економічної злочинності криються загрози або чинники, що її продукують. Наголошено, що детермінанти сучасної злочинності в Україні досить різноманітні, зумовлені специфікою життєдіяльності суспільства, але при цьому вони мають взаємообумовлений і взаємозалежний характер.The level of economic security of the country today is characterized as low. This is due to the presence of a large number of internal and external economic threats. The dangerous and destructive tendency of crime in the economic sphere is its criminalization, which is manifested in numerous negative processes. The weakening of the economic security of the state, which is the threat to the national security of Ukraine, is produced by crisis phenomena and aggravation of political contradictions in the life of society. These issues have always been the focus of national scholars in the criminology sphere, who studied the country’s economic security in its various manifestations. But issues related to the measures of its criminological provision need constant, more detailed consideration, which is the subject matter of this publication. After all, economic processes require systematic monitoring, they are of variable quantitative and qualitative nature, and constantly new emerging threats to economic security require timely detection and rapid neutralization, which is the basis for forming an effective system of social relations, resistant to negative external influences and at the same time integrated into the international economic space. The objective of the article is to review and streamline the measures of the criminological provision of economic security of Ukraine according to the defined criteria, that is, the main areas of implementation, to highlight their heterogeneous and common nature for the development of a holistic conceptual vision of their types and significance in the successful law enforcement activities to combat economic crime. The author has outlined the main areas of realizing the measures of criminological provision of economic security of Ukraine, which are scientific, organizational and managerial, normative and legal, informational and analytical. Special attention has been focused on the dynamics and complexity of the process of implementation of new measures of criminological provision of the country’s economic security, on its acute practical necessity in terms of creating favorable conditions for the subjects’ activities in counteracting economic crime. The author has made the conclusion about the development of scientifically grounded new mechanisms for ensuring economic security and the implementation of modern measures taking into account the risks and threats of the present time regarding the relevance of the development of the Ukrainian society at the present stage.Публикация посвящена определению и характеристике основных угроз экономической безопасности страны. Акцентировано внимание на необходимости своевременного выявления и дальнейшего анализа сути угроз с целью обеспечения в дальнейшем принятия эффективных управленческих решений по противодействию экономической преступности. Отмечено, что большое количество дестабилизирующих факторов является причиной снижения уровня экономической безопасности как составляющей национальной безопасности Украины. Эффективное противодействие угрозам финансовой безопасности государства возможна при условии устойчивого функционирования специальной системы своевременного выявления и устранения системных угроз в сфере публичных финансов, предотвращения их возникновения в будущем. Отмечено, что преступность как социальный динамический феномен является проявлением определенных противоречий в жизнедеятельности общества. Угрозы экономической безопасности государства также являются проявлением этих разногласий и их возникновения, существования, изменения обусловлены различными факторами, которые охватываются детерминацией преступности. Именно в причинах и условиях экономической преступности кроются угрозы или факторы, что ее производят. Отмечено, что детерминанты современной преступности в Украине весьма разнообразны, обусловленные спецификой жизнедеятельности общества, но при этом они имеют взаимообусловленный и взаимосвязанный характер

    A novel archaeal regulatory protein, Sta1, activates transcription from viral promoters

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    While studying gene expression of the rudivirus SIRV1 in cells of its host, the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus, a novel archaeal transcriptional regulator was isolated. The 14 kDa protein, termed Sulfolobus transcription activator 1, Sta1, is encoded on the host chromosome. Its activating effect on transcription initiation from viral promoters was demonstrated in in vitro transcription experiments using a reconstituted host system containing the RNA polymerase, TATA-binding protein (TBP) and transcription factor B (TFB). Most pronounced activation was observed at low concentrations of either of the two transcription factors, TBP or TFB. Sta1 was able to bind viral promoters independently of any component of the host pre-initiation complex. Two binding sites were revealed by footprinting, one located in the core promoter region and the second ∼30 bp upstream of it. Comparative modeling, NMR and circular dichroism of Sta1 indicated that the protein contained a winged helix–turn–helix motif, most probably involved in DNA binding. This strategy of the archaeal virus to co-opt a host cell regulator to promote transcription of its genes resembles eukaryal virus–host relationships

    Solution structure of an archaeal DNA binding protein with an eukaryotic zinc finger fold

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    International audienceWhile the basal transcription machinery in archaea is eukaryal-like, transcription factors in archaea and their viruses are usually related to bacterial transcription factors. Nevertheless, some of these organisms show predicted classical zinc fingers motifs of the C2H2 type, which are almost exclusively found in proteins of eukaryotes and most often associated with transcription regulators. In this work, we focused on the protein AFV1p06 from the hyperthermophilic archaeal virus AFV1. The sequence of the protein consists of the classical eukaryotic C2H2 motif with the fourth histidine coordinating zinc missing, as well as of N- and C-terminal extensions. We showed that the protein AFV1p06 binds zinc and solved its solution structure by NMR. AFV1p06 displays a zinc finger fold with a novel structure extension and disordered N- and C-termini. Structure calculations show that a glutamic acid residue that coordinates zinc replaces the fourth histidine of the C2H2 motif. Electromobility gel shift assays indicate that the protein binds to DNA with different affinities depending on the DNA sequence. AFV1p06 is the first experimentally characterised archaeal zinc finger protein with a DNA binding activity. The AFV1p06 protein family has homologues in diverse viruses of hyperthermophilic archaea. A phylogenetic analysis points out a common origin of archaeal and eukaryotic C2H2 zinc fingers