112 research outputs found


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    PPL (Program Pengalaman Lapangan) merupakan bentuk pengabdian diri mahasiswa kepada masyarakat. Selain mempraktikkan kompetensi akademik dan intelektual yang diperoleh di bangku perkuliahan, mahasiswa berkewajiban untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu dan ketrampilan yang telah diperoleh kepada masyarakat. PPL sebagai salah satu sarana bagi mahasiswa untuk belajar dan melatih diri dalam mempersiapkan kehidupan di masyarakat yang sesungguhnya sehingga diharapkan mahasiswa tidak hanya mampu di bidang akademik saja seperti yang didapatkan di perkuliahan melainkan juga mampu melaksanakan serta mengamalkan ilmu yang telah diperoleh untuk diabdikan kepada masyarakat. Selain itu PPL merupakan sarana untuk meningkatkan hubungan kemitraan antara UNY dengan pemerintah daerah, sekolah atau lembaga pendidikan terkait. Kegiatan PPL UNY tahun 2014 secara formal dilaksanakan tanggal 1 Juli sampai dengan 17 September 2014. Kegiatan PPL ini dilaksanakan oleh 9 mahasiswa dengan rincian sebagai berikut: 3 mahasiswa dari prodi Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran, 2 mahasiswa dari prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2 mahasiswa dari prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi, dan 2 mahasiswa dari prodi PJKR. Seluruh tim PPL SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Wates memulai kegiatan PPL dengan melakukan observasi sekolah, koordinasi dan menyusun rancangan program kerja termasuk matriks di dalamnya, pelaksanaan program, evaluasi serta pembuatan laporan. Kegiatan PPL yang penulis lakukan meliputi: kegiatan praktik mengajar di kelas utama (XI AP) yang telah dilakukan sebanyak 6 kali dan kelas tambahan sebanyak 3 kali (X AP dan XII AP), pembuatan media pembelajaran, dan pembuatan administrasi guru. Setelah melaksanakan kegiatan PPL mahasiswa mendapatkan banyak ilmu dan pengalaman baru yang bermanfaat untuk bekal menjadi pendidik yang professional dan berkarakter di masa depan

    Educated Women: Shaping Social Identity during the National Movement

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    Abstract: Women's label as konco wingking, the second sex, demonstrates an intensely patriarchal culture. The national movement period was involved in realizing their independence. This article explains the role of educated women during the national movement. This study is historical research with a political and psychological approach to comprehend how educated women could gain hegemony and power to create their social identity both in the domestic and public spheres. This study found that during the national movement, the social identity of educated women was gaining an existence as subjects who carried out various roles and got equal rights with men, both in the domestic and public spheres. Being educated subjects, women are aware of their identity as independent individuals, human rights that should be respected, and an equal position with men.Abstrak: Label perempuan sebagai konco wingking, jenis kelamin kedua, menunjukkan budaya patriarki yang kental. Masa pergerakan nasional terlibat dalam mewujudkan kemerdekaannya. Artikel ini menjelaskan peran perempuan terpelajar selama pergerakan nasional. Kajian ini merupakan penelitian sejarah dengan pendekatan politik dan psikologis untuk memahami bagaimana perempuan terpelajar dapat memperoleh hegemoni dan kekuasaan untuk menciptakan identitas sosialnya baik di ranah domestik maupun publik. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa pada masa pergerakan nasional, identitas sosial perempuan terpelajar memperoleh eksistensi sebagai subjek yang menjalankan berbagai peran dan mendapat hak yang sama dengan laki-laki, baik di ranah domestik maupun publik. Sebagai subjek terpelajar, perempuan menyadari identitasnya sebagai individu yang mandiri, hak asasi manusia yang harus dihormati, dan kedudukan yang setara dengan laki-laki

