498 research outputs found

    Welfare implications of artificial rearing and early weaning in sheep

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    In the present review the formation and resolution of the ewe–lamb bond under natural conditions are described . Thereafter, the effects of premature dam–lamb separation, performed through artificial rearing or early weaning on behavioural, endocrine and immune responses of ewe and lamb are discussed . The techniques that may be used to mitigate the effects of a premature separation of lambs from mothers are also suggested

    sustainability of sheep and goat production systems

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    Sustainability of sheep and goat production systems has been investigated in this chapter in terms of environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Strategies to reduce waste from animal husbandry activities and the negative impact of animal husbandry on environment have been described. Social sustainability has been analyzed in relation to animal welfare and human–animal relationship. Economic sustainability of sheep and goat production systems in the Mediterranean countries has been addressed in terms of animal management plans to improve animal health, quality of products, and increase profitability of animal production systems. In particular, strategies to change the basic standard for sheep and goat productions into high standard of nutritional, hygienic, and technological quality have been analyzed

    Technical note: immunomagnetic procedure for positive selection of macrophages in ovine milk.

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    A simple immunomagnetic procedure was developed to select macrophages from ovine milk by using a non-specific magnetic positive separation technique. Samples of ewe bulk milk were collected during early, mid, and late lactation; milk samples were centrifuged at 2,000 x g for 30 min at 4 degrees C; the fatty fraction and supernatant were removed, and each pellet was dissolved in 500 microL of pH 7.4 phosphate buffered saline + 0.02% NaN(3). Cells were targeted for selection by using mouse-IgG anti-ovine macrophages. Several trials, testing 2 different fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies [i.e., mouse anti-human CD14:R-Phycoerythrin (RPE) (MCA1568PE, Serotec) and F(ab')2 rabbit anti-mouse IgG:RPE (STAR12A, Serotec)] and 3 different labeling procedures, were performed to evaluate the purity of samples by flow cytometry. A morphological test was carried out by direct microscopic count in enriched fraction smears stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain to confirm the presence of macrophages. The method described in the present technical note can be considered an innovative application to obtain a single-cell population of high purity selected from all the somatic cells in milk

    The Federal Character Of Florida\u27s Deceptive And Unfair Trade Practices Act

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    Contribution of macrophages to plasmin activity in ewe bulk milk

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    A total of 225 bulk sheep milk samples were collected throughout lactation to assess the contribution of macrophages to the regulation of the plasmin/plasminogen system. Samples were analyzed for composition, milk renneting parameters, and for activities of plasmin (PL), plasminogen (PG) and plasminogen activators (PA). Isolation of macrophages from milk was performed using a magnetic positive separation; separated cells were lysed and activity of urokinase-PA was determined. PL activity in milk decreased during lactation (P < 0.001). The reduction in plasmin activity recorded in the mid and late lactation milk matched with the increase in PG/PL ratio (P < 0.001). The activity of PA increased throughout lactation (P < 0.001), the highest value being recorded in the late lactation milk.The amount of isolated and concentrated macrophages was higher in early and mid lactation milk than in late lactation milk (P < 0.01). Stage of lactation did not influence the activity of u-PA detected in isolated macrophages. The activity of u-PA associated with macrophages was lower than total PA activity detected in milk. Our results lend support to the hypothesis that in ewe bulk milk from healthy flocks macrophages only slightly contributed to the activation of plasmin/plasminogen system

    Effects of gentling on behavior and meat quality of lambs

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    Within few hours after parturition lambs develop a strong and selective relationship with their mothers (Poindron and Le Neindre, 1980). In order to increase the amount of milk available for transformation, lambs often are prematurely separated from the ewes, thus inducing an early disruption of the mother-young relationship. A number of authors demonstrated that the lack of the maternal bond can inhibit the welfare state of the lambs (Sevi et al., 2001) and reduced animal welfare can have detrimental effects on meat quality in many animals species (Gregory, 1998) as well as in sheep (Napolitano et al., 2002a). A possible recover from conditions of poor animal welfare may be attained through the administration of gentle contacts by humans (Boivin et al., 2000) which may supply an additional social bond with members of a different animal species. The present study aims to verify the effect of artificial rearing on lamb welfare and meat quality, and assess the possibility to increase both by means of gentling

    Relationship between cortisol response to stress and behavior, immune profile, and production performance of dairy ewes.

