49 research outputs found

    Ein Seminarkonzept zur Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens und der Stressbewältigung für Lehramtsstudierende

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    Lehrpersonen sind häufig von psychischen oder psychosomatischen Krankheiten betroffen, die sich durch unspezifische körperliche Symptome wie Erschöpfung und Kopfschmerzen manifestieren. Erste Hinweise auf diese Problematik zeichnen sich aber bereits früher ab: Das Zusammenspiel aus überhöhten Ansprüchen und ungünstigem Zeitmanagement kann das Burnout-Risiko bei angehenden Lehrkräften steigern. Um die Studierenden bei der Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen besser zu unterstützen, wurde ein innovatives Seminarkonzept entwickelt. Im Seminar sollen Entspannungstechniken, Achtsamkeit und Lernstrategien eingeübt werden, welche durch eine theoretische Fundierung untermauert werden. Darüber hinaus reflektieren Seminarteilnehmer*innen ihre Erfahrungen mit den verschiedenen angebotenen Methoden. Dies dürfte auf Seiten der Studierenden nicht nur zukünftig aufkommenden Stress verringern, sondern auch insgesamt zu einem höheren Wohlbefinden und Studienerfolg beitragen. Das Seminar wird durch eine multimethodische Evaluationsstudie begleitet, in der qualitative und quantitative Befragungen durchgeführt werden. Langfristig soll das Seminar im Curriculum der Lehramtsausbildung etabliert und Lehrkräften zur Verfügung gestellt werden

    Listening carefully: increased perceptual acuity for species discrimination in multispecies signalling assemblages

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    Communication is a fundamental component of evolutionary change because of its role in mate choice and sexual selection. Acoustic signals are a vital element of animal communication and sympatric species may use private frequency bands to facilitate intraspecific communication and identification of conspecifics (acoustic communication hypothesis, ACH). If so, animals should show increasing rates of misclassification with increasing overlap in frequency between their own calls and those used by sympatric heterospecifics. We tested this on the echolocation of the horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus capensis, using a classical habituation-dishabituation experiment in which we exposed R. capensis from two phonetic populations to echolocation calls of sympatric and allopatric horseshoe bat species (Rhinolophus clivosus and Rhinolophus damarensis) and different phonetic populations of R. capensis. As predicted by the ACH, R. capensis from both test populations were able to discriminate between their own calls and calls of the respective sympatric horseshoe bat species. However, only bats from one test population were able to discriminate between calls of allopatric heterospecifics and their own population when both were using the same frequency. The local acoustic signalling assemblages (ensemble of signals from sympatric conspecifics and heterospecifics) of the two populations differed in complexity as a result of contact with other phonetic populations and sympatric heterospecifics. We therefore propose that a hierarchy of discrimination ability has evolved within the same species. Frequency alone may be sufficient to assess species membership in relatively simple acoustic assemblages but the ability to use additional acoustic cues may have evolved in more complex acoustic assemblages to circumvent misidentifications as a result of the use of overlapping signals. When the acoustic signal design is under strong constraints as a result of dual functions and the available acoustic space is limited because of co-occurring species, species discrimination is mediated through improved sensory acuity in the receiver

    Safety, Tolerability and Clinical Effects of a Rapid Dose Titration of Subcutaneous Treprostinil Therapy in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Prospective Multi-Centre Trial

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    Background: Subcutaneous treprostinil has dose-dependent beneficial effects in patients with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension, but adverse effects like infusion site pain can lead to treatment discontinuation. Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate safety, tolerability and clinical effects of a rapid up-titration dosing regimen of subcutaneous treprostinil using proactive infusion site pain management. Methods: Effects of rapid up-titration dosing regimen on tolerability and clinical parameters were evaluated in this 16-week, open-label multi-centre study. Results: Thirty-nine patients with idiopathic or heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension on stable treatment with oral pulmonary arterial hypertension-approved drugs (90% on dual combination therapy) were included. Patients achieved a median treprostinil dosage of 35.7 ng/kg/min after 16 weeks. A good overall safety profile was demonstrated with 3 patients (8%) withdrawing due to infusion site pain, which occurred in 97% of patients. After 16 weeks, median 6-min walking distance, cardiac index, pulmonary vascular resistance, and tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion improved. Conclusions: Rapid up-titration of subcutaneous treprostinil was well tolerated, achieving a clinically effective dose associated with improvement of exercise capacity and haemodynamics after 16 weeks. A rapid dose titration regimen and proactive infusion site pain management may improve the handling of this therapy and contribute to better treatment outcome. (C) 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Quantitative MR-Spektroskopie des menschlichen Herzens mittles SLOOP

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    Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit ist, die Möglichkeiten der Magnetresonanz Spektroskopie zur nichtinvasiven Diagnostik des Myokardstoffwechsels bei globalen Herzkrankheiten unter Verwendung neuer Möglichkeiten der Absolutquantifizierung von hochenergetischen Phosphaten zu beschreiben. Im Vordergrund dieser Arbeit stehen folgende Punkte: 1. Etablierung einer Methode zur Absolutquantifizierung von Metabolitenkonzentrationen aus dem menschlichen Myokard und Festlegung eines standardisierten Untersuchungsprotokolls 2. Überprüfung der Methode auf Variabilitäten durch Mehrfachauswertungen und Verlaufsuntersuchungen 3. Untersuchung der Altersabhängigkeit der Metabolitenkonzentrationen 4. Einsatz der Methode an Patienten mit globalen Herzerkrankungen; Herausstellung der metabolischen Unterschiede bei Hypertrophie und Dilatation.To describe the opportunities of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to measure non-invasisvly the myocardial metabolism in global heart diseases are the objectives of these study. New possibilities of absolut quantification of high energy phosphates are used with respect given to following main aspects: 1. Setup of a technique for absolut quantification of metabolic concentrations of the human myocardial tissue and arranging a standard examination protocol. 2. Verification of the technique for variabilities by use of multievaluations and follow up utilization. 3. Examniation of age dependence of metabolic concentrations 4. Use of the technique by patients with global heart diseases; emphasize the metabolic differences between hypertrophy and dilatation