67 research outputs found


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    Savonius turbine for the first time was founded by Sigurd Johannes Savonius in 1922. This turbine hasvertical axis and half-round shaped on each side of blades and like an “S”. This turbine aslo called as drag turbinebecause it need drag force on its blades to whirling the turbine. Many research were done to increasing theperfomance of this turbine and one of them was using deflector plate in front of the turbine. On this experiment,the method is using distance and diameter of circular cylinder variations. The turbine for this experiment usingmyring equation with n=1 for the blades shape. Dimension of the turbine is 400 mm in height and 400 mm indiameter. The diameter of circular cylinder (ds) is 16 cm and the distance (A) is 20 cm used in this experiment.The result obtained in this experiment showing that the highest value of Ct is 0,3038 at TSR 0,633 with increasedpercentage is 7,955%. The highest Cp value is 0,1924 at TSR 0,633 with increased percentage is 20,828%

    Studi Numerik Pengaruh Jarak Silinder Pengganggu terhadap Returning Blade pada Performa Turbin Angin Savonius Fin

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    The performance of Savonius wind turbine has increased in the previous experimentalstudies with 1 additional fin and various disturbing cylinder distance in front of returning blade.Although the performance has increased, validation is needed through experiments . Therefore, furtherresearch is needed. The research uses Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) with 3-dimensional modelto obtain an increase on the turbine performance. In this simulation the solver chosen is pressure based with transient time mode. In the Savonius wind turbine simulation, the model used is the realizable k-epsilon model. Numerical method can validate experimental study. The turbine uses 1 additional fin with 40 cm in diameter and height. The variation of disturbing cylinder distance is S/d = 1.4 ; S/d =1.7; s/d = 2.0; s/d = 2.3 with wind speed of 5 m/s. Simulations are also carried out to determine thevalue of Coefficient of Power (Cp). The final result is there is 5,40% increase on the turbineperformance at the distance S/d = 1,7 , 5 m/s speed, and 1,0 TSR. The Coefficient of Power (Cp)simulation value is 0,389

    Kajian Ekperimen Pengaruh Pemasangan Silinder Sirkular Bervariasi Diameter dengan Posisi X/D = 0.5 dan Y/D = 0.7 pada Sisi Advancing Blade Terhadap Performa Turbin Air Savonius

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    Savonius water turbine has the opportunity to be developed. An innovation is needed toimprove the performance of savonius water turbines. An experimental study on the effect of installing acircular cylinder with varying diameters on the advancing blade side of the savonius water turbineperformance needs to be carried out. The experiment used savonius water turbine myring n = 1 andmyring n = 2 with a diameter and rotor height of 40 cm each. Circular cylinder diameter variations usedare ds/D=0.2, ds/D=0.3, and ds/D=0.4. Circular cylinder is positioned at a distance of X/D=0.5 andY/D=0.7. The result is the coefficient of torque (Ct) and the coefficient of power (Cp). In addition, thediameter of the circular cylinder that is capable of producing the best performance of Savonius waterturbines will be obtained. The results of the experiment indicate that the installation of a circular cylinderon the advancing blade can improve the performance of savonius water turbines. Variation in circularcylinder diameter ds/D=0.4 results the highest Ct and Cp values in the savonius water turbine myringn=1 and myring n=2. Myring n=1 turbine experiment shows the value of Ct obtained is 0.34 at the tipspeed ratio (TSR) of 0.73, while in myring n=2 turbine, the value of Ct obtained is 0.34 at TSR 0.49.Myring n=1 turbine experiment shows a Cp value of 0.25 at TSR 0.73 (showing an increase of 66.67%),whereas in myring n=2 turbine, the Cp value obtained is 0.16 at TSR 0.49 (showing an increase of21.43%)


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    Abstract – The LPD (Landing Platform Dock) ship is equipped with 2 units of LCU (Landing Craft Utility) for military troop landing missions and humanitarian rescue. The process of submerging and refloating the LCU transport deck is through the process of filling and draining seawater in the right side shipyard well water tank (s) and the left side (p). The total volume of the borehole water tank = 2131.4  is filled for sinking and draining the LCU flotation on the LPD ship. The filling and draining process takes 4-5 hours, but after the LPD ship was handed over to the Philippine Navy, there was an evaluation and request for an acceleration of the time for filling and draining the ballast tanks which was originally 4-5 hours to <3 hours with the discharge the owner wants is 900 m3/hour. obtained the design specifications for the ILNE 300/330A pump with a calculated pump head of 10.89 m and a pump power of 36.6 kW

    Analisa Pengaruh Sudut Stagger Di Depan Advancing Blade Terhadap Performa Turbin Air Savonius Myring Blade n=1 & n=2

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    Savonius water turbines can work at low fluid flow rates and have high torque, but have disadvantageswhich is the lowest Cp value compared to other turbine types. Efficiency can be improved by changing the shapeof the Savonius Turbine blade using the myring equation and adding an obstacle. The experimental method in thisstudy combines two blades resulting from variations of the value (n) in the myring equation n = 1 and n = 2, withmyring n = 1 placed on the concave side and n = 2 on the convex side. To improve performance, a 12 cm diametercircular cylinder is placed in front of the advancing blade with varying stagger angles. The test model has a heightof 0.40 m and a diameter of 0.40 m which will be tested in a flowing tank with a width of 1 m and height of 1 m.Experiments were carried out at a current speed of 0.2 m / s by measuring the turbine rotation and load to producea torque coefficient and a power coefficient. The experimental results show that the placement of the circularcylinder with ds / D = 0.3, S / D = 0.75, and ? = 60º obtained the highest performance with an angular velocityof 0.5160 rad / s, Coefficient of torque (Ct) of 0.2936 and Coefficient of power (Cp) of 0.1515. With a percentageincrease compared to myring n = 1 and n = 2 without an obstacle of 10.27%, this proves that the addition of acircular cylinder can improve the performance of Savonius water turbines

    Simulasi Numerik Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Silinder Sirkular di Depan Returning Blade Terhadap Performa Turbin Angin Savonius Overlap

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    Previous experiment has been carried out on Savonius wind turbine with additionaloverlap ratio and variation of circular cylinder stagger angle to improve its performance.However, the experiment didn’t show flow visualization around the turbine. Therefore,numerical simulation using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method must be carried outto validate the experiment result and obtain the best performance and flow visualization ofoverlap Savonius wind turbine. The turbine simulated has an overlap ratio of 0,3. Then, thecircular cylinder is placed in front of returning blade with a distance ratio (S/d) 1.7 andvarious stagger angle of 45 ?, 50 ?, 55 ? and 60 ?. The flow velocity used is 5 m/s. Turbulencemodel used in this simulation is k-epsilon realizable with transient pressure based. The finalresult is overlap Savonius wind turbine with circular cylinder has increased its performance of31,56 % compared with overlap Savonius wind turbine without circular cylinder. The bestperformance occurs at 55 ? circular cylinder stagger angle in front of returning blade with0,4118 Coefficient of Power (Cp) value. The flow visualization shows that 55 ? circular cylinderstagger angle is able to create the most optimum nozzle effect

    Redesign Metering and Regulating Station Pada Sistem Jaringan Gas Rumah Tangga Sidoarjo

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    Abstract - PT PGAS Solution is a company engaged in the transmission and distribution of natural gas that requires distribution facilities in the form of gas pipes as a gas distribution. The Metering Regulating Station is the equipment for custody, safety and pressure regulation at each distribution point. For every house connection that will subscribe to natural gas, a calculation and analysis of the design of the natural gas pipeline and the Metering Regulating Station will be carried out according to the pressure, flow and estimated usage requirements for 1 month as in the Sidoarjo gas line, which originally amounted to 17,543 house connections, has now increased to 28,961 house connections. . The estimation of gas usage in daily distribution is 2896.1 m3 of natural gas per hour, so it is necessary to calculate the diameter of the pipe, turbine meter and identify the appropriate Metering Regulating Station to distribute gas from the distribution network to the existing pipeline. After calculating according to the needs in Sidoarjo, the identification of the most suitable MRS is (6/6)-(40/10) -(4/1)–(2000)–(G.400) which describes the MRS inlet outlet diameter, pressure maximum and minimum, maximum flow and type of meter used. The pressure drop value based on the simulation using the Pipe Flow Expert software in this design is 0.0125 bar where this number is still in accordance with the basic design criteria of PGAS Solution