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    The existence of a relationship between cortisol levels, after an acute stress, and behavioral activities, immunological profile, and production performance in sheep was studied. An initial flock of 30 Comisana ewes was involved in the experiment, and each of the 30 ewes was individually subjected to an isolation test in a novel environment. Subsequently, from the initial flock, 2 groups of 8 Comisana ewes were each retrospectively selected, and the animals were divided, according to their cortisol concentration 10 min after the isolation test, into high cortisol (HC) ewes, having a peak of cortisol concentration >90 ng/mL (average: 119.3 ng/mL +/- 11.8), and low cortisol (LC) ewes having a peak of cortisol concentration <80 ng/mL (average: 52.4+/-11.8). During the isolation test, the behavior of each animal was video-recorded and behavioral activities were registered. Blood samples were collected before the isolation test, immediately after the test (10 min), and at 60, 120, 300 min, 24 h, and 48 h after the test to evaluate percentages of T-helper (CD4(+)) and T-cytotoxic (CD8(+)) cells, CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio, and IL-1beta and IL-6 levels. The ewes were milked for 3 d after the isolation test to determine cortisol levels and IL-1beta and IL-6 concentrations in whey. Milk yield was recorded at each milking, and milk samples were analyzed for pH, nutritional parameters, renneting properties, and somatic cell count. During the isolation test, HC ewes exhibited a shorter duration of movement and fewer bleats than LC ewes. The average plasma IL-1beta concentration was higher in HC than in LC ewes. The average whey IL-1beta and IL-6 concentrations were higher in whey from HC ewes than in LC ewes. A positive correlation emerged between plasma and whey IL-1beta concentrations. The average CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio in blood was lower in HC than in LC ewes. Time from isolation affected the CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio: at 120 min, the CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio increased compared with that at 10 min after isolation and then decreased until 300 min after isolation. On average, ewes with low cortisol concentrations showed higher milk production and lower SCC than ewes with high cortisol concentrations. Results suggest that plasma cortisol concentration is connected to the behavioral response and immune competence of dairy ewes and cytokine concentrations. Both whey IL-1beta and IL-6 can be considered reliable indicators of the magnitude of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation. The stress-induced changes in CD4(+)/CD8(+) ratio are critical for controlling disease incidence and planning appropriate vaccination programs. High reactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is also associated with a reduction in milk production and an increased predisposition to develop intramammary inflammatory processes

    Effect of solar radiation and flaxseed supplementation on milk production and fatty acid profile of lactating ewes under high ambient temperature

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    Abstract The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of protection from solar radiation and whole flaxseed supplementation on milk yield and milk fatty acid profile in lactating ewes exposed to high ambient temperature. The experiment was conducted during summer and involved 40 ewes divided into 4 groups. The ewes were either exposed (not offered shade) or protected from solar radiation (offered shade). For each solar radiation treatment, ewes were supplemented with whole flaxseed or not. Milk samples from each ewe were collected at the morning and afternoon milking every week, and analyzed for pH, total protein, casein, fat, and lactose content, somatic cell count, and renneting parameters (clotting time, rate of clot formation, and clot firmness after 30min). At the beginning of the experiment, and then at d 23 and 44, milk samples were analyzed for milk fatty acids using gas chromatography. Flaxseed supplementation significantly increased milk yield, fat, protein, and casein yields, and somatic cell count, and increased fat and lactose contents of milk. A decrease of saturated fatty acids from C6:0 to C16:0 and an increase of C18:1 trans -11 and C18:2 cis- 9, trans -11 was observed in milk from flaxseed-supplemented ewes. Flaxseed supplementation decreased saturated fatty acids content and increased total monounsaturated fatty acids content, the total content of isomers of conjugated linoleic acid, and polyunsaturated fatty acids content in milk. Flaxseed also increased the α-linolenic acid content of milk. As a result, milk from supplemented groups showed an increase in n-3 fatty acid content. Flaxseed supplementation decreased short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids, and increased long-chain fatty acid content of milk. On average, flaxseed supplementation increased the C18:2 cis -9, trans -11/C18:1 trans -11 Δ 9 -desaturase index starting from d 23 of the experiment, in correspondence with the highest C18:2 cis -9, trans -11 content of milk from flaxseed-supplemented ewes. Flaxseed decreased atherogenic and thrombogenic indices of milk. Protection from solar radiation during summer did not improve yield and composition of ewe milk. Nevertheless, milk from ewes exposed to solar radiation showed decreased long-chain fatty acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids contents, and in particular, decreased vaccenic acid, rumenic acid, and total conjugated linoleic acid contents

    Development of affinity to the stockperson in lambs from two breeds

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