87 research outputs found

    Anderson Transition in Disordered Graphene

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    We use the regularized kernel polynomial method (RKPM) to numerically study the effect disorder on a single layer of graphene. This accurate numerical method enables us to study very large lattices with millions of sites, and hence is almost free of finite size errors. Within this approach, both weak and strong disorder regimes are handled on the same footing. We study the tight-binding model with on-site disorder, on the honeycomb lattice. We find that in the weak disorder regime, the Dirac fermions remain extended and their velocities decrease as the disorder strength is increased. However, if the disorder is strong enough, there will be a {\em mobility edge} separating {\em localized states around the Fermi point}, from the remaining extended states. This is in contrast to the scaling theory of localization which predicts that all states are localized in two-dimensions (2D).Comment: 4 page

    Epitaxial graphene: a new material

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    Graphene, a two-dimensional sheet of sp2-bonded car-bon arranged in a honeycomb lattice, is not only the building block of fullerenes, carbon nano tubes (CNTs) and graphite, it also has interesting properties, which have caused a flood of activities in the past few years. The possibility to grow graphitic films with thick-nesses down to a single graphene layer epitaxially on SiC{0001} surfaces is promising for future applications. The two-dimensional nature of epitaxial graphene films make them ideal objects for surface science techniques such as photoelectron spectroscopy, low-energy electron diffraction, and scanning probe microscopy. The present article summarizes results from recent photoemission studies covering a variety of aspects such as the growth of epitaxial graphene and few layer graphene, the elec

    Raman Topography and Strain Uniformity of Large-Area Epitaxial Graphene

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    We report results from two-dimensional Raman spectroscopy studies of large-area epitaxial graphene grown on SiC. Our work reveals unexpectedly large variation in Raman peak position across the sample resulting from inhomogeneity in the strain of the graphene film, which we show to be correlated with physical topography by coupling Raman spectroscopy with atomic force microscopy. We report that essentially strain free graphene is possible even for epitaxial graphene.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Electron-Phonon Coupling in Highly-Screened Graphene

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    Photoemission studies of graphene have resulted in a long-standing controversy concerning the strength of the experimental electron-phonon interaction in comparison with theoretical calculations. Using high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy we study graphene grown on a copper substrate, where the metallic screening of the substrate substantially reduces the electron-electron interaction, simplifying the comparison of the electron-phonon interaction between theory and experiment. By taking the nonlinear bare bandstructure into account, we are able to show that the strength of the electron-phonon interaction does indeed agree with theoretical calculations. In addition, we observe a significant bandgap at the Dirac point of graphene.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. on July 20, 201

    Effective screening and the plasmaron bands in Graphene.

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    Electron-plasmon coupling in graphene has been shown recently to give rise to a “plasmaron” quasiparticle excitation. The strength of this coupling has been predicted to depend on the effective screening, which in turn is expected to depend on the dielectric environment of the graphene sheet. Here we compare the strength of environmental screening for graphene on four different substrates by evaluating the separation of the plasmaron bands from the hole bands using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Comparison with G0W-random phase approximation predictions are used to determine the effective dielectric constant of the underlying substrate layer. We also show that plasmaron and electronic properties of graphene can be independently manipulated, an important aspect of a possible use in “plasmaronic” devices

    Terahertz radiation driven chiral edge currents in graphene

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    We observe photocurrents induced in single layer graphene samples by illumination of the graphene edges with circularly polarized terahertz radiation at normal incidence. The photocurrent flows along the sample edges and forms a vortex. Its winding direction reverses by switching the light helicity from left- to right-handed. We demonstrate that the photocurrent stems from the sample edges, which reduce the spatial symmetry and result in an asymmetric scattering of carriers driven by the radiation electric field. The developed theory is in a good agreement with the experiment. We show that the edge photocurrents can be applied for determination of the conductivity type and the momentum scattering time of the charge carriers in the graphene edge vicinity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure, additional Supplemental Material (3 pages, 1 figure

    Giant Faraday rotation in single- and multilayer graphene

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    Optical Faraday rotation is one of the most direct and practically important manifestations of magnetically broken time-reversal symmetry. The rotation angle is proportional to the distance traveled by the light, and up to now sizeable effects were observed only in macroscopically thick samples and in two-dimensional electron gases with effective thicknesses of several nanometers. Here we demonstrate that a single atomic layer of carbon - graphene - turns the polarization by several degrees in modest magnetic fields. The rotation is found to be strongly enhanced by resonances originating from the cyclotron effect in the classical regime and the inter-Landau-level transitions in the quantum regime. Combined with the possibility of ambipolar doping, this opens pathways to use graphene in fast tunable ultrathin infrared magneto-optical devices

    Intrinsic Terahertz Plasmons and Magnetoplasmons in Large Scale Monolayer Graphene

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    We show that in graphene epitaxially grown on SiC the Drude absorption is transformed into a strong terahertz plasmonic peak due to natural nanoscale inhomogeneities, such as substrate terraces and wrinkles. The excitation of the plasmon modifies dramatically the magneto-optical response and in particular the Faraday rotation. This makes graphene a unique playground for plasmon-controlled magneto-optical phenomena thanks to a cyclotron mass 2 orders of magnitude smaller than in conventional plasmonic materials such as noble metals.Comment: to appear in Nano Letter