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    Turbin air savonius adalah jenis turbin sumbu vertikal yang mempunyai torsi awal yang tinggi dan dapat berputar pada kecepatan aliran fluida yang rendah, sehingga dapat diterapkan pada perairan di Indonesia. Turbin tersebut dapat digunakan pada aliran air untuk mengubah energi kinetik menjadi energi mekanik. Potensi tersebut akan dapat meningkatkan performa turbin. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode simulasi CFD (ComputationalFluid Diagram) dengan software Ansys Fluent dan mengkombinasikan dua sudu berbeda yang merupakan hasil variasi nilai (n) pada persamaan Myring n=1 dan n=2. Turbin yang akan disimulasikan memiliki ukuran tinggi 40 cm dan diameter 40 cm. Selain kecepatan arus yang digunakan sebesar 0,22 m/s. Di depan sisi returning blade, silinder sirkular dipasang sebagai pengganggu dengan variasi diameter 8 cm, 12cm, dan 16 cm yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan performa turbin. Stagger divariasikan pada sudut 0º, 30?, 60º. Hasil yang diperoleh pada simulasi ini menunjukkan bahwa diameter stagger 16 cm dengan sudut 60? memiliki peningkatan performa tertinggi, yakni sebesar 19,9007%. Sedangkan variasi diameter stagger 16 cm dengan sudut 0? menurun sebesar 30,1087% dari turbin air savonius tanpa stagger

    Kajian Eksperimen Pengaruh Rasio Diameter Silinder Di Depan Returning Blade Turbin Angin Savonius Myring N=1 Dengan Fin

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    Savonius wind turbine have the lowest efficientcy compared to other wind turbines. Based on the previous research, additional interfering cylinder and fin to the turbine was less efficient so there is still an opportunity to improved. Based on this condition, the experimental study was carried out by adding 1 fin to each turbine blade and placing an interfering cylinder in front returning blade to determine its improvement. It aslso compared between both of them in the experimental also used the myring equation n=1. Wind turbine dimension was 40 cm and variation of interfering cylinder diameter ratio was ds/d = 0,4;0,5;0,6; and 0,7. The speed variation was 5 m/s, 6 m/s and 7 m/s. The best performance of the savonius myring n=1 wind turbine is obtained at ds/d = 0,4 at a speed of 6 m/s. The coefficient of torque (Ct) performance increase 21.47% and the coefficient of power (Cp) 89.80

    Kajian Eksperimen Pengaruh Sudut Stagger Silinder Di Depan Returning Blade Terhadap Coefficient Of Power Turbin Angin Savonius Sudu Fin Dengan Profile Blade Myring n=1

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    Savonius wind turbines are widely used for wind energy utilization eventhough theirperformance is considered lower than other types of turbines. In 3 previous studies, additionaldisturbance cylinder in front of returning blade and additional fin on blade could improve the turbineperformance but the increase was not optimum. Based on these problems, this experimental study usedone additional fin type myring n = 1 on the blade. Circular cylinders have a distance ratio of 340 mm,with various airspeed of 7 m/s, 6 m/s, 5 m/s, and various cylinder angles of 45°, 50°, 55°, 60°. Theexperiment was performed 12 times to determine the effect to coefficient of power (Cp) and coefficientof torque (Ct). The turbine best performance is obtained at a cylinder angle of 60° and a wind speed of6 m/s. The results are 0.394 for coefficient of power (Cp) and 0.68