835 research outputs found

    CHANDRA Observations of the X-ray Halo around the Crab Nebula

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    Two Chandra observations have been used to search for thermal X-ray emission from within and around the Crab Nebula. Dead-time was minimized by excluding the brightest part of the Nebula from the field of view. A dust-scattered halo comprising 5% of the strength of the Crab is clearly detected with surface brightness measured out to a radial distance of 18 arcminutes. Coverage is 100% at 4 arcminutes, 50% at 12 arcminutes, and 25% at 18 arcminutes. The observed halo is compared with predictions based on 3 different interstellar grain models and one can be adjusted to fit the observation. This dust halo and mirror scattering form a high background region which has been searched for emission from shock-heated material in an outer shell. We find no evidence for such emission. We can set upper limits a factor of 10-1000 less than the surface brightness observed from outer shells around similar remnants. The upper limit for X-ray luminosity of an outer shell is about 10e34 erg/s. Although it is possible to reconcile our observation with an 8-13 solar mass progenitor, we argue that this is unlikely.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Ap

    X-ray Timing of PSR J1852+0040 in Kesteven 79: Evidence of Neutron Stars Weakly Magnetized at Birth

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    The 105-ms X-ray pulsar J1852+0040 is the central compact object (CCO) in SNR Kes 79. We report a sensitive upper limit on its radio flux density of 12 uJy at 2 GHz using the NRAO GBT. Timing using XMM and Chandra over a 2.4 yr span reveals no significant change in its spin period. The 2 sigma upper limit on the period derivative leads, in the dipole spin-down formalism, to an energy loss rate E-dot < 7e33 ergs/s, surface magnetic field strength B_p < 1.5e11 G, and characteristic age tau_c = P/2P-dot > 8 Myr. This tau_c exceeds the age of the SNR by 3 orders of magnitude, implying that the pulsar was born spinning at its current period. However, the X-ray luminosity of PSR J1852+0040, L(bol) ~ 3e33(d/7.1 kpc)^2 ergs/s is a large fraction of E-dot, which challenges the rotation-powered assumption. Instead, its high blackbody temperature, 0.46+/-0.04 keV, small blackbody radius ~ 0.8 km, and large pulsed fraction, ~ 80%, may be evidence of accretion onto a polar cap, possibly from a fallback disk made of supernova debris. If B_p < 1e10 G, an accretion disk can penetrate the light cylinder and interact with the magnetosphere while resulting torques on the neutron star remain within the observed limits. A weak B-field is also inferred in another CCO, the 424-ms pulsar 1E 1207.4-5209, from its steady spin and soft X-ray absorption lines. We propose this origin of radio-quiet CCOs: the B-field, derived from a turbulent dynamo, is weaker if the NS is formed spinning slowly, which enables it to accrete SN debris. Accretion excludes neutron stars born with both B_p 0.1 s from radio pulsar surveys, where B_p 40 Myr) or recycled pulsars. Finally, such a CCO, if born in SN 1987A, could explain the non-detection of a pulsar there.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    ROSAT Observations of the Vela Pulsar

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    The ROSAT HRI was used to monitor X-ray emission from the Vela Pulsar. Six observations span 2-1/2 years and 3 glitches. The summed data yield a determination of the pulse shape, and X-ray emission from the pulsar is found to be 12 % pulsed with one broad and two narrow peaks. One observation occurred 15 days after a large glitch. No change in pulse structure was observed and any change in X-ray luminosity, if present, was less than 3 %. Implications for neutron star structure are discussed.Comment: To be publisned in the Astrophysical Journa

    Thermotectonic evolution of an extensional dome: the Cenozoic Osogovo-Lisets core complex (Kraishte zone, western Bulgaria)

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    The Kraishte region of Bulgaria is located at the junction of the Balkanides and Hellenides-Dinarides tectonic belts. Fission-track analysis on both apatites and zircons documents the Cenozoic exhumation of a Precambrian basement bounded by low-angle detachments. Late Eocene-Oligocene extension began prior to 47Ma and was dominantly in a top-to-the-southwest direction, confirmed by the sense of younging of apatite and zircon ages. This crustal extension controlled the formation of half-graben sedimentary basins on the hanging walls of the detachments. Thermal modelling of these hanging wall units provides evidence for heat transfer across the detachments from a relatively warm rising footwall. From 32 to 29Ma, pervasive magmatic activity resulted in the emplacement of rhyolitic to dacitic subvolcanic bodies and dykes, along with intrusion of the Osogovo granite. The results give evidence for extension in the southern Balkan older than, and separated from, the Miocene to Quaternary Aegean extension. This might reflect transtension during northeastward extrusion and rotation of continental fragments around the western boundary of Moesia. Eocene-Oligocene extension seems to have been controlled by the distribution of earlier thickening all around the Carpatho-Balkanic orocline, which is reflected by the Cretaceous emplacement of the Morava Nappe in the Kraisht

    X-ray Observations of the Compact Source in CTA 1

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    The point source RX J0007.0+7302, at the center of supernova remnant CTA 1, was studied using the X-Ray Multi-mirror Mission. The X-ray spectrum of the source is consistent with a neutron star interpretation, and is well described by a power law with the addition of a soft thermal component that may correspond to emission from hot polar cap regions or to cooling emission from a light element atmosphere over the entire star. There is evidence of extended emission on small spatial scales which may correspond to structure in the underlying synchrotron nebula. No pulsations are observed. Extrapolation of the nonthermal spectrum of RX J0007.0+7302 to gamma-ray energies yields a flux consistent with that of EGRET source 3EG J0010+7309, supporting the proposition that there is a gamma-ray emitting pulsar at the center of CTA 1. Observations of the outer regions of CTA 1 with the Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics confirm earlier detections of thermal emission from the remnant and show that the synchrotron nebula extends to the outermost reaches of the SNR.Comment: 5 pages, including 4 postscript figs.LaTex. Accepted for publication by Ap

    Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Survey of Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnants

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    We report the progress to date from an ongoing unbiased ultraviolet survey of supernova remnants in the Magellanic Clouds using the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite. This survey is obtaining spectra of a random large sample of Magellanic Cloud supernova remnants with a broad range of radio, optical, and X-ray properties. To date, 39 objects have been observed in the survey (38 in the LMC and one in the SMC) and 15 have been detected, a detection rate of nearly 40%. Our survey has nearly tripled the number of UV-detected SNRs in the Magellanic Clouds (from 8 to 22). Because of the diffuse source sensitivity of FUSE, upper limits on non-detected objects are quite sensitive in many cases. Estimated total luminosities in O~VI span a broad range from considerably brighter to many times fainter than the inferred soft X-ray luminosities, indicating that O~VI can be an important and largely unrecognized coolant in certain objects. We compare the optical and X-ray properties of the detected and non-detected objects but do not find a simple indicator for ultraviolet detectability. Non-detections may be due to clumpiness of the emission, high foreground extinction, slow shocks whose emission gets attenuated by the Magellanic interstellar medium, or a combination of these effects.Comment: 34 pages, 26 figures in 8 separate JPG figure files; the characteristics of individual detected supernova remnants are summarized in an Appendi

    Chandra view of Kes 79: a nearly isothermal SNR with rich spatial structure

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    A 30 ks \chandra ACIS-I observation of Kes 79 reveals rich spatial structures, including many filaments, three partial shells, a loop and a ``protrusion''. Most of them have corresponding radio features. Regardless of the different results from two non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) codes, temperatures of different parts of the remnant are all around 0.7 keV, which is surprisingly constant for a remnant with such rich structure. If thermal conduction is responsible for smoothing the temperature gradient, a lower limit on the thermal conductivity of ∌\sim 1/10 of the Spitzer value can be derived. Thus, thermal conduction may play an important role in the evolution of at least some SNRs. No spectral signature of the ejecta is found, which suggests the ejecta material has been well mixed with the ambient medium. From the morphology and the spectral properties, we suggest the bright inner shell is a wind-driven shell (WDS) overtaken by the blast wave (the outer shell) and estimate the age of the remnant to be ∌\sim 6 kyr for the assumed dynamics. Projection is also required to explain the complicated morphology of Kes 79.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures (3 in color), ApJ, in press, April 20, 200

    Pliocene-Pleistocene marine cyclothems, Wanganui Basin, New Zealand: a lithostratigraphic framework

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    The Rangitikei River valley between Mangaweka and Vinegar Hill and the surrounding Ohingaiti region in eastern Wanganui Basin contains a late Pliocene to early Pleistocene (c. 2.6-1.7 Ma), c. 1100 m thick, southward-dipping (4-9deg.), marine cyclothemic succession. Twenty sedimentary cycles occur within the succession, each of which contains coarse-grained (siliciclastic sandstone and coquina) and fine-grained (siliciclastic siltstone) units. Nineteen of the cycles are assigned to the Rangitikei Group (new). Six new formations are defined within the Rangitikei Group, and their distribution in the Ohingaiti region is represented in a new geologic map. The new formations are named: Mangarere, Tikapu, Makohine, Orangipongo, Mangaonoho, and Vinegar Hill. Each formation comprises one or more cyclothems and includes a previously described and named distinctive basal horizon. Discrete sandstones, siltstones, and coquinas within formations are assigned member status and correspond to systems tracts in sequence stratigraphic nomenclature. The members provide the link between the new formational lithostratigraphy and the sequence stratigraphy of the Rangitikei Group. Base of cycle coquina members accumulated during episodes of sediment starvation associated with stratigraphic condensation on an open marine shelf during sea-level transgressions. Siltstone members accumulated in mid-shelf environments (50-100 m water depth) during sea-level highstands, whereas the overlying sandstone members are ascribed to inner shelf and shoreface environments (0-50 m water depth) and accumulated during falling eustatic sea-level conditions. Repetitive changes in water depth of 50-100 m magnitude are consistent with a glacio-eustatic origin for the cyclothems, which correspond to an interval of Earth history when successive glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere are known to have occurred. Moreover, the chronology of the Rangitikei River section indicates that Rangitikei Group cyclothems accumulated during short duration, 41 ka cycles in continental ice volume attributed to the dominance of the Milankovitch obliquity orbital parameter. The Ohingaiti region has simple postdepositional structure. The late Pliocene formations dip generally to the SSW between 4deg. and 9deg.. Discernible discordances of c. 1deg. between successively younger formations are attributed to synsedimentary tilting of the shelf concomitant with migration of the tectonic hingeline southward into the basin. The outcrop distribution of the Rangitikei Group is strongly influenced by this regional tilt and also by three major northeast-southwest oriented, high-angle reverse faults (Rauoterangi, Pakihikura, and Rangitikei Faults)

    DEM L241, a Supernova Remnant containing a High-Mass X-ray Binary

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    A Chandra observation of the Large Magellanic Cloud supernova remnant DEM L241 reveals an interior unresolved source which is probably an accretion-powered binary. The optical counterpart is an O5III(f) star making this a High-Mass X-ray Binary (HMXB) with orbital period likely to be of order tens of days. Emission from the remnant interior is thermal and spectral information is used to derive density and mass of the hot material. Elongation of the remnant is unusual and possible causes of this are discussed. The precursor star probably had mass > 25 solar masse