    Land Conflicts in Lampung in 2011-2012

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    ā€˜Sadumuk batuk sanyari bumi, ditohi patiā€™ is a Javanese proverb that implies that land is sacred to someone and some are even willing to sacrifice their lives to own land. The aims of this article include knowing the factors that trigger land conflicts in Lampung, describing the types of agrarian conflicts in Lampung in 2011-2012, and knowing the parties and issues of the conflict. The methodology in this article is a literature study in the form of books, journals, research reports, observations, newspapers, and websites. The data analysis process was carried out descriptively. This writing is arranged systematically starting from the observation of the problem to the recommendation of suggestions to be followed up. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the land conflict in Lampung from the 1990s to late 2012 was caused by the original ethnicity of Lampung being displaced by ethnic immigrants as a result of transmigration. The government's incompetence in allocating land to each newcomer has led to land conflicts. Moreover, the existence of private parties who carried out plantation developments in Lampung trigger land conflicts in Lampung, such as the Mesuji Incident

    Implementasi Pendekatan Multikultural dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Kebhinekaan Menuju Masyarakat Madani

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    Globalization that happened in Indonesia bring into being the destroyed of cultural value. The multicultural of culture, social, and religion can not be avoided by Indonesianā€™s society. The one cause of many conflicts that happened in Indonesia is the weakness of understanding and meaningful about cultural ability. The awareness of multicultural in Indonesia did not buried in mindā€™s Indonesian citizen. The objectives of this article are 1. To know the general illustration about the Indonesian condition of age. 2. To know the strategies effort by multicultural approach to create the awareness of multicultural to concerned at civil society. 3. To know the effect of multicultural approach implementation to create the awareness of Indonesian multicultural. This article created by literature study like books, journals, and research report, news paper, and websites. The process of data analysis is done by descriptive. The process of written is created by the appropriate systematically from observation of problem until the recommendation of suggestion to continuing act. From the result of data analysis we can got the conclusion that multicultural approach implementation in increasing the multicultural awareness to become civil society will growth and develop the tolerances between one cultural with another cultural in Indonesian society so it can create civil society that is right and duty between human is same. Keywords: awareness of multicultural, approach multicultural and civil society

    Sistem Informasi Penjualan Kopi Khas Lampung Berbasis Website

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    Coffee is one of the agricultural products favored by all levels of society. Lampung is one of the coffee-producing regions in Indonesia. Arabica coffee is a subak abian which is spread throughout the districts in Lampung. The number of coffee shops in major cities in Indonesia not only benefits coffee shop owners, but also encourages coffee farmers in various regions in Lampung to produce even better coffee beans. The emergence of coffee shops also opens up job opportunities for job seekers to be able to work in coffee shops throughout Indonesia. Micro enterprises are the main source of income and job opportunities for the lower class people. The more information technology is developed, the easier it is to promote coffees from certain regions, one of which is coffee from Lampung. The buying and selling activity of coffee is getting easier because you already use internet technology through a website-based sales application. Through a website-based Lampung coffee sales application, coffee shop entrepreneurs and coffee companies can easily sell coffee products. Based on the problems faced, a website-based design of a typical Lampung coffee sales application was made where this Lampung typical coffee sales application is the best solution to solving problems that exist in agriculture in one of the coffee factories in the Lampung area


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    This research takes novel Canting as the object of analysis. This research used cultural semiotics approach. The research aims to find the Javanese identity symbolized in canting. The results obtained as follows: (1) Javanese identity is represented by the attitude of "nrimo", which means ā€œacceptā€; (2) canting is a symbol of high culture which is defeated; (3) high culture must negotiate with mass culture in order to survive

    The Existence of The Reading Community and Its Effect in Improving Human Resources Quality

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    The Reading Community (in Indonesian: Taman Bacaan Masyarakat/TBM) has a role as one of the driving forces in supporting literacy culture in society. The Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation Number 23, 2015 concerns the Cultivation of Character Building and strengthens efforts to establish the culture of literacy. This study took samples of TBM in Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture 2018, there are currently 56 reading communities in the Bantul Regency. This is around 15% of the total TBM in DIY Province. As a form of out-of-school education, TBM also has a role in improving the quality of human resources. This study considers the relationship between the existence of the community and their role in improving the quality of human resources in the society. This study used descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection is done through observations and interviews. Based on the collected data, it was concluded that the presence of TBM managed by members of the local community had a positive influence, especially for children and adolescents. The existence of TBM increases reading interest among children and boosts the number of teenagers who continue their education to a higher level. Thus, the TBM supports one of the national goals, namely improving the quality of human resources through lifelong learning. Keywords: Reading Community, Human Resources Quality, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakart
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