5 research outputs found

    Procedural Acceleration and Judicial Procedure in Eletronic Media: Case Study at the Court of the State of São Paulo

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    This article discusses the average time of trial processes in both physical and digital media, from the Brazilian State Courts of Justice, and the results obtained by the implementation of the digital judicial process in these Courts. Therefore, a literature review on digital judicial process was performed, and quantitative and qualitative analysis of time series data and information obtained from the National Council of Justice - Justice in Numbers, in the years 2009, 2010 and 2011, from the Brazilian State Courts of Justice. As a result, it was possible to verify the occurrence of very large variation between the time of the filing of cases in trial and its transit to the same class processes into courts of equal competence, in the same period. By analyzing more carefully those courts where best practices related to digital process are employed, where there is use of electronic management system of lawsuits, and a staff of clerks and magistrates well scaled with respect to work load, the results are very positive, demonstrating the procedural acceleration in digital media can be three to four times faster than in the physical media.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Procedural Acceleration and Judicial Procedure in Eletronic Media: Case Study at the Court of the State of São Paulo

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    This article discusses the average time of trial processes in both physical and digital media, from the Brazilian State Courts of Justice, and the results obtained by the implementation of the digital judicial process in these Courts. Therefore, a literature review on digital judicial process was performed, and quantitative and qualitative analysis of time series data and information obtained from the National Council of Justice - Justice in Numbers, in the years 2009, 2010 and 2011, from the Brazilian State Courts of Justice. As a result, it was possible to verify the occurrence of very large variation between the time of the filing of cases in trial and its transit to the same class processes into courts of equal competence, in the same period. By analyzing more carefully those courts where best practices related to digital process are employed, where there is use of electronic management system of lawsuits, and a staff of clerks and magistrates well scaled with respect to work load, the results are very positive, demonstrating the procedural acceleration in digital media can be three to four times faster than in the physical media.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Procedural Acceleration and Judicial Procedure in Eletronic Media: Case Study at the Court of the State of São Paulo

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    This article discusses the average time of trial processes in both physical and digital media, from the Brazilian State Courts of Justice, and the results obtained by the implementation of the digital judicial process in these Courts. Therefore, a literature review on digital judicial process was performed, and quantitative and qualitative analysis of time series data and information obtained from the National Council of Justice - Justice in Numbers, in the years 2009, 2010 and 2011, from the Brazilian State Courts of Justice. As a result, it was possible to verify the occurrence of very large variation between the time of the filing of cases in trial and its transit to the same class processes into courts of equal competence, in the same period. By analyzing more carefully those courts where best practices related to digital process are employed, where there is use of electronic management system of lawsuits, and a staff of clerks and magistrates well scaled with respect to work load, the results are very positive, demonstrating the procedural acceleration in digital media can be three to four times faster than in the physical media.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    A construção do primeiro curso adequado a políticas de extensão no currículo no IFSC: planejamento pedagógico de sistemas de informação e ações iniciais

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    O neologismo “curricularização da extensão” significa incorporar atividades de extensão no currículo dos cursos. O curso de Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação foi planejado/construído em meio a discussão das resoluções internas e definições e incorpora em seus documentos tais definições. O presente relato tem como contribuição a narrativa do processo de planejamento, considerando a curricularização e as ações desenvolvidas para viabilizar tal incorporação.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35700/ca.2019.ano6n10.p101-107.251

    Avaliação do modelo nacional de interoperabilidade do Poder Judiciário brasileiro

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    A Lei 11.419/2006 possibilita a virtualização dos processos judiciais, permitindo celeridade processual. Para que os benefícios possam ser efetivos, é necessária uma interligação entre os atores envolvidos no curso do processo. O Modelo Nacional de Interoperabilidade, definido pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça como padrão de comunicação, tem como objetivo possibilitar essa interação. O presente artigo pretende observar, na literatura, os benefícios do processo eletrônico e sua relação com o Modelo Nacional de Interoperabilidade, além de fornecer avaliação, aplicando framework de valoração de padrões de interoperabilidade governamental, verificando sua conformidade com os requisitos apresentados pela literatura. Através de pesquisa bibliográfica, foram comprovadas as hipóteses relacionadas aos benefícios do processo eletrônico e da aplicação do Modelo Nacional de Interoperabilidade. Apesar de tratar-se de uma iniciativa com bons resultados na diminuição de tempo, este estudo aponta críticas que podem ser interpretadas como sugestões